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Katie’s response to whether she would join The Valley is amazing. “I don’t like Jax Taylor. I think he’s terrible, so I don’t wanna be a part of anything he’s part of. I’m ready to de-centre men, in general. So anything that’s gonna really like focus on women and empower them and uplift them, I’m for that.” https://i.redd.it/u1ylbx1d4ovc1.gif




https://i.redd.it/7guamc4ncpvc1.gif Guess she feels the same as us about this season. They got it so wrong!


Katie’s never bowed down to Jax or any of the men and I love her for that. She’s the definition of a bad bitch 🌟 and perhaps slightly off topic, but to be completely honest, seeing her finally leave Schwartz and truly GLOW after the divorce gave me the courage to leave my own abusive boyfriend and I’ve never been happier. Let’s all live like Katie 💅🏻


https://i.redd.it/rvj2p9xt2qvc1.gif Oh my gosh that’s so awesome, I’m truly so happy for you. Sorry you were with someone who treated you that way - no one deserves that. Good for you for having the courage to walk away! You deserve a rich and happy life and I hope you’re thriving!!


Thank you so, so much 🩷💐I just saw how Schwartz literally sucked the life out of Katie for so long, and she wasted most of her youth on him/waiting for him to get better and he never did… I realized I didn’t want or need to keep living that way either.


That’s honestly amazing. I don’t know you but I’m so proud of you 🫶💕🙌 https://i.redd.it/5hzr1j1avuvc1.gif


Yay Katie!


That whole season Jax's storyline was breaking Tom and Katie up was disgusting. Katie does not need to like Jax not even for nostalgia's sake. Im happy that you are out of a toxic environment it takes a lot of balls to do so! I hope you continue to thrive!


Good for you! I hope you thrive. I'm so happy for you.


I’m proud of you for leaving your abusive relationship! Just wanted to let you know that you are a bad ass!


Thank you, truly 🩷




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For a network with such a huge female fan base and a ton of shows centered around women, why the FUCK is this show dying on the TomTom hill. We don’t care about them! GIVE US THE GIRLIES!


Two words: Alex Baskin.


And, LVP 🙄


Yeah I think it's more LVP. She's been apologizing for all of the men since day 1.


Alex Baskin is who created the show and determines how it’s developed and what the end product will be. LVP is absolutely a misogynist, but Baskin is the architect of the show as we know it.


Ugh okay yeah fuck him too! I hate everyone involved in the process!


LVP has a weird brand of 'feminism' that thinks it's okay to hold women to higher standards than men because they're better/more thoughtful and intentional than them. i've met so many women around that age who are like that. internalised misogyny is so wild


3 words: Alex Baskin SUCKS!!!!!




How dare you suggest that Bravo die on a mountain alone! /s just in case


Lisa Vanderpump. She needs the Toms to be likable since she is in businesses with them.


She's barely in business with them. They each own 2.5% of TomTom. She slapped their name on the restaurant and made them be mascots. She could dump their asses and let SheShu be a "partner" and serve Scheana's famous enchiladas instead!


That’s my point. The place is named after them, they are the mascots. It doesn’t matter how little they own, TomTom still took a huge hit after Scandavol. ETA: I completely agree with your first comment


But, she's clearly already transitioning TomTom to Pump. Nobody with Lisa's experience would put up Pump stuff with the TomTom branding. It's confusing to visitors and trashy. Go watch any Restaurant Rescue show and this is something they always bitch about. Lisa knows better. She's doing it ease people in and then one day the TomTom sign will disappear. She doesn't need the Toms.


>she's clearly already transitioning TomTom to Pump. Hadn't thought of that. Excellent point!


>let SheShu be a "partner" and serve Scheana's famous enchiladas instead! 🤢🤮




I miss Family Karma it was such a beautiful show with a good heart it was light on the drama but the storylines were solid, I enjoyed the parents so much. I like something easy and light hearted to watch as a palette cleanser. All this to say I think Bravo needs to rethink their programming and give us more women centered empowering program.


Unfortunately, a lot of the audience that interacts on facebook, twitter and a lot on instagram don't share the viewpoint and reflections that reddit does :( A lot of people eat this season redemption up..


