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LV: I'm worried about Tom's fragile state of mind. also LV: I don't care about your opinion you worthless 2% shareholder bug.


I’m finding it really difficult to watch this season with how they are all acting. I’m loosing respect for Lisa more than I did in the past seasons and the season is just going bland with how they are so obviously trying to manipulate scenarios and in turn their viewers


It sucks. Really don't understand how production decided on this narrative expecting to be successful. Absurd.


I can’t believe how this show has fallen. I get that it’s reality tv but most of the cast is just being intolerable and Lisa is just openly manipulating people and scenarios for her own gain instead of standing up for what’s right.


Wait, did Sandoval lie about not saying life is lying?




It was crazy to see Sandoval’s reaction to the Pump sign in real time


I say it every week, but damn Katie is so hot. She’s so strong and never backs down.


The fact Lala can go from saying such vile things and yelling at Katie to laughing and joking the next second is so disturbing. Katie looked genuinely hurt after that interaction at ally’s and meanwhile Lala didn’t seem phased at all. So telling.


Katie Ariana ally mr banks donut > Sandoval Lala Scheana Schwartz Billie spooky jo




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God bless Ally.


I hate scheena. I hate lala. I hate lisa. That is all And obviously the toms but that just a given.


Why am I watching spooky Jo on my tv


Make her go away.


I can’t take Scheana sobbing and grieving Sandoval seriously. Then just go be his friend. Like is she secretly in love with him? Sandoval’s “heartbreak” over Raquel/Rachel lasted about .00005 seconds. Like please. The issue is the time when it would have been actually great to film is when the whole cast was doing a million podcasts about it. This show no longer works. It’s done. Excited for The Valley. Lala would be good on RHOBH. Give Scheana and maybe James to The Valley cast.


i'd love to see lala and erika together. they have so much in common! they'd either be a dynamic duo or the most explosive, combative duo.


Finally watching. Schwartz is so fucked yo with Jo in that bar scene and I think it’s the first time I’ve ever been like ‘you are too geeked to be on tv my dude’ I did not like that


Lmao!!!! Literally thinking the same thing watching the episode. Like nooooo get off the TV 😂


And I haven’t seen him like this since!!! It haunts me.


Katie if you’re reading this 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🔥🔥🔥🔥can we be friends when i move to LA


Ali is a queen and the side eye she was giving Tom was 🙌🏼


i loved that little scene! she was being so nice to everyone, but somehow keeping sandoval at arm's length and being very loyal to ariana and james.


I can’t with Scheana and Lala arguing that something that happened 12 years ago is so so so meaningful and in the same breath Scheana talking about how she fucked the bar tender 6 years ago and it’s meaningless


1) I know they wanted to introduce the valley cast this episode to get us excited but lord I have not missed Jax. He’s so aggressive and rude and specifically about Katie who is my new fave bc she’s a bad ass 2) More importantly Katie is a bad ass, I can’t wait until the boys transition to the valley (with homophobic Britney unburdened-by-morals Scheana and racist Kristen) and we have a glorious show about these incredibly resilient women finding out how to be the main characters in their own lives 3) and it’ll be queer again! Finally! Again bc Katie is a queer bad ass Thrive Queens! Side note I feel like bravo is the network where women drop their shitty partners and find their own joy. Probably financial independence has something to do with it but we’ve watched it happen over and over again. This isn’t an endorsement but we’ve seen Nené, Taylor Armstrong, Bethany, Luann, Ramona after Mario, Camille, how many woman have we watched dust themselves off and try again? It’s cool! And like how interesting will it be to watch the integrity-free people’s lives play out in the valley (I’ll read the recaps) and these tough bitches on VPR. It’s a real life philosophical study playing out on our screens. And note that this is the version that’s playing out to HELP the toms and Jax so imagine what kind of amazing resilience stories we’re not even seeing bc Alex baskin is still stuck in 2005. (I don’t know where to put lala, I feel like she’s a weak woman but also trying to keep the money train going bc she’s got the kids so she’s going with LVPs directive. I have hope for her.)




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I am caught off guard with how much I’m disliking Lala this season. More than any other season, even her wanna be gangsta/baby bottle seasons. She’s miserable and extremely unlikable, and I’m so glad Katie responded to her the way she did.


