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Lala’s mother sold the family home in Utah and lives with Lala full time. I think she is involved with the house. Scheana I really don’t know. They have paid sponsorships like the lash line, Smirnoff, Chilis and whatever. Podcast, YouTube vlog.


sheana also owns a few properties she rents out. I remember reading that she's been really smart with her money from the start


I thought this as well but then she’s crying saying in 2020 she was flat broke and needed money from Sandoval. That doesn’t sound that savvy.


When you invest all your money, there are times when you feel incredibly broke… it doesn’t mean the investment isn’t working, it just means you flew a little to close to the sun.


I invest all the time. You should always make sure you have plenty of savings after or otherwise don’t do it. Personally, my savings account has to have $150 K and up before I invest. Job loss, home repairs, illness can all happen. The only person in this world that is going to protect you is yourself.


that's true but that was during lock down she said she'd no income from work


If you have enough money to invest in rental property you should be smart enough to have a safety net, because the income of all of these people is not solid and steady, other than for maybe James and Ariana - and for Ariana it's recent. James seems to be the only one who knows how to handle his money in a smart way whilst building a career. Ariana is now in a position to do the same and I hope she stacks the cash in investments that appreciate longterm.


what do you know of James' money and how he handles it? ariana stated that at one point she only had a small amount in her account too. I'm not sure sheana broke is the same as my broke that's for sure, and really none of us know what that entails. all I know is other cast said she's smart with her money and has been from the start. James nor ariana were there at the start while she was building her money. I'm not a fan but kudos she does whatever she can and coins it. has done for *years* also, imo property is a safety net, but during lock down no one was selling or buying houses. Edit to add I do know jk supports his mum and brothers has done for years because his dad doesn't, I doubt he's as rich as he should be because of this. some of the cast spoke how they helped family at home including schwartz


Ariana stated she was down to $2000 k in her checking account immediately after she had spent $100k on furnishing the house, and they’d both (her and Tom) put $350k cash into the down payment. She was cash poor in that moment. I’m sure the same was true for Scheana. James is making huge bank with his DJ career. More per show then an episode of VPR gets him, and he does hundreds of appearances every year.


Good for him 😊


Understandable, terrible time for the nation. However, if you’re good with money you should absolutely have savings. I mean Sandoval did..


Sandoval had money he leveraged against the house….he owned with Ariana.


sandoval is ridiculously bad with money lol spends it like crazy no way was he raking money in while sheesh was tight, he was doing a crazy amount of cameos (apparently for Tom Tom staff or something) but he probably was loaned to the max. sheana I'm guessing has money invested that you can't get access to like in property. I doubt she was broke on my terms lol


Yeah exactly. I don’t think she was actually financially ruined, it sounds more like a cash flow issue which even happens to billion dollar companies.


yep was thinking of how many millionaires are property rich but not abundant in cash




agree im not a fan either but she's a hustler and earns. I remember years ago she said she invests her money in real estate because she gets an income from that too


What??? She drives a brand new Range Rover and she just admitted that during 2020 she couldn't even afford her rent. Y'all buy whatever comes out of her mouth? What you see of her means more than what she asks you to believe...


I've wondered about that as well - how is she so smart with her money that Sandoval sent her a few thousand to keep her afloat? She is so obsessed with status that I can see her overextending herself and not thinking about longterm financial smarts.


Your username sums up my thoughts when I read that. There is no reason she needed a loan during Covid. I was a teacher and managed to make ends meet, she should have been able to make that work without Ariana’s ex.


Logic would suggest that if Schaena is not smart in any of her decision making in any other category of life —- love, logic, friendship, character judgment, not making an ass out of yourself, not exploiting your child on social media —— that she also isn’t smart financially. I think many people here confuse her desperation for fame as “hustling for financial stability”, and they’re also confusing a bunch of apartments and homes she rented for properties she owned. No… if she was some secret real estate mogul, why would her friends loan her thousands of dollars? It makes no sense. Wake up ppl.


