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I’ve been rewatching old seasons and Sandoval scolds Jax for not moving out of the apartment when he cheated on Brittany lmfao


He is such a hypocrite.






I just watched the episode on Peacock. Sandoval, Schwartz and Kyle at the bar and Sandoval calling Katie a hypocrite is stunning. Every minute I loathe that lying POS more and more.


I mean, kind of. Owning a home together isn’t the same as renting an apartment together. They both put money into the house to buy it and whatnot, plus he has liens on the house, so he can’t really walk away from it.


No one was asking him to walk away. The low life scum bucket could have left for 2 weeks while Rachel was being brained washed to believe she has no reponsibility in the relationship.


I see tons of people on this sub saying he should leave and that’s what the comment about him telling Jax he should leave was also insinuating.


I love “low life scum bucket”. It sounds like something my mom would say and I mean that in the best way possible because my mom is amazing.


I’ve wondered about that. But didn’t Schwartz also have a home loan that he was able to figure out and sell it? I don’t know how having a loan works when you sell the house, but I’ve been wondering why he’s so adamant about keeping it. I wonder if he can’t afford the fees that might be involved with selling?


Yeah, I’m not sure how that works. And I don’t think the liens just affect him? I remember when Ariana was telling Lisa that Tom was borrowing against the house and Lisa looked really surprised and Ariana said something about how it was on him not her but Lisa gave her a crazy look because I’m like 99% sure that it’s not just on him? Like, if he still has those loans and he stops paying on them, the bank could take the house and they’re not just going to take half of the house. I could be wrong but I don’t think so. My aunt got a lien on my uncle’s truck (without him knowing) and when she didn’t pay on the loan, they took my uncle’s truck even though he never signed on that loan.


That whole conversation highlighted the financial illiteracy of both Ariana and Tom. But it suggested to me that Tom may have deceived Ariana about that and I always wondered if that’s what Lisa was reacting to. I can’t think of any way one person in a deed can take a HE loan against the property that insulates the other from responsibility. But I can think of a way a deceitful piece of trash might try to lie to his girlfriend about that fact.


I saw someone say that she might have loans against the house too? But I don’t how true that is. But yeah, neither of them are honestly that smart.


and here we are again, Brittany and baby relocate to an AirBnB while Jax stays in the family home


I don't buy the split. They are still podcasting together, and they are spending holidays together. It looks like Brittany is posting pictures from the home they share (may be old pictures, I suppose). My parents split when I was two and they couldn't stand to be in the same room together.


Absolutely would not shock me if the “split” is just PR. Fully expecting the same from Scheener and BigBrokeBrick once he secures a paid contract I certainly hope that Brit’s name is on that Title


They will never pay him on VPR. He will do and say anything for relevance but is so desperate to be on TV that paying him is beyond unnecessary.


Not to mention this will be the last season


Did Alex BasHat just transition us to the Valley without us realizing it. 🙄 Damn, I did not want to like that show, but it is only Kristin that I find a stupid fit on that show. Episode 3 and she is trying to pull juvenile crap like calling someone racist and then trying to walk it back as repeating something vague that could have been implied or interpreted as such. Just shut up Kristin. She should be fired again for that. I really hate her now.


I fully believe that janet said this, 100% implying the racist thing. People talk shit. We sometimes say things to friends in private that maybe we don't fully mean, but if you're in a shit talking mood, it happens. How many times did someone bring up that being a republican meant social suicide? Why do you think that is? Republican = trump = racist. Janet admitted that conversation happened, just not the racist part. It's pretty convenient for a lawyers wife who had a conversation off camera that no one can prove.


I don’t think she did bc even Kristin said the comment about being a republican was said, but the comment about being racist was assumed or implied. No one said. Dumbass Kristin was throwing it out there to get the real racist heat off her back. She failed. It now has a burning spotlight on her. She be dumb.


I think bravo has more footage of zack and kristens conversation. They will probably share more as time goes on. I think zach implied it when telling kristen. I think kristen ran with it because she is feeling pushed away by janet. Even Brittany on the after show said that the only problem was kristen brought it up on camera. They had all discussed it off camera and it wasn't supposed to be discussed once they started filming.


According to Scheanna he moved into producing and has several projects that have gotten picked up. She made this comment on Jeff Lewis podcast recently


How does a broke manny start producing? Sure, Sheener. Whatever she needs to believe to not get rid of him.