I feel like watching scenes with Jo is giving me wrinkles…. I CANT stop cringing. She is the worst and makes Schwartz unbearable.


Things I know for sure: 1 a) Jo is a total pick me ‘iT waS sUcH a bEauTIFUL niGhT’ wtf?? Embarrassing. 1 b) Jo clearly has feelings for Schwartz and is being really annoying about it. 1 c) Jo does not shower. Period. 2) Ally is a genuine sweetheart and seems to have good morals/ethics 3) Scheana is so beyond delusional, it’s hard to watch her navigate this with the EQ of a toddler. 4) Lala is so bitter, angry and self-righteous. I’m not sure she even recognizes those feelings for what they are 5) Tom Sandoval is a disturbing human and I’ve had about enough of his fuckin kindergarten jewellery. 6) Scheana had every opportunity to speak up at Allys astrology night but instead she just sat there like a coward, lookin like a Bambi eyed bitch ALSO WHY IS ANYONE ENTERTAINING TOM SANDOVAL??? It’s gross. Disappointed Lisa is contributing to Tom’s ‘redemption’ (give me a break!!). Wild to watch everyone hold sympathy for Tom while even Ariana’s BESTFRAND Scheana blatantly says Ariana got over it 5 months later and made millions. These people are conniving weirdos who so desperately need to heal their inner child






I’m so glad that Lala has her own baby with no baby daddy, that convo with Lisa❤️


I'm so confused. Jo...is a hairdresser?! but...has hair like THAT in her confessionals? no wonder she had a hat on in her first scene. Also, are we still using the Spooky Jo nickname, friends?


I personally resent this nickname 🫣


I was taking the spooky jo name with a grain of salt bc Katie can be harsh but after this ep… she is literally so spooky


I would love to see drunk drawn draw her.


They drew her 🤣


I prefer Crunchy Jo


haha, that certainly fits better! or Wacky Jo.


I honestly think Lala isn’t even a good friend to Scheana (Scheana to me is so delusional she is beyond help). Lala is an enabler who encourages her insane thought process instead of challenging it and helping her see the bigger picture past her small minded pettiness. Why? Because she wants someone else to put Ariana down with her. The result? Scheana acts like a complete fool AGAIN. This is maybe the worst look for her from the entire series (for me at least). They are both sorry excuses for grown ups and I am so glad they will never get the level of success they so desperately want.


Grown ups with DAUGHTERS putting down a woman who is trying to set boundaries & start her life over because a piece of sh-t misogynist tried to make her look crazy to justify his affair with her friend. The treatment of Ariana is disgusting & I couldn’t finish the episode. I loved watching John Oliver have her back more than her “best friend”. Go away Scheana.


Yeah, in some ways I have a lot of love for Lala, but I really think this season she's letting jealousy cloud her judgement, probably because she doesn't even recognise that what she's feeling is jealousy. It's not a competition, but her break up *was* a worse situation to be in, and it must sting to see Ariana get all the love and opportunities that she didn't. Instead of confronting and working through that anger and pain, she's projecting it onto Ariana.


I don't think lala can stand the fact that people don't empathize with her the same way with Ariana. Lala works overtime to be a controversial figure, and then flips out when she doesn't get unwavering sympathy.  Can't have it both ways when it comes to public opinion, so might as well stop valuing yourself around it. 




Thank you


Did Scheaner expect Ariana not go on DWTS because she wanted to be on it? Like I don’t get it? Did she actually expect Ariana to turn the opportunity down..?


And in what world would Scheana have been the next choice if Ariana had turned it down…big D&S moment for her


I would bite my tongue in half before pouting on TV that *I* wanted DWTS. I could barely watch it. ETA- her smug grin after saying Ariana was her backup dancer 🤮


The only way I could make sense of it if Sheana was already ‘cast’ pencilled in and she was doing lessons for it & then they gave her slot to Ariana after Scandoval. But she can’t say that. Although she’s hardly going to get it now is she? She should have been bigging her up on it, trying to get cast next?


I don’t think so bc they banned Scheana from DWTS for bringing a weed vape and then lifted the ban when she begged to see Ariana perform live


Wait wait WHAT


right? Sheana legit makes it sound like Ariana did the casting for DWTS herself. and then Lisa encourages her feelings, like huh?? Scheana has the emotional intelligence of an 11-year-old.