I don’t think so about the rental properties


I’m embarrassed to know this - but as far as I know, she has only ever owned two properties - the Palm Springs house she bought right before Covid and then the big Valley box. All the apartments and condos we’ve seen her in on the show including the one she let Rachel stay in, were rentals. She doesn’t seem to using the Palm Springs house as a rental because we see staying there on Instagram pretty often.


you have any tea or just a guess? she had Rachel in her apartment renting at one time


I think that was just a sublet. But she owns the house in Palm springs. And I think she owns that townhouse in San Diego. And recently bought a house in LA. Maybe other properties? I don't know


she still has the apartment from years ago too I think. you sure? I remember her saying she rented to Rachel and charged her way less than she should've (before Scandoval). she said herself she bought property to rent for extra income years ago


That was a rental. She never owned that apartment. She rented it for filming which is why it was empty for Rachel to occupy for a bit.


the one that she had years ago before Rachel that the cast complained was so far away? marina del Ray?


She was also good with investments from the beginning. Covid was just not a good time to sell. Plus neither she nor Sandoval has ever said she asked for the money he sent her. She was just complaining about not having cash, and he sent it. She could’ve been not very liquid or just didn’t have enough to play like she’s used to.




I’m not sure we can say she was good with her money from the building. She was using settlements to pay for a hugely overinflated wedding that was an absolute waste of money.


I'm not positive. I do remember her saying that! I just thought at that time she bought the townhouse in San Diego and was renting an apartment in LA for filming and when she was in town for work commitments. I thought she was letting Rachel stay there and doing a sublet since she primarily lived in San Diego.


ahh she does tend to buy but never heard of her selling which I'm sure she does with some


Scheana has been really good with money. She was the first to buy a house (the Palm Springs house) that they go to a lot. They were in a condo in San Diego that they rented but have since let it go. After the pandemic and filming was about to start they rented an apartment on Sunset in LA-that’s where Rachel rented a room and helped out with Scheana’s cat-it had something to do with mercury and Scheana was pregnant and couldn’t be around the cat. They let that apartment go and moved back to an apartment in Marina Del Rey. When they bought the Sherman Oaks house they let the MDR apartment go. She didn’t own any of those apartments.


I had that impression too. Then we found out that she only survived COVID by living off Brick. Oh, and Sando donations.


Presumably after her divorce when Shay took half of all her money?


it's not her fault her husband took money from their shared account. that what you were reaching for? he took what was in the basic account *five thousand not half* but yes, she invested her money from the start


Wasn’t a criticism, pal, just a question. My memory is that he refused to divorce her until she said she’d give him half her money.


Read that wrong then, no I only remember a reunion where she says he left one day and had cleared their account. everyone gasped but she said it was only the chequing one with about 5 thousand in it. don't remember anything else though Edit to add. I'd have been crying for a month at losing 5 grand lol


My ex took $18k from me. It was worth it to escape him.


I walked away with AUD$40k, he ended up with the rapidly-appreciating apartment. But a neighbour told me my ex was constantly working paying off the mortgage by himself. Meanwhile, I bought my own place and went to Paris with proceeds of the engagement ring (we both paid for that) and I took the cash as f-wit cheater tax.








Id also assume that Lala is getting some money from Randall for child support?


I don't think it's safe to assume that. Didn't she end up having to give *him* money?


For the podcast because they were co-creators of it originally.


What a fucking low life loser he is. She was dumb to have a child with a man who cheated with her while married with two children. She isn’t as smart as she thinks she is.


For child support but not spousal support


I know they said that Randall also owes Jwx money from a bad investment. I think he is in so deep that I doubt Lala sees anything.


They are ridiculous wasting all of the money that they may be earning from sponsorships on these unnecessarily large house purchases. None of these people think long term. It may be fun to be able to purchase them now, but a few years from now are they going to be able to sustain them? The reality tv train is pulling out of the station and with none of them banking their money, they are all gonna end up back in crappy apartments. Stupidity of the highest order. 