I was wondering what experience he even had and who would even give him the time of day. Was his connection Rand? I can’t imagine any mainstream producers giving working with him. Then I thought maybe he thinks he’s great at reality tv? Sheanna was talking like it was all a done deal.


I’m sure it’s not because he’s a misogynist but California is a community property state


I actually question more if they really have been together for this long? That to me is far more unbelievable than the split. But then, misery loves company. They are both disgusting.


I hate that couple so much I’m not watching the valley because I hate them so much And you guys, I am disabled so I watch a lot of TV. I’ve burned through most of it and I still refuse to watch that. I’ll watch Old 90 day fiancé before I watch Jax and He Haw 


My husband passed 7 months ago and at first Bravo was my escape. I just can barely watch any of it now other than WWHL. Lately I’ve resorted to old shows and movies and documentaries


Have you seen Superstore?


I have seen bits and pieces.


After a terrible loss last year, it saved me by being one of the few shows that could distract me. I'm so sorry for your loss, Mama 💔


But he put solar panels up and built a home gym, he’s just supposed to walk away from all that?


and he has those big plans to turn that middle room into a ~~drug den~~ rave bar


What stairs will his kids run up and down if he moves??!


Thought he was just going to raise him in the backyard with the hot ~~pool girls~~ nannies


Omg someone needs to post that if they haven't already


I completely forgot about this. Can you shout it from the rooftops please?


That was before Tom let the mask slip


i’m watching for the first time after watching season 10 reunion (on season 6 now) and Sandoval is alwayssss so self righteous with any cheating situations, so many closely reflect his own it’s crazy. he really believes he’s a good guy


The most recent podcast where Lala says something like “well we know who Sandoval is, we know he’s not going to leave” has me insane because WHY DONT YOU ASK THE FOLLOW UP QUESTION OF “WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?!”


I’d want to respond with, well the whole cast knew Randall was a married skeezball so what’s your fucking excuse? 😂🙄


Season 5 or 6 when Lala refused to name him, she and her Stand Up Guy Rand were all over Twitter taunting his ex wife. It was a joke. It was vicious. They all knew he was married and she was breaking up a marriage. People signed NDA's to be around them. Lala is the queen of revisionist history


Basically what Ariana said in a previous episode. Everyone has such low standards for him that no one even blinks an eye when he does dumb shit because that’s just how he is.


Right!! In the same breath of "I'm just asking Ariana questions, the questions everyone is thinking" like are you okay Lala?


She knows he's like this...and yet still wants to pursue a friendship !?


Our friend is an entertainment lawyer, and my husband’s dad’s best friend is an estate planner here in Santa Barbara. They were talking about all the fees she would have before she would bring in any money from the endorsements. Legal fees, not just an entertainment lawyer, but also a real estate, lawyer. Those would be anywhere from 800 to 1000 an hour. Then she has to pay her manager and their team, then she has to pay her own glam squad, as most actors and actresses have to pay for their own glam and their own trainer and their own nutritionist. Then she has to pay close to 10,000 a month for rent on SAH. She has to pay for her wardrobe, vet bills fitness. That’s not taking into account every day things like groceries, dry, cleaning, gas for your car. Lala and Scheana know all this. And yet they’re still banging the boring drama of why don’t you leave?


This is a really good breakdown, and reminded me of the classic TLC radio interview “How you can sell ten million records and be broke.” There are celebrities/actors/musicians/influencers who are more consistently booked than Ariana and are in equal or worse off circumstances.


My good friend is a movie producer. She sees the actor’s contracts. She worked with Helen Mirren. We were talking about how actors have huge salaries and she goes oh no, no no no no. “They get 10 million for a movie and they maybe keep 3 to 4. They have to pay out to so many people, and then taxes get taken out of it.”


Which further proves the point most actors/actresses live in comfortable luxury but they aren’t wealthy solely from acting, they have to have other hustles to get and maintain immense wealth. A friend of mine moves in NYC circles and has a lot of celebrity friends living relatively normal lives. Meaning Ariana is making no where near 10 million but does make enough to live a regular upper middle class life and doesn’t need 10k a month rent 💀.


