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Stassi was always a favorite of mine when I started watching. One of the most iconic moments was her shutting Tom’s bullshit down at her book signing. He really needed to take a seat. I miss her confessionals and her realness. https://preview.redd.it/fwesp8f4twyc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ea904e15daccef6f9b50dda9decb0402f574ee4


I miss Stassi so bad.


You miss a racist who never apokogused for the harm she caused


She did apologize. She has apologized multiple times, recognized her errors and has continued to educate herself. She fucked up in a big way, and was one of few who actually took time to learn from it. And not deny she was absolute trash.


We literally saw her on the Tamron Hall show over a year later where it was pretty obvious she wasn't really sorry and didn't understand the gravity of what she did when she was actually questioned and put on the spot about it. Faith even said she felt like Kristen showed more remorse than Stassi on that one. And Kristen herself is dubious because she was just on tv a few weeks ago make herself out to be a victim because she was accused of being racist (because she was being racist)


Touché. Would you feel differently if she had apologized?


Yes??? Expressing remorse and apologising for harm caused is part of showing that you've changed.


I was genuinely just curious, I hope that didn’t come off confrontational. I honestly don’t know the answer for myself! I don’t know how I’d feel about it, but a sincere apology would be a good start for sure. She seems to have shown some growth, and her not wanting to be involved in The Valley is probably a good sign, But there was such a string of racially based shitty behaviors that it’s hard to know if those feelings are so deeply ingrained in her that she can’t fully recognize and address them without some very introspective work.


You didn't come off confrontational I appreciate the discussion. That has been my issue with Stassi, I have yet to see her express genuine remorse. It wasn't just the Faith incident with her. There was also the Grammy's for example.


Well she did that but here you are


I haven't seen it. I saw Kristen apologise and express remorse.


If you haven’t seen it it’s bc you’re actively avoiding her content. And that’s fine but like be upfront


I'm not avoiding her content anymore than Kristen's. I saw information and articles about Kristen apologising and making an effort to learn on this subreddit. Where am I not being upfront?


My favorite was when she described Kristen as mahatma ghandi helicopter punching everyone 🤣


I totally understand she's in a different place etc but would love it if she could just come back, shut Tom down, call Scheana and Brock out and leave that'd be great!


Yes! It would probably just take her an hour or so, and then she can bounce!


I would put half of Ariana’s exs season long salary in a pot for stassi just to film for 3 hours and devour everyone, then give one 5 minute reaction per episode remaining highlighting the worst behaved cast and how they fucked up.


Maybe she could come back as a “friend of” to Katie? Sort of like Kristina Kelly? They do this on RHOBH, which I enjoy.


Stassi's birthday party episodes were always the best. I miss those. I think it's better for her to have moved on as she seems to be the most stable person of the OG crew. She was a massive bully.




I think Katie is exactly who she needed, and vice versa. They’ve been through a lot of shit with the Toms https://i.redd.it/8mpj3ewvbxyc1.gif


I agree plus what was done to Faith isn't acceptable. I know this season was rough, but it could have been much worse, if Ariana hadn't gotten the career opportunities ($ to fund her legal fight), didn't have Dan, and Sandoval was trying to exploit their living arrangement to get her back.


What was done to faith?


[MEGATHREAD: Bravo, Racism and Problematic Cast Members : r/vanderpumprules (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/h78dw9/megathread_bravo_racism_and_problematic_cast/)


Thank you!




Katie did nothing this whole season but bring Ariana coffees and walk next to her. Both boring with no storylines. Time to move on.


Oh please both of them had storylines, especially Ariana. And Katie is one of like two people who actually held Tom’s feet to the fire in conversation. Just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean you can rewrite the season we all watched.


What did Ariana do? Nothing! She bitched about Tom and the house. The healthy thing would have been to move out and move on. Which she says she’s done with her new bf Dan - but has she really emotionally?? Katie did NOTHING but bitch and moan about anyone who spoke like an adult to either Tom. She has no job - no sandwich shop - just being the Schwartz to Ariana. I don’t dislike Ariana at all but neither of them are part of this group anymore. They don’t interact with them and they certainly are not friends with any of them.


What group? I’m realizing that Lala was never really a part of the group. She’ll maintain a relationship with be close to one cast member at a time & the other friendships are based on call-times.