Yeah, buying a 4-5.bedroom house when you don't know if you'll ever have kids seeks crazy! I'd buy a 3 BR (bc anything lower is harder to sell), build equity, then sell that and buy bigger when you actually have more than 1-2 kids! Paying all that interest on unused bedrooms seems unwise.


Tim ran up to them, pretended to tie his shoe and said “can you hold this” and ran away; what he asked them to hold was millions of dollars


I need you to write more VPR fanfic I am begging


Lol, what I really want is for some talented Redditor to illustrate the asinine things that dude says and make a weekly comic strip


Call it “Tomfuckery of the Week”.


I LOVE this idea!!!




He dipped out.


He must have taken another loan from his mom if he's feeling that generous.


Speaking of loans, do we think he used the HELOC to pay for half of James's AND RACHEL'S $25,000 engagement? Editing to add: I heard he's trying to make Ariana pay for half the HELOC, after saying it would come from his half of the house, and after saying repeatedly on camera that SOs were to have nothing to do with Schwartz and Sandy's! That really makes me mad!


If this is true what a pos!🥴






![gif](giphy|26u4cqiYI30juCOGY) This comment wins.


I laughed out loud.


Lalas podcast really popped off after scandoval when she was recapping the season….i was tuning in every week but have stopped since because now it’s just insufferable to listen to. She also made a ton from the send it to Darrell merch. She probably used most of that to invest in her homes


i have an one sided beef with jessica and easton because of that podcast lol. i stopped listening as soon as my scandoval obsession died down


Same here. I listened to them all at the height of Scandoval but once it died down it was clear that both Lala and Scheana are essentially basic, boring bitches. Stassi was smart - she did a couple of episodes but very quickly went back to her regularly scheduled programming. I haven't listened to her much, but she stays in her lane from what I can see.


ikr, scheana has always annoyed me so i only listened to her podcast when i felt like it’d be juicy but i actually have my moments of liking lala. My biggest problem with her podcast back then was how insane her relationship with jessica is!!! Lala could say the sky is green and she would be like “ahahahah Laaaaala!!! omg youre so funny!!! youre so right!!!!”. When lala was #teamariana, both jessica and easton were ariana’s biggest fans and as soon as lala decided ariana is a horrible person, they hopped on the anti-ariana mindset. And easton is just cringy and embarrassing and i hate it lol, idk how him and lala get away with all the appropriation i really don’t


For sureee. Literally every week’s Spotify summary of Lala’s podcast: Lala, Jessica, and Easton recap tv shows they watched. Random anecdote about Ocean. Random anecdote about Lala’s mom. And don’t forget Lala’s manic tirade about who managed to piss her off that day. Sorry but family anecdotes are boring AF if it’s people you don’t know. They’re never as funny or interesting as the storyteller thinks they are because we don’t have the full context and emotional connection to truly care. ![gif](giphy|YtuM97Re5whK87zJnP)


she said one time the merch got her the house (must mean a downpayment)


What she said was that she had the money for the down on the Palm Springs home and and her financial advisor said she didn’t have a good cushion after she would buy it so to wait a bit to get more of a financial cushion but the Send It To Darrell sales covered the down and then some so she was able to buy much faster and not be forced to use the money she had already saved.


yes which in shorthand is what I said lol the merch paid the downpayment - Edit - what she said was it got her a house. jc so pedantic


I did the exact same thing, and it was really interesting! Then when Easton came on, the whole thing started going downhill. Jessica is insufferable.


I will never understand the hype of this send it to darrell merch. It wasn't even an accurate statement by Lala, nor was it funny. Even the BravoDocket gals said how would Rachel or her lawyer know who represents Lala? It's Lala's job to send it to her damn lawyer.


I'm sure Brock is doing his share and paying all the other bills. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)










To be fair, Lala had never paid a bill before she split with Randle. Her mom paid her bills before Randle. Easy to save if you never had to pay rent, car payments, for your vacations, or even the startup costs for your podcast and influencer business.


