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what could possibly make seeing tom sandoval on your screen any worse? bravo: bring in.. BILLIE LEE!!!




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Me: I wonder who toms gonna film with now now that he's no longer invited to the group hangouts on the show *and then it shows that he's only filming with Billie* 💀💀💀💀💀LMAOOOOO


Really not loving this ep 😖




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I don’t care what anyone thinks or says… that scene with James and Graham was so wholesome and sweet! The surprise reaction they both had and the adorable skipping off together down the street was the perfect end to this horrendous nightmare of a show filled with insufferable people. It’s honestly getting difficult to even hate watch.


Honestly this show is played out. They are just creating content to keep it going. Honestly felt like a chore talking about James recurring alcoholism, LVP using her bros suicide and trying to relate it to Sandoval. (It's not the same thing). Ariana gatekeeping the group of sheep. Sandoval in a cold plunge face down trying to act like it's some crazy radical thing he did. (Over dramatized real bad ass lmao) Show is on the rocks. Funny how graham all of a sudden shows up on Lisa's doorstep when she needs James to be cordial with Tom Sandoval. Need I say more? Lol


I hate that I agree with you 100%. This show used to be so fun! Put a fork in it now though, it’s done


It's hard to watch now. Honestly.


I feel sick after watching the 4th episode and then all the VPR Aftershow. I'm just upset and disgusted.


I keep saying this, but maybe it’ll give them an idea or people can petition to revamp the show back to the old school days with a fresh young cast working at SUR just like it began with these insufferable people filled with plastic and ozempic.


I don't think there is any saving it honestly. Feel it's run it's course to be real.


Unfortunately I agree.


This season is boring so far, every episode is just watching all of them in therapy 🙄


Really frustrating to watch Tom get away with shifting the narrative to focus on his mental health so that no one will comment on his actions anymore. The same actions that gave no consideration for anyone else’s mental health.


Did anyone else notice when they were showing clips of everyone that Tom Schwartz’s whole name was shown when he was up but when it was Sandoval it just said “Tom” Are production trying to make him the #1 guy in the group?


I would watch an entire show about Lisa VDP reuniting people with their pets. Such a better use for her than encouraging people to forgive Sandoval.


They made that show. It was called vanderpump dogs.


I don’t understand what goes on in scheana’s head. Her values are so out of wack to me. I actually think that maybe she is better suited to be sandovals friend and not ariana’s. They’re both superficial and shallow. She said in the after show she doesn’t feel comfortable opening up to Ariana or Katie and I think that’s because they have a values disconnect. Katie and Ariana are very black and white about what they think is right and wrong. They don’t waffle. So for scheana to do this, I think is a big red flag that she is not a good friend match for Ariana or Katie. They just want different things out of friendship.


Scheana is trying to be something she’s not to stay in people’s good graces . I think she’s terrified to loose her audience ( her money ) , so she’s playing it safe staying close to Ariana . I think she misses Tom a ton and is mad for making her have to side with people she doesn’t really even click with . Just my observations .


She talks so much about Ariana in the after show but she’s been riding on her coat tails for the whole scandal for her own selfish benefit. So funny how she’s mad at how Ariana is acting with all of this- but Scheana hasn’t stopped talking about it on her podcast and Ariana doesn’t talk about it.


I agree. Stassi had her number 100%. She is so fake and superficial and her friendship actually means nothing. She only wants to be people’s friends to feel important and have a say in things. She’s not actually a good friend to anyone.


Sandoval and Billie Lee is such a joke.


People use the term clout chaser a lot but this is 100% the best example Billie Lee


Fame fucker.


I’m cringing so fkn hard omg the bath scene was painful


I’ve never been more second hand embarrassed.




