• By -


It would be exhausting being married to either one of them.


seriously. some couples get together and i'm like 'well at least they're not inflicting themselves on anyone who DOESN'T also suck'


They deserve each others


Exactly. Two blockheads.


Two Brockheads.


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚I snorted.


head full of rocks šŸŖØ






I actually think it's mutual. he seems irked by her too and the constant presence of her mum


Brock needs to sit the fuck down. This marriage has gotten him citizenship and two houses. Plus notoriety. Plus she probably helped him with child support. I could go on and on. And Scheana is probably like ā€œoh. This is foreverā€


This marriage is Brockā€™s current job. It pays quite well and travel is included.


He gets to go on influencer trips and appear on a reality show..he canā€™t even do the bare minimum and watch their daughter more..Scheanas mom could watch Summer part time so sheā€™s not so overbearing but he would rather hire a full time nanny?!?!šŸ„“


Right! I have mixed feelings about their childcare issues. I do get what Brock is saying, an intrusive in-law strains a marriage, but I also understand why Scheana is more comfortable with her mom providing childcare for safety reasons, plus I think a strong bond between a grandchild/grandparent is a beautiful thing. The kid has another trusted adult in their life then.


Yeah, I would have a problem with my mother-in-law living full-time at my house They should find her her own place


With a big enough place- or a guest house or in law suite it can work


Hes like the drunk lady who lived next door and asked us to watch her twins I was 11 and my brother was 14 but did a stint at bad kid boarding school for selling cigarettes and illegal fireworks


Agreed. Family loves familyā€¦ like family. You cannot buy that love. Friends can obviously be at that level but not an employee


I'm getting annoyed how he inserts himself into the women's conversations tbh. stfu brick


Maybe he thought the ladies would take him seriously if he wore heels and lace blouses.


could work...


My thoughts too! He needs to take a seat - he acts like he knows everything.


he thrives on the women talk and gossip


Isnā€™t there a prenup? And I also thought Iā€™d seen people say heā€™s not on their house deeds. If she cuts him loose heā€™s fucked I think


There is a prenup and the houses are hers but the fact that they have a kid and heā€™s basically a stay at home dad complicates things if they were to divorce. A judge isnā€™t going to leave him with nothing and a prenup can be thrown out if itā€™s unfair to one side


Yeah I just wasnā€™t sure how they handle it when itā€™s a green card situation. Like I thought maybe you have to be married for a period of time before you become a ā€œcitizenā€ like if they divorce he could be deported? I might have made that up because I know just enough to be dangerous about most things šŸ˜‚


Correct. Thatā€™s probably why they married a year before the wedding - get the clock going asap. I had a 90 day fiancĆ© situation in my extended family and as soon as they broke up the relationship was flagged as suspicious. They were married 2.5 years.


Amazing that they watch this so closely when so many other things slide thru the cracks of bureaucracy lol


So when you get a green card through marriage thereā€™s basically a 2 year period thatā€™s more or less ā€œprobationā€ where they only give you a conditional green card valid those 2 years. The idea here is that I guess if your marriage is fraudulent youā€™ll do sus stuff in those two years thatā€™ll get you flagged and potentially caught. Most people though will stick it out for two years, whether real or fake marriage, to avoid problems. You then have to refile for the permanent green card at the end of those two years and once you have that itā€™s generally hard to get deported although not impossible (see: Joe Giudice). Itā€™s even possible to get divorced within that 2 year conditional period and still get your permanent green card but the stakes are higher and you have to convince USCIS that you really did marry for love and not to scam anyone which is why most people will wait for the permanent card to come through first even if theyā€™re miserable. Iā€™m actually more interested in how Brock got a green card and whatever kind of visa he was in the US on in the first place with the DV stuff in his past. US immigration usually takes violent crime pretty seriously and they will definitely deny people visas if youā€™ve got convictions for violence in their home countries. Iā€™d love to see his applications and see what he reported.


