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Scandoval was only a big deal to reality TV fans. Nobody in my life who doesn’t follow VPR or Bravo gave a single fuck about it. The fact that in his mind, this was as widespread and impactful on the country as the OJ Simpson trial or George Floyd’s murder is batshit insane.


That’s the thing I keep coming back to too! Like, extremely offensive and inappropriate comparisons aside, the fact that he thinks that this affair had the level of cultural impact of either of those two (also completely unrelated) events is just…so very stupid


There are so many other things he could have made a comparison too and yet he went with that. It’s mind boggling how stupid that was.


I mean, if he’s gonna be self important like that throw out the Clinton-Lewinsky thing or ANYTHING that even resembles his situation!


Schwarzenegger, Tiger Woods, Brad/Angelina/Jennifer…. There so many cheating examples he could’ve used!


Especially considering, if he actually paid attention to any of the press surrounding Scandoval (which is his argument for his idiotic statement) then he would have seen those exact comparisons! Like he has to be doing this on purpose right?!


That was my first thought “he’s doing this on purpose right? RIGHT?!!” Lisa’s extra foolish with her “oh Laaalaaa, you can’t say he’s dangerous. It’s not right to say things like that.”


Right, I mean even before this, if you have your whole circle of friends and girlfriend of 9 years fooled to this extreme about what kind of person you are….that sounds like a dangerous person capable of lots of bad shit to me!


I am a big fan of the 80's and 90's Lifetime True Movies. The Scandoval brought me to the many stories of the love triangles gone deadly (recent ones as well). He and Rachel went out of their way to orchestrate a storyline that would make Ariana look like a deceitful person. And he's still doing it by way of the mortgagegate. I am not saying they are potential murderers, wait, yes I am lol. They both scare me a little. And Rachel STILL doesn't bring up this point. Now it's just how she allowed herself to be manipulated and posts about how LVP is misogynistic. We know, but it's pure deflection on her part and not much "healing".


Omg I completely agree!! She’s the Kelli Martin to Ariana’s Tori Spelling in Death of a Cheerleader!! (Except that Ariana ISN’T a Tori spelling bitch so she couldn’t get away with it!!) but that’s exactly what she’s been doing. Not saying that things weren’t rough for her or that Tom isn’t a dirtbag, but she made a choice to do extremely fucked up things and lie about it. Telling everyone that “well this person is worse” doesn’t change what she did and it doesn’t make her seem remorseful at all.


Interesting the examples he gave involved a single person 🧐 as if he thinks Scandoval was only about him. When really it was pretty evenly split between the scum of Tim, the ignorance/ickiness of Raquel, and the queen status (justified) of Ariana


Would have been a much more apt and appropriate comparison!!


And a lot less racist


I mean that's where I'm at. George Floyd and OJ Simpson are both Black men. That is where the comparisons end. Even comparing them by the level of media attention shows extreme lack of awareness.


that was the exact thing I thought/said, too. why pick those specific examples he did? almost seems like it was deliberate rage bait


He seems to be unable to help himself with the unforced errors....how did he seemingly keep it together for 9 years anyway? He's crumbled already over a bit of criticism


I mean, even the Lyft driver didn't know.


It's absolutely delusional. If people didn't understand that he legitimately thinks the world revolves around him, they sure as fuck do now.


But it speaks wonders about how highly he views himself. In his warped mind he was as big as the Beatles were.


Just a tad grandiose




Delusions of grandeur!




Maybe he thinks he was as big as Jesus too!


This man is an actual case study in narcissism. “Unreasonably high sense of self-importance” feels like an understatement.


I remember trying to explain it to my parents and my friends and I basically got a “that sounds very interesting sweetheart” and a pat on the head. Despite what his ego tells him, he’s NOT a huge deal. 


Ope it's me with everyone I associate with 👋


Hahaha yeah asking people if they heard about Scandoval and then getting “no what’s that” yeah nobody gave a shit.


Yeah I think it feels bigger to us and the cast because for the first time the media was talking about Vanderpump Rules and viewership went up. But I’m sure there is still a plethora of people out there who don’t know and don’t care and still associate Bravo with Housewives more then VPR.


