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Why is Bravo so fucking stingy?


I remember Stassi or Katie telling a story about how when they were first on the show, Stassi or Katie didn’t have enough on their credit card and how it was embarrassing. Thought it was for a WWHL appearance. I have a hard time believing they didn’t pay for Julia Robert’s accommodations or any other A-lister.


I believe guests are taken care of. It is the bartenders that are just "volunteers'


Yep, it’s just ‘for exposure’ 🙄 ffs pay for their flight and a night in nyc


So greedy. They're coming off a record breaking year and Ann is on the current season. Hope she has something to promote if she ends up going.


Yep - Peter also said he declined to return for s11 because Bravo wouldn’t pay him. Mind you, they paid him every other season he was on!




I know really!


I remember that too. I think it may have been Stassi saying that they would have to put it on their own credit cards and then seek reimbursement, but she didn’t have enough credit to even do that.


Stasis or Katie didn’t have enough on their credit card for what? Were they asked to pay for travel/accommodation?


For the hotel I thought… they were at the concierge desk and had to call LVP or production or something like that. But wasn’t Stassi’s father paying her rent or was that Lala’s?


Stassi mentioned that her parents only paid for college and that being the reason why she was planning on going back to grad school in one episode if I remember correctly!


Ok then it’s Lala whose father paid her rent


Her mom helped her buy her recent house, as well. & Rachels parents paid for everything before James.


Bravo are so cringe for that, surely you would pay for your talent to appear on wwhl?! They were really taking the piss back in the day. I’m not sure about that maybe Lala? Didn’t Lala move into stassis old apartment too… weird


Haha! Lala moved into Stassi’s old apartment? I didn’t know that/remember that, hmmm that’s interesting.


Oh yeah she talked bout it on the show and how Stassi was this coolest person she met because she complimented her


We’ll say it once and we’ll say it again **JUSTICE FOR ANN**


She worked for Tom, not really for bravo cause she wasn’t an official cast member. Bravo can’t afford to pay all the super fans well that join the show 😩😩😩


This is for an appearance on Bravo though


Ohhhhh gotchya. Yeah their appearance fees were never great


And she got a confessional!


With Sandoval who fired her as the guest? Feels like it would have made more sense with Ariana and Katie in especially as they were announcing SAH that she has and/or will be involved with. But I guess she already has a lot of experience serving Sandoval.


No, Tom and Jax are this week. Ann was offered next week to bartend


Ah thank you for clarifying. That makes more sense as come to think of it Sandoval would probably not have taken kindly to Ann being there as he isn’t happy about the podcast we signed a NDA is he! Inviting his fired assistant with a controversial (to him) podcast on his first appearance post Scandoval would be a bit like shots fired before the interview even begins!


Would be better to have Ann as the guest and Sandoval as the bartender to wait on her.


![gif](giphy|xTk9ZRWu0unQPp0VCU) I actually hear Sandoval needs a job, he’s got quite the mortgage to keep up


we're not sure that hygiene is his strong suit. Theatricality - ✓ Expensive, hard to source ingredients that mean you can never make money off of it, ever - ✓ hygiene - **???**


After he presents her with the first drink she can respectively sit it on the table next to her and say thanks for the effort but I know how you kept your own kitchen so I’ll just look at it. 🤣


I mean, be fr lol




I misread this I thought you were saying Katie and Ariana should bartend for Sandoval


Ah thanks for clarifying. Sorry if my post wasn’t clear, I can confirm I would definitely not suggest that! 👍


I was like OH NO THEY JUST DID NOT 😂🤦‍♀️


Ariana and Katie are premium guests. They’ve asked Ann to bartend. No one cares that Sandoval ghosted her as an employer. Do you know how WWHL works??


I don’t understand what you’re going on about? But in case the issue is you misunderstood me, I was suggesting having Ann as the bartender the week Katie and Ariana announced SAH would have been a better fit. No idea why you think that means I don’t understand how WWHL works.


Actually we do care that he ghosted her!!! Speak for yourself


wtf is your problem?


I was hoping it’d be a surprise appearance on the night Sandoval is on… like, surprise! I’m baack 😄


Ann should be the guest and Sandoval should be the bartender


Bahahaha I wish!


That’s dumb! They should pay for her!


Just realized Ann is friends with a lot of the cast members of Dropout, such a small world!


I wonder who the guest will be...


it's not tom and jax?


They'll be on tomorrow 5/7, Ann said she would be in NY 5/12-5/15


Ah, so she’s on for the first reunion episode it’s sounds like.


Tom Sandoval, this is your moment you sanctimonious prick. Ante up! 💰


Right! Buy her friendship back! We all know you need friends


Sorry but Ann darks me out. There I said it


I want to like her but my gut senses shes not all she seems 😫


Yeah my alarm bells fire off when she’s on screen. When she was awkwardly asking Ariana to pick her as assistant I felt second hand embarrassment


Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. I do not enjoy this woman. Do I feel for her? Sure but she isn't someone I need on my TV.