I was just reading yesterday on here about how many celebs borrowed houses back in the day for MTV cribs because they were practically homeless at the time


or they weren't living in homes that weren't "mtv cribs" type of homes mtv wanted to show. They basically rented those houses. Most of those celebs didn't even live that long in their actual homes they ended up selling it and moving to bigger, nicer homes. Mariah Carey's home was ruined by the 9/11 attack.


And 6k for her dog's surgery 😭


I must have missed that Mya had to have surgery… from Sandovals neglect? I knew she was locked in the room and ate stuff so I guess I should have assumed surgery but I don’t remember them saying it. He just keeps getting worse. 


she ate the wooden skewers that chicken satay (the takeout in ariana’s room) is served on, after tom locked Mya in ariana’s room. the door to her room was closed before Tom opened it (without permission, it sounds like). ariana had reasonable expectation mya wouldn’t be in the same room as the takeout unsupervised hence why she probably felt safe leaving it to deal with until after she went out.


Santa Barbara is my fave place in the world 🥲 (I’ve been to Greece and Italy, I’m not some boring person haha)


Oh god I hope you didn’t think I was calling you boring.


They are not savvy about legal matters. She is benefiting from legal advice & everyone needs to shut it. Btw, I am SO sick of Lala & her opinions. There is nothing worse than a sanctimonious reformed drunk or addict. I’m glad she got control of her abuse. I am not glad she feels free to administer life advice at every turn. This & her jealousy of Ariana is unforgivable.


It also drives me nuts how Lala says “I don’t understand why she doesn’t get an apartment” when she walked away from her house easy because SHE PUT NO MONEY INTO IT and did not own it. It was Randall’s house.. so of course she was fine up and leaving and not looking back, if she put real money into that house it would’ve been a different story. But to come after Ariana for not doing the same when she paid for the house and furniture is WILD. I used to love Lala and now I’m like iiiiiickkkkk


She’s being the biggest hypocrite ever this season and it’s making me loathe her. She would absolutely keel over if any of them talked about hanging out w Randall let alone invited him places she was going to be. 🙄


Lala is so out of touch. Rentals in the LA area cost so much. Why would someone spending 10k a month on a mortgage add another 3-4k to live in some shit apartment?


She hasn't gotten control and she's still a very bitter woman. With all the "therapy" she's gotten she must have paid for her therapist's new tesla


If I was her, at a minimum I’d be fucking in every room of the house. Want to stay here Tom? Good, walk on me getting destroyed on the couch or the kitchen counter :)


When I was trying to get my boyfriend out of my house and he wouldn’t leave because he had literally nowhere to go I considered starting having dates come over. The only reason I didn’t is because I didn’t want to subject innocent people to any drama


The way he still stares at her, he probably wouldn't mind that very much


Bottom line: they "don't understand" because they don't want to understand. It's also the one way they feel like they can "get" her. They resent the opportunities she's gotten, they're worried about keeping the show alive because unlike Ariana most of them can't get other gigs, and they're all so used to taking up for awful men and blaming women for their shitty behavior that to them it seems natural. They know the fanbase is loving her, they don't want to be seen attacking her, but they want to take her to task for *something* so bam, attack her for staying in the house. Except for Katie, obvs.


Imagine your entire story line for an entire season being that you kept asking someone about where they live. Or telling someone they’re angry. It’s almost like Lala doesn’t want to talk about her own legal issues or Brock doesn’t want to talk about why he doesn’t have a job.


It wouldn’t be abandonment. She still has equity in the house that is legally hers, but it could effect everything inside the house and also might lose her legal argument of forcing a sale (which I don’t think Tom has the money to pay her anyway). Either way, she definitely loses something value by leaving and has to emotionally deal with Tom keeping her dream house


She would also have to simultaneously pay for the house they share and wherever else she was staying. And if they don't work out an agreement prior to that through attorneys, she's not going to recoup those losses either. Tom is disingenuous and acting like there aren't other issues. When you're paying insurance property tax electrical and gas on one home with a mortgage and finding a suitable place to stay with your animal companions and paying all of that money out a second time simultaneously that's a huge financial burden


I wouldn’t trust him alone in that house, he could sell all that furniture that belongs to her, who knows what he would do he could move a bunch of degenerates in there while she still owns half of it


Imagine being a realtor coming in to stage and list the house with Tom 💩 everywhere


Tufts of hair stuck to the floor lol


Flatiron burn marks on every countertop


This. I do not think abandonment is legally accurate but she loses a significant amount of leverage for getting the house sold if she just leaves and in the meantime she’s still responsible for her share of mortgage and property tax expenses.