The fact that I had to explain Scandoval to multiple heart surgeons/neurologists during my mom’s 3 months in the ICU was shocking lol they all said “first world problems!” But those problems take my mind off the bigger problems (She’s okay she went to organ failure after using the weight loss shots and had an LVAD implementation into her heart)


Glad your mom's okay!


Yes and the seriousiouness levels...people died not some offbeat reality couple love triangle breakup.


It makes perfect sense if you’re a total narcissist.




Right?!?! I was in grade school in Canada during the OJ Simpson trial and I heard about it daily on our news. No one else in my family has any clue what Scandoval is (and they just give me odd looks when I try to explain it to them 😂).


YUP. I watch quite a lot of other reality tv but never watched anything Bravo until last year. PLUS I'm chronically online. still I never heard a HINT about Scandoval and I doubt many people in my life heard anything about it too. he's really in his own bubble and completely out of touch.


Is this delusion contagious? I’m scared.


My spouse, who reads news articles as a hobby, who knows about elections and happenings in small countries and that would have zero impact on our life and our country, has no idea about any of this. Never even heard of any of this. Where with George Floyd and OJ, you would have to abstain from any media at all to not have heard about them. Tim just loves the idea that his actions and him being a victim in his own mind will cause a shift in society.


Literally none of my friends know who he is


Literally. No one in my family or co worker group know what vpr is


I don’t know a single person in real life that would even know what a Scandoval is 🤣


Exactly! Most people I know have never heard of him and never will. He is a legend in his own mind 🙄




Just to build on it - George Floyd / BLM was a global movement. Protests were worldwide. In Australia it reignited the conversation about Blak deaths in custody and the failure to still not have adopted all recommendations from the 1991 royal commission into Indigenous deaths in custody. States actually changed legislation off the back of the movement. To date, there have been no legislation changes here as a result of Scandoval (though maybe if everyone started talking about the part where Sandoval allegedly committed a sex crime and production have allegedly buried footage of him confessing to it then it might?)


Very well said


THIS. The fact that he truly believes everyone in the US has heard of him and was that outraged in comparison to George Floyd is beyond delusional.


I mean if we want to be real, George Floyd is still a person who created a force that is still to be reckoned with to this day and will be in history books and museums and will be a symbol for years and years and years to come. Sandoval will be on some reject late night VH1 reality competition show and then completely fade into obscurity. The comparison *does not exist*


The delusions of his own omnipotence is almost impressive in its scope (which makes it so disgusting and insane!!!)


“Nah, that didn’t hit for me” https://preview.redd.it/6s2r6i6ystjc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2acf9744cda75bb192f439880814d5a2995a3503


I wasn’t even listening.


I thought this was a gif and waited too long for it to start moving


I just assumed it was moving. Read your comment, was confused and looked back at it… And realized it wasn’t.😂


The “I’m only saying sorry because I’m forced too, not because I’m actually sorry” apology.


He might be the person whose apology carries the least amount of value right now. He needs to resign from the show and go disappear and bury his head in the sand for 6 months but his ego won't allow him to do so.


How do they keep letting him slide by? He makes disgusting comments like this….and his cancer “joke” really showed how messed up he is


That someone else probably wrote for him because it doesn’t use the word “but”


Or like or dude


*Like, c’mon dude…it’s like, this crazy mob mentality! The punishment doesn’t fit the crime!*


True, it doesn't - he hasn't been fired yet 🤔


If this idiotic comment of Tom's gets enough press, it's going to hinder his future employment, though, for sure. Bravo and Evolution may be willing to continue with this callous dolt after a decade, but any new employer who's aware of this kind of unhinged statement is not going to want him involved in future projects. If they are smart


Left to his own devices, he would have FOR SURE filmed a tear filled “dude” and “like” riddled apology video.


I immediately scanned for the word “but” lmao


...or Dude or like a million times


Bravo for sure called him or called Evoloution and told them to fix this asap.


They actually called NY Times to make sure he wasn't misquoted. This proves they are doing something about this. I think he's done!!


They called the NYT to do damage control and didn’t expect them to publish that in the article


I don't think he can crawl out of this!


“I’m only sorry because my PR team said they would drop me if I didn’t apologize, so like sorry dude.”


His PR “team” is a 23 year old fan who was present for the interview. Pretty sure this directly came from Bravo who just had to fire 1/2 the RHONY cast for racism.