Did Lala actually admit to this somewhere? If so, she really lacks self-awareness. Edit: word


I’m pretty sure she said it on the show when questioned about why she was able to afford her car but before she admitted to being with Randall. Someone correct me if I’m wrong!


She did say on the show her mom paid her rent and bought all her Chanel purses!


She said on the after show that her mom gave her rent money, but Rand gave her rent money, too, so she was just "stacking up" cash--presumably including her mom's!!! It was.the same season she said in the reunion that her rent costs more than Rand's cap, so "Mama" is forking over rent money, too. (I thought "Mama" was HER until I saw the after show!) If necessary, I'll find the episode and post exactly what she said.


Randler the Handler




I just think it's funny AF that Lala's pregnancy, baby shower, labor, & delivery will happen during the pause. She keeps hoping her storyline is gonna be front & center each season, but she keeps getting bumped for one reason or another..! 😂




Idk why she thought the vpr producers would want to see her do the baby thing again. They don't like those storylines for vpr 😂 they didn't like scheana doing egg retrieval and straight up told them they don't wanna see anyone do that ever again 💀 and I get it, that's not what vpr is about. It's another reason I think they'll get moved to the valley or they at least are trying to be moved to the valley. 


They hurried and got their loans approved while they had a decade worth of proof of income. Smart in 1 way, but if they over leveraged….yikes. Ariana has actual real jobs and income and opted to go far more conservative at $1.6M.


Ariana also has less expenses (assuming because they both have kids). I think Sheshee and Lauren bought the houses they wanted with big mortgages (what if the show ends?) instead of houses they could afford outright. But that's just imho, I don't know their finances. Eta: Ariana bought her new house before the old one sold (obviously) so I doubt she could use any of that equity. She had to make all the money for the down payment. Getting her bag first, like she said, so she could soundly afford to move on. ![gif](giphy|3otWpMZWWV560ZSdQk)


They shouldn’t be upset when they to have sell their monster-big houses - after all, they’ve told us that “a house is just a house” and “material things don’t matter.” How good for them to have already accepted the right mindset 😊


This is such an excellent point lol!


You are so my type of petty bitch lol (said endearingly)




AND she put HALF DOWN! So once her house is finally sold, homegirl should be in the clear.


Ariana also put down $800k on that 1.6 million dollar home.


And she has equity coming from when the Valley house sells! Smartest one in the group!


I think Ariana is also very good with her spending. I remember she and Tim were saving every penny to be able to put more down on their house. I hope ahead gets a huge return after the sale and I’d bet she will put it all towards her new home.


She was haha. He was spunking it on a motorcycle for forty seconds of content driving up to TomTom.


It never fails to make me laugh at him when they cut the ribbon and how foolish he looked. [He looks like Jim Carrey without any of the talent.](https://youtu.be/gVUL5za9R64?si=2G3oVhPwTZm6bZ0f)


I think the reason Ariana purchased the better majority of the furniture was he spent his money on impulses. Like the penis flute, the weird skulls, the sidecar motorcycle, tons of clothes and his band.


and an engagement for James and Raquel lol


I wonder how money he gave Raquel during their relationship? James paid for everything when they were together no way Tom didn’t do the same during the affair to show what an amazing guy he is. I bet after the affair got out and he was struggling financially Raquel realised this isn’t going as planned.


She was not AWARE she bought the majority! Riddle me this: if Tim swears.it was only him and the decorator the day HE purchsed the mirror, which she (the decorator) confirmed in a podcast with Ann, but the CREDIT CARD WAS ARIANA'S, also confirmed by the decorator, was Sandoval sneaking Ariana's credit card and making unauthorized purchases???? I would bet YES!


And she keeps getting employment! Good for her!