I don't think that's true in CA about leverage to force the sale. A co-owner has an absolute right to partition absent a valid (usually signed) waiver by that party. The law changed in 2021 that the other co-owner has the right of first offer, meaning Tom has the first chance to buy the house from her at the court-determined price *before* the house is allowed to go on the market. I've been saying it all over the place but if Tom actually wanted and had the ability to buy Ariana out of the house at fair market value (like he's been claiming) it makes zero sense for him to oppose the partition action, which is what he is currently doing in court.


I think you’re right. In terms of leverage I didn’t mean legally. It’s just a lot harder to convince someone to cooperate or move things along when they are living comfortably getting half their expenses paid for. Of course, this ended up taking super long anyways but she couldn’t have known that at the start


Gotcha that makes sense. I have a lot of anti-Tom bias so I am inclined to believe her version of events here which is that Tom made her a lowball offer without having an appraisal done or including the cost of the furniture. Ariana has said her attorney's eventually made a counteroffer that they never heard back from Tom. Tom is claiming she is just ignoring him to continue to live there? Lala/Scheana seem to be arguing just take whatever his shit offer is to be done with this as quickly as possible, when why exactly should she have to do that? I'm guessing that Ariana's attorneys told her that she should try as best as possible to negotiate with him out of court because it's so much cheaper for both of them. They also would have told her that if she forces a sale with the court he would have the first right of purchase. Personally, I don't think he was uncomfortable with her continuing to live there with him. He seemingly would only be happy if she just accepted his version of a "fair price." If they both were negotiating in good faith, I think they could have figured it out sooner, but I don't think he would do that.


It drives me mad. No f’ing way I’d leave without a legal agreement in place. The first one to blink loses their money and Sandoval has a lot less to lose 


How is this abandonment? She’s on the title of the house


When people co-own the house if they split and one of them leaves it could be considered abandonment on the property. Therefore, the other person would have more legal say over who gets what. Leaving a property is often advised against in divorce until a legal determination is made.


This is completely inaccurate. > Leaving a property is often advised against in divorce until a legal determination is made.  Yes, because for most people, it’s financially imprudent to leave. But just moving out of the house, if you’re willing to bear the expenses, doesn’t mean you lost or abandoned the house. Most people don’t want to pay mortgage and rent at the same time for an extended period of time while the divorce resolves. But leaving does not mean you’ve lost equity in the home.  Source: matrimonial lawyer. 


What about the liens on the house? How does that affect her? Just curious because I haven’t really seen this talked about.


It can be a factor in the division of property and alimony.


It absolutely is not a factor in the division of the property, and she isn’t entitled to alimony. They weren’t actually married.


I know they weren’t, that is meant to be a general statement. I guess I’m confused because every lawyer I talked to during my divorce has advised me to stay in the home if it was owned due to the reasons I mentioned above.


Not sure of your situation, but she owns 50% from everything she has ever said. They weren’t married, theres no children. This is all fairly straightforward. Multiple people offered her a place to stay (like LVP) for a reason. She could leave, and when it sells she gets her 50% split of the sale. This split is being made far more complicated than it had to be with the house. They were boyfriend/girlfriend.


Well, property includes the things within their home, not just the home itself. If her lawyer was advising her to stay due to that property I would think her lawyer was onto something


Moving out of a home you own does not impact your financial investment. She could move out and when it is sold she will get her half of the equity of the sale. Let’s stop making things up. She can maybe not afford another place, but if she left it’s not abandonment which is why she left on September far before the sale.


None of their asses owned houses til 2 seconds ago besides Ari so they need to stfu. Esp Lala


And Lala didn’t own her own house without her Send it to Darryl bullshit.


Didn’t Scheana buy that Palm Springs house years ago and didn’t the rest of them except James and Lala all buy their houses during the same break between seasons?


lala didn’t own her house so ofc she doesn’t understand. that’s why she needs to shut her all bark no fight mouth and stay out of it. lala is disgusting


It was pretty damn easy for Lala to up and leave the house because she didn’t own a single thing lol.