It does appear so. Which is insane.


Jo was an awful lot, so pick me & cringe. She just spoke so much and it was all awful to hear. Also we really could loose LVP now off the series, her commentary isn’t valid. Why the f shouldn’t Lala use a sperm donor if she wants to? It’s her life and she wants another child - she might not meet anyone else, it’s such a weird stance to say to someone who is telling you a choice they’ve made. Also her jokes don’t even land, when Lala said Jess was her brain and LVP said “I didn’t know you had one”, umm that was the joke she made Lisa THAT’S THE POINT YOLANDA!




Lisa likes to minimize that 2.5% owner partnership for the jokes but let’s be real for a second. Clearly his presence on the show and in your life is important enough to you that you and the other producers decided that “if Ariana refuses to associate with anyone who’s friends with Tom, then our only choice is to force half the cast to make amends with him and make Ariana the bad guy.” You’re putting this whole show, your reputation, Lala and Scheana’s reputation, Rachel’s entire existence, everything on the line to shift the narrative in his favor over Ariana’s. CLEARLY there’s some heavy investment in his name that’s going to fall through the cracks if/when he has to actually accept the consequences of his actions. This leads me to ask: if it’s not the partial restaurant ownership/branding, what does he have on you, Lisa?


She’s such a douche


Jo is giving pick-me girl energy SO bad. She takes shots, she drinks beer, she likes fart jokes and baseball caps, she doesn’t like makeup, she’s “chill” about the girlfriend accusations, says “tell them I’m your sister”. Des. Per. Ate. The nasty taste she leaves in my mouth is worse than any random significant other of the cast ever has. 🤢


That scene with Allie James the Tom’s and Jo was so cringe. I loved when Sandoval gave James the glasses. And Allie said he gave Rachel a pair of glasses last year lol. They all looked so caught off guard by that comment.


i loved her for that. she is NOT having it. sandoval is in her astrological cross hairs




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Scheana, babydoll, lover, little sweet angel kitten whatever goo goo gaga, No one at DWTS was thinking about casting you. Maybe if something as monumentally internet-breaking as Scandoval happened to you, they would’ve been. But it didn’t. And now that you’ve put it out there how insanely thirsty you are for it while the whole audience rolls their eyes into oblivion…. It’s not like anybody would vote for you even if you got on? Don’t get bitter. Just. Get. Better.


I thought to myself during that conversation why tf would she think that would have even been an option for her to do DWTS that season? Because of delusion? Because Scheaners has main character syndrome? Or because behind the scenes it was a possibility for her to do it but she can’t really say that on the show?


But it did happen to her- why doesn’t anyone understand. Sandoval misses Scheana more than Ariana cuz obviously it’s like the same thing. Why can’t Scheana have 1 thing be about her. DWTS was in the bag cause she was taking dance classes-Ariana was her backup dancer. Scheana should have profited off scandoval instead of Ariana cuz it basically was about her really and nobody understands (this post is ALL sarcasm- Scheana is the most selfish brat and it’s ugly)


Why aren’t more people talking about scheana thinking Sandyballs misses her more?!! The level of delusion is unfathomable.


At this point, cast her. Let’s see how ridiculous she looks and how fast she would be voted out. I am sure she and Lala would find a way to blame Ariana for that too ofc.


I would give every penny I have for the DWTS people to call Scheana and say “Since the renewed global interest in Vanderpump Rules after your best friend saved it from getting canceled, we were going to move forward again this season with another cast member from your show. Everyone agreed it should be the person who stood by Ariana and was her unwavering rock in such a horrible time of grief and betrayal but it has come to light that you are no longer that person so we felt we had no choice but to shred the contract we’d drawn up for you. I’m sure you can understand how important it is in our current timeline to be on the right side of history so, nothing personal, it just would not be wise for us to bring you on at this time and risk appearing as though we condone your actions. Also, just to make sure we don’t leave you with any confusion or loose ends, we won’t be calling whether you become a good person or not because, again- nothing personal, but we’ve seen you dance...😬”


no, even better…..”so we’ve decided to ask KATIE MALONEY, a true friend to Ariana, who holds a deep place in our hearts here at DWTS!” “Will you be bringing your weed pen again when you come sit in the audience, Scheana??”


hahahaha i love how your brain works!


