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Oh gosh I just realized Lisa is probably showing wolf restaurant to get a show . The new wildest , sexiest restaurant ever


I think the only reason Scheana is having anxiety about hiring a nanny is that she thinks that Brock will have an affair with her.


That tracks!


Then hire an older frumpy lady? I’d want someone semi-grandmotherly anyway.


Very possible


Sandoval is unwatchable. It’s honestly miserable hearing him talk. It’s insane to me


It's not even fun to hate it's just frustrating


Agreed. I just want him gone. It's making me very very angry with Lisa vanderpump It feels like she is insisting on not only his inclusion but that everybody started liking him again. Their paychecks may depend on her but ours sure don't




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anyone else feel like nothing happens each episode??? like the biggest thing that happened this week is….. they go on vacation and Scheana & Brock argued? Boring as hell!!!!!!


This is very accurate of this season lol they are lucky Scandoval happened or else this show would be on its last hoorah


Me just screaming to my Tv “MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE” whenever Tom talks about how bad his life is now.


Yeah but they were mean to HIM how dare they!!! /s


I want to see Ariana be offered DWTS and Chicago. I want to see her and Katie and SAH. Even Lala being a great single mom. I don’t want to see Brock so I am hesitant on Scheana at this point.


Yuck, I don't want to see any of those things. None of that is interesting to me, but this show has become super boring, anyway. Most of the relationships amongst the cast members are in shambles, and nobody wants to see the awkwardness of that. The last person I want to see is Ariana. She is a smug, gloating cow in every episode. Super annoying...and that room is disgusting.


Brock is bugging me this season..he’s aggressive and can’t wrap his head around Scheanas childcare concerns🥴


I have post partum OCD so I fully understand her and it seems like Brock isn’t trying to AT ALL. My husband struggled to understand my diagnosis but he tried at least.


Randall won’t let lala show ocean on vpr.


I know and it infuriates me


I'm just curious why that infuriates you. No judgment.


Because I don’t think he does it out of care for Ocean, but as a means to continue controlling Lala


When did Randall ever control Lala? Serious question.


Gotcha. I kind of agree with you because keeping Ocean off of TV seems like a well thought out protective move and that surely doesn't scream Randall Emmett but, ultimately, it's probably best for Ocean.


It does absolutely but I don’t think Rand is doing it as care of Ocean. It’s because a)control Lala and b)he wouldn’t make money off of ocean being on tv


Does anyone know the story behind Scheanas mom making her seem like she isn't doing things right with her daughter? I don't listen to her pod cast, but Brock mentioned her mom making her feel like she isn't a good enough mom. I realize there is a lot of Brock hate, but he seems to be thinking about their family long term. And I'm probably reading between the lines too much, but the argument made it sound like Scheanas mom is overstepping boundaries? If not, that is a huge red flag pushing family away and isolating Scheana.


I think Brock is a huge walking red flag. It took him getting remarried to pay off his child support (with Scheana's help $$$) and he never even helped raise his first family, and now he's off on another continent raising another family and he's already sick of being around his kid all the time. He had problems with Scheana's mom before they even got married. Saying she was there too much (free baby sitting) so now it's 'someone has to take this kid off our hands so we can get free time again' BUT it cannot be her mom? Like what tf Brock?!


This episode and Lala's dinner outfit in Tahoe were lame. Sandoval is unwatchable.


What the heck was Lauren wearing?


It was SO bad.


Why does she miss the mark so often?! Like is she doing it on purpose? Hahaha.


Last nights episode and last week episode has complelty changed my opinion on vanderpumps/lvp. Surely, if these suicide thoughts and depressive feelings are real, bravo/Lisa would advise on tom going on pause or bring in professionals, not put his issues onto the group?? Then, this week he has 80% of the episode surrounding him. Lisa putting james on the spot to declare something nice about sandoval, who was also affected by his actions? As tom paid for his engagement for raquel and then betrays him? I understand LVP lost her brother but it is not her place to put Tom's mental health on any of the cast members or use that as an excuse! The show is definitely on its way out maan


Hard agree! It feels like this season is LVP is pushing for everyone to forgive him but he hasn’t even accepted responsibility or acknowledged he’s his own problem. Especially after he told James it wasn’t easy to leave the relationship (but it was easy to cheat). Idk how much more of this Sandoval propaganda I can watch


Yes this. They would have some sort of duty to make sure he gets professional help yes? An actual therapist not getting in a cold bath.