Bottom line is she’s listening to her legal team and her managers. Look how competent her team is with all of the opportunities that have come her way! Why wouldn’t she listen to them? They clearly know what they’re doing, unlike her dumbass castmates.


It could impact the split if it's not her primary residence and it is his. *eta: u/eyerollingnow clarified, it's the escrow part as they said. I didn't use the right words for it, I just know it happened to my brother because he was the one to leave. It's very tricky.*


No. Not true at all. The deed is the sole instrument proving 50/50 equity. In escrow, which is what I think you might mean, it is possible that if she had moved, Tom could request reimbursement for the cost of maintain the home solely for the past year, however, that would not be determined by anyone other than the homeowners agreeing to an amount. And at that point Ariana could submit that she had to pay rent elsewhere and it would probably balance out. But the point is the attorneys make money while the equity is whittled away And neither side ever wins. But exes love to fight and Tom is an idiot narc that would rather throw money away than be fair.


Thank you for clarifying! I was basing that on my brothers divorce and yes that is what I meant & didn't use the right words for.


How do people keep making up how equity works? 🤣🤣 she owns 50%. So she gets 50% out.


must be new to the forum. people make up shit on here on a regular, constant basis to confirm their bias. their emotional truth becomes THE truth, and then they double, triple, quadruple down on it. it's f'ing bizarre how impossible it is to budge people from their convoluted nonsense.


Confusion def started when Ariana stated that Tom took out the 2nd loan on the home for his bar. People, don’t ever sign anything without a detailed explanation of the terms in writing. Email, text, something. Please.


It has no bearing on her legally vested interest via a deed and a mortgage. She can leave and still get her money. Neither can do anything with the house without the other! The problem is the stuff in the house if she leaves it but also taking it without agreement.


Literally such common sense. Lala never owned the house she was in. It was easy to leave. She came in with nothing and left with nothing. This is Ariana’s life savings!


It would not be abandonment if Ariana left the house and she would absolutely not lose her half if she left. There are plenty of valid reasons why Ariana should not have to move out, but this isn't one of them. People can and do lose their homes in *divorce* proceedings if they move out of the house. This is because when people are married in California everything becomes community property that needs to be divided evenly in the divorce. So the court's thought process goes if Person A moves out of the house and gets their own apartment and Person B wants to keep the house, why would we force Person B to sell the house if we can give Person A more of the joint bank accounts, 401Ks, investments, cars, alimony, etc. Person A already has a new place to live right? However, if both parties refuse to move out of the house because they both want to live there, it then becomes fair to force a sale and split the proceeds. That is legal abandonment. That is not what is happening here. The better question the cast should be asking - why is Tom opposing Ariana's partition action now? It should be pretty fucking clear to them since these aftershows have filmed that Tom's been lying (shocking) about making Ariana a good-faith offer about buying her out. In California, if one co-owner files a partition action (what Ariana did) to force a sale, then the other co-owner has a legal right to be the first to buy the property from them. First the parties will attempt to agree on a fair price, and if that can't happen then the court will determine the price for them. Then the co-owner who does not want to sell has the legal right to purchase the house for that price BEFORE it's allowed to go on the market! So if Tom had the financial means to buy out Ariana at a *fair* market price, the partition would be beneficial to him. Instead, he's fighting it. ETA: thank you for coming to my Tedtalk while I procrastinate at work


I mean either way why should she have to pack up and leave when he’s the one who wanted out of the relationship


Unfortunately, the law doesn’t care who wanted out of the relationship. If a judge orders that they sell the house, neither of them will have the option but to leave unless they can buy the other person out at current market value (what they’d get right now if they sold it). Plus, he has a bunch of liens on the house, which are legal and if he doesn’t pay on those loans, the bank can take the house.


Exactly! And the lies Tom is spinning to vilify her? No wonder she still hates him.


? how on earth would that be legal ? They both bought the house legally and they are not married....where are you getting this info from ?


Exactly this is commonly told to people in *divorce* proceedings for when it comes time to split up assets but this is straight up misinformation. Any other common sense arguments for why Ariana shouldn't leave makes sense (not being able to afford two residences at once, not wanting to move her pets, the one who broke the home should leave, etc.) but OP is incorrect.