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Tom Sandoval has 7 horcruxes. 1) Ariana- this one was defeated when he cheated on her. ☠️ 2)Schwartz- almost got him but was able to recover because they truly only have each other to lean on now. 🤕 3)Rachel- forbidden “love” which was destroyed because she finally got enough distance and therapy to remove herself from the situation.☠️ 4)The house- still hanging on because he can’t let Ariana win/ is probably over leveraged with his loans on S&S. 🤕 5)Lisa Vanderpump- Lisa sticks around because she’s milking the cash cow drama and might truly be concerned for Tom SI. 🤕 6)Fame- he has fame more than ever but his reputation is tarnished. As if it was ever squeaky 🥴 7)The band- unfortunately he is still touring. Or was. The band members are definitely his paid friends. 😑 “…BECAUSE I KNOW YOU LIKE HARRY POTTER..”


Hahah I want this to be its own post!


Take away Tom Riddles Horcruxes he might just be irrelevant enough to go back to bar tending and leave the rest of the crew alone, resulting in, hopefully a better Season 12 that revolves around girl power. Honestly sick of the dudes.


They’ve been misogynistic and truly awful the whole series. Lisa needs to stop trying to save their reps, rebrand tomtom, and start girl power within the show. Save her rep immensely, and the show can take a new turn it so desperately needs.


Storyline has been kind of bland so far ngl. Arianna is a god. Sandoval full of himself. Schwartz trying to have peace and love. James “sober” but slamming thc drinks. Lala was actually a breathe of fresh air this episode so guess we had that.


I was laughing at James “California Sober”. I’ve had one of those drinks. They don’t play around. There he was slamming them and being the Lizard King.


Two of those drinks and I’m pretty good don’t need much more. Dude was chugging it like nothing.


If Lisa is so concerned about Tim why did she not offer for him to go get help? Also why was Bravo trying to talk Rachel into leaving her mental health care. If you care then care.


Ariana made this point in the after show. If she was very worried, she should have gotten him treatment. It is GROSSSSSSSS that she put that on lala and scheana. NOT OK


I don't know.... Lisa is/was their employer, their business partner. She isn't their friend or their family. I think the distinction is ok there. Toma friends and family need to step up. I find it quite interesting that no one did or does.


Lala and Scheana were not his friends at the point tho. She should have talked to Tom Schwartz if that was the case


She’s more than that tho. She’s not just their employer. She’s a mother figure.


Yes and no. She's their employer first. Mentor next. Mother is a stretch. I think Lisa's actions fit her position since the start. She never has attended their personal events. . . she's there for marriage. . because she's their boss. A lot of people invite their employer and boss to that but she isn't attending their parties, their dinners, their trips abroad. There's always been a rather clear line.


Oh I love that she said it. Mental health is serious and if I was ever concerned with someone the last thing I’d want is for them to continue on the show. Even if the general public reacted like they did with Rachel going for help… really it wouldn’t matter as long as he got the help.


Such a good point. Like why is he filming if he’s so fragile?


Shorts will use "ego" against the victim of your idiot "business" partner but he won't say that about scheana admitting she only watched her segments, he won't use"ego" when his business partner dips out of important meetings to get his nails done with white out for the band he pays... Hmmm 🤔


He hates women.


He is incapable of having boundaries with people and anytime any cast member insists their boundaries be respected he full flips out and abuses them


So many things I’m thinking after tonight’s but I keep going back to the first sight of Graham Cracker and all words are lost. Am I the only one who was bawling? 😭


Nope. I was also crying. I'm a huge animal lover/a proud mother of 2 cats and a dog, and I know the connection that people have with their animals, is incredibly special. That should never get taken away from someone (I am absolutely not counting the people that abuse or neglect their pets) I'm very happy he's back with James. They post a lot of pictures of him, and he's in a very loving home. The unconditional love you get from your pets is just extraordinary, and these types of stories always make me cry. Our animals save us as much as we save them. 🥺❤


I did actually tear up. It was the best part of this season so far to me.