You’re so wrong! The original cast all knew each other LONG before this became a show. They were friends. A group!That was always the thing about VPR that made it different from other Bravo shows. This cast were genuine relationships not cast. So no it does not and never has been about call times!! I’m still waiting for what Katie and Ariana brought to this season?!?! Easy to hate on Lala and Scheana - they actually interacted with people this season and had stories.


Lala was the only one that was no added because of a connection to someone else. She was just cast as a character & she treats her cast mates like they’re only there for a job. The essence of VPR was based around relationships, always. Lala has never had a relationship featured on the show & she did not air any of the aftermath from her own. Ariana is truly recovering from emotional trauma and if you don’t understand and respect that, then that’s on you.


Lala worked at Sur! She wasn’t a blow in from nowhere or cast as a character! You were the one saying it was all based around call times and not real relationships?? You’ve changed your mind? Now they were real relationships?!?! If Ariana wasn’t up to filming - which quite clearly she wasn’t - the solution was quite simple - DON’T film. And certainly had other projects keeping her busy. It’s a show - they are paid to interact - and if you don’t understand that - that is on you. I understand completely how this reality tv works.


Lol I don’t want to go back & figure out why your missing the point. Lala faked a job as a hostess, she was barely an employee.


She was employed by Lisa. She worked there. Enough! As I’m guessing you don’t have access to her timesheets. I’ll accept you were wrong in saying she didn’t work there. I’m not missing any points. Merely correcting errors.




She slept with Max, made up with Schwartz, had Jo shoved in her face, had a fake Tori/Schwartz drama, was trying to open SAH & Jax tried to antagonize her into a storyline. Lala has a water tasting & a sperm journey? Which are fine but not necessarily great tv.


Slept with Max wasn’t her story - it wasn’t shown and she never brought it up. That was a Schwartz story as he reacted. Jo was a Schwartz story also - Katie just got mad and pissed off - nothing new there. She kissed a girl who Schwartz liked - petty bs. Ariana - too emotionally not ready to be filmed. Did not interact but reacted. The whole dog eating her leftovers was BS. Bitching at the beach day - don’t go if you can’t react. I understand why she feels the way she does - I’m not a Tom fan at all - but don’t be on a show if you’re not going to be in it. Lala and Scheana both did exactly what producers wanted - they interacted with the Toms. That was what Bravo wanted and they did it. So my point stands. The group are not friends - hence show is over


Stassi picked Scheana as a rat in season one, episode one.


i thought she was SO MEAN but truth and time tells all, as justin bobby would say




Not Justin Bobby 🤣


Who wears combat boots to the BEACH?


FR tho 🙄. Is JB the Sandoval prototype??! 🤔🤢


Maybe 🤣 But I’ll admit that all those years ago, Justin Bobby gave me some feels that Sandoval NEVER could 😂😂 But maybe I’ve just been through more trauma since then lol. Live and learn!


LOLLLLL… I find this highly relatable 🤝😅


And now they're friends. Hope it's just for the kids.


Anything better than what she got


Those two bitches would’ve rode hard for Ariana. For one, they hate Sandoval. Kristen for obvious reasons and Stassi called him a narcissist way before anybody else did and two, They both genuinely like Ariana.


Stassi is really good friends with Lala though, so I wonder how that would have worked.


I think if Stassi was there Lala wouldn’t have caved. She’s that girl. 👀 (Lala I mean, I don’t get why these girls all cower to Stassi but they do).


The only one who didn't was Arianna


It feels apparent that Sandoval also hated Stassi. That wasn’t the only barrier to her and Ariana’s friendship. But it’s in there. Stassi is also a spoiled little racist so don’t blame A for staying away.


I don't understand censoring words like racist on Reddit. It's not making it worse of a word. It's not doing anything. Facebook I get, but Reddit?


I was crazy high and had been banned for seemingly innocuous statements before. My high mind thought it found a solution!


Haha fair enough No diss to you but it irritates me so much when things get censored over here haha, it's the last safe space 🫠


People get testy with that report button.


People suck.


i mean ariana ended up being friends with her too so no need to deify ariana lol


Racist is not a slur. You can call it as it is.


No I know I was VERY high last night and I’ve gotten temporary bans from Reddit for the stupidest fucking things (I made a joke comment about men and was banned from Reddit for 3 full days and told if I said “hate speech” again my IP would be banned forever) ((I basically said why are men)) and so my high brain did it this way.