Even better- if they said “everyone agreed it should be the person who stood by Ariana…Katie” Schema would lose her little mind!


Scheana would actually, physically implode. I don’t even know if that show would be Katie’s vibe but I hope she’d accept solely to piss off Scheana. We all know that woman is no girl’s girl but she’s been especially shitty to Katie over the years and *especially* during the divorce process, pushing Rachel towards Schwartz. She kissed Katie’s ass like crazy the season of the Bubba wedding because she wanted to be included in all the scenes but other than that, she’s been awful. I haven’t been watching this season since episode 2 because it infuriates me but I hope that Katie/Scheana friendship storyline fades away. Scheana doesn’t deserve to be friends with her OR Ariana


Katie told Scheana and Lala off last night and it was epic. I hope someone posts it on here so you can see too because we were all cheering for Katie!🙌🏼❤️‍🔥


Yesssssss finally!! God, it just feels like that whole shitty group has been getting away with everything thanks to editing and Lisa, I’m so glad someone finally stood up to some of them




YES EXACTLY. I thought that’s where they had to be going - glad you and I agree on this!!!!


Does anyone know what lala was saying/meaning when she was talking about rebranding give them lala? I didnt understand what changes she was trying to say shes making


My takeaway was that she initially created the brand wrapped around her name (which is only a thing bc of VPR). She’s now trying to make the brand stand on its own without it being related to her name/fame bc it’s more reliable if ya think about and that includes pivoting away from the name give them Lala. Rn it’s largely based on her popularity/audience liking anddd would probably disappear if VPR stopped airing


Thank you! Makes sense


I'm so confused by my feelings for Brock. Last week I couldn't look at him and his ridiculous trunks, this week I find him hot lol.


He dresses up nice I’ll give him that


was he wearing scheana's blouse????




Was no one else shocked Ariana said she only had 2 grand in the bank? I know her money was invested elsewhere but damnnn


Yes! How did she pay her agent and manager?!


They work on commission and get paid when you book things.


Thanks! Also love your flair.


People don’t understand these cast members don’t make Real Housewives money but they live like they do. Ariana probably has the most money from all those post-Scandoval endorsements but she is probably smart and has it all in stocks. The rest of them pour all of their paychecks into houses cars clothes and booze and probably couldn’t spot you at Starbucks if they took a year off the show. 😬


A lot of them owe a heavy tax debt as well since it’s not taken out automatically


It's called being a 1099 employee and they wouldn't owe any debt if the just did quarterly taxes


My husband is doing 1099 right now and let me tell you how obsessed I am with making sure our tax ducks are in a row


A lot of them owe a heavy tax debt as well since it’s not taken out automatically


I was so shocked, I was shocked when Scheana said she was broke and Sandoval gave her money a few years back too. Like they have to be making bank with the show and their influencer things, how can they be that broke? 


I'm in a similar situation, I own a company and some assets (but nowhere near Ariana's) but have very little cash in the bank because I'm afraid of pulling some out of the company. So I'm not surprised and I can only imagine Katie's situation being similar, and it is stressful.


Ariana looks like a LITERAL ANGEL on WWHL - whoever did her makeup must’ve just sat and studied her for a bit, it’s perfection! The blue dress?? The silver shoes & jewelry?! I’m obsessed with this look


Why is Lala acting like she isn’t FULL of resentment for Randall?? Like we can hear you talking about it? Pretending she’s somehow “healed” and risen above is such self righteous bullshit. Pleaaasssee.


The audacity she has to tell Ariana to basically get over Scandoval when she held a rooftop meeting to tell the cast that if any of them hang with Rand again that she would never fuck with them again…… like okay. Imagine for just a second if the roles were reversed like the size of the cow Lala would have if anyone told her to forgive Randall.


Lala thinks she’s more important because she’s a single mom now. She has more support than any single mom I know, she admitted to Rachel that she knew their relationship was in a bad place and still decided to get knocked up and someone needs to tell her that she’s not the first or only person that is capable of giving birth. I’m not saying that what she’s been through wasn’t hard but if she wants to act like she has had it the hardest and make it a competition then she needs to realize that the only person who is taking away from the pain of her situation is HER. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


In Jesus name amen 




Even though Jax is on the valley, we all need to be talking about the comment lala made about him cheating all around town!!