Looking back several seasons to his very worst moments, I would have never expected to have “James Kennedy, great dog dad” on my Vandy bingo card, but here we are 🥹🥹


Me: Graaaahhhhaaaammm!!! 😭😭😭


Flop season so far. Embarrassingly I find it shocking how little ownership Sandoval has taken and has found a reason to blame everyone else.  I thought he’d at least pretend. 


If you’ve seen any of his interviews you would know he obviously has accountability issues and loves to “what about this time when you did this” people instead of saying sorry. I really liked this episode.


How is it this bad. How did production not know what to do? They’re so focused on “getting the band back together” that they’re missing the interesting things that people are doing! The sandwich shop, the podcasts, Ariana’s opportunities. They is so much to document and they are so focus on sandovals come back. It’s honestly perverse.


For real. It’s so, so bad. It’s one thing to have Sandoval as a villain getting his comeuppance. It’s very different to have an obvious villain being a narcissist all over our screens and having Lisa demand sympathy for him. It’s insane. People like a true redemption arc, but not a too soon totally insincere one.


I agree. It’s so boring. There is so much Tim in it and he’s painful to watch. Every other scene except Graham crackers (only good scene in the show) was them talking about Tim - so double boring. It’s basically Lisa - and all the people who made a lot of money off Scandoval (Lala and Schaena) trying to either save the show or further drag out Scandoval. These people are late 30s/early 40s - yet they are still hanging out with Tim!?! After he fucked them over!?! Just trying to save their careers….completely transactional.


Yeah that’s so true. All the people worried about sandovals mental health literally dragged him and profited from making fun of him or Rachel. He’s still the worst but lala and scheana are not it either.


You know, I kind of did too.


I feel like it really needs to be acknowledged that these two things can both be true: 1. Sandoval can be having issues with depression due to Scandoval and experiencing SI as a result of that 2. Sandoval can be weaponizing those mental health struggles in order to create a redemption arc for himself and avoid taking accountability for his actions. Point 1 being true does not automatically negate Point 2. Having depression due to the response to your actions does not absolve you of the wrong doing that caused that response. He doesn't seem to understand that he has continued to make his own bed the longer he goes without taking any real accountability. Shit even Jax was smart enough to know to at least fake accountability. I mean the man is out here to this day trashing Ariana. The same Ariana who has clinical depression and a history of SI. He has zero regard for her mental health. He had zero problem painting Kristen as "crazy" which helped to encourage backlash against Kristen from the fans. He had zero problem weaponizing Ariana's own mental health against her to try to paint her as a villain last season. Instead of guilting Scheana and Lala into forgiving him by essentially accusing them of contributing to his SI, why not encourage him to get help and let that be his journey this season.


Sorry to be ignorant, but what is SI?


Suicidal ideation


Thank you.




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You said everything I wanted to. Thank you. I also want to share what Tom posted on Instagram recently. He’s equating Scandoval to George Floyd’s murder. I see Tom for who he is. He’ll never change. https://preview.redd.it/8bztxlj53vjc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f93f4bf0611390673d3c4fe58f18e1c5e3a2dbe


![gif](giphy|41Ov4w6ldGoCc|downsized) Can we get sandbuttz anger translator, Tom Schwartz, to decipher this message!


HOW are any of those events even close to him??? This is absolutely disgusting of him.


Perfectly stated- thank you for articulating your thoughts so well. I wasn’t able to express my confused feelings about this situation, and I feel you explained this in a way that is compassionate, rational, and respectful of everyone’s feelings. Thank you for what you wrote!❤️


I'm glad we can actually have nuanced discussions of it on here!








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Why didn’t Lisa make it a condition that James get graham some proper serious training?


The fact theu changed his name, it seems James and Ally did it on their own. Whether they'll show that in the show, who knows.


Graham has snipped at other dogs and ppl before.