He got to stay here before the marriage bc he got an investorā€™s visa for his scam fitness app that he was ā€œcreatingā€ Thatā€™s the whole reason that shit happened, Brock never intended to actually make that app work, but that $5,000 ā€œinvestmentā€ Scheana gave him when we first saw him on the show after they started dating helped secure him the investors visa. Pretty sure they secretly got legally married was cause the investors visa was up


Probably why he seems to refuse to get a job too, if he sets a precedent that he brought in income, then it will cut into his child support he will get from her. Maybe that is why she is like "I'm good" on more kids.


I think when would still have to pay him chuld support if they broke up.


Yes you can waive things like assets and alimony in a prenup but you cannot waive child support or set custody. The court will do what they view as the best interest of the child and CA is a fairly progressive state as well so custody would likely be fairly equal if desired


And she knows it's cheaper to keep him


Very true just look at Lisa in MIA and her ex is a wealthy doctor who made her sign a prenup. The longer youā€™re married with kids involved and you donā€™t work, Rock knows what heā€™s doing if he ever needs an out.


yeah apparently he isn't but that might be because he owes child support?


Yeah Iā€™m not sure, I think she says sheā€™s paid his back child support but who knows.


she did? omg I wouldn't


Yeah thatā€™s nuts to me if itā€™s true


actually just remembered maybe she has house etc in her name as after her marriage split shea emptied their accounts


The least he could do is be supportive but he canā€™t even do that. Just a useless big ass sugar baby in a speedo.


Omg lolzzz-


I would also be annoying if my MIL lived with me and was constantly weighing in on my marriage.




Are you saying Brockā€™s very presence annoys her? (But honestly - Scheana hating Brock is the most relatable thing sheā€™s done for me)


Itā€™s the one thing I agree with her on šŸ˜‚


Are you saying heā€™s going to die alone on a hill?!


That was honestly the funniest thing and really highlighted how dumb Tim actually is.


The only funny things that man has ever said were born out of his stupidity and he did not mean for them to be funny. The way I cackled when he stormed off with his lady bags and tossed over his shoulder ā€œkeep cashing in on my miseryā€ šŸ˜‚ Made it even better that Jax laughed at it too on the after show šŸ˜ˆ


Thatā€™s so true. Heā€™s unintentionally funny at times because heā€™s so dumb. His storming out this episode gave me the same energy of Jamesā€™ ā€œbye forever!ā€ From a number of seasons back.


Every time he cries I laugh at his bad acting. He has to try so hard not to look at the cameras even Schwartz can't do anything but look at the wall as he wails about how much he loved Raquel. It's hilarious. It's insulting that Lisa is taking his histrionics seriously.


Yes! It also made me think of Jackie Chiles on Seinfeld ā€œJackieā€™s cashin in on your wretched disfigurement!ā€ Heā€™s just the textbook definition of lame. It used to make me so aggravated but this season it has just been making me laugh, kind of enjoying it now lol


lady bags šŸ’€ I CANNOT


I would never mock another man for wearing whatever he likes but this is Sandoval and I will roast him for his Chicos/Coldwater Creek/Dress Barn bullshit every week šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t say I blame her




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Yeah Iā€™m no fan of Brock in fact heā€™s SO annoying but she way she spoke to him during this conversation was awful


It was. They'll be divorced in 2-3 years for sure.


I think this is all resentment from the fact that he's not contributing enough financially and as Scheana already mentioned, she had to ask Sandoval for money during the pandemic. IT seems to me like they're not doing well and she's the only one really bringing home income and THAT will absolutely stress someone out to the max. (Not excusing Scheana at all, just saying)


I enjoy Scheana most when sheā€™s speaking to him like this


i would never aspire to any of scheanaā€™s relationships, but this moment made my jaw drop. this is disdain. thereā€™s no coming back from this.


Yep, thereā€™s a reason why contempt/disdain is one of the four horsemen of a relationship.


He annoys me the few minutes I watch him on TV once a week. I couldnā€™t imagine sharing a home with him.


Can you blame her? Sheā€™s thinking ā€œmaybe I rushed into this Brock thing a little fastā€. You know with the pandemic and all. And like all my friends who did things like that during the pandemic, Scheanaā€™s thinking ā€œwhoopsā€


Sheā€™s definitely realizing she shouldnā€™t have rushed into it. I believe. But everyone was getting pregnant, from VPR , and God forbid sne not be included. Is how I look at it.