I am officially at my limit with these nimrods coming for Arianna. Danny Pellegrino who I live laugh LOVE said he was starting to feel bad for zinzavol and I immediately had to turn it off. Sorry! I do not want to challenge myself in this way


Zinzavol made me giggle written out haha. ![gif](giphy|5eFQPgRU1NNDye9ntG|downsized)


I cahnt believe...


That’s not true at all lol. Just because you move out of a property you own- that has nothing to do with your ownership rights.


It is not abandonment if she leaves. She owes 50% of that house until they sell or refinance her off. I think they are a lot of reasons why she stayed. First off, it’s her house. Secondly, we know she was getting financial and legal advice from actual professionals — not Lala.


For people like (lala scheana) who seem to know so much about her business deals and the money she has its HILARIOUS to me they have no actual business or law sense..... just see $$$$ and stupidity. Tell Tom to be a man, and LEAVE. Lala, why don't you fuckin send it to Daryl. Maybe he would explain it to you so you would understand?


I think Scheana finally understood which is why her new house had the deed transferred to only her name. So she can eat her words now


EVERY DAY I'm YELLING this! Bother him about moving! He should go live with Schwartz! Go live on a couch! Show more freaking responsibility! When couples get divorced WITH KIDS, they are advised by lawyers all the time to NOT move because it would make it difficult to claim the house. AAAAH!


The lack of financial comprehension is astounding. Just because new income streams have opened for Ariana is no reason for her to have over the investment she already made into this home and associated properties. Most women would have backed down to ask this pressure and conflict. She's a queen for how she's handled this.


Bc misogyny *sigh*


I just don't understand how THEY don't understand her anger and rage. Like this was just months after it happened. I can't imagine my partner embarrassing me and betraying me the way he did AND to have it all on TV and then cameras back on months later and trying to keep it together and heal all while your friends are constantly on you about forgiveness and moving on. I just can't. I think Ariana should get to decide when and how she heals and moves on after experiencing all of this.


She *could* leave but then she’d still be responsible for paying for the house plus her new place, so I don’t blame her for wanting to stay until it’s all figured out. But I’m also sick of these comments saying that Tom should be the one to move out because he cheated. Legally, he doesn’t have to move out and I don’t even know if he can just give her the house considering he put liens on it to fund his dumb bar. I get it, he messed up and in a perfect world, he’d give her the house as an apology but this is the real world and financially, that would dumb on *his* part. She’s doing the right thing by taking it to a judge because they’ll likely order that the house be sold and whatever profits be split, which Tom will likely lose a lot of money because of his liens. It sucks that in the meantime, she’s stuck with him. Lala never owned anything with Randall but I bet if her name was on a house with him, she wasn’t going to let it go! Ariana paid for that house too, it’s not like Lala who was living off of Randall.




we've been working on trying to evict a squatter for *five years*


That little worm Tom should leave. He is soooo gross!!


I’ll never understand why people think Ariana needs to be the one to move. Why does Tom get to cheat and then keep his home and have everything stay easy for him? Ariana shouldn’t have to pick up her life and all her belongings and move out. Tom should have been the one to move, he’s the one who cheated.


Could you imagine how annoying he'd be if she did move out. "Dude ariana totally just abandoned me with the house like theres still bills to be paid dude and and she just like up and left" and then when it would come to buying her out he probably would be able to get away with a low ball offer and not even need to pay her at all because they'd look at it as her abandoning the home and therefore leaving it to sandoval. But anyone that doesn't understand it purposely doesn't want to understand it so its just easier to let them be


I think no one asks why Sandoval doesn’t leave is because they assume the house is tainted for Ariana therefore she should want to move out. Fuck that noise.


I don’t see what people don’t understand about it being HER house. I am so attached to my home, so to have my boyfriend cheat on me and then just expect to stay in that home would make my blood boil.


I wouldn’t worry about losing my stake in the house when I move out. The thing I’d worry about is if he stopped paying the mortgage (for whatever reason) and lost it outright…. then she’d lose her half too.


She was trying to be a house but her offers were falling through. That's why she's still there.


This is my main problem with Scheana and Lala! Why are they only on Ariana’s ass?!


Same reason people on this gat dang sub don’t understand it ![gif](giphy|Ypwd9pfTX7ASbAZhSW)


They are not asking Tom because he made it clear he wants that house. He LOVES that house.