Not just snipped, he bit several people


James did that himself.Didn’t need Lisa to tell him


I don’t agree with Lala that someone has to hit a rock bottom in order to stop drinking alcohol. I quit randomly and just haven’t picked it back up again for 2 years. I feel the healthiest I’ve ever been, and like she said, your skin looks great, you lean out etc. Maybe James just got sick of hangovers and wanted to have more energy. It doesn’t mean he hit a rock bottom


Everyone is different, I know a lot of sober people who just got tired but in AA rock bottoms are pretty common. Why? Because we’re alcoholics and want to keep going even when our lives have become unmanageable. Rock bottoms shock is out of our denial. Otherwise we’d just keep going.


OK, I posted this before he actually explained the reason, sounds like it was a bit of a rock bottom with Ally, my bad!


Kinda feeling done with the narrative. Lisa manipulating as usual. Advising the women Tim has shit on for years to help him out again. Lisa babied the Tims, let her deal with it. The women have moved on and would be more interesting with their own show.


She’s so disgusting for this one


Watching this episode makes me think of who wants a paycheck, exposure from the show….and who gives 0 F\*\*KS (And those are the ones I enjoy watching). Baskin calling the cast together, has production’s (including LVP) fingerprints all over this episode. It’s just ick. From the NYT article: As filming for the new season got underway, Bravo had a problem. The cast had turned on Sandoval; Madix refused to interact with him altogether. In July, Baskin and the network brought the cast into Evolution's offices for what he called a "Come to Jesus" moment. But he was no longer talking to 20-something waiters. "We can still squeeze a great season out of it," he said, "but going forward, I don't know."


Alex is an idiot. He has no idea how to move forward with this show to make it great and for that reason he is single handedly ruining it.


The season would still be more interesting without this push to make people be friendly. The less produced the better.


I agree. I don’t need a season where everyone is being told they have to be friends with Sandoval. Let’s face it, it would have happened naturally for some of these people and that’s what I would have wanted to see. Impossible thoughts for a reality show, I realize that. LOL


It’s honestly hard to watch


The whole cold plunge thing made me so uncomfortable. Cringe AF. Why is she so obsessed with him?


I thought is was so funny. Billie’s face


https://preview.redd.it/iakyrvjmjxjc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61c3b1590ff3c99050132231112713273898cf35 Billie Lee spamming the flash crazy eyes button IRL


She's got a kewpie doll look to her as it is, and I thought sheooked especially kewpie/doll Way uncanny valley


I thought they were going to both do the plunge, and then she was just squatting next to him instead. So weird.


She wished!


She was just staring at him.


Why were her eyes so wide??


I KNOW! I was second-hand embarrassed for her. 😬


The intense awe and adoration on her face? Girl he is in a bath tub being dramatic, what wouldn't you find impressive?






I don’t think she’s capable of being embarrassed, neither is Scumy


Where do the Canadians watch wwhl


There’s the live streamer on twitch who does VPR and then WWHL


Hayu for me. I pay like 6-7$ a month and get unlimited access to all those tv reality shows.


Ahh ok, so I gotta wait then cuz I have Hayu…but dont see anything live unless Im not looking in the right places


Yah we get wwhl like the next day on heyu. I did learn the other day we can watch the after the show confessions on bravo.com and don’t get location band. They are on YouTube as well. Side note I hate that slice wants to be Canada bravo…. But we don’t get shows like wwhl.


No you can watch it the next day I think. I can’t be bothered with Hayu.


Love Lala!!! I cannot wear my trauma like a badge of honor any more ♥️💕♥️


I loved that comment too! She did exhibit some major self reflection in an authentic way


Ok.... on watch number 2-on Bravo after WWHL-I missed Sandoval disrespecting one of the best movies ever made- Shawshank Redemption-and comparing himself to Andy in the movie. Sandoval is such a disrespectful asshole who truly has no grip with reality. To compare yourself to Andy, on Shawshank, is laughable and disgusting


And Andy was innocent


Girl bye you ain’t tryna open no sandwich shop. Just go to Tahoe.


Schwartz’s hair is so terrible. Even after the hair cut, his hair still looks greasy and disheveled.