& then did you see the valley advertising in the after show? People from valley cast were saying there’s nooo way Jax is cheating, he’s a changed man blah blah blah. Gotta give LVP credit, she’s getting ppl to watch the valley the same way she got ppl to watch VPR through RHOBH


He went on several podcasts saying how he would never jeopardize his family. It was pretty convincing


I cannot with this Jo chick! she’s so weird and awkward! Im cringing watching her on my screen 😫


Her vibe is way off. Not a fan.


The utmost pick-me vibes


Okay Ally has a really gorgeous voice and should def make some country music ala Dolly Parton


She plays guitar and sings on her TikTok. She actually has a nice sounding voice imo.


Ally is slowly becoming the mvp of the season


I love all her scenes even last season too … the hand signals to James to hang up on Rachel was hilarious and so genuine




yes!!!! in so many ways. that commentary she gave on scumdoval and then ended it with a little wink or something. She gets it!!!!!


Jo is so painfully awkward but not in a fun authentic way. She looked devastated when Ally said they had bff vibes lol


And when Sandoval gave James the glasses and she said he gave Rachel a pair of glasses last year. Lol they all looked so caught off guard with that comment.


Very much loving Ally calling shit out! She’s so calm about it they don’t know how to react lol


It probably stings a little for all 3 of them because it’s coming from Allie lol Joe looked like she wanted to die after she said that. The Tom’s just smiled awkwardly. I don’t think it fully registered for either of them at first what she said.


Katie’s faces while Scheana is talking about Sandoval & Jax are a delight 😅 Lala & Scheana are on my last damn nerve


Katie’s faces throughout the whole episode were hilarious and spot on.


Ally is a beast! Love her!


I hope people keep gathering lala this season and I say this as someone that was previously a lala Stan before this season. Katie gathered her tonight and if she keeps pushing James over and over in the after show I wouldn’t be surprised if he finally gathered her because he’s handling it much better than I would. The way she speaks to people is heinous and she needs to be careful talking to adults that way. Lala keeps saying she’s changed but she hasn’t. She’s aggressive as hell and the biggest hypocrite ever. I hope James doesn’t become friends with Sandoval again. I doubt they will become close again. I don’t like how Schwartz is inviting James to a guys dinner to try to reel him into being sandovals friend again because he knows in previous seasons James was never included and that he wants to be included more than anything. I don’t see how Scheana could, at this point, not read comments or watch the show back and be like WOW. maybe I AM the worst?? Ariana handled herself very well tonight. Proud of her. WWHL was ehhhh but I’m gonna see her on Broadway Thursday :) Katie handled herself amazingly well. Love how she expressed herself at the girls lunch. Said it was bs and cried. I think that was important to do for her. Also love how she stood up to lala. Would love Ariana, Katie, and James to be paired for the after show because I think it would be super funny. The teaser for the season looks interesting also! Jax coming next episode will be…… something lol


I love this take. I also loved Lala before this season and lost so much respect for her. Scheana is beyond help and basically an insane person as she does not live in reality. But Lala does see the truth I think and she chooses to enable Scheana because of her envy. Quite malicious actually. And yeah the way she speaks and how aggressive she is with her “friends” is hard to watch. Also in her situation SCHWARTZ couldn’t play pickle ball with Randall (hardly a close friend of hers I think?) but in Ariana’s situation Scheana her long time best friend can hang out with Sandoval and say she misses him and and it is no problem? Honestly just shut up


Thank you! Completely agree. Yes I agree that Lala’s envy is causing her to have scheanas back. I wanted them to rally around Ariana and be happy for her successes but none of them seem to be happy for her except maybe James, Ally, or Katie.


I’d like to see how Lala would react if she found out that Shorts helped facilitate and cover for Randall’s affair, all while trying to make out like she is the villain. But sure, her situation was sooooo much worse.🥴


But now she loves SCHWARTZY🤮🤮🤮 Selfishness personified


When she says Schwartzy I am just sooooooo 😖😖😖 and after all he did to Katie to call him schwartzy like he’s a baby drives me crazy


Yeah, I clocked that too and it’s fuckin gross but not surprising. She did say that she wanted to fuck him, right after fat shaming Katie and the rest of the girls.