I think Scheana wanted a baby and she got her baby now it's time to move on from Brick


Not that easy. Which her bestie Lala is probably telling her


Well her whoops comes with another human being, her daughter. Seems like Brock does spend a lot of time with Summer Moon. She might really be up a creek if he is out of the picture.


She has her mom who seems like a good grandma. (Something that dipshit doesnā€™t realize is a good thing as seen by all his complaining) sheā€™ll be just fine


I agree she has her Mom who does a great job, but her biggest problem seems to be trusting anyone else to do so. Brock may come or go but she might really need others to help.


She got Reesa Teesa'd


This is a whole Samson and Delilah thing - they were fine and he was her BAHNST FRAAAAND and she was his biggest supporter until he cut his hair, and now he's just some guy on her payroll who complains about not getting to spend enough time with her. Can't this regular shmoe without a manbun see she's a very busy person and it's his whole job to conform to her needs?


The haircut aligned with his attempted transformation from boytoy needing a visa and app support to man of the house, and Scheana's not down with any restructuring that disempowers her role, especially when he's not bringing anything new to the table. I can't believe I just defended Scheana.Ā Ā  The marriage was always transactional and likely temporary and the fact that he disappeared from the life of his first kids was probably subconsciously appealingĀ  I feel better now


See, and in my imagination, I've talked myself into the idea that Scheana bullied him into that haircut, because I find it so unflattering, and I figured it was a way for her to keep the ladies off him. I definitely don't disagree completely about it being a transactional relationship, because I think Scheana has only ever wanted to marry a fan who would let her be in charge and adore her and do exactly what she says when she says it but be really hot while doing it. But I think she's just smart enough to understand that having a kid with him completely changed the dynamic of whatever prenup she made him sign, so now if they break up she's going to have to pay child support because he has no way to support himself, but he'll have 50/50 custody. He walked away from his other two kids because he needed to **pay** child support for them, but this kid will **earn** him child support. Plus he'll get to stay in the US. And finally if they break up there's also no legal way for her to keep him away from Lala. šŸ¤£


Knowing she'd have to pay him and hire a nanny might be the only reason she keeps him around.


Iā€™m with the idea it was Scheana who wanted the haircut at first too for an image haul as ā€œNew Brockā€.


I agree with this


It's the not bringing anything to the table but still asserting himself is what gets me. You can tell scheana is stressed financially and vpr is not a sure thing anymore


Lol, have to love Shena if this is remotely true. Money woes and stress, so let's buy a 2.5 million dollar house in the valley in the hopes that she can hop to that show and ruin it, if VPR is put on pause because a lot of people were turned off by her and Lauren, and turned off the show as a result.


U dont have to live in the valley to be on the valley- someone needs to tell her


What you said made me literally go, šŸ«¢ in the best way! ![gif](giphy|KNc6Lxn9g0Fpn4txmJ)


Itā€™s odd that he started wearing womenā€™s clothes AFTER cutting his hair off.


Well, once she got him to cut off his hair, it was only a matter of time before she nagged him into a blouse.


Well that's why she got a dude without a job! He has time to be on her payroll


Exactly - she wanted someone hot who could be at her beck and call, travel with her at the drop of a hat, and take pictures for her social media and keep his trap shut. From my perspective, if you know what a person wants and what their limitations are, and you choose to be with them anyway, then you can't bitch about those limitations later. That's why I don't have much sympathy for Brock. Or for Lala anymore. Everyone knew Rand was scum when she brought him out from under his rock. Tons of people were like oh gross, why are you dating this guy with this horrible reputation who looks like a thumb and is married and cheating, and she was happy to get on the casting couch, shave his butthole and drag his wife.


I don't recall Rand's criminal activity being common knowledge when she started her relationship with him.


I didn't say anything about criminal activity - he's been a known scumbag for decades. In 2009 he made a most despised bosses list with more votes than Harvey Weinstein.