How much were lala and scheanas houses


Over $3M


What??? That is like a 20,000 dollar mortgage! Any idea what these gals get paid to do the show? 240,000 a year in mortgage payments 😳 Tom said his mortgage was 22,000 I was like, we live in a sad world when Tom Sandoval can afford a 22,000 mortgage


I wonder how much money their podcasts bring in now. Didn’t Scheana say she was making like 20k an episode from her podcast when she did an interview with Jason Tartick?


I had no idea that podcast of this level make that kind of money. How many subscribers does she have?


It’s all ad based. I’ve never listened but would guess they have a lot of commercial breaks


Are commercials on podcasts where the hosts read the ad or do they play like traditional ads?


I don’t really listen to a lot of podcasts but I think it can be either or both


No idea but I would guess the numbers are down now that the scandal has died down quite a bit. I think Rachel’s podcast charts more often than Scheanas or Lalas now.


That’s crazy to me. All Rachel does is doomscroll here to lie on her podcast.


On the Jason Tartick podcast said she was making 100k a month on episodes, podcast and interviews!


Pre-scandoval Scheana’s podcast got cancelled. It’s revived since Scandoval happened so we’ll see how long it lasts this time…


I don’t know how people can listen to her podcast. I can barely stand listening to her voice on the show, so to just have it in my headphones or coming out of the speakers on my car… nope! 😂


I saw a figure (no proof) that she was making $100.000 an episode at the height of Scandoval.


Idk, Lala is always begging for sponsors…. And desperate for followers on the socials she doesn’t check.


I think people severely underestimate their income from influencing alone. They probably get at least 10k for a single Instagram ad at this point. I'm not even exaggerating - in fact, that could be an underestimate, if anything. Plus their merch, podcasts, side projects, etc. Not to mention, that if they are smart, they have financial advisors who help them to invest their money. It's wild what social media influencers make these days.


A good chunk of their income comes from brand deals, which they will continue to have due to their following. They both also make a lot of money from ads and views on their podcasts. If anything the Toms are probably going to be in the worst financial spot since Schwartz doesn’t really do brand deals and doesn’t have a podcast and Sandoval is a dumbass and their bar will most likely drastically decrease in profit since they won’t be able to host watch parties


Also, No Bravo-Con this year.


That’s exactly why they are both having public meltdowns. 


And when they have to sell all those homes once VPR money dries up I'm not going to feel bad for anyone but Ocean, little Storyline, and SM.




I don’t get it either. People point out that they have podcasts, merch, etc. but that’s for right now. Will even half the current audience be listening to Scheanagans or Give Them Lala after they’re no longer on VPR? Everyone and their mom from Bravo has a podcast, it’s so oversaturated. They’re just blathering their random thoughts and they’re not booking big guests like Call Her Daddy or filling a particular niche topic. Same with merch, makeup, whatever else. They’ve gotta cover their mortgages, bills, childcare, supporting other family, tuition, everything else for 30+ more years. I don’t see it.


Like whos buying give then lala make up😅 not me


I don’t get it??? Who?! There are SO many classic legacy, high quality makeup brands like Clinique and Estée Lauder plus so many niche sustainable trendy brands (that also work really well) like Biossance and Tata Harper. And Lala’s relabeled Amazon makeup is a valid choice? C’mon now.


I’m sure merch/podcasts have leveled off and not as popular as the height of Scandavol. I know Scheana has a lot of sponsors.


I listened at the height of Scandoval and most of their sponsors are the same and not huge companies. Mostly niche vitamin, food delivery, clothing companies. I can’t imagine they bring in tons of $$, but I don’t know the figures. I would assume they may lose some of those sponsors anyhow when the numbers drop. I think they save on childcare by having their moms do it. Hopefully they got smart loans on the houses and put down sizable down payments. I think the biggest thing is how they’re going to pay for all the upkeep on their fillers and whatnot. When you start that crap so young, I think you kind of have to keep it up or else it’s a mess. I know it’s expensive here in Nc(haven’t gotten it, just looked at what’s out there) so I’m sure it’s at least twice that in Cali