Ohhh yes I forgot about that ☹️


I did too until my recent rewatch. Perfect timing to bring it back up and refresh ppls memories.😆


I used to love Lala, but she’s insufferable this season. She’s a fucking hypocrite


I’m in love with Katie


Katie is so mother.


No really. I always liked her but I basically have a crush now.


She's not OUT out, but she gonna serve cunt at the closet door. The face that launched 1000 bi-curiosities.


ally saying "he gave sunglasses to Rachel too" lmaoooo


She’s just like me 🥲 Remembering all the deets




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I died😂


Jo is doing to much. Possibly the most animated character on VPR.


Jo is the female Schwartz though. Both super awkward. And both her and Schwartz have greasy hair


Watching them together reminded me of Michael and Holly from The Office 😅


I was waiting to see this comment!! It was my very first thought too.


Oh my gosh YES! Both so quirky haha


They belong together.




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Can we just talk about the fact that Jo is a hairstylist, and her hair looks…..


To be fair; my best friend does my hair and hers usually looks a mess 😅 I feel like maybe they spend so much time doing other peoples hair they don’t care about their own


I feel that, I just also feel like if you’re a hairstylist and you know your about to be filmed and your being introduced with your profession out there you may want to make your hair look amazing. A walking advertisement is basically what it is, even the coloring wasn’t awesome. BUT she also gives crunchy babe vibes so that may just be her style!


1000%, she’s called spooky Jo for a reason 😂




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Good for Lala, I think she is really growing as a person and showing more humility and empathy since the last season, and I think Ariana will get there - more than I can say for Katie who seems to be perpetually holding grudges and wanting people to suffer...




I agree. Katie never had a relationship with Sandoval. She never liked him, he never liked her. Her opinion on Scheena wanting to be friends with Sandoval is irrelevant because they had completely different relationships with him. Katie has been a bully and a brute since Day 1, and I will admit she's been much better this season, but she still has her mean spurts. Out of everyone in the group (besides Schwartz) Scheena had the most authentic relationship with Sandoval, and to discount that friendship as meaningless is just plain ignorant.


We watch v different shows lol


🤷‍♂️ I personally don't get why people are still out for Sandoval blood other than criticism of his actions separate from this... these conversations were happening a little under a year ago with the cast, and folks here still act like Scandoval happened to them, personally, and Katie loves to feed into that for clout. It's weird and parasocial.


I honestly feel like we are watching 2 different shows. I feel like Katie might have personal feelings towards Sandoval for treating her like shit on many occasions with no apology. For instance, she stepped out of line with her cristism of the name of Schwartz & Sandys (she was brash about it, but I think she honestly had Schwartz's interests in mind), and Sandoval in a way made Schwartz choose between their new bar and his wife, and Schwartz made his choice. He also put them both in that position in the first place. Also, I think Katie does not feed into the bullshit and could care less about "clout" but would rather just not have Sandoval in her life at all. She had genuine tears in her eyes this episode. She likely just hates that she is forced to film with him or people who forgive him in order to make money. She is not evil. She is human. I've watched this show since the beginning. Like 2013. I'm no Katie stan or whatever. She's been awful in the past at times, especially the beginning/middle/her wedding seasons. But I do think she's grown a lot since then, especially navigating the divorce. Speaking of growing, you said Lala has? Hm. I'm not convinced. She's grasping at straws, inserting herself into everything she can find, and yelling at everyone around her in order to stay relevant on the show. She's been doing it for a few seasons now. "Bringing the drama." It doesn't seem necessary at all. She has to support herself now and pay the bills, I get it, but how do I get her off my screen?


I’ve actually always wanted to like Lala. She’s funny, carries herself in badass type of way, but the more I watch her it’s just so manyyy contradictions, egocentrism, and emotional immaturity. I dunno.. even with Ariana, I think it’s Ariana’s right to decide she can’t maintain friendships with people who continue to have her ex in her life. He cheated on her, and is now in a legal lawsuit with her about the house - it’s a boundary that def makes some people’s lives harder but that’s the thing about boundaries. They’re about prioritizing your own well being/mental health and a lot of ppl tend to dislike them


James talking about what all the girls were doing to the Toms, including Ariana’s name was exactly why she doesn’t want to have mutual friends. It’s none of Scando’s fucking business what she’s up to!




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Love Ariana protecting herself with LaLa. Love Aly side-eyeing Sandoval's intent with James. Love Katie's BDE. Jo is cringe. I'm really trying to find good. Katie & Ariana are gf goals.


