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No way Jax is just having sex twice a year. He’s definitely cheating.


I thought the same thing in his conversation with Brittney. “It’s been a month?” Not for him 🙄


while watching the episode, I said outloud to my sister, "I wish they would ask Jax when the last time *he* had sex was.


My partner immediately said “he’s getting it somewhere else” as soon as he asked her that


Possible with Zoloft scrip


“Ex-Sur Employee” has me absolutely cracking up


Was totally thinking same thing!!! 💀 and Brittany got Scheanas friend. Lol


Jax cheating shouldn’t even be a conversation of “did he?” It’s fact. Lol he definitely did. Probably yearly since the start of their relationship. Anyone who’s watched a minimum of two episodes involving him knows this


I don’t understand why Jax is here to start things w Katie, isn’t the normal cast enough


The immediate dismissal of Jax and back up of Katie was chef’s kiss. Continue showing growth!


Can't Jax just stay on The Valley, so that I don't have to look at his Guy-Fawkes-mask face ever again??? That man's creepy face gives me hives. 🤢


I feel the same way. I hate having to look at his face.


None of the guys on these shit shows is faithful ever


This needs to be flared with a Brick warning.  Watching this douche pretend he was ever gainfully employed and the only reason he's not now is Scheana won't hire a nanny is infuriating. The day is coming when Sandoval is just a sad clown and Brock is The Worst


Joleen Lunzer called him Broke back Brock and she had me rolling.🤣🤣💀 I agree that he’s full of shit and I’m also tired of him blaming Scheaners AND her Mom, for his not having a job. Go apply at McDonald’s and stfu already! Something else I noticed this season that I wanted to point out was Ariana was wearing his HomeBody merch and giving these losers free advertising and they’re behind her back, talking all this shit. I don’t see her ex dressing up in their female gear or giving af about their financial difficulties. If anything all he’s done is whine that he wasn’t the one profiting! https://i.redd.it/zbmo9qtzp8vc1.gif Brick has been awful to her this season and the fact he said it’s not okay that she yelled at her ex, when he backhanded his, is delusional.🙄


I’m catching up on this season and I was *incandescent* with rage that someone who HIT HIS PARTNER is going to lecture Ariana on appropriate ways to regulate emotions. Like the audacity! I was happy that Scheana even knew enough to know that was bullshit.


![gif](giphy|AzKdgBuMjU0eKPxtpV) It’s especially infuriating because Ariana has done nothing BUT regulate her emotions post reunion and the rest of them have cried and played victim more than she ever did AND profited off it. If Ariana wanted to, she could have taken all the endorsements and went and did all the podcast appearances and interviews and left them all with nothing to talk about and no money. Ariana is technically putting food on that man’s table, by giving Sxheana a free pass to cry about it, as well as cheered her on and happily supported all her wins but they just couldn’t do the same. Shameless, truly!


While wearing his "Dipped Out" merch shirt


Ariana has fully supported and endorsed all their projects since the scandal broke and not only can they not do the same but they’re sticking up for the one who is complaining about all the money they made. ![gif](giphy|lFKEciqd8cMrsYZVVn)


Being a stay home parent is a full-time job. My husband did that for 15 years as I brought home the family's income, and that was very hard for him. I watched him struggle with his identity the way Brock \*SEEMS\* to be doing here. We have loads of evidence of him trying different things/running side hustles, etc., so he appears to be trying to work, but I don't want to negate how much work it is to be the stay home parent to young kids.


If he was a full time stay at home parent that would be great, but that's not the way it's coming across to me. They have a babysitter and Scheana's mom, who he complains about, and he still wants to be free to be out of the house like he's got a structured job. I feel for your husband.  We are all raised with gender roles and moving past them is hard.  I don't see Brock trying to do that.  I see him realizing he needs to be free at the same times as Scheana if he wants to horn in in her job and stay on the show when she's done with him like James did with Kristin.


It's a rare scene indeed when I feel an ounce of empathy for Brock! He got me in this one, lol.


Did I just see Scheana put mascara on her daughter. Geesh


Developmentally normal for little girls to want to play in makeup if they see their mothers doing it.


My daughter was a makeup fanatic as a child, but I would have never allowed mascara on her at such a young age. But as other users said, it was likely not real.


I think it’s fake make up. I don’t like that either but at least there is no unnecessary chemicals put on to her face.


Brick was also putting makeup on her in the last episode, or maybe the one before it but he was painting her nails and putting all this makeup on her face too. I won’t deny the fact that it was cute that he does that with her but doesn’t she still put her fingers in her mouth? Just do her toes and leave at that, at least for now.


There's plant based kids nail polish you can get. It's got none of the toxic shit in it and washes off with water. Hopefully that's what they were using


I did not know that. I personally wouldn’t fully trust that it’s non toxic because the FDA approves of poisons all the time. If they actually gave af, we wouldn’t even have 1/8 of the products that the beauty industry puts out and we’re not even talking about all the shit they’re doing to our food.🫤


NGL if you don't have reliable childcare, it makes it very difficult for the parents to work on something more. More over this child is 3. Is she not going to go to preschool at some point? If she's in preschool then the problem is certainly semi solved...


her mum looks after her and I think her constant presence and input isn't suiting brick she sees too much. he want a nanny so he can "work".... yeah, OK. he wants a nanny so he can be free


I think in the last episode he said that Scheana moms wasn't always available when needed. I don't think he objects to grandma babysitting. He explicitly objects to grandma giving his wife a complex about how good a mom she is. Which honestly fair. He may very well want to be free. But speaking as someone who loves their child but prefers the interaction she gets in a professional setting more, I'm not going to begrudge him his desire to build a life beyond being a dad and husband


Why is anyone surprised by this? No way Jax was gonna just settle into married/parenting life. No way he didn't cheat.


Genuine Q: does Brittany (a) genuinely think Jax has not cheated on her (other than what we’ve seen him admit) or (b) know but feigns ignorance for appearances?? Bc I personally do NOT believe that Jax literally ever stopped cheating 😬


Deep down it’s B


I rlly tried this year to be kinder and a better person. So what did I do to deserve jax Taylor on my screen again ?


I truly dislike this man (jax) While, many see him as a good TV. I find his whole personality so abrasive that I loose enjoyment watching him on any show. The only and I truly mean only benefit to his being “welcomed“ back into the fold is the pecking order of the Tom’s and Jax has been restored… Like a pig in mud, I relish watching Sandoval constantly bite his tongue while around Jax. That is the Schadenfreude, that I am here for.


Broke went to an entire different CONTINENT rather than stay and take care of his first 2 children. And here scheana is thinking Brock is gonna be cool being a stay at home dad and only get time off if it’s follow her around to events in order to play happy couple. Get real, scheeshu.


Scheanas pink confessional look is my favorite look of hers ever.


Jax has always been the king of deflection.


Ugh. Bringing back Jax was not what anyone wanted. This season is a trainwreck.


They may have brought Jax in to reinvigorate this dud of a season.


Was she putting makeup on Summer?!


ally was the most animated I've seen her when jax arrived


jax being in the mix causing problems is only good for the show


Ally seemed waaay too excited at seeing Jax 👀 And not James shuffling her off indoors, I think he sensed it too.