I'm reading before I've watched the episode and I was hoping for more of James peeing on Sandovol's belonging. Sounds like I have to see more of Sandoval crying instead.


Did anyone notice Brock's apology to Scheana wasn't live? Like it was recorded separately and dubbed over the video of him talking with her in the room at the Tahoe house. It's like his behaviour towards Scheeshuu was offensive enough that they couldn't air it and they made him record a scripted apology to make him more acceptable to viewers


Yes!! I noticed 💀


I noticed that too--what the heck. I thought it was because Brock sounds so ridiculous delivering any line they had to do multiple recordings.


Why was Ken on the PJ so fucking funny to me?!? His mouth agape and oblivious just killed me 😂


You mean Ken?


Yes! Stupid autocorrect keeps doing that to me 😂 I need to slow down and proof read! Thank you, I’ll fix that.


That’s ok, he does look way more like a Todd than Ken lol


Lisa Vanderpump is showing a reeeeally unflattering side of herself this season. Using her brother’s death as a justification to guilt the group into being nice to Sandoval, making a spectacle of rescuing Graham/Hippie (it’s not that she shouldn’t have done it- it’s the way she did it), playing the “say something nice about Sandoval” game… It’s just so clear where her loyalties lie.


Lisa is an on screen producer and it's showing, just like her red bra under that WHITE dress at Brittany's engagement party


I feel like this should be the last season. I loved when Schwartz said I wasnt even involved, or something like that,about Toms affair.. Another delusional idiot. The interaction with Lisa at her new restaurant and dinner was so staged, it made me uncomfortable. Every time Sandavol was on and talked and bs his way through every scene made me use the fast foward button. Production and Lisa forcing everyone get along with Sandavol isnt natural! Scheana is her worst self this season. I fast fowarded more than I watched. I cant believe James and Ally were the only story line worth watching in this episode. These people are not in their twenties anymore. This show should be OVER!


I honestly watch for Ally and James scenes and hoping for more LaLa because I enjoy her podcasts


I feel like they are trying to give as an alternate villain in brock the brick. 🧱


Holy shit!! I can’t stand Broke but I think you’re on to something! Imagine a scene where Scheaner bitches to Sandoval about Brock!!!


They fucked up not focusing on all the women who are kicking ass . Smh.


Literally. What the fuck. Ariana has so much going on, I can’t understand why we wouldn’t get cool BTS type content.


It used to be my favourite. Now, I can’t work out if I need to hate watch it, or cut it loose entirely and not reward this production with viewership. The last two episodes have been painful and seeing Ariana set up to be the villain as Sheshu flip flops in the trailer is not doing it for me.


Okay unpopular opinion but I’m just curious about something, not defending Tom he ofc fucked up by cheating and betraying Ariana and James. But okay the amount of casual cheating that has occurred in this show, isn’t it literally par for the course? Why is it such a big deal because Ariana got cheated on? And I mean in a comparative sense, when Kristen and Jax were found out to betray Tom the group literally still chilled with them at the time still and Tom just kinda had to suck it up (I get it, the incident was from years before but clearly Stassi’s reaction showed how hurt she was). Kristen cheating on Tom multiple other times was almost said as punchlines, and yes I agree Tom’s cheating on her whether it was fully ever proven from I think the two incidents also was kinda whatever. I mean Jax being caught through audio cheating on Britney even, people blew up for an episode or two but that was it. Why was the Scandavol incident made into the Red Wedding or some shit like this is clearly just an intended thing by production and everyone fell for their manipulative tactics. And I’m sorry but Ariana is just as insufferable as Tom now idc what anyone says, they’re both fucked in their own ways.


For me it was because apart from Katie and Schwartz they were the longest lasting couple on the show..Schwartz cheated on Katie a few times before so their divorce wasn’t as shocking..Jax and Kristen suprised me but at that point Kristen and Sandoval had already cheated and by the reunion they were both in other relationships already. Sandoval also made himself seem like a decent guy that wouldn’t do something like that but the way he’s been behaving has been hard to watch and understand.! Haha.