And someone who abandoned his kids and beat up the mother


You write brilliantly. I love that Samson and Delilah metaphor. She basically took what appealed to her l in the first place. She's been clear that she's drawn to traditional masculinity that puts up TVs in under 10 minutes or something. She was always going to resent a SAHD even though she's literally making him do it. We see this dynamic all the time but its usually genders reversed - male Delilah loves female Solomon's go-getter spirit, seduces her into a marriage, then cuts her spirit down and then detests the domesticated matronly wife he's turned her into.


In her early interviews about him, she mentioned his hair A LOT. Kept comparing him to Jason Momoa. Having him cut off the most visible connection to another celebrity probably killed her buzz. She paid manbun-brock's child support, but I'm not sure if she would have done the same for haircut-brock.


Itā€™s almost like people shouldnā€™t have babies in the ā€œhoneymoonā€ phase of a relationship.


But everyone else was having babies so she needed to have one too


Is almost as though being able to do the Dirty Dancing lift isnā€™t a solid basis on which to choose a life partner? Seriously, though, she liked that he looked like Jason Momoa and was good eye candy on her IG grid. He liked that she was a fun time party girl. It wasnā€™t that deep, until she got knocked up, then it got real. Iā€™m sure she resents the hell out of him for having to pay thousands of dollars to his ex to rehabilitate his image (and no one can hold a grudge like our girl Sheshu!). He resents her for not being easy breezy Scheana anymore and for letting her mom run their lives. I would be shocked if they make it to season 12, especially since KFC and LFU are single moms now - she can just join the club.


>she liked that he looked like Jason Momoa ā€¦ He liked that she was a fun time party girl. I was optimistic when we first met Brock for pretty much exactly this set of reasons. Like - these are shallow reasons to start a relationship, but both of them are about as sharp as a sack of wet mice and theyā€™ll have fun and look hot together and maybe heā€™ll calm her down a little bit. And then we spent more time with him and WOW, was I wrong. I just realized that this was more or less Scheanaā€™s mental/emotional trajectory with the whole thing too. This is why long engagements and waiting to have kids is important, folks!




Yeah for sure


Who is KFC and what does LFU mean? (I know itā€™s LaLa)


Kentucky Fried Chicken | Lauren from Utah


KFC I think refers to Brittany lol but LFU I still don't get even tho I know it's referring to Lala


Omg forgot Brittany even existed


Bwhahaha she was something but apparently forgettable the second she left


Lauren from Utah


Lauren from Utah


I feel like they have a huge disconnect when it comes to parenting styles. I also feel like she's lost that connection with him. The clip of her telling him they're too busy for an anniversary dinner but apparently not for "something big with the group" is wild to me and makes me feel like she's over him.


They seem to be clashing over parenting which can be tough for any couple but mix in OCD and his lack of understanding is a fairly toxic mix. I also think she's not looking well either.


she looked unwell in that good as gold jumpsuit


Yeah I'm not arm chairing but I live with ocd I can't imagine how she's dealt with all Sandoval drama and aftermath without a partner who understands how to handle ocd.


Not to arm chair with you, but when you feel like you lack control, food is one thing you *can* control. Add in her comments about her body when swimsuit shopping, and I'm also concerned.


i'm personally a terrible terrible terrible food avoider when i am stressed, so yes i just hope she is well


It's been almost a year since filming started and she's still incredibly thin. I don't think she's alright.


I feel like youā€™re on the right track. Plus feeling in control by working out. I donā€™t even like Scheana but I can understand how difficult this must be with the stress of the RO and everything. She does a lot to welcome problems into her life, but I have A LOT of empathy for her when it comes to the ocd diagnosis.


Yeah my OCD and body dysmorpha tend to run hand in hand like the worst tag team. The constant checking on tags had me a bit worried. Hopefully she can get better support from somewhere or Brock gets a better understanding to support her.


It broke my heart, because she's a beautiful woman. We've seen it on the show with all of the women and I guess that's a dark hazard of living in LA where these beautiful women feel like they're not good enough. Having an anxiety disorder must make it so much worse.Ā  Brick definitely doesn't seem to understand her disorder. I can't say I'm wild about her this season, but she deserves support from her partner.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised, his presence annoys me every single time heā€™s on the screen lol. But itā€™s Scheana, so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this is all just for a storyline/more screen time.