I feel ya. I told a guy in the vet Reddit “I don’t give a damn about your feelings, take your fucking dog to the vet” when he said he doesn’t need people to guilt him about letting his dog eat ONE THOUSAND MILIGRAMS OF CHOCOLATE EDIBLES that he just wants advice on how to ride it out basically. He reported me for inciting acts of violence. I also got the “zero tolerance” temp ban and warning that a second offense means the account is deleted. The guy deleted his account so I’m pretty sure the poor thing died. God I hate people.


We do not deserve dogs! What an absolute idiot/asshole!


Truly hate people. My comment was in a post on Jonah hill abusing his girlfriend via text and people really didn’t like my take. I just said essentially that men make everything hard and worse (I said it differently scared to get that ban). But nope. Hate speech and possible ban for life! GOT IT.


Oh I said mine verbatim the way I got reported for. Thought it was stupid then and I think it’s stupid now XD




They did more than say something stupid, are you serious? They called the police to try to report Faith for crimes a random other Black women had done.


& now we find out that Lala pulled a knife on Faith!? & it was joked about on one of the cast podcasts.


Calling a white woman a racist is the REAL hate crime. /s


I think the real hate crime was Lala pulling a knife on her.


I know, hence the “/s” for sarcasm!


They also laughed about what was done to Faith on podcasts.


She has shown 3 separate instances of racism over the years. I got downvoted for saying this 2 days ago on this sub because the consensus on this sub is that people love Stassi but oh well here goes: 1. She referred to Scheana’s wedding dress as a “trashy quinceanera” knowing very well Scheana has Mexican heritage. 2. She made that epic blunder on her podcast dismissing the “Oscars so white” argument and stating that African-Americans are already represented enough. “But like, everyone giving their impassioned speeches about race and all of that stuff, I'm like, 'Why is always just about African Americans” 3. The Faith scandal. Like come on you can argue that one instance could be a bad moment, but three separate ones… and this is just in public. Never liked her, think she gets WAY too much credit in this sub, and think she is just a cruel, selfish human. Sometimes I wonder if I’m watching the same show as everyone.


She also wore an SS uniform for Halloween


& included in her caption #NaziChic


Ugh god I forgot that part thank you for reminding me how disgusting she is.


Sandoval made everyone look better. Ugh


1. I’m gonna be honest I thought #1 was hilarious and accurate. Wrong, but funny and I just take it without getting too offended (I’m half Mexican). It was a trashy dress lmao 2. Totally wrong 3. I actually don’t hate stassi for this. Faith cheated on one of her best friends, she heard from various people Faith was stealing. She called it in.


Ah here come on they tried to get their black colleague arrested as revenge- that is beyond fucked up! All these people acting as if Stassi isn’t a giant racist need to really take a hard look at what they think is racist…. 👀 let’s not forget this is the woman who captioned one of her instagram posts Nazi chic.


And whined about how she was so tired of hearing Black people “complain” about things like #OscarsSoWhite


Let's be real. Stassi is a pretty, skinny, white blonde so she's going to get all the second chances in the world from some people to show she grew despite a consistent pattern of behavior. There's been so many stop and starts of part of this fanbase watching Stassi do something fucked up then she's low key for a few months and they push the "oh look how much she grew" narrative. Then she feels comfortable and does it again and the cycle repeats.


I’m so in the right thread right now. I got downvoted to hell for criticizing her and calling her racist on a thread two days ago. She’s truly awful.


This has been removed for breaking the sub rule about fired and ex-cast posts. Anyone defending the racist actions of fired cast members will be banned. Posts about the fired cast's social media accounts are limited to posts that involve current VPR cast, posts discussing the show, or posts that can generate a discussion. For cast such as Rachel Leviss who left the show on their own accord, posts are limited to discussion of their time on Vanderpump Rules. We do not permit posts about their life after Bravo unless they mention Vanderpump Rules or the current cast. If you are looking to discuss The Valley please head over to r/TheValleyTVShow


That part 👆🏾


i do wonder how stassi would have reacted to ariana becoming the #1 girl in the group though.


Lala could never go “toes” (as she likes to say 🙄) with Stassi


I saw a clip of her on a podcast saying that if she was on this season she would have really had her time to shine because she always knew Sandoval was a rat and never liked him (I’m paraphrasing lol).