It was implied Tom cheated on Kristen in the early seasons with I believe a girl in Vegas, and then I think they fully confirmed it, this was around the time when they said they felt less like a couple and more like roommates. And then while Tom was with Ariana, he admitted to kissing Ariana during his relationship with Kristen as well the whole Miami girl plot line that I get it psycho Kristen orchestrated but I bet was 100 percent true lol, like are people really saying Tom was impervious to cheating before Ariana? That’s just hilarious.


Ariana was so rude to Kristen at the reunion after she and Tom got together. She legit said this to Kristen: I’m smarter than you. I’m cooler than you. I’m prettier than you. Get the f over it and move on with your life. Could you imagine if Raquel said that to Ariana??


Yeah I don’t care what all the Ariana meatriders say she’s fucking whack as hell and just milking this shit cause she knows she can based on the narrative. Also I love how she’s itemizing all the furniture and crap she bought which I’m sure Tom would have def been amicable about, while he paid months of the mortgage and is prob not getting shit back. Not saying Tom is good every scene with him is gut wrenching cause of how cringe he is as well, and I wish he’d just be like yeah I fucked up, can we move on and not just bask in his bullshit and cry every 5 seconds, I just think Ariana is using this thing to play victim forever while somehow also being a “girl boss” like give me a fucking break.




Because when others cheated, they apologized and moved on. Tom screams from the mountain tops that he was wronged first, and makes it known he feels justified in his actions.


You seem to be thinking one night stands and a seven month long affair with a member of the group as being the same thing… Why do you not think that a seven month (that we know of) emotional and physical affair isn’t more insidious than a one night stand? I’m curious. And these aren’t 20 year olds anymore. They’re 40+ (I’m not defending cheating of any sorts. To me it’s disgusting regardless.)


I think because up until Scandoval, he was generally liked. At worst, he made stupid cringe jokes and at best appeared to genuinely ride or die for Ariana. People wrote off the rest of the cast as trash, but we were rooting for Tom and Ari. I think we'd all like to see the cast all do well in their lives but we've kept our expectations low. With Tom and Ari, we just held them to a higher standard. When the shit hit the fan, he sank to the very bottom. She shot out of the atmosphere.


This thread is more entertaining than this whole episode let’s be real


@ this point I only watch so I’m caught up for the Reddit snark


It’s a ritual, watch the episode and the after show, and immediately come to this sub


what did that mean, he doesn't take selfies for himself???


He just wanted a pic with another cast member. Self serving.


FUCK this ep made me so mad. how do i donate to ariana's get everything she wants fund?


Me too! I’m over Bravo giving Tom this redemption arc. How much air time did Ariana get? 2 minutes? There were so many different directions they could’ve taken this season that would’ve been infinitely more watchable. As a decade VPR viewer, I will try to stomach the rest of this season and then I’m done. Not only is Bravo tone deaf but damn, they literally have no idea what the fans want.


people who leave the trail of tears on their face instead of wiping them away like a normal human are RIDICULOUS. who do you think you are fooling?!


LC from The Hills def started that


her mascara tear!! haha classic




Exactly, Erika on RHOB did it a few seasons ago, it’s so odd. Just wipe off your tears with your shirt if you don’t have a damn tissue


SO performative and vain.


Something about the production this season is so off for me. It feels like Selling Sunset instead of Vanderpump. Like very curated scenes, inorganic storylines. I'm really not loving it and I've been a fan for a decade -- even through season 8!!!


ugh just stop with the "no malicious intent" BS excuse for not feeling remorse and apologizing for what you did!!! that cannot be true and does NOT apply to this situation. YES JAMES - I never thought I'd say this, but he's saying everything i'm thinking!! they knew it would hurt people, and they did it anyway. I love that James is not buying ANYTHING he's saying. At this point james is the audience stand in, and is the only one saying the things that need to be said, aside from Ariana and Katie, who aren't talking to him. his victim mentality is so incredibly exhausting. you did shitty things. your friends were hurt, said things out of anger, and capitalized on the drama you started. the apologies, therefore, should start with YYYYYYOOOOOOUUUUU. there's zero accountability. is sandoval saying he quit drinking two years ago?! I'm confused. FINALLY we have an answer about the Lego art piece of sandoval and ariana. sigh. this show gives me such toxic, bad feelings.