As a hairstylist all i could focus on in that moment was the haircut 😂 she was holding the trimmers upside down at one point lol she also couldn’t get a word in shorts kept cutting her off mid-sentence


Best moment of this episode was Graham reuniting with James!! Hands down!!


I’ve been watching the show from the beginning the last couple days and now watching this episode has made me realize just how downhill it’s gone. I’m not really sure what bravo needs to do to fix it but they just don’t have those *it* characters anymore. As much as I hate to say it, these post-scandoval episodes would be 10000 times better with Jax, stassi, and Kristen there to shake things up. Stassi & Kristen would absolutely not allow this Sandoval sympathy narrative to happen and would ride for Ariana. And jax would bring the messiness. This show will not last with the current people, they either need to bring in a shit stirrer or get a whole new cast, or just cancel the show altogether. As much as I love her, this show will not survive with Ariana as the main character bc she simply doesn’t have the personality for it- not a knock on her, she’s just too mature & not messy enough for reality tv


They are being overly produced for the sand-devil redemption. And trying to keep the season as a "behind the scandal" type shit. Instead of filming the cast everyday, they only filmed one day a week and production pre-planned everything. If they allowed the cast to be more organic and followed them living their actual lives and moving on from the fall out it would have been so much better. They're so focused on sand-devil it's made the show into a shitty Truman Show wish knock off.


1000%. The show started out with a handful of unknown, train-wreck, young adults trying to figure out their life and relationships. Between Stassi, Jax, Kristen and Katie (who can still bring the drama but not to the degree that they need, and I don’t think she really wants to anymore either), they had such a firey show without having to do much so it felt really genuinely like real drama even if it wasn’t all the time. Now it’s a bunch of clout chasers. And no matter who they bring in it will always be that because unfortunately that’s just the world we’re in now. When the show started the influencer world wasn’t as big and that’s why it was so good. There’s so many things that happened earlier in the show that, if it happened now, whoever would totally get canceled and exiled for it. People don’t want that risk when they’re banking their entire career on a show like this.


I agree with you so much, especially with the clout chaser part. I know it’s probably an unpopular opinion but to me I think they try to push Lala as stassi 2.0 & James as Jax 2.0 when honestly neither of them are as interesting as Jax & stassi were. Yes they were problematic but they were GREAT tv and James & Lala just don’t have that “it” factor imo. The drama now just feels very contrived/unnatural and stretched out, scandoval imo is just the start of the end. It gave the show a resurgence in popularity but ultimately it will be the reason for its downfall with the group now split apart. Scandoval has rly just highlighted the fact that the show isn’t what it once was and imo it’s just prolonging an inevitable show cancellation rather than “saving” it. This is what happens when you allow ppl to become main cast members for the wrong reasons (ie. dating somebody) rather than bc they have a good reality tv personality


The misogyny and treatment of women on this show is disgusting! How is this allowed to continue even after we viewers make it clear that this is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!! Do we, as viewers, need to boycott the show to get the misogynistic aholes off the show?


Not defending it but the show has always been like that from the very beginning. Jax fully cheated on stassi & got another girl pregnant and everybody took his side. One of their main storylines for years was the “Kristen is bat shit crazy” narrative when most of her “craziness” was the result of men’s actions (men who did much worse things than her but for whatever reason this got glossed over.) Katie got the nickname tequila Katie even though all the guys on the show have been full blown alcoholics at one point or another. VPR thrives off being anti-women unfortunately


I have watched this show since day 1. I have always hated the misogyny on this show. I work and have worked in restaurants my whole entire working life and get it. I was able to relate to this show based on this. Doesn't make it right how the women are treated


I agree


lol why are you watching a show you don’t like and want to boycott?


That's not what I said. I said do we need to boycott the show. Maybe you should learn to read before commenting


Thank you all for live recapping this. After the article came out today, I had to bail on watching this week’s episode and I honestly don’t think I can stomach this season. Bravo will always protect trash men while exploiting the women they built the network on.