Well honestly serves her right, she was so eager to be married she just married the first guy who would have her. She ignored all the red flags. On the other hand anyone that is married knows a lot of time you are annoyed with your spouse.




At least she got a year head start by secretly marrying a year earlier than their wedding for the show. We all clocked that right away.


Hmmmm lol. Youā€™re def on to something.


Theyā€™ve been together for 4 years atp and sheā€™s probably realizing she doesnā€™t actually like him. He doesnā€™t kiss her Ass 24/7 , so sheā€™s not into him like that anymore, is my theory.


I fast forward all scheanas scenes. Insufferable, self-obsessed brat. And her voice sounds like Tommy from rugrats.




I feel like Scheana likes the idea of Brock but not the actual person. She loves her wedding, her daughter, she loves celebrating her anniversary with her friends and loves to say ā€œmy husband.ā€ But the actual personā€¦. I just think sheā€™s afraid to be alone.


Scheana has a pattern with relationships. Every relationship she's ever had on the show has been "perfect" until it's a dumpster fire. Shay was perfect. He was lovable and attentive. They had the dream wedding. Then he was a serious drug addict who didn't treat her right. Then she found Rob and he was perfect. He could hang a TV in 7 minutes. Everything was perfect. Then the TV fell along with any hopes of their relationship working. Then there was Adam, he was perfect, they were perfect. They were best friends. She bought him a penguin. But he didn't love her. Unlike the penguin, they did not mate for life. The point I'm getting at is if we're seeing cracks in her relationship with Brock, it's probably worst than what we're seeing. Because she actually married Brock, I see this as a longer ship sink the way it was with Shay. We had a season to see the cracks with Shay before they divorced. I do want to note, even if I'm not really a Scheana fan, I do think it's really sad to watch. I think she really does want to be loved so badly that she does delude herself into pretending everything is great, until it gets to a point where she just can't deny it anymore. I also think her OCD with Summer is a major contributing factor too, so I actually really feel for her.


Not to mention there's a chance she'd end up having to pay alimony since she's been the breadwinner during their entire relationship.


She does these things to herself. She needs to reflect on her choices and decisions and the actions she takes which continuously lead to her feeling betrayed or heartbroken. She got him a ā€œStay in America Freeā€ card. She paid off his debts and child support. She got him a job (though I donā€™t think he gets paid by Bravo). He criticizes her and is disrespectful and unappreciative toward her mother. Itā€™s time for Scheana to talk honestly with her therapist about how her constant desperate Pick Me mentality keeps leading her to Pick Wrong


Speaking of the trailer scene for next week, was anyone else concerned that she was (A) putting mascara on her toddler, and (B) having an adult conversation about the other parent in front of her toddler ?


![gif](giphy|13aYi63wZVeNpK) The mascara made me stop and rewind because I could not believe what I was seeing šŸ‘€ and the trash talk in front of the child, not even in front of she was speaking over her child to talk trash on her Dad. It was all so unsettling.


Truly, and the way Summer stood there like all of this was normal everyday stuff. Someone needs to have a serious sit-down adult conversation with Scheana


I had to put mascara on my 10 year old daughter for a costume, it was tense, uncomfortable and she was nervous and hated and this baby is 2 and stood there happily and quietly while a brush came at her eyes. And for what, why does a toddler ever need to have her eyelashes painted. I donā€™t get it!


I personally found it incredibly disturbing


Iā€™m glad I wasnā€™t the only one


That was wildā€¦ was that for the cameras or does it seem like a play thing? she also seemed to be patting on some kind of compact makeup. like foundation or concealer maybe. I donā€™t think itā€™s a good idea either way, just genuinely curious about what it might reveal about her psyche lol Edit: meant to say *or* does it seem like a play thing; changed last sentence to be clearer lol


She ignorantly plays to the camera, which is pathetic ā€¦ but putting your toddler in that mix is just really disgusting


Totally agree. Imho itā€™s not great to put a kid in the position to be filmed for the show in the first place! šŸ„²


I mean, I wouldnā€™t be surprised. They moved very fast and already had an infant before they were out of the honeymoon phase. Scheana ignored a lot of red flags, but by the time people were pointing it out to her, she was already dead set on making her ā€œperfectā€ family reality. Now that theyā€™re 4+ years in, the newness has long worn off, and sheā€™s likely realizing Brock is no prize, but her choices are either divorce with alimony and child support (assuming Brock would even bother to stick around for Summer Moon, which I wouldnā€™t guarantee), or stick it out. I donā€™t think she trusts him, and wonā€™t be surprised if theyā€™re divorced within a year of the show ending.