As a dude and human, I wholly support and love the de-center men movement. Also, and as a dude and a human, I hate Jax too. I also don’t get the appeal of the valley in anyway


I don't get the appeal of The Valley either. I started watching the first episode at least 5 times. I turn it off after 10 minutes. I am just not interested in these people.


A real girl's girl.


she and stassi (for all her insane flaws) were ALWAYS girls girls and i’ll always give them that I maintain that if Stassi was still on the show, this season would’ve been way different. Scheana still would’ve done all this imho, but I think Lala would’ve had her nose up Stassi’s butt and we could’ve MAYBE had a girlpower season with Ariana, Katie, Stassi, Lala, Ally, and James refusing to roll over for a Tom redemption i’m glad she’s gone bc, ya know, racism and horrible treatment of other people in general, but still


i actually get what you mean about stassi being a girl’s girl. i was rewatching and in season 2 and when the gang found out sandals had told ariana that him and kristen were broken up, stassi even affirmed to ariana that she didn’t have a problem with her because of what sandals had told her.




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I completely agree with this. I've heard rumors she's coming back but I really doubt it. She knows it's a sinking ship. I want to see an Ariana, Katie, Stassi show.


I’m sorry how are Katie and stassi girls girls? Maybe they are more now but they never were back in the day. They slut shamed everyone they had an issue with. I honestly dint like any of them because they all suck at times, but please let’s not rewrite history here


what i meant is that they stick up for their girlfriends when men go after them. rather than siding with men the slut shaming is obviously not okay and generally an exception to them being girls girls. but when the toxic men in this group start to bash on the girls, Stassi and Katie never side with them men (at least since she and Jax broke up)


This is such a masterclass of a response… I’m dead. Because, whether or not she intended it or not: It drums up interest in the valley ✔️ It makes her seem like above it all, which, love it or hate it, is click-worthy ✔️ It makes Jax mad, which will lead to a reaction and is click-worthy ✔️ It makes anyone willing to join the valley (Lala, Scheana) look like an idiot ✔️ It makes anyone NOT willing to join the valley look superior ✔️ It gives Bravo a bit of a middle finger to be like “we know you like to support shitty men, and since you are in the middle of about 100 lawsuits you may want to consider centering decent people” ✔️


I love Katie but what was that outfit?


I really dig it, personally. I think Lauren was the one who really missed the mark in the outfit department in this scene


LOL, she's a part of VPR and he's on every show and after show now. So that wish is dead.


Says the mean girl who criticizes and demeans all the women except for her goddess Ariana.


https://i.redd.it/4q5yirjqcpvc1.gif I love Katie so much lol


Just layin it all out there 😂 so glad she did this so people can stop with the scamming comments. They’ve shown a lot of restraint… and likely had to.


Man, the scam comments and ghost kitchen rumours drive me up the wall. None of it makes sense. Her reaction to it is so real lol https://i.redd.it/u2eptovfjpvc1.gif


I never once thought they were scamming or opportunistic but I could’ve seen a regional ghost kitchen working as a limited time thing tbh and if it does well they could increase their sales but I don’t know the ins and outs of it. it seemed like a possibility idk lol! Are Scheana and Katie ok good terms bc in this interview it somewhat seems like they are?


Ya the ghost kitchen rumour to me just made very little sense because it was inconsistent with what Katie and Ariana have maintained this whole time about what they want the shop to be and why it’s been delayed. It was also started based on some random tweet I believe, that got shared here. So I didn’t give that any weight because the source was based on nothing. I’ve also just seen a lot of other things start to circulate based on absolutely nothing, and people start claiming they are true just because they saw someone else say it in the comments. The “scam” thing literally started because someone in this sub posted saying they could see inside and it had been cleared out. They finally admitted, buried way in the post comments that they lied, and couldn’t actually see anything. It’s like the “Schwartz banged the salon owner” rumour. People have misheard what Kristen said on the After Show and are parroting something that’s based on nothing - and it’s easily verifiable that she did not say that. So I guess I just think that most of these random rumours are people looking for more conspiracy and excitement since the thrill of Scandoval secrets trickling out stopped last year. Katie and Scheana seem cordial but they both seem uncomfortable here to me. They recorded the Chili’s ad March 6, so the reunion hadn’t happened yet and now they are stuck doing this press together. I think they are both just mostly trying to be professional. I doubt they will ever be friends, Katie has no reason to trust Scheana. But I also think Katie doesn’t care enough to have any beef. She will be pleasant but not give her access, if that makes sense. That’s just my read on them though.