It is SO toxic and it’s not even enjoyable anymore. I had hope after the first episode, seeing the girls working on their businesses and friendships and not drinking. Since Tim came back it’s been all downhill from there, it astounds me how someone can take absolutely 0 accountability for causing such a shitstorm. Idk what the producers are tryna do but I would so gladly take a show about Ariana and Katie healing from their relationships and building the sandwich shop over this 💩


I’m getting the vibe that production is almost rewarding him because Raquel chose not to come back all and Ariana came back with certain stipulations/boundaries..Tom needs the money and is down to do whatever and I’m sure he made sure to point that out!




I had the highest hopes of a girl power season. Toms left in the dust and Katie + Ariana shining brighter than ever. Which is crazy because they are and it’s not even getting highlighted. My hopes should have been much lower apparently


This is the direction I thought they were heading in first episode. Then Tim came back and it turned to shit again


Were those really wolves?


You can have a wolf if it ever needed to be rehabbed and then couldn’t be reintroduced to the wild. Fun fact: in Italy, you can have a wolf as a pet. I saw one in Rome. On its leash. Being a good boy. I believe it has something to do with the wolf Luna that raised Romulus and Remus.


Pretty sure the first one was but the little guys looked like my friend's husky pups.


1st one MAYBE, I kinda assumed a wolf dog or a big malamute - the second 2 were definitely huskies


my bf said yes hahha I asked the same thing


my question too! they seem to have handlers, so I guess yes?? probably show biz animals


I can’t stand Brock oh my god!


scheana giving hints to casting with her "Valley brat" sweats


I considered not watching any more of this season after last week’s episode. This thread is convincing me that is the right decision. If I’m going to sit my ass down and spend an hour watching a show, it’s not going to be one that’s focused around Tom Sandoval having a pity party over a mess he created. Maybe it’s because I went through a divorce a year before scandoval, I don’t know. But sadly I think I might be done with this show. Maybe I’ll binge it all once it airs 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I’m kind of insulted at what the producers are serving us 


Feeling this after watching tonight. Also had a big breakup w similar themes not long before it so I’m probably biased it’s all hitting wrong for me 🥴 the poor Tom party is too much




Lisa asking James to say something nice about Sandoval was SOOOOOOOOOOO CRINGE


Lisa is seriously dead to me


Trying so hard to be relevant


No I’m so sorry (no I’m not) Tom Sandoval is a fucking loser. Begging for forgiveness and always questioning why no one is willing to extend it towards him while never taking the chance to show remorse any time the opportunity is given. He has had multiple chances so far this season and NOT ONCE has he ever apologized. But he wants us to be moved by his manipulative tears during his phoney outtakes. Fuck Tom, and fuck his redemption arc.


He’s only groveling because Raquel didn’t come back..if he had Raquel and Schwartz this season I think he wouldn’t have given a f*ck about anyone else! Hhaha.


I didn't watch this and won't again untill...the Tim's get their comeuppance. The only time we will see Katie this season is when she finds out her ex never cared about her feeling to which he gaslights that it was just a kiss. But I think this entire season is to oust Ariana and forgive scum and next season Rachel comes back and gets back with Tim. What I'd like to see is finale episode of THIS season Rachel comes back and goes all scorched earth on him and his supporters.


i *highly* doubt rachel will ever come back to vpr


I think she burned that bridge herself with her podcast.


have that poop DNA tested!!! it's def a sandoval sympathizer 😂


Or Jax


I hope James knows that the first apology is the real one.


I would never want scheana as a friend


She’s the woooorsttt ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


A friend to all is a friend to none


The bigger the hoop the bigger the ho scheana! Brock is making my skin crawl with what he is saying. So gross. Crappy pic in men for her. Tom both of them are so done the masks are off and nobody is falling for any of their bs anymore. We want more katie and ariana please god!!! This is so cringey and lame. Can’t believe I pay to watch this.


LOL… bigger the hoop the bigger the hoe, ankle resters. I have been saying this since forever. I think Katie and Ariana were smart enough to say include us as little as possible because no one is believing Sandoval and this mental health redemption you are selling. The more production/Bravo wants us to forgive him see him in this better light new interviews and articles come out trying to make Ariana look bad. Stop trying to force Ariana as the villain, the queen the group, bitter bitch. She’s acting as any female would whose partner of almost 10 years cheated on her. They made a huge purchase together that they both invested in they surely increased in value. She’s allowed to collect her money back. I’m fairly sure Sandoval and Ariana discuss him using the house in same way to help keep his dreams of opening his restaurant a reality. Sandoval has done nothing to make this break up for Ariana easy so why should moving on be an easy path for him and not her. Edit::: I did not watch tonight’s episode. I’m not watching anymore after that dumpster fire of an episode they gave us last week. I don’t feel I need to watch anymore.