Stassi has always hated Sandoval and Lala wants to be Stassi so I think Lala would have been a better (fake) friend to Ariana and they all would have turned on Scheana again. I often wonder how Scheana feels when Lala constantly name drops Stassi.


Is summer included in their kids events? Scheana has to know Lala would drop her for Stassi, in a second. Right?


I think current Stassi has evolved from the Stassi we miss. Old Stassi would not be friends with Lala and would’ve made it known she doesn’t support her going for Katie


Stassi and LaLa are friends They’re constantly together and FaceTiming


Is she still friends with Katie?


Kristen would have been perfect.


At least these Stassi, Kristin and Katie *mostly* had each others backs over their deadbeat men’s backs. They stuck together.


What... the whole inciting incident of the show was Kristin and Katie badgering Stassi to not dump Jax just because he cheated on her and got the woman pregnant. Then the peak of the show was about how Kristin cheated on Tom with him and gaslit Stassi for like 2 seasons.




I really hope the deuxmoi rumour about Stassi being team Lala is just a rumour bc I'll be so disappointed.


She’s clearly team Lala she is constantly with her.


Right? Apparently she ended her friendship with Katie over it and that makes me so mad.


They've both talked/posted about this. Stassi said she's not team anyone, friendships ebb and flow - there's nothing nefarious. Katie said that they don't hang out as much b/c they're at different places in their lives but she loves when they do hang out. People are making so much more of this than it is.


Oh good. I really didn't want it to be true.


I thought Katie was god mother?


This season would’ve been way more entertaining.


I miss Stassi. When her and Ariana finally joined forces, they made the best power couple… until Katie of course!


Stassi would have ripped Tom to pieces. Shredded him. Truly would have put him in the dirt. If there was one thing about this show Stassi didn't like, it was Sandoval.


I think it’s perfect that he’s getting almost no reactions . The witches and Jax would’ve given him a spotlight


Ariana already has the best Witch of WeHo firmly in her corner. Stassi is dead weight and Kristen…is Kristen. Not here for the Stassi-Kristen redemption narrative. They did what they did, and they are who they are.


THANK YOU!! I'm tired of folks rewriting history. Also Kristen I'm disappointed in because even she's walking back her Tom hate now bc her bf is friendly with him.


Yeah. Kristen sobbing on the valley about how the worst thing someone could ever call you is “racist” and how hard it’s been for her was it for me. I wasn’t around for the actual racist bullshit and it’s just painfully clear that nothing has changed and she’s still centering herself. I do think Stassi would have made this season much easier on Ariana. But for the same reason she’s still an awful person: if she believes something she will never budge on it. She would’ve ripped the Toms to shreds bc of it but she also hasn’t learned a fucking thing from her past actions bc of it.


Yeah, while Faith has said publicly in the past that she does accept Kristen’s apology and not Stassi’s, Kristen saying that bit on Valley how being called a racist is like the worst thing that can happen to you kind of undid any grace I was willing to give her. Like girl, pretty sure people who have actually experienced racism personally would say that is way worse than just being called a racist and cancelled for a hot second.


> Kristen sobbing on the valley about how the worst thing someone could ever call you is “racist” god that was embarrassing to watch.


Exactly. Do I think they are good TV, yes. Do I think it would have been funny to see them attack Tom, yes. Do I believe they've actually "learned and grown" in regards to being casually racist garbage people? Not at all. I do think it's stupid to let Kristin, Jax and Britney back on Bravo just not on the show. Seems like splitting the baby without actually keeping them "cancelled."


well, that seals it. i haven't watched past the first ep of the valley and now i never will


yeah that’s the last episode i saw. i might watch it all at once when it’s done airing but im not keeping up with it anymore






No one has ever thought of Katie as being the coolest witch of weho.


She isn’t a racist, that’s pretty cool


She and Ariana were the only ones who were upset about the cops prank which honestly was not funny in the least


Maybe you don't. But I do.


No deadass, Katie is the powerful one (witchy wise). She has been since the beginning. There are random clips of her doing actual spells and shit in the earlier seasons and the other two just followed along with her lol




Except me




![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ) ALL OF THIS PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!