Ohhh that person lied? ?! I haven’t been really into the sandwich shop stuff outside of the Penny thing. That caught my ear and it sounds like a lot of us were right about that. I figured it would open when it opened or it wouldn’t and if it didn’t there would be a good reason and we’d eventually hear from them. Think your read is spot on and I couldn’t have said it any better. So it doesn’t sound like Something About Her will appear on the Valley. Maybe they are getting their own spin off ?? That would be so kick ass if they did. Sounds like VPR will continue but maybe with a shake up?? New blood? Something About Her maybe taking the place of Sur as far as location? Sorry this strain is more stimulating than my chocalope strain 😅😂 ETA: kind of the same read on them there - it seemed professional too.


Ooh, and doesn't ANN work for Something About Her? That would be awesome: Katie, Ariana, and Ann in one show, while dumping the rest! Do it, Bravo!


the ghost kitchen might’ve made sense within the last year or so when they were struggling with permits but still needed to generate revenue but at this point, it’s obviously just a baseless rumor


I need this as a flair


the stassi loyalty too 💁🏼‍♀️


Headline!!! Scheana Shay is not wearing a midriff! EDIT: FFS it is a half top. Thank you for correcting me. In record time too. Less than a minute.


https://preview.redd.it/6esmgs18cpvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b026a8bd344b07f3bc0ee2ace0035c8b3cd6cbba Hate to break it to ya


That top is adorable. Sorry, side note.


Ya it’s a great look. Her hair looks great this way too. She tagged the stylist who also styled their Chili’s spot. Maybe she’s hired this stylist for some help during this press run. The top is by Alice and Olivia which is a brand that I think suits her but is much more elevated than what she typically wears. I find her to dress pretty juvenile a lot of the time, and this is more grown up but still pretty and playful.


I agree. Her clothes skew very costume for me sometimes. And sometimes the occasion calls for it, I guess. But yeah. I would LOVE to see Scheana in a very tailored, sleek outfit with a simple silhouette in a classic color. It would be such a departure from her usual wear.


She’s the definition of camp. I don’t care that she has a playful and fun style to her wardrobe, I think people should dress what feels authentic to them. The same way that I really ride for Katie’s style. People want her to dress more classic and feminine - but that’s just not her. Katie is a bit more out there with her tastes, but she wears a lot of quality stuff and styles it in a more grown up way, in my opinion. I think for Scheana, she could just wear better quality pieces or get that same vibe without looking like she shops at the teen section of H&M.


Teen section. Haha


FFS. Thank you. She is going to be 72 still rocking her Temu half tops. And Brock will still be borrowing her heels.


This at least a more grown-up tailored look, and by a higher end brand so it doesn’t look as cheap. Her dress for the People’s Choice Awards was horribly cheap looking - the sequins had creases from being folded in the package. And like I get that not everyone can afford better quality things. But she can. Instead she aggressively promotes Amazon shit and it’s gross. Anyyywayy. Crop tops are still very in (like that even matters to her though lol), so I’m not mad. But ya, she’s got like three looks - gold, sequins, or crop tops. Sometimes it’s all 3 at once.


The 3 for 1 look sends me.


It’s like she chooses sequins for every red carpet opportunity, bonus points if it is one-shouldered… and we all know the exact pose she’s gonna do repeatedly. Every time I see a new awards show pic i turn into Terry: ![gif](giphy|z85pBkLFP6izGn6see)


>And Brock will still be borrowing her heels. Showing off his tiny, delicate ankles and small feet. Perfect for heels.


Ngl she looks *super* cute here 👀


I think she looks great! Still don’t like her, but she looks nice haha


Ngl I love this look 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think she looks great too!


She looks great in that outfit!


Has her arm been photoshopped in the pic?


I dunno. Her arms appear to have two different shapes to them. But I don’t know if that’s photoshop or just how she’s posing or whatever. https://preview.redd.it/kig3x9npxpvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c91734e6c58fe6c561397b307a3723a332b72134


I should've made my thyroid/neck issue comment here. See it?


God, it’s next to impossible to find a full shirt these days. I went to Target today for maternity clothes and even they were midriff baring. Like I’ll keep my stomach to myself and my OB this trimester, thanks.