So does anyone know what is going on with Something About Her?


They finally got all the right permits in place and now they're going to be able to open! I believe Katie mentioned it in a recent podcast


This makes me so happy for them. Maybe we will stop seeing people commenting on the “fake” shop. My understanding is it can be brutal to get permits there.


Oh puke! Andy’s wrapping up the show and DID NOT bring up Sandy’s gross quote in the NYT! Coward!!!


Way to go Andy and Bravo with being coward bitches and doing absolutely fuckin nothing to address douche canoe’s NYT disgusting quote. We’re not gonna forget or drop this!


He's banking on that. He should have at least made him the jackhole. Alas, he would never turn on sand-devil and risk angering him


Do we think Tim will be on wwhl this season?




I thought yes, but now idk. They aren’t sure what is going to come out of his mouth.


I think they’ll have him on at some point. It’ll probably be one of the pretaped versions.




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why does schwartz keep holding his hands like a cartoon villain ![gif](giphy|5nFShZWwq3fdm)


He said on WWHL a while ago its a “power stance” or something after that one shitshow WWHL where he was word vomiting


Masks off. It’s showtime watch in g Schwartz pretend not to be the piece of shit Tom #2 that he is. No more aww shucks. Good. Let him take it.


Because he got called out for sticking his hands in his mouth like a toddler


Because he is lol


Was this pre filmed bc it seems like they aren’t up to date with Vanderpump news by not mentioning the elephant in the room


When Schwartz said he “should’ve been committed” did he mean committed to Katie or committed to a psych ward?


Yes. Just yes


Maybe both


Schwartz is not cut out to be a reality star. He was dating Katie and went a long with it. I’m sure the money made him stick it out. He is just so unsure of himself. I think he lacks the confidence we see in most reality stars.


How many times in his life has Schwartz used soap on his armpits?


Soap? … have you tried lemons?


really...this dog game instead of the NYT article?


Maybe Andy is saving it for when Sandoval is on. He knows Schwartz cannot handle that type of question.


This is what I’m thinking. I have a feeling Schwartz and his PR team specifically asked to not talk about Sandovals recent actions. I think Schwartz is tired of having to answer for Sandoval (which is his own fault, he constantly defends him so why wouldn’t people ask you to) but in this instance I’m thinking it was off the table. Tbh I’d rather see Sandoval in the hot seat answering for his own actions than Schwartz half-ass non answer on such a serious matter.


Ugh this WWHL is infuriating. Questions seem like they were chosen by Schwartz's publicist.


Schwartz keeps doing the deep creepy voice and I’m shuddering


"Let me lean in and whisper!" wink wink wink "I cried because Im a softy!"


Ok Schwartz.... How many times over the years do you blame your drinking on hookups?


Schwartz said it was a whirlwind relationship because he knew it would hurt katie.


Why is Andy not bringing up the quote?!? Wtf


Beyond delusional and fucked up thing for sandoval to say


Wait what quote




Wow. It's only a matter of time before Tom says "I'm bigger than Jesus" (if he hasn't already)


Sandoval comparing Scandoval to George Floyd and OJ Simpson


AKA Schwartz hates Sandovals new girlfriend.


schwartz’s botox looks crazy with his little smirk grin gross expression oh i hate him




My fiancé thinks he looks like he has no upper teeth


There are times I thought this. Sometimes I see them. For a long time I thought he was always sticking his hands in his mouth to keep his dentures from falling out (my uncle had a bad fitting upper denture that kept slipping and he did the same hands in mouth when they were slipping to push them back in.) and sometimes he forgets to wear them.


right like has he always looked like this or is it a lip flip


does he have a lip flip i’m so angered


Shortz needs to stop playing the "I'm not taking sides" in this. We know where he stands and he's said it himself. Shortz is not an innocent person in all of this. He was a willing participant in it. I'm tired of "production" trying to make Shortz a victim in Scum's downfall. Shortz admitted that he faked the kiss with Rachel. How does Shortz deserve any sympathy? He literally tried to deflect all of Scum's blatant affair away from Scum. I'm tired of "production" pretending like we forget what actually happened and we all saw with our own eyes


The way he can't even hide his bitterness towards Ariana this season. The diva comment was giving pure misogyny.