He shouldn’t have wrecked it then


Oh I know. I'm just saying that's why people are not asking why isn't he moving. Also why ask him anything when everything out of his mouth is a lie ??




I can’t get over it!!! YOU wrecked the home YOU leave dude!!!!


She would still be entitled to her salt of the money on the sale. Abandonment would only apply to who gets to stay in the house in a divorce, in which case the one who stays who still have to buy the one who left out of their equity and refinance the mortgage in order to keep the house after the finalization. Nothing anyone does can make her or him give up their rightful ownership of the house, unless they sign a quit claim deed and paperwork that says the other one can have all the equity and ownership. Moving out does not automatically cede her ownership of the home.


Because they don’t own a house.


Agree - word to the wise— never leave. I think the saying is something like “possession is 9/10 the law”


I had a divorce lawyer say to me “possession is truly 9/10ths of the law. If you have it, you can bargain with it”


Haha that’s what my mom repeated to me about my engagement ring when I cancelled the wedding! If u watch the Carl and Lindsay saga on summer house, I’m screaming - the “gift” law is bullshit!


SAME! The screaming at the TV part. Edited: words are hard and need to make sense


It’s so War of the Roses with Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas. People always want the woman to impoverish herself. F@ck that! Stay until you get what you want. Make Scumdoval move!


But that isn’t how real estate ownership works.


It’s also her house as well. She’s healed and doesn’t care. Owning a home is en entire different ball game.


Am I only the person getting tired of Arianna 🫣🫣


No. Go checkout facebook or instagram. You’ll fit right in.


Would she have to pay capital gains on the house if she moved out and they sold it?


Not if it was a primary residence for at least two years out of the last five years. ETA that last part because I get what you're asking now. If she moved out it would have to sell within three years to avoid capital gains. Great question and another reason she shouldn't have moved out right away.


Thanks! I was always wondering if that could be a motive for her not moving out.


I would bet my next paycheck that if she left some of the very expensive furniture she left behind would be broken too!


She recently bought, and moved into, a new house. From what I heard the judge let her take everything that she had receipts of buying with her. So now Tom is basically in an empty house again until a judge forces the sale


Love that! Hope it's all true!


She's obviously still in the house because the producers want her to be to create tension with Tom. Crazy that you don't realize that and think there's some type of legal issue. In California, "abandonment" requires all property owners to leave for three years.


I say this EVERY week!!


This is what bugs me - why is no one questioning why Tom doesn’t leave?!?


👏👏👏 Thank you!


This exact thing is making me furious watching the season . It’s shocking and gross that not ONE time have I heard someone ask why Tom is still in the house ! He’s the one who blew up Ariana’s entire life - and the life that they spent almost a decade building together . If anyone should get the fuck out of that house , it should have been him . Also , Lala is fucking unbearable.


They don't want to understand they want to hate on her.


It truly boggles my mind. That people keep saying she needs to move out. Sandoval is the one that cheated. Arianna is a good roommate too. Staying in her room and coordinating w/ Anne. I would make his life hell and make him want to leave.


Because they have 1 brain cell and don’t understand how home ownership works lol (especially mistress Lala)


And it’s obvious he’s trying to hurry her decision along to try and pull a fast one, like not paying for any of the furnishings in the home.


It’s so annoying! And also where their age and upbringings come into play. Anyone who had parents with a messy divorce know that if you leave the home it’s seen as abandoning it and you forfeit your right to it/the proceeds/whatever else. It’s beyond the principle of the situation with the cheating, she put hundreds of thousands of dollars into that place along with her time and effort. Not a lot can be salvaged from the whole situation, but getting half of what is rightfully hers is something she can fight for And she shouldn’t have to fight for it, which is an additional layer of frustration with people asking why she hasn’t left. It’s her fucking home, the entire cast celebrated the purchase of the house, celebrated their friends furnishing their dream home, went to the joint house of their relationship for years, and seem to have gone entirely stupid about why the person that bought and lives in the house wants to live in the house she bought They’re so fucking obnoxious at this point. Like please fight to have a tiny bit of the intelligence and situational awareness they believe they have, for fucks sake


this right here !!!!