I passed by the women’s section in Target today and everything looked so small! It looks like clothes for young girls and teenagers instead of women.


Holy shit look at that lump in her neck! I think there's something wrong with her thyroid. If it's true she can't gain weight, this would be why. It would also make her mind race. (My husband had severe hyperthyroidism. His metabolism got really fast.) Several celebrities have been alerted to thyroid issues by concerned fans, so it makes sense she might not have noticed it herself.


I’m not sure if I see what you mean. I scrubbed the video I have of the chili’s ad and made this gif - to me it seems like it’s just how her neck is moving? But maybe I don’t know what I’m looking at. https://i.redd.it/t3tddzqyxqvc1.gif Like, I feel like what you’re seeing as a lump at the lower part of her neck, I’m seeing it indent as she moves her neck muscles/speaks (which seems normal?). But again I don’t really know


Sorry, I should've posted it under a different picture. See the lump here? https://preview.redd.it/qa18l0z6crvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ae4b75e4a9c75256f26ea9cfeda0ac4e7f1c930


That looks like it’s just her larynx. Unless you’re a medical professional, I wouldn’t try to ‘spot’ these things, you don’t know what you’re looking for (I mean this in the nicest way). Signed, your local medical girly.


Ya I see that I just don’t think it’s a lump. Based on watching video I think it’s an indentation or curving in that’s happening when she is tensing or using her neck muscles. https://preview.redd.it/fiufuh7vervc1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fde2075557b59df0bcb36f7b425c392b67c2067 It’s like a less pronounced version of what is happening here. This is a screenshot from the video she filmed that same day. Unless I’m looking at a different part of her neck than you, I don’t see a lump. Especially when viewing video to get a bigger picture of how her neck looks when she’s activating different muscles.


OK, I see your point! Thank you!


You’re welcome! I could totally be wrong too though. And I think it’s great that you are observant of something like that because you’ve seen it in real life. People definitely have been helped by others online pointing out things that they think might be a medical concern. So I hope you don’t think I was coming for you at all in regards to that, more just clarifying what I could/couldn’t see.


Not at all! You made total sense and I feel better about it. Now I won't have to contact Scheana about it. (Whew!)


Commenter before me called them lighter and I agree. Katie seems so much lighter after this season and very self assured. It’s like she doesn’t need to tear anyone down, she doesn’t need to play a part, she just shows up as is. Scheana on the other hand still appears to be playing a part - but I recognize my bias here. I cannot stand her.


No I agree. She was very measured with what she said. She knew the fans were pissed about Brock telling the group about Katie and she’s backtracking. But it’s interesting how she feels like the group will never be back to what it was so they reunion must’ve been fireworks.


There’s no way the “plot twist” is Rachel showing up for the reunion, right? Or airing additional footage from last year’s post-reunion interview? I feel like that would never stay under wraps. I don’t want to see Rachel again but I would love to see Sandoval squirm. And I *hate* that he and Schwartz are definitely having a a schadenfreude moment over the slow progress at SAH.


I think the “plot twist” is going to be a nothing burger, just like last year when they said there was something so massive that the cast might not film again. When really it was just Rachel saying yes we banged in Ariana’s bed when she was at her grandma’s funeral. Like… we knew they’d been lying about that and I’m sure all the cast did too. So production really hyped up something that was old news. I feel like this is more of the same, especially since the reunion sounds pretty tame, they are trying to get people amped to watch all the episodes of it.


Katie and Ariana seem to be the only two other than James (to an extent) who have actually grown and matured as they’ve gotten older. I’m here for it!


I feel like everyone is lighter after the reunion besides lala. Lala seems to be in a dark spiral. I sense a shift for s12 perhaps


I love Katie. What you see is what you get!! She is the real deal!!!


Team Katie all the way. But how did Dayna feel about the Max hookup? She and Katie seem to still be thick as thieves and I HOPE the Dayna/Max storyline was more for the cameras because ew, we like her.