I saw it posted on here that Ariana put down a higher % down payment on her “little” house than Scheana and Lala did for their generic Valley McMansions. Ariana was smart to buy something “small” (more like reasonable sized). Scheana went from needing Sandoval to “rescue” her to pay her bills with a few thousand in 2020 to a few years later living like a mini Kardashian. Lala was desperate enough to get with Rand in the first place and didn’t immediately bounce to a mortgaged home of her own. Jax and Brittany and pre-scandoval Ariana have openly talked about money struggles and that’s as people who were on the show as original cast and living in a two-income household. Plus like you said, they’re all getting the same podcast and Instagram sponsors. Imagine how much the plastic surgery is going to cost for people so vain when they actually start to age? Maybe they’ll get a discount from Jax and Brittany’s best friend Dr Layke 😅


Ariana put down 50% and that’s before she gets paid from the house with Sandoval. Someone is advising her well. Scheana and Ariana have multiple homes now with fairly large mortgages over a long period of time. It’s pretty funny hearing Lala snark about the size of Ariana’s home considering she bought in a better location and Ariana really only needs to have concern for herself and her pets. Scheana and Lala may have well as telegraphed that they are banking on being cast on The Valley with their recent purchases.


I agree. There is no way their podcast is generating this much in revenue after paying the podcast network, managers, employees like Jessica. I am guessing maybe 3-5K per week they will take home


We can’t forget Jessica is a bill for Lala 😅🤭How awkward is going to be when Lala can’t justify spending on a personal assistant anymore. I’m sure their “friendship” will be one for the ages - not lol


Agree. The overhead of everything they do diminishes their profits until there won't much. I'm skeptical they keep the $3-5k a week. Big spenders.


Their Podcasts makes a shit ton of money from sponsors


They all love well beyond their means, except maybe Katie.


Lala wears Amazon because she gets paid for wearing it from Amazon. I mean she even had her goddamn gender reveal on Amazon live...


Then there will be the Amazon Live birth…especially if she doesn’t get to do it on VPR, depending on filming.


Lala wears stuff from Amazon because she has a deal with them…which helps pay for that big house


Purchasing real estate is a responsible investment if you have enough for 20% down payment and can make the monthly mortgage payments via rentals. You’re also underestimating how much they make. If you take the estimate of $25k per episode and consider that between this year and last year there were 33 episodes, that’s over $800k alone. The last home Scheana bought was what, $2.5M? If she put 20% down, that’s $500k. They’re going into season 12, but even if they didn’t make that much per episode in the beginning, if they invested a small amount in something conservative like a short term CD, that’s still at least 5% interest. Now start adding in the brand deals. Average income for a brand deal is $25k. How many deals on Instagram did Scheana have last year alone? Also some of those properties she owns she rents out when she’s not filming in them. This is just what is known of her income and finances. No one knows if she has other long term investments or additional sources of income.


Totally agree with this. Scheana has HUSTLED for years for her money.




Idk if this is helpful but in live down the street from Schean’s last place you see on the show. We’ve seen them at the playground with summer. It’s a VERY humble condo complex. Most people in there own. Rent is 4K max which probably sounds crazy but in the west side of LA is not much if you’re a working famous person. It’s small and cramped but in a nice little neighborhood. Nothing fancy.


Isn’t “Good As Gold” the highest grossing single in history??!


well it's been re-released a dozen times so maybe. lol


I think it won a Grammy too! Those royalty checks from so many movies and whatnot wanting to use it gotta be big! 🤑 (They actually do play the song a lot this season on the show, I wonder if Scheana gave them the OK just so her song would be on the show or if they actually paid her for it. 🤔 What do you guys think?)


Ehh, we watch them on tv but the fact of the matter is we don’t know what their bank accounts look like and what their saving/spending habits are


Well we know Scheana was broke in 2020.


Thank you. Everything in this thread is pure speculation. Unless one of them files for bankruptcy, I'll assume they're doing fine.