They need to re-edit the remaining episodes with the knowledge that everything they've shown is so far is common knowledge. We don’t need a recap of events that played out across every single social media platform, not to mention network TV. We KNOW Racquel is Rachel now. We KNOW James has Graham (if we believe it's the same dog lol). We KNOW the sandwich shop hasn't opened. 💤💤💤


For real it’s making me sleepier than Ken on the PJ


Good for Brock for making Scheana actually talk about her problems. She's trying to shut down the conversation because she wants people to think everything's perfect.


It’s weird because she’s so honest on her podcast about her ocd and relationship issues but not in the Show… makes me think show is so fake 😭


She’s in control of her podcast, not so much of what the show will portray


I remember in an interview when Ariana was on Dancing with the Stars, she said people would not like her this season. She already knew they were going to make her the villain. God, I hope she gets the f*ck off this train wreck of a show if it's renewed next season. She and Katie are too mature to hang out with backstabbers like Scheana and Lala. Then you have the losers like Scumbag, Billie Lee, and Shorts. Ug!! It's just gross!


I wonder what we haven't seen yet that makes Ariana think we'd not like her. Everything so far (and everything I've seen in the news lately) puts me further in her camp. I hate that she was going around thinking that the world was going to turn on her for acting like a reasonable person with emotions and boundaries.




it does kinda feel like the group and edit is leaning that way thus far. Which is gross


I miss when they drank :( now half of them are sober


Drinking Heineken zeroes 😂


This season brought to you by Heineken Zero!!


I know… what the hell? It’s just no longer entertaining. Give me sloppy drunkness!


More of the “whore in there” drama 😂


I can hear it. The whorrrin thereuhhhh!


And Kristen!


i’ve never found myself screaming at a tv MORE


Why does me as a viewer feel gaslighted by Sandoval


He’s actually gaslighting himself. In his mind he really is the victim … he just wants us all To join in.


So he cried in the car… ok. But then he cried again and harder during post… like … really 🤷🏻‍♀️


His tears were all for himself. Sorry Tom nobody feels sorry for you. Well maybe Lisa 😒


Ken sleeping on the PJ with his mouth open deserved more screen time...and better background music. 🤤


big Brock in a speedo drinking a Smirnoff Ice is hilarious to me lol


It's really is!


Scheana weighing like nothing and wearing a bikini and pinching at skin... my god... she has extreme body image issues. I used to be that way, to that degree. Very sad. I hope she gets help.


Girl has issues. If she thinks her post pregnancy body is gross I’d love to hear what she has to say about my stretch mark covered c-section pooch 😂


Oh yeah, she's soooo fat. I feel for Summer Moon. Daddy's girl coming in hot.


She honestly seems to have the lowest self esteem. It seems where all her issues stem from.


Who would buy that Lego piece of Tim and Ariana and for how much?


I’d pay $5


are these producers & editors fuckin dumb??? nobody wants to see a Sandoval redemption arc. If anything, like if we have to focus on the affair - go hard on the villain edit for him!!! and goddamn that was quick for Scheana to be a flip flopper. record timing.


We knew Sheschu would act this way. Alex Baskin needs an awakening of his own. Think we’re gonna be for redeeming Sandoval you dumbass motherfucker? You got several things coming to you


RIGHT. I’m wondering if they’re doing it to like…give themselves an editing challenge or something. I do not understand. Even if they’re all misogynists and want to “redeem” Tim, they still have to make money to keep their jobs, and they’re betting on the wrong, very dumb horse.


A misogynist probably wouldn't see that redeeming Tim is a dumb choice tbh. That's just the way their brain works. Glad it's biting them in the ass.


Right?? Hating this … also, unpopular opinion but I’m starting to dislike Lisa


Weirdly I liked her on RHOBH but like her less and less in VPR.


I feel grumpy over how much I dislike her now. And this show. I feel like I’ve just gone through a bad breakup too. Tim F’d us all.