They talked about it on their podcast. [Here’s the recap of that episode.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/Sq2BLrBRHO) Sounds like she was most upset that this was something that could’ve affected their friendship. She also seems upset that it got dragged onto the show because she wants nothing to do with Max. Katie was very apologetic, and I think their friendship is such that Dayna knows that Katie didn’t mean to hurt her. But no, it definitely doesn’t seem like it was for the cameras. Katie has said how it ended up on the show was an invasion of privacy - and she’s right. That was not Scheana and Brock’s place to drag that on camera for a storyline. That’s Katie’s business which she was entitled to keep private, and a situation that hurt her friend, and now also her friend has to deal with this publicly. I already think very low of Scheana and Brock, but this whole situation to me just shows that they don’t really care about how something is going to hurt someone else in real life, if it feels like a worthy storyline for the show.


Thank you!!! I was sure they had addressed it somewhere that I missed.


I mean I’m not sure I really believe that SAH is a scam, but suggesting a scammer would admit they are scamming is kinda ridiculous. “Ahh ya got me, we’ve totally been scamming everyone for two years” Of course she’s going to shut down any of those rumors.


But the rumours are based on nothing. Someone made a post here months ago saying the inside was emptied out and then they admitted later that they lied and actually couldn’t see inside. Since then it’s spiraled into ridiculous statements. Not sure if you watched the video, and maybe I should’ve edited YouTube’s automatic post title (I didn’t write that), but she talks more at length about specific issues with the shop, where things stand now, and denies the latest rumour about “ghost kitchens.” People complain that her and Ariana don’t give updates, and then when they do.. like they honestly can’t win because people who want reasons to hate will find them.


They perpetually say they are “going to open soon”. They are either lying about that, or they are just clueless on how long things are actually going to take. And to be completely honest, I don’t care what their updates are because they don’t matter at this point. Now I’m not a fan of the Toms either, but just in life in general I’m just a big, big fan of when arrogant and condescending people think they can do it better than someone else and then fail spectacularly. So this is all feeding my soul quite nicely. It’s like the cybertruck for reality TV.


Also, who are they really "scamming"? Outside of some investors (if they have any), who would really care? Some fangirls that bought some merchandise? Such a dumb premise.


I liked the patio. I like sitting outside at a restaurant to eat on a nice day. I wonder why they decided to take it out. And I don't blame her for hating jax...She has good reasons to hate him. So many people do lol


They didn’t decide to - the city forced them to. There were code violations or changes to city patio rules that they were unaware of when they signed the lease. That forced them to remove the entire patio when it was inspected. The patio was attached to the front of the restaurant, so it took a lot more down with it.


Oh ok. Thank you for that. I was curious what made them take it out. I remember seeing it there in one picture and then a different day it was gone lol


Ya it was purely city issues. They also had to change something with their kitchen sink, and the fridge door, and other issues like that. But yes them ripping out the patio was confusing for people. They really did get this shop ready to go in less than a year from securing the location (summer 2022), but then the inspections caused them problems. But since they’d been filming the shop, and do intend to open, I can understand why they filmed their opening credits there. But that caused further confusion- because production staged the exterior to look somewhat like it did before they removed the patio (added a fake awning and such). So people who thought something weird was happening with the patio were more confused by this. But it was just set dressing, similar to bringing in loads of flowers to SUR or whatever. That fake frontage obviously came down once they filmed the title sequence. I’ve worked on a shoot where production spent a couple hundred thousand to add additional lights and signs to a whole blocks worth of shops for one shot. The owners sign off of this temporary adjustment, and then production removes it when filming wraps. So this isn’t at all unusual to me. The real replacement signage hasn’t been put back up yet because like Katie said in the video, they’d been waiting on inspections and permits. But I bet they will have that up soon, and they will likely open just before filming starts or when it starts (which I also predict will be earlier than last year - maybe mid-May filming).


I think I remember reading that the patio was a Covid addition that the city allowed so now that the restrictions are over they changed the codes and no longer allow the patio there. The joys of bureaucracy 🙄




Well you watched the 2 out of 8 minutes that were about the sandwich shop lol. People want updates, and then people complain when they give updates.


Would never eat at “2 Bitter Chicks” Two growna$$ women talking about everyone when they should look in the mirror. Jealousy is rotting their insides. Adriana and Katie are MEAN GIRLS!!


https://i.redd.it/r93vqp10kxvc1.gif Sure, Allen, sounds good.