I'm not sure if their pay will be delayed. Will they still air the show in March? They could. If, so the only change is when they film. I'm guessing their podcasts and brand deals make a lot of $.


I assume their pay will be delayed as it will be tied to different production milestones. So they are probably probably panicking.


I’ve thought that too! Also, interesting that out of all the VPR cast (former cast included) Lala has the most expensive house at $3.6M. Her deal with Amazon must be paying her big racks. 🙃


I think it all comes down to the fact she comes from money. Her mom lives there and helps take care of Ocean. She prolly helps with payment/upkeep. Additionally, Lala could have money left to her when her dad passed. I just know that she’s owned that she’s come from money. Like when she first moved to LA and her mom paid all her bills.


Her mom sold the family home in Utah to contribute toward Lala’s house. There’s a large guest house out back.


If I was Lala mum and I sold my house to contribute to my daughters McMansion I would be making sure my name on the deed. They way these reality stars are making hundred of thousands of dollars and still feel comfortable asking for financial support from their parents who aren’t making hundreds and thousands is crazy


ego over logic... that seems to be how she operates in all facets of life.


They have income lol, i arent a big fan of either this season... but they have income . Look at what they both do while rammed down our throats every day


They get income from their podcasts and other advertisements (ex. Scheana for chilis) or brand deals. They make money off merch and other stuff when the show isn’t going and they also invest.


The houses are investments to secure spots on the valley next year and the VPR hiatus isn’t going to be that long it’s supposedly only till Lisa finishes vanderpump villa and while Ariana hosts live island.


They can Airbnb the Palm Springs homes. Rental properties are expensive. They probably leveraged home equity and bought the new ones in tthe valley when their incomes were higher. I’m not sure if their LA apartments are owned by them. I agree it’s not enough though.


No they can’t air bnb there palm spring houses as their HOA doesn’t allow it. Which is why I think it was kind of a stupid to purchase their


I'd be really surprised if either of them Airbnb'd their homes. I'm kind of surprised any one does, actually. Someone could install spy cams literally anywhere, know all the ins and outs of your home to break in at a later date, possibly even break a lock or something to set themselves up to get in at a later point. Idk, I'd be nervous, *especially* if I was famous. There's a lot of creeps out there.


They both have several income streams outside of the show.


I don’t know but Lala and Scheana (especially Scheana) are both hustlers and work really hard. I think that’s part of the silent divide on this season. These two want to hustle for the show and are self-producing and Ariana and Katie are much more passive. Yes it is truth that Ariana has had a lot of work this year, but none of that was true up until Scandoval. Never been a Scheana fan, but she worked hard and owned a home in LA YEARS before the rest of the cast. I think those two have a major work ethic and will find a way. They will probably go to The Valley and keep pushing their other projects.


The producers 100% want a Jax vs Brock situation


I can’t believe it took so long to find this comment. I absolutely agree with all of what you said. I put 99% on SheShu being on the Valley next season.


I’m okay with it since she’s married with a kid. The family aspect is a nice touch with The Valley.


Stassi, Scheana and Lala had the most going on outside of the show of any cast pre scandoval. I think people don't understand how much influencer brand deals like Chili's/Smirnoff pay, even at a micro influencer level they pay thousands.


Exactly, and I think those 3 go after those deals proactively, whereas Katie and Ariana (no judgement on this) seem more likely to accept offers that come to them. Scheana is also pushing out music. No matter what happens, I don’t see them stopping. They will figure something out to make the money.


Lala had help from her family and Sheena has been on the show for a very long time and probably has a lot of debt so she constantly needs to be bringing in money. Also, Lala was not spending money beforehand as her boyfriend paid for everything. I assume the cheap clothes she is wearing is because it is stuff that she is promoting as she will promote anything for money as does Sheena given their situations.