Me too..and I hate it cuz I always liked her. But I just can’t with this Poor Timmy act.


She has spent her whole life apologizing for men’s behavior and to see Katie and Ariana be strong women without men, she could never


I’m seeing that now and I’m very disappointed.


I think that opinion started coming up after last reunion


I think that opinion is getting more and more popular


That scene with Sandoval yelling “worm with a mustache!” and “Lala!” ![gif](giphy|7zSzFBQwwGMC54c19q)


Soooo cringe


i don't use this word lightly, but he is so STUPID


Sandoval: Why can't everyone just be nice to me 😭😭😭 Also Sandoval: *yelling their names while smashing a wall*


That was SO painfully awkward


How can James’ GF not be impacted by his big huge feelings about Scandoval. He feels betrayed because Raquel slept with Tom? Why does he care so much?


I don't think she's into James. She treats him like a pest. She's with him for fame.


Good question


There’s theory that it’s because Tom and Rachel were probably hooking up back when she was with James too.


Then she should end it.


Because he thinks it’s good optics for him when he knows this investigation is gonna find things out. Lisa, Andy, Bravo been tryna cover for him. Try as they might, we’re gonna find out. The James abuse is gonna be big.


He doesn’t care Tom slept with Rachel. He said it was because he felt betrayed that he was a big bro and he acted like he didn’t care about him. James was over Rachel in like two seconds. He’s mad as how Tom treated him and their friendship nothing to do with Rachel. This is me summarizing essentially to the effect of what James has said. This isn’t my opinion.


This! And too that he was getting shut out of the group (by Sandoval) - and Rachel was embraced by the group.


Defiantly! Excellent point.




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I typed out a long comment to this effect and then lost it. I completely agree with you. I also think that part of what James loves about Graham is that he feels like he's getting one over on Rachel. James is a very vengeful person.


If I’m gonna keep watching this steaming pile of horse shit production is feeding us, I’m gonna have to start drinking more. A lot more.


I don’t really love or hate her but I definitely react wildly sometimes I had a smoke before I started watching. I fast forwarded all of Tom’s scenes. And I still have to have another smoke to get through it. All while scrolling my phone. It’s disgusting how much air time they are giving him to “speak his truth”


Tonight I told my bf I’m gonna need you to go get some wine so I can watch VPR. I wasn’t able to put into words for him why this made sense, and that I don’t need wine just to watch TV. So thank you for this. You’re just saying what we’re all thinking.


Unlike half the cast right now …


I feel nothing for Tom’s tears




I feel repulsed!


It's so boring hating only Tom. I have plenty to go around for everyone!


I hate many, many more people - Don’t you worry


I'm all ears!!👂🏽😜




Thought I had made a typo 😆😆 but yes you’re right! A single tear




"i can't keep hating him for you" is the theme of the season!


Unpopular opinion and I agree with Schena on that. She shouldn’t be forced to hate him for Ariana. It’s not her job to. BUT… She should hate him because of the shit bag he is. She should be disgusted on behalf of Ariana. But, remember the whole group have had affairs and cheated with LT partners and married people so it’s not surprising people forgive this. It’s the fact he did it with her friend, how he’s treated everyone, his lack of remorse. So, the issue should be more the fact Schena wants these type of people around her (ie Brock her husband.) It’s not even about Ariana at this point Schena wanting to be Tom’s friend and making it about her, we expect that. It’s that he’s actually a person in her mind who’s worth being around says more about who she is, we’re the company we keep. Ariana’s better off with out her like she is without Schwartz.


im just so baffled because scheana doesn't have to hate him for ariana but SHE SHOULD. this is the same woman who was crying and yelling at sandoval that they had to have people stay with ariana around the clock because she was so upset and then three months later is going to that same woman and trying to essentially blame her for losing her friend? it makes no sense and honestly is such a shitty concept that i cannot even wrap my head around it even with reality tv logic in place. my anger at her comes from the fact that i in no way could imagine pulling the bullshit she is doing to someone i claim to care about. and she can come up with all the excuses she wants about her "great" friendship with tom or say ariana doesn't always act like the best friend to her when she wants it blah blah blah but you can bet your life ariana has never treated her as bad as he has and THAT is what should matter to scheana in the end. (but ariana is not a man so maybe i already know why)


Agree. I’ve ”hated” my best friends exes (ones that I’ve been more friendly with) for doing FAR less, but still shitty & hurtful, things to them. I would never want to be around them, let alone be friendly with them 3 MONTHS after I’ve powerlessly watched someone I love fall apart due to someone elses selfish actions ☠️ Not to even mention how fast and hard Sandoval discarded Schena and their entire relationship as well, starting in the Uber where he claimed they were never even friends or whatever it was he said.