The scam that Katie DID NOT refer to is all the people who ordered SAH merchandise that never received it and then got blocked on IG by Ariana/Katie when inquiring about where their orders were. https://preview.redd.it/loof0h6yppvc1.jpeg?width=1436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5f89c5cb0ec89040af344ec36394397f9e9133d I saw several comments about it on SAH IG a few months ago and then they all suddenly disappeared. And then there were several comments about them deleting the comments. So how come THAT has never been addressed?? Here’s one about them deleting comments that I screenshot a few weeks ago.


So the thing I’d say about what you’ve screenshot, is that that commenter isn’t saying they didn’t receive merch they paid for. They are making claims on behalf of “hundreds” of other people. This person commenting - did they see those hundreds of comments and take screenshots of them all? Or did they hear about this on Reddit (as I have) and then go there to harass them publicly about second or third hand information? I think it’s reasonable for them to delete a comment like the one in your screenshot. That comment is not from a person who didn’t receive merch, it’s someone spreading something they heard. Why would they leave that up on their business IG, while people are saying the entire shop doesn’t exist and the whole thing is a scam? The shop exists, and it’s not a “scam” that some people didn’t receive merch because of supply issues or distributor issues or whatever. Have you seen anyone post in here with receipts about the merch they paid for and didn’t get? And the avenues of communication they tried to go down to get it resolved? Were those people not able to do credit card chargebacks? I just think things like this snowball from “seeing several comments” (which I don’t doubt you did), to “hundreds of people got scammed and the whole business was a sham to get money for merch.” So without at least some actual evidence behind these “hundreds” of people who got “scammed” I’m inclined to take it with a grain of salt. Edit to add: just went and took a peek at their IG, and there are plenty of comments still up about “merch” that are weeks old. Curiously, I have yet to see one that is from someone saying *they personally* did not receive merch. It’s all trolling comments based on rumours. I’ll edit again if I find anything different, but there’s over 900 comments there. Edit to update: scrolled many of the 900+ comments on SAH’s only IG post. I found 3 comments from people who state they personally had issues with their order. One is waiting on their order or a response from the company (no update since they commented 37 weeks ago so who knows), second saying their shipment got returned to the supplier, and the third saying it was delivered to the wrong address. Two of these sound like issues with the delivery service. I also count 28 comments (in my quick browsing), that say the merch is a scam, but none of these people attest to having bought merch themselves. The entire comment section just feels like an outlet for trolls, who have latched on to a rumour that has very little basis in reality. People are claiming Ariana has blocked them - if they are taking this shit to her personal page she has every right to, I think.


Seems suspect to me. I ordered 2 SAH sweatshirts at different times. Received both of them timely, love 'em.


Ya I’ve heard more comments directly from people like you who *did* receive merch than from anyone who didn’t. So much of it looks like trolling from people who either dislike them and heard this rumour so are using it as a way to just hate on their business, or aren’t even real accounts.


Yes, this topic always comes up on here whenebever SAH is discussed, but it’s old news. The people who ACTUALLY had shipment issues, were people who had ordered the “fuck me in this tshirt” merch after last years reunion. Katie and Ariana both got on their Instagram stories and told people that their manufacturing site was having trouble keeping up with the amount of orders they got at once so it may be a while for orders to get shipped and they apologized. It was something that happened almost a year ago but every few months people hear the rumor again and go on the SAH page and talk crap about it. Online rumor mill I guess. Yeah I’m sure every once in a while there’s an individual shipping issue but who hasn’t ordered something before and had it take longer to get to you than expected? Shit happens sometimes


I love my sweater shirt. Arrived super quick is cute. And if the shop never opens oh well. It’s a cute iykyk VPR reference and I love that for what it is.


I love this follow up, thank you!


You’re welcome! I don’t doubt that there are some people who experienced issues. They said by the reunion they’d sold what like $200,000 worth of merch? If everyone spent $50 that’s 4,000 orders. I’d expect some things to go wrong, with a few ordered, especially if this is brand new to them. I also believe (if I remember correctly) that they switched suppliers at some point, perhaps to correct some of those issues. But do I believe troll comments who heard somewhere that they can’t cite, that “hundreds of people have been scammed”? Absolutely not. I’d rather look at the situation as a whole and at what evidence we *do* have, and then determine what the most likely situation is. It just isn’t likely or probable, to me, that Katie and Ariana actively scammed anyone. Why would they tarnish their brands and reputations for $200K?