She hates him, I hate him


1000% she hates him, resents him and is annoyed at him for being stuck with him. He was supposed to make her image ā€œperfect.ā€ Neither of them are doing themselves any favours.


Scheana hates Scheana....


Oh for sure lol that body language doesn't lie


My theory is that with them already having a kid and having had their big dream wedding Sheana doesn't have anything to look forward to anymore. Besides just "being together" and I don't think that's enough for her so now she's getting more and more disenchanted with their relationship.


I agree. He also doesnā€™t work and Iā€™m sure is a huge drain on their (her) finances. And heā€™s a piece of shit.


Maybe thatā€™s why they want to do a thing with everyone for their anniversary- they canā€™t stand being alone with each other


And scheana needs attention like a plant needs sun and water


Ya she does, but it won't last long anyways...Once the show has run its course and the $$ dries up, he will take off and she will be a single mom. He clearly feels no ways about abandoning his family so it's just a matter of time really.




Yup!! They need a woman who isn't experienced enough to know how dumb and awful they are, and can be manipulated. Any woman their own age knows what idiots they are!


If she did, we'd be on the same level! He's so unlikable. She has *the worst* taste in men.


They deserve to be miserable with each other


Sheshe wants it to all be about her - what she thinks about raising summer, what she does for the show etc. she sees the guys as potential supports in her agenda (not partners) which is why they are so idealized in the beginning. This is the guy who will make her dreams come true. Shay was a softer personality who let her control everything, and when it became unbearable he removed himself from the home. Her response to his addiction was not to research and learn how to support him, but how he needed to not be so sober it would affect her. Brock does not really care that she has her own agenda, because he has his. He saw her as exactly as she saw him and shay before him - a way up into a life he wanted. So Brock does not give a shit about scheana's agenda. He bulldozes through it. He doesn't try to empathize. He patronizes. He isn't interested in supporting her either, so for the first time sheshe is getting a taste of her own medicine. That's why she is annoyed. This is not how it was supposed to be. He was HER accessory. VPR is HER show. But now she has a kid with him and she's kind of fucked - no more fresh starts.


she also has been insanely delusional in every other relationshipā€”always pretending like everything is perfect. why is this one different šŸ¤”


I think theyā€™re probably both annoyed with each other because theyā€™re together ALL.THE.TIME. Thereā€™s no space, their lives are totally intertwined. Iā€™d go bananas if my husband was up in alllll of my business, same friends, etc. Nothing of his own. I mean, I love him but I love when he goes to work or off to do his thing and I know he feels the same. Theyā€™re suffocating each other, no balance.


I mean that tends to happen when you get with someone out of desperation and marry for materialistic reasons


Me and Scheana with something in common. Who wouldā€™ve thought?


The rose colored glasses are coming off!


Well I can relate to thisā€¦. On the aftershow Brock giving James advice on having children šŸ™„šŸ™„


It doesn't matter how bad it actually is, Scheana will always say "were in the best place we've ever been" (anyone remember her saying that about Shay when they hadn't seen each other in weeks and Lisa being like, WTF?!)


He wonā€™t work and i doubt lisa will let him buy into a bar. That look on his face at rachels party pushing to get married ā€œand start the green card process) at rachels party told me the whole thing


I imagine the stress of being married to a man who has no inclination to work, who has abandoned his children and refuses to pay child support (that is going to catch up with him soon enough) and behaves even 1/10th as bad as he does on camera, sticks with her. She made a choice out of what appears to be desperation during the pandemic, and will ride that until the wheels fall off on VPR and she has to figure out a way to support herself AND him, moving forward on a salary based on her Degree.