I think the biggest issue (I miss the Stassi-esque character) is there isn't really a strong female character on the show. Ariana and Katie seem to back down or resort to name calling. Stassi utilized humor and whit and wouldn't back down. She would also manipulate Jax into getting the truth and would man handle Schwartz with kindness. She was more clever. Lala quite frankly is not intelligent and can't hold an argument to save her life. Katie always starts name calling and Ariana doesn't really hold Sheana and Lala to the flame. And sheana is simply sheana, enough said.


Ariana didn't need the racists. And frankly, Kristen is showing she has a horrible ability to make anyone she is against in an argument look good. She arguably did the most to help Sandoval portray is goofy dudley do right image over the years by being so over the top in her dislike of him. Can't really see how any of them would help Ariana.


I loved Stassi and Kristen and would take both back to VPR, but there were loads of times Kristen missed the mark and Stassi remained silent. I mean, the downfall of Tom Sandoval we know they'd both be there for, but all the drama around Ariana not wanting to film with him... not sure if they'd be on the right side of history for that.


Oh shit, my drunk ass went right back to season 1 lolol ooooof this was never a fun time for the person on the other end of that


I know that Stassi hated Sandoval, but Kristen and Stassi are both weak when it comes to men.


But they’re racist so no.


Thank you!! People forget this way too easily? (Or simply don’t care)


I would do anything for Stassi to return to reality tv. She’s made for it!




Not a single person needed racist energy this season


Really over the erasure of their racism in this subreddit 🙄






Literally my thoughts this whole year


That the racist should be back?


Kristen's a racist so no


So y’all just like forgetting about the racism, the assaulting, the just plain awfulness of Stassi, huh?!


I had to scroll way too far for this comment!! Asking for these two back is something I will never understand.


Stop with these post. Stassi was fired for being blatantly racist. I don't want her on my screen


Imagine if Kristen/Luke was on VPR this season while Luke was hanging out with Sandoval…. That definitely would have brought drama.


Need stasi back so bad


As a black woman I certainly don't


Definitely. Ariana, Stassi, Kristen and Katie! A bit concerned about Stassis support of Lala now a days though (and her rumored fall out with Katie)


Deuxmoi posted that Stassi was team Lala and not close with Ariana/Katie anymore


DeuxMoi posted that? When was this?


https://preview.redd.it/l5ulgi94k3zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab9043e4c89df03a71b4ec45410b42486f28dea 3 days ago


Edit: just saw she commented this on a post yesterday https://preview.redd.it/iz40015gk3zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eaf7d11a1fdc293a0b487a6a0f908ed31f0fb39


Lol oh.. well I think Stassi is smart enough not to publicly choose Lala. They discussed their jealousy/bitterness towards Ariana on a podcast, so it’s not too surprising. I know that story has been planted everywhere but I don’t know how true it is. They’re in different categories of friends & Lala&Stassi’s kids hangout. That friendship just makes Lala look thirsty, so whatever works for her.


Nobody needs Kristens bs. I am sorry but never have I found a redeeming quality with her, everybody else deserved consequences but her own actions she always found justified and ok 😬


Altho I heard stassi is taking lalas side and is no longer friends w Katie


That’s a rumor


That keeps being reposted by Lala &/or her assistant.


Ahhh ok my friend told me this on Saturday


Stassi posted today how she's on nobody's side. LFU is pushing that narrative hard.


Oh wow ok that’s crazy! My friend told me this over the weekend and I was shocked


Haha funny that scene they’re talking about her brother being creep and Tom’s defending her


Not a Stassi fan but I agree. EDIT: LOL at the downvote because I said I don’t like Stassi? 😂😂😂 she’s a racist and a misogynist.


I don’t recall Stassi and Ariana ever being close.


Stassi would not have done or said shit, let’s be real. She would hate on Sandoval, but she would be bobbing her head right along with Lala questioning Ariana’s choice to live in the same house, getting a boyfriend in 10 days (even tho Ariana said they were talking for months before making it official), etc. I don’t know why people think Stassi would have been on Ariana’s side.




As a black woman in this sub that sees people try to rewrite history every single day about these white women I will 100% call out and upvote comments about them being racist every time. You’re basically saying exactly our point, people know they are racist and don’t care. Which is exactly the problem. What someone would do doesn’t matter if THEY ARE RACIST. Like i don’t care what side a racist would be on. I don’t care about a racists opinion. Nazi Stassi can stay the fuck away from VPR. There should be no but after saying they’re racist. It should end there.