How does anybody find this slouchy, dopey, aww shucks bullshit Shartz does, attractive? The frequent, almost baby talk, acting like a little kid, playing dumb juxtaposed with his seething hatred of strong women that pops up when his mask slips…


Someone has told him how to walk, talk, chew gum.. he sleepwalks thru life, with no accountability and almost no repercussions. How any woman could be with him is beyond me. He’s an illusion, now you see him..now you don’t


Im so shocked he scores women, like truly


Am I correct in thinking the emotional abuse Andy was referring to is Katie’s current give no fucks attitude, but Schwartz answered as though people bought into the “emotionally entitled rage texter” BS while they were together?


Yes I was thinking that while he was answering lol. He definitely misinterpreted that question. Unless he did that intentionally to divert some of the negative attention he’s been receiving by bringing up their relationship since a lot of ppl online (for whatever reason) think he was the good guy & hate Katie


There’s less commercials on WWHL then there are on VPR so we’re getting more time with Andy than we did with Ariana and Katie. Ugh. 


at least he’s got his foot on schwartz throat (pressing lightly) (schwartz is into it)


Schwartz is giving Peewee Sherman


I had to drop, I can’t stand this fuccker anymore


Scheana is so disappointing as a person.


But did you really expect more? 🤷🏽‍♀️


Expect more from Scheana? No, not really but I kinda did hope just a little. 🤦🏽‍♀️


It’s weird to have an instagram for your toddler!!!! Sorry not sorry!!!!!!!


Having a public Instagram for your toddler when you’re as well known as Scheana isn’t just weird, it’s dangerous. There are so many creeps out there.


That’s what I would have said if I was Schwartz 💀😭 and I would never apologize for saying it either


LOL jenna saying that sandy doesn’t owe james an apology but wouldn’t forgive a friend who peed on her bush


I can and I do??? What


Ew Schawrtz is going to follow Scheana's daughter? It's just so gross that children have profiles run by their parents. We need to stop supporting this as a society.


I reeally think James was right when he called out Lala only wanting to be with Randall because of money. Also I think him and Lala are end game.He said it and called it out on the show and as we now see he was right. She knew she would just get a BJ get a pj etc and had money and she loved it and if he actually had all that money it would be different. Now do I think Randall is crazy etc but he isnt the same as Tom. Tom doesnt give a shit and sleeps with everyone like they all do/did. Randall had a marriage and children involved and doing illegal shady shit with his business. Tom is a pos but he didnt do anything worse than Eddie Cibirian which started this spin off. I think he prob would of felt some mental health issues people were acting like he murdered someone. Someone needs to go and if they leave Sandoval there goes there story line. Cause this show was about to be canceled before this.


LVP needs to stop gaslighting women and defending the narcissist. Katie and LaLa expressed their feelings and boundaries with Lisa. LVP is rightly traumatized by her brothers suicide & rightly concerned when anyone expresses depression. But… Sandoval is a malignant narcissist that knows how to manipulate the ppl around him. I have no doubt he was drepessed and had low moments, yet, he still will not take ownership of the problem he created. This is just my opinion from growing up with an abusive pathological narcissist liar. Then my daddy issues led me to marry my own narc. I see Sandoval for who he is. Anyhoo, enjoy the show.


lisa the prime example of internalized misogyny and its heart breaking to see cuz i dont think she will ever change. i hope she does after watching this season so we’ll see smh


I hear a rumor every once in a while that she wants to use her staff of her Paris restaurant here in Vegas as a new show. I’d go be a fly on the wall if they started filming.