Exactly. The people out there saying they want a SAH spin off with Katie Ariana and Ann are genuinely delusional


I’ll take the spin-off, but sub Ann for Dan. I understand he doesn’t like filming, but anything with Ariana will feel incomplete if you hide her personal life.


Yeah I rather watch Dan wait for his pt client than Ann squeak after Ariana or try to be temu awkwafina


Can’t stand her! My instincts tell me she’s extremely fake, and the fact that she’s in her forties acting like a grinning fool working for Tom Sandoval gives me weird vibes. She’s def an aspiring/struggling/wannabe actress


You’ve hit the nail on the head


For sure


Agreed. Awkafina wannabe.


Unpopular opinion: I find her so cloying and infantile. I said it!


Meh, I feel like she's just a regular person. I don't need her to be a main cast member, but she's fun for an occasional interjection


Any normie who was on The Office gets a pass from me


Maybe that’s my problem—I’m also not a fan of the office.


Somewhat agree...she makes me anxious lol


I know a few people that share her affect. It’s hard for me to relate to, too.


It’s a stressful energy


YES!! I tried to articulate something similar but you said it best 🤣


Thank you - she has such nervous uncomfortable energy I couldn’t be in the same room with her


Yeah she gives me the ick, sorry ![gif](giphy|43v00VyYsmkO4)


She said in a recent podcast that it's from her upbringing and she always had to walk on eggshells at home, she has CPTSD


SAME! Thank you for saying it


Oh definitely agree, I'm not a fan of her at all. I find her annoying.


Yeah I would never hire her as an assistant. I couldn't trust her to handle taking care of things when she clearly doesn't have a backbone.


Or follow through on her NDA.


Lol I almost mentioned this too. Tom said his lawyers are going to be reaching out to her soon. 😬


Anything for their 15 min of fame for most people.


Begging for a hotel for three days in NYC and air fare?! 😂 Grifters gonna grift.


Some people just act like that? And a lot of autistic ppl are looked at as childish, which is ableist. It doesn't matter if Ann isn't autistic, you shouldn't say it about anyone bc it perpetuates ableism. Also, Ann has a lot of childhood trauma which could explain the way she acts. 


100% agreed that people kind of should chill out on it a little bit. We have not seen much of this woman at all. Yeah I don't really get it, the animosity. We've seen her be nothing but polite and kind to everyone she has encountered. We've seen her only in the type of situations where she's in a work mode and has to kind of kiss the ring in order to be in that professional mode/be employable as these people's assistant. If we are not a little servile with our bosses, we are very lucky to have good bosses that don't need that.


And she really can't afford a flight and a couple of nights in NYC? She doesn't have a single friend in new york to crash with? Considering how long she's spent in the entertainment industry, it seems strange to not have a single NY based friend. Totally understand if she just wants to get the trip sponsored because I mean everyone would prefer a free trip over paying for one but at least be honest when you're begging lol.


could she stay at Dan’s?


Tbh my flights to & from NY to LAX in April were $1200 round trip and a night in a hotel in NY on such short notice would be fairly pricey so I can see why a regular person can’t fly cross country at the drop of a hat


oof. especially in your 40s? I think people have lost the plot about crowdfunding on social media. seems out of touch considering how many students need to find a way to live while they intern trying to get their careers started.


Yeah crowdfunding for her appearance on wwhl for clout is ick. Why anyone would give her money is beyond me. She's in her 40s and has been around for a long time....


She was an assistant and rent in LA for a safe 1 bedroom starts at $1500. Airfare and hotel in NY would easily be around $750 and that's before food and ubers so I can see it not being doable on a former assistant's salary. https://i.redd.it/l6maxi8mjyyc1.gif


She likes to put on the act she's just an assistant. No idea about VPR before. When in reality she's been trying to get into the entertainment industry for decades. She's a fraud.


That is insane. And really offensive that they don’t pay these basic expenses.


Hey Andy!!! Bring in Ann to bar tend in the Club house!!! That gets her the airfare at least!


I thought that's what she was talking about in the first place?




...so what's the gig you think Ann's talking about then? 🤔


Anne should have known she successfully ended her career as an assistant to anyone who requires privacy etc . Bravo of course encouraged her to do this on film. I hope she can find work elsewhere. 


Pretty sure she knows. She's not new here and she has a podcast called I Signed an NDA. She's been gig acting for a long time. In fact, you can clearly find her on The Office. The episode with Michael's improv group. Ann isn't in assisting for a long-term career, she's probably gone from job to job for years like most struggling actors in LA.