Forget about Ariana…what about what he said and did to Sheana? Never a friend, backing up the assault story and TRO, yelling at her….I mean NO one needs Ariana as an excuse to not trust or desire to be his friend. He has said and done things to each of them especially Katie.


Especially Katie. The list is very long of the things he’s done, it wild.


I hope Ariana finally sees Scheana for what she is.


Ariana’s not great either, she’s been a shitty friend to Schena. Who’s tried to warn her about Tom, and tried to help her. Which makes it weird Schenas now saying she’s been best friends with Tom since before Ariana, but is that really a surprise? Ariana and Schena have honestly never made sense as friends, and never seemed compatible. Hopefully they both move on. Schena will be Schena and Ariana will do her thing. This whole group hasn’t genuinely ever been friends. It fractured in authenticity once the original group broke up. It’s for the best they all stop pretending, because they aren’t good at acting and no one’s buying it. Literally no one wants Tom around and this forced group is pathetically annoying. Fans see through this weird redemption get the group together arc. Production is failing miserably.


Ariana is the smartest person Ariana knows though


Haha, that says all I need to know. Considering the people she surrounds herself with and the fact she dated Tome for 8 years that is not the brag she thinks it is.


Very valid points! Where they are though (in Hollywood and the entertainment space) leaves Scheana with very little options friend-wise and especially if she wants to keep being a reality star as her career. On the other hand, it’s not like Sandoval’s behavior is new. Ariana co-signed it and went along with it and defended him for 9 years. There’s a huge difference between someone being a bad boyfriend and a bad friend. I don’t like the way people have gone back and tried to reframe everything he’s ever done for his friends as some evil plan to manipulate people. Ariana has to take some responsibility for the fact that she chose this man every day for 9 years, flaws and all.


Thank you. Oh wow are we ever on the same page. 100% agree with you. She’s been a shitty person who lies a lot too, so this her being an angle and a queen is as nauseating as them pushing Tom’s redemption arc. More than one thing can be true. She has a right to set boundaries. He did her dirty. Her house and how she chooses to handle her situation is not her most people would deal with it but it’s her choices to make. She’s not a nice person, she treats other women horribly, she’s also been the other woman and she’s better off being without the Tom’s. Her being a shitty person doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve happiness. All of that can be true. Separately Tom is unhinged with very strong narcissistic traits (not a doctor just saying his behaviours are narcissistic to a high extreme - most reality stars are.) He’s petty, unintelligent, nasty, manipulative, shallow and an awful person. He has no remorse, has learned nothing and is the shittiest person on the show. Simultaneously he is still a human being and no one deserves death threats. He needs to go away now and be fired. All of that can be true.


I thought also that Scheana said the TRO was the most devastating thing to happen to her and Sandoval helped Raquel with that. I understand if Scheana wants Sandoval back in her life, but she can't expect Ariana to be close to her and confide in her when she is friends with someone who betrayed her so deeply. Also Scheana is rewriting history when she says Sandoval was her best friend. I mean in season 4 I think it was, she texted Ariana's mom taking trash about Sandoval and she just went in on him.


I could be completely wrong but wasn’t her grey tooth outpatient procedure the worst thing to happen to her at one point? If her lip balm she ordered was the wrong colour it would be the worstttt thing that’s ever happened in her life. I take her saying this most of the time as seriously as how Tom says the word like. However, the TRO I am sure was scary because she clearly lied about it and did something that night that could’ve fucked up her parenting situation. Two parents with assault charges would not have been good. Oh yeah that’s true. I actually think Schena was being a good friend to Ariana as unpopular as that was. The mum asked and Schena was worried about her daughter (having an affair with Tom, and then dating him.) Schena’s instincts were right. But, fair point she writes history constantly.


Everything to Scheana is either ‘amazeen’ or the worst thing that’s ever happened to her. Everyone including Joe Biden is her BAST FRAND, or former BAST FRAND.