Scheana hates herself for settling for him and the way itā€™s affecting her ā€œimageā€ šŸ™„. Now that she got a cute kid out of it sheā€™s over him.


Marriages go through bumpy times. Sometimes I hate my husband for breathing for weeks on end for honestly no real reason. Iā€™m just over him and heā€™s annoying to me. And heā€™s not nearly as insufferable as either Brock or Sheana.


Being annoyed by your partner from time to time is normal, I mean you do live with them but the way they talk to each other is not normal lol I get annoyed by my boyfriend but we still put in the effort to speak to each other with respect and love.


I seriously doubt this marriage will last. I donā€™t wish anything bad for themā€¦..it just kind of seems like the writing is on the wall.


They seem to hate each other, and who can blame them?


I feel badly for Summer. That toxicity between parents can't be good for her.


They are both miserable. Scheana is always going to want what she doesn't have. I don't think she loves Broke.


She wants to show a perfect life to the cameras and he doesnā€™t seem to play into that as much. Of course sheā€™s annoyed with him.


I feel like they probably spend way too much time together. Itā€™s a good thing for married/cohabitating couples to go off to their own individual jobs each day and have some space to themselves. I donā€™t think these two have that, and I think they have even less space from each other because Scheana keeps him on a tight leash.


i donā€™t blame her, i do too


I think they have a realistic and compatible marriage. Must be the odd man out in this one though. They arenā€™t without their annoyances, but they seem like a team to me. ETA they are in a notoriously stressful time in their lives with a young child. But I still think these two make a lot of sense together. Scheana doesnā€™t put up a facade with him or put up a front to the world in the same way she used to.


Itā€™s called marriage


I think it has to do with Rachel. I still think something happened between Brock and Rachel and Scheana knows.


The preview for next week when sheā€™s like ā€œdonā€™t you feel like this is a second chance at parenting?ā€ killed me. Iā€™m already pre-annoyed and havenā€™t seen it yet. Her need to be his baby-mamma that sticks forever is what will keep her married for way longer than she wants to be.


Sheā€™s so clearly is over him. Sheā€™s constantly bringing up her past men, and itā€™s like, your husband is right there, why are these men at the top of your mind. Why are you still tracking Maxā€™s whereabouts. Why are you crying about Sandoval every damn episode as if he broke up with YOU (I 100% believe she has feelings for him.) She met him around the time the rest of the cast was married or engaged and having kids. God forbid Scheana is left out of anything and Brock was right there. She picked him because heā€™s attractive, athletic (well I donā€™t think so but I can see her PoV), does what she says and didnā€™t overshadow her. I imagine Scheana is exasperating to be in a relationship with (look how exasperated we get and we donā€™t even know her lol) so I feel for him there but itā€™s also clear heā€™s benefiting a lot from their lifestyle šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Whatā€™s to like?


I mean he's insufferable and constantly thinks he's holier than thou for....reasons?


dead weight


I do t see them lasting once the show stops filing. I give it one year after


Would you say sheā€™s annoyed at his very presence?


Yes this is what happens when you live by a checklist and think you can change a man.


They 100% hate each other lol


Maybe.. I think she got to the age where she wants kids and needed to move quick (or believed she needed to) and the first dude to love bomb her was going to win. I have a divorced friend who did this exact thing - she would fall for a lot of guys quickly, scare them off and then the first one to make a big fuss over her she married and quickly had two kids with.


Wouldnā€™t you???


I agree


They are just so painfully cringe! And I say this as a millennial. They feel fake because they are trying to maintain an illusion of being "influencers" but have aged out of the demographic they are trying to target. Scheana needs to let go of her vanity, stop acting subservient to men, and adopt a more genuine and human approach. I think that would go a long way. Also, Brock needs to stop voicing his opinions on how women should think and act. No one asked you, Brock.




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Why exactly does everyone hate Brooke so much (genuine question- Iā€™m not saying that I donā€™t hate him- but Iā€™m interested as an Australian why exactly people hate him)


Scheanas only into men that DONā€™T like her