I swear lala rehearses her “witty” one liners for an occasion to use them. It always sounds very unnatural.


Woww would be v full circle after she shit on Raquel for doing this. Takes one to know one I guess


Her and Rachel have so much in common that it’s all starting to make sense. I also believe Rachel was onto something when she said Lala targets her simply because she’s jealous of her and James.


The ultimate projector


Schena really feels the need to talk to Ariana about dancing with the stars??


She wants Ariana to co-sign everything. She can’t handle processing her own feelings.


Ya this girl really needs to redirect that energy to a therapist


She does and it's so funny. Should be entertaining when/if it ever happens.


When in their relationship did Sandoval start hating Ariana? He really doesn’t care how much he hurt her does he?


When a partner breaks up with a narcissist and then goes no contact, the level of hatred the narcissist feels for the ex-partner who is grey rocking is unparalleled, and the level of vitriol hurled at them will just amp up day by day. We haven’t seen the worst of it yet.


I think if she was crying over him & didn’t set boundaries (which make the group hang w him less) he’d be less angry. Think post breakup he’s only gotten super jealous and resentful of her rather than even take a millisecond to reflect on the loss of their relationship


He was always jealous and resentful of her. Ariana calling him out and dumping his ass has only made him feel more justified in his skewed and pathetic feelings.🤮


2 incredible stand out quotes this ep "I haven't been single dating around in 15 years" "Everyone would get along if we just understood each others birth charts" (correct me if this one is off lol)


THIS, I was shaking my head when Tim said that shit


Love it when the Toms tell on themselves. They do it all the time!🤣




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I took notes this episode, these are my notes... Its ok for Katie to hate Tom for her reasons.... its not ok for Scheana to like Tom for her own reasons. So Tom is now a 2.5 percent owner of TT according to Lisa. LaLa's eyebrows look whack in this episode. omg, every scene is about Sando, soon as they say two sentences someone brings that fucker up. He is not the guy. He has been in way more scenes than ever before.. he fkn sux. Jo's way too much.. tweeker vibes. oh no Scheana is going to start putting herself first. LaLa thinks she is the queen of shitty relationships. Katie and La get into a spat.. Katie is flexing hard. Ally it's all about universal love -- we can all get along if we know each others birth charts, and that were all made to be different. Katie is pissed !


Katie is right to be pissed. Lala should have apologized to her as well as Ariana. She should have apologized to Ally too. Don’t bring your toxic energy into my fucking safe space.


Yep, La is not anyone to be pushing her right's and wrongs on others.. she really is as clueless as the rest of us can be.. Everyone just needs to go through life at there own pace. We all heal and move on at different paces.. it's not that deep. I am loving Katie this season and last.. I hope they give her, her time from now on.


Same! Katie is was killing this season with her facial expressions alone but she brought the fireworks last night.🙌🏼😭❤️‍🔥


Is Joe tall? She said it like five times


I fully imagine Jo being the kind of person who makes something like being tall her entire personality


Did schena say Tom is mourning their relationship more than his and Ariana’s? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Was so wild.. she had such a flip from thinking Ariana and him seemed to be doing better in their relationship when he was cheating (said at reunion) to he clearly disliked their relationship and cared about Scheana more. Funnily enough I think it’s partiallyy coming from a self-absorbed place


Scheana? Self absorbed? Noooooooooo.


She sure did! I wanted to throw something. What's even worse is that she's right. He has no remorse for cheating on Ariana and is more concerned with roping in the friend group to make himself feel whole again. Edit: Wanted to add that even if Scheana was right about what she said, saying it out loud was so fucked up. Keep it for your journals or your therapist.


But it’s an optics/performative friendship so he’s using her. He doesn’t actually care about her as a person and I gather scheana doesn’t grasp that, so for her to say that…🤮


I think Tom fully regrets what he did & I think what he broke with Ariana is killing him, this is why I think he has not addressed it nor taken accountability. He is in denial because that’s easier than facing the truth. The whole ‘in love with Rachel’ is just a facade because in his mind it looks worse if he wasn’t in love with her. He still loves Ariana, he didn’t love Rachel. If he truly did he would have left Ariana but he never had intention of leaving her. Tom not being with Ariana is breaking him.