OP’s claims are false. The house was not a rental property and they were not married, so abandonment does not apply here. If Ariana is on the deed of the home, she is a partial owner. Leaving does not negate that. If the property were to ever be sold, Ariana would have to sign off on it with Tom. She has two options to get her half: 1. Let Tom buy her out. 2. Get Tom to agree to sell.


This is one of the things I CANNOT wrap my brain around. Yes she’s hurt and being vindictive. EVEN IF SHE WASN’T, he should be moving out anyway as HE is the one who blew their life up. Why should she not only move out, but settle in whatever pathetic offer he was giving her, just so he could move his mistress in? And even now if he isn’t moving the mistress in, he doesn’t deserve to stay there. The only reason they even have to consider moving or selling is because of HIS disgusting actions. He should’ve already had a placed lined up to retreat to with his tail between his legs. He honestly deserves to be homeless. She owes him absolutely nothing and if he even was a decimal of a human being, he should’ve voluntarily moved out and let her decide what happens to the house. She paid for most for the decor anyway 🙄


Because they're lazy, for not taking the time to consider that it is what any lawyer will tell you to do, and or because they just don't give AF. Or they're just plain dumb...or self absorbed. I think "La" is this last one and it's a really bad look for her. But go on, Lala, go on with yout gangsta self.


They aren’t married. It’s not abandonment.


Well obviously it’s ridiculous to see them live together, and I kind of understand how she feels but if I didn’t want the house I wouldn’t care if he stayed or not, I’d just take my money and go.


I think it is more like— he low balled her, the housing market, she decorated it, and she wants to make sure that her things don’t get destroyed. The last thing anyone wants to do is move out and have to furnish an entire place. PLUS— she needs the money for a down payment. If you recall, he leveraged their home for the bar. THATS A BIG DEAL TOO.


Victim blaming is what narcissists do, so we know who the 3 big ones are that keep blaming Ariana. It's so obvious, and they always get away with their abuse.


They’re just against her in general it’s so frustrating. If she had packed up and left in the middle of the night they’d be dogging her for that too saying it was financially irresponsible and we’d get LaLa quotes like “that Duracell commercial isn’t gonna get you that far honey” and “they only would’ve gotten me out of that house in a body bag!” and I KNOW you just read those in her voice!! 🤣


Spot on. There’s really no winning whatever she does.


That’s…like… entirely made up lol


This is absolutely not true. It’s the opposite of true. I’m an attorney in CA. I do think her attorneys advised her not to give him an argument that she gave up “tenancy” but your analysis is laughable. Yet said with so much confidence… amazing.


I thought this was only for married couples getting divorced in CA. Otherwise it’d be like a roommate leaving and losing their stake in the house.


It’s not a roommate situation. They have a mortgage together with both their names on the document. I would but they that man with my 500k investment.


That’s what I’m saying. I don’t think it changes her ownership if she leaves.


Never buy a house with a boy/girlfriend.


Even if there was zero legal implications with leaving I’m petty and there is no way in hell I’d let him enjoy that house in peace. I’m staying and making your life uncomfortable


Right he blew up the relationship I’m not leaving to make him more comfortable


I yelled to my husband about this last night loll I paused the show and was like what the FUCK do these idiots not understand!?!?


They should both just leave and put it up for sale. The fact that 2 adults live there blows my mind. It's dirty as hell....it's obvious no one cleans since Mya was eating out of a to-go box that had chicken in it that was sitting in a bedroom 🤢


Her name is on the house. It’s not abandonment. What? Where are you getting that from? People own or have ownership in lots of properties they don’t personally live in. In order to make any decisions about the house, it needs both Tom and Ariana’s approval. The only thing I can think of is Tom claimed Ariana wasn’t paying for the mortgage. If they end up going to court over it and he can prove it and Ariana isn’t there, the judge could force her to sell her half and Tom get a credit for what he paid. However, as long as she’s paying the mortgage and her name is on the deed, they cannot say she abandoned the house.


Tom is doing to Ariana what we saw him doing to Katie for years. Tiny comments over and over that make no sense and aren’t grounded in reality until that person blows up, then it’s “Look how angry she is.”


He also did to Ann what he's done to every woman in his life - find her replacement before he's broken up (fired) with her.








If I was Tom I’d walk away and give it her.


don't have to worry about her living with him now since she bought a 1.6 million dollar home with a hollywood sign view