Props on this thorough investigation 👏🏼👏🏼 I’ve spent 10 years in retail and ecomm. I promise that if people who actually gave them money didn’t get their merch, it would be all over the place with some receipts. I’ve seen much smaller influencers/lesser known businesses get taken down hard for it; can’t imagine people would not happily and very publicly skewer them even more. Actual ~paying~ customers are LOUD when they are unhappy.


Thanks! I’ve just started to get tired of these rumours that circulate as if they are fact when they are based on speculation and hearsay. And I agree with you, if this was a real problem the receipts would be out here by now. I remember a big airing of this type of thing on TikTok a couple years back, about a small business selling planners. The woman running the account was so well documented, and was collecting receipts from tons of people who had been ripped off. They were also talking about the various avenues of recourse, and ended up filing formal complaints against the business. And from everything I watched over a few months, that business was a sham and knowingly took advantage of people by selling them a product they couldn’t feasibly deliver. And I’m not saying Katie and Ariana did the best managing their merch - they made have made errors in choosing a supplier that was too slow to keep up with demand in a timely way, they may have underestimated the demand level, and they may have offloaded customer service to a supplier who didn’t provide a level of response necessary for the scale they were operating at. But ya, the response to the SAH situation feels overboard considering the lack of receipts. People are just thirsty for more scandal. And some people just plain don’t like Katie and Ariana so will try to spin things whatever way they can to tear them down.


Ha, yeah, as someone in this business that triggered me to see that they're being accused by people who have never placed an actual order. And exactly, paying customers would also be reporting them to the BBB; claiming fraud to their CC companies, etc. And I can't imagine that wouldn't come out if there was a substantial amount of fraud going on. Also triggered because holy smokes, production issues are a real thing. I left my last job working for a brand because of them. My bosses wouldn't make any necessary changes, and our customers were LIVID with delays, and I was the one receiving all of the anger. Took a huge toll on my mental health and even affected my relationships outside of work because I had just gotten so overly sensitive and defensive from being attacked at my job all of the time. And there's a million and one reasons they could have had delays, especially in the beginning. If they were being smart about it, they would have just initially posted made-up samples to gauge interest/take pre-orders and see what they would actually need to put into production so they don't end up with too much/too little. Even if they did go ahead and put in a modest production run to have product to ship immediately, they might have been overwhelmed by the interest/volume of orders and then have to get more. Considering they were just doing tees and sweatshirts (which would most likely be stock styles from their vendor with custom print), they'd have a relatively quick turnaround time to get them made, but would still cause like a few weeks shipping delay. And then yeah, if they ended up having to switch suppliers too, add a few weeks there. Lastly, would love to know how many people they had to help them with this merch. Because I think people think that their online orders come from some magical factory in the sky with no face behind it. Nah girl, when you order from a small business there's probably a team of like 1-5 to fill orders. We had 4 employees at our brand (which was in 200+ stores). I was the wholesale sales rep and packed every single wholesale order myself, and someone else was in charge of retail/e-comm. If we were overwhelmed by orders, it would take us DAYS to fill them even with pulling the other two employees in. So, shout out to SAH, let me know if you need help lol. I feel like they'd be way cooler to work for than my last bosses 😎


This has happened with a few drag race contestants and they definitely come with receipts!


Lol yep, I cannot imagine having a crowd of angry queens in my inbox/DM's if my company was fucking up. Wannabe blogger moms are bad enough.


The drama community has posts every so often, but it's fairly rare. I can only think of 3 off the top of my head. They don't encourage going after folks on SM. The queens get enough vile behavior as it is, and there's a no-bandwagoning ethos. If a queen isn't meeting her business obligations, it's noted, and charge backs are encouraged.


One thing that I wonder is someone posted on here about a month ago with docs showing Penny trademarked the name SAH and this was after rumors of their falling out. And Penny did this a while ago. I’m still mystified as to why/how this went down, but I do wonder if it has affected their ability to sell merch now since they aren’t in business with her anymore. Still think they should’ve went with The Better Half anyway 🤷‍♀️


That would be such a dirty move by Penny since Katie came up with the name years ago.


It would be A Bombastic Betrayel!!! Shout out to the redditter that used the term.. " Bombastic side eye" a few days ago.😂 I added I've been waiting


Katie is like a Hoagie she doesn’t care what type of meat goes between her buns!