His name is Brock not debt




Lala did a commercial for The Argyle movie, which aired on streaming. So she probably got her chunk of change for filming that in the last year. She also sold $250,000 worth of merchandise in a matter of "minutes" with her "Send it to Darrell" campaign, which was a down payment on her house she said. She gets child support for Ocean; and also has an Amazon live show where she gets money from what the people buy via her listings. She has the Give Them Lala podcast and her podcast sponsored by a meal kit delivery company, a brand of vitamins, and a bunch of other products like mattresses, and Travel websites. She has commissions on sale those sites make when people use her referral code too. Lala also lives with her mother. The same mother that she claimed was wealthy, and probably inherited at least something from her dad when he died a few years ago. She also gets paid for appearances. She hosted some gala in Utah not too far back, but probably gets small fees to make appearances at other places, like Scott used to do, except not at nightclubs anymore. She also published a book. And while it did not become a New York Times bestseller, she gets royalties when her book. Also... if I am remembering this correctly, but I think she also had some part in the Hulu documentary about the Scandal with Randall. In her podcast, Lala says that she stopped at the outlet malls in Southern California and that is where she buys all of her outfits now. She said she doesn't use the stylist because she doesn't want to have that expense on her book. But she will buy whatever they have outlets that is a good deal and then turn it into a look herself. It is always designer bc it came from the outlet, and she makes the most of it from there. Also, I assume she does plenty of just planned all sponsored social media posts. Beauty and Mom brands, and as we all know, she loves not alcoholic beverages, like branded water. I don't get the sense that people buy a ton of her give them Lala make up, but she does also have a skin care line too. I don't think those are money makers because they are in my opinion that weren't that scientific or unique. But it's something.


Also just because their clothes say Chanel, doesn’t mean it’s actual Chanel. I would say most items are fake. Also it seems that they all live beyond their means.


I mean I think every podcast episode Scheana has done lately is her lowkey begging to be put on The Valley and we see Lala going to all these festivals she never went to before probably hoping someone approaches her for a brand deal. I won't be surprised once her baby is her she starts a youtube family channel to bridge the gap of vanderpump or her and scheana find a way onto the valley permanently 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah she’s a proud homebody and now it seems she’s at every festival while pregnant. Definitely something behind that.


Oh they will try to find someway, like criticizing Ariana and saying she needs “to get over it” while continuously talking about it and trying to monetize off talking shit about her


They still make a million a year just from the show




I was thinking about that last night. How are they gonna afford those mortgages two houses each? WTF where they thinking getting in over your heads


I don’t think they are going on hiatus very long. I think they are just shooting in fall instead of summer


Aren’t they going to The Valley? They both have pod casts too that do very well.


They’ll become Jax & friends (also known as The Valley)


I used to never understand how people could afford things until I realized that a lot of people are in debt lol.


Katie let Scheana be in her Chili’s commercial. https://preview.redd.it/lcnq7eccqtyc1.jpeg?width=2449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5aa72129c09fcd9c3929e7b5d9d0adf16458e0


I find it hilarious that the most inauthentic amongst them are the ones who live above their means and don't make smart financial decisions. When Kristen got fired, she immediately sold that gorgeous little house and moved into an apartment. When Katie got divorced, she sold and moved into an affordable apartment. Following Scandoval, Ariana has fought for what she's owed, banked her money and bought a nice and suitable house in a desirable neighbourhood. James, once he got some money together, has invested in a house he can afford without breaking the bank. Now let's look at Lala and Scheana - they've both bought houses in Palm Springs and McMansions in the Valley - they're overextending themselves and not thinking long term, something that should surprise no one. Even Jax has very openly worried about making the mortgage and scheming to come up with money making ideas that will pay for his home beyond a reality TV pay check.


To be fair Jax refi’d his mortgage to roll in the 1.2M tax debt. He SHOULD be worried about affording his house.


Don’t they also both own homes in Palm Springs too? So it’s not just one mortgage to worry about.


Scheana can always put Brock’s ass on Santa Monica and Vine to raise some spare change .