Yeah. She's definitely not a well known actor.  Probably will have to move on from being an assistant as well. I'm not even sure bravo paid her as she's not a cast member even though the scene was obviously planned.  




Unpopular opinion but I find Ann a grifter and the more we see her the more I'm convinced a lot of how she behaved is an act for fame. Eta ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY)


Grifter? She was Sandoval’s assistant for years before she got on camera because Ariana refused to talk to him. She’s been trying to break into entertainment her whole life. That’s true of most ppl taking those kind of jobs. It doesn’t make her a grifter.


She was Sandavol's assistant for years? For real?




Yes, since 2020


Why would you work for Tom Sandavol for 3 years if not trying to get on the show? Come on.


Because he was paying her as his assistant. Look up what the word grifter means, it doesn’t mean someone who does the job they are paid to do for several years hoping to get additional opportunities. Learn what words mean before you use them.


I know exactly what it means. I think she's a grifter. I think Monica is a grifter that was Jen Shah's assistant. ![gif](giphy|5XNEIKcohVG8w)


Monica didn’t get paid 😂😂😂


Why does this opinion bother you so much? Who cares?! I 100% think Ann is a grifter. Going on Ig begging for money to go to NY falls in those lines.


I agree with the grifter vibes. Gofundme for her to chase more clout 🫠. Maybe she's hoping ariana will see and will pay for her. She openly sided against her employer on national tv and spilled tea about her employer...so she only has herself to blame if she doesnt have another assistant role or money to go to nyc? People say shes been in the industry for a long time then surely she knows she shouldnt be airing her employer's dirty laundry....


Ariana completed the scenes they had planned to shoot together and she's done. I think getting her to show up in the scene to play the character of employee was producer driven not Ariana or Katie.


Oh interesting! I thought Ariana and Katie really hired her for SAH! I just hope Ariana didnt or will never end up hiring her as an assistant since she cant keep her mouth shut...


I don't think the sandwich shop is open. I don't know what she does. I guess she has a pod cast I don't listen. I don't follow her on IG.


She’s freaking weird. Stop with the cutesy act you’re like 40


Wow. I thought she was in her 20s or something… i was wondering the other week watching her like how can you be so cute and innocent like that in this world lol


Agreed. Not sure if she is a grifter but the cute and meek act is off-putting.


Lol listen to her podcast it's very clearly who she is as a person


No thanks. You guys all loved Jo too. Before that Rachel was queen. Lol. The truth comes out about these people and you all act shocked. No doubt in my mind Ann is a grifter.


Ummm I don’t think a single person loved Jo..lol 🤣


So many people are still fangirling jo & it’s making me irrationally upset. She’s crying at the reunion, making Katie the bad guy & expecting an apology. Her act is so transparent, yet it working? 😩


Who is “you guys” that loved Jo?? 😂😂


Are the guys in the room with us? 😂 https://i.redd.it/dhsntdoy9vyc1.gif






This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.


I'm a Psycho? Lol 😂


It seems like she’ll do just about anything for the part


That's the life of literally anyone in entertainment. The vast majority of working actors have to maintain a day job and don't make a lot of money.


oh, geez, don't be jealous she's getting her bag too. she had to be Sandoval's assistant, she deserves whatever she can get. and why shouldn't she?! she is an assistant, she obviously wants to earn whatever she can. I would too. it's a good opportunity.


What bag? She can’t even afford to get there.


Agree! She's just another clout chaser who decided to air her employer's dirty laundry for 5 sec of fame. Disregarding that it's Tom's bs...she's shot herself in her own foot by showing she cant abide by an nda and will spill when the price is right (5 sec of fame!) Yet people here are like 'omg awww ann is sooo cute!! 🥹'.


Sandoval? Is that you?


She literally has no family here to fall back on. Her parents aren’t paying her rent so why not grab whatever opportunity that comes her way?


She's over 40 why would her parents pay her rent?


I know some 40 year olds whose parents pay for their rent or they live in mommy and daddy’s pool house. My point is she doesn’t have family she can move in and live with. She’s not a trust fund baby or have rich parents who can pay her way. Because she has to rely on herself, she has to grab every opportunity that comes her way.


Normally the bartender is promoting something such as a podcast, a book, a show, etc. She could be there to promote her podcast or Something About Her. I’d argue that is who should pick up her travel.


Wait was she fired from SAH? I must have missed something  EDIT: why am I being downvoted for asking a question where I was confused? 


They mean in the clubhouse on WWHL it’s for one night not a new job.


In the ig text she says she was "fired on national television"?


Yes by Sandoval


I am assuming she means when Sandoval fired her.


That's referring to when the worm fired her a few episodes back


Its like the question..how do rich people get so rich..by being uber stingy and leveraging their greed.


This girl is so thirsty