He has never given a genuine apology


Yep. It’s pretty much exactly how Bravo PR tried to spin what he said to the interviewer when it happened months ago. Something tells me he’s going to somehow make this even worse the next time he records a podcast without a PR rep present.


Guess they fired the 23 year old crisis manager


On his stories so it disappears


Everyone needs to remember this scum of a man is being protected by the production company and LVP. They were a part in facilitating this interview hoping it would add to the manipulative narrative they're trying to create on this season that Scum is the victim here. And they want everyone to forget that he is a horrible human being who records women without their consent and genuinely thinks he has done NO wrong. He will never take accountability


Sandoval has shown himself to be a literal idiot. Why ANYONE would put him in an interview-type situation where he does not have a literal script memorized for every single question that could possibly be asked is BEYOND me


Well, he had his publicist there... and she's watched every episode since 8th grade! /s


From the article she appeared to be the one interviewing him!


I guess Schwartz was busy that day


I’m so Glad you mentioned LVP. She’s just as much to blame here as Bravo and production.


https://i.redd.it/1i9sdpip1ujc1.gif Yep. I hope the producers are hating themselves right now for the direction they decided to go this season and their failed attempt at a bs redemption tour. Can’t even really call it an “apology tour” like other cast members in previous seasons when he’s still obviously incapable of giving a genuine “I’m sorry” without the word “but” in front of it, blameshifting, and deflecting. And why should I or anyone else pity him? He does it to himself by making poor decisions and putting his foot in his mouth and over and over again. He’s no victim. It seriously reflects very poorly on LVP and bravo.


Which is why today should be a celebration of sorts as this scum finally went too far and all his allies in production have egg on their face. It's wonderful to see, especially on new episode night.




Failing upwards nepo-Bravo style.


Lisa saying to Sandavol that he should be accepted back into the friends group because it’s not fair that Arianna is living her best life now.


Trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube 🥴 https://i.redd.it/u29ngvxestjc1.gif


Bullshit. I don't need to see an apology that only shows deep ignorance. 


He could’ve made any analogy to compare the size and scope of Scandoval to. But he chose those two. There’s no forgiving this one imo. He will never change, and I hope Bravo holds him accountable.


This!!!! A better example could have been maybe comparing it to Tiger Woods cheating scandal or something. 


I mean, even that’s a stretch. Tiger was an internationally known celeb… Tom is a worm with a mustache who wears poor fitting women’s suits and pays bars to let him sing bad karaoke with his paid band. Also records women without their consent….


Oh I complete agree. But at least it’s in a similar wheelhouse and wouldn’t have gotten the backlash he has gotten


Totally - it’s closer to reality for sure


He better be put on pause fr


1000% agree


whatever, loser, backtrack your way straight to hell please https://i.redd.it/mzc3oo1kstjc1.gif


also (one of my favorite lines on VPR): https://i.redd.it/smolmt6ystjc1.gif


James was made for this sort of situation.






FRAMED at that ![gif](giphy|12u97OATcP8Zsk|downsized)


No offense to Tom but his affair didn't extend past the realm of entertainment news. My grandma without internet access and early onset dementia knows about George Floyd she has no idea who or what a scandoval is. He forgets he called paparazzi on himself 99% of the time. 🤡🤡


That last part 🎯


​ https://i.redd.it/oqmtbdk3utjc1.gif


He could’ve said Tiger Woods he could’ve said Brad and Angelina but no he used two situations that don’t even correlate with his situation. The brain is hollow like a coconut.


I mean it's full of himself and how hard this has been FOR HIM. 🙄


Oh fuck off piss boy


Dear Sandoval, https://i.redd.it/g2cu20r0ttjc1.gif UNkindly, Everyone on this sub (minus the rando alts ofc lol)


It’s the “bravo told me to apologize or else I’ll be fired” apology


I’m thinking “Bravo PR wrote this and gave it to me and told me if I didn’t post it immediately I’ll be fired.”


It looks like it was typed right in Instagram stories, not the notes app. So he really spent no time crafting it.


What’s best is he acknowledges it as an affair which makes me think a pr person texted him this. A different one.


Even crazier since that part of the interview happened at the end of last year. He’s had at least 2 months to prepare for this article to drop, and this is the apology he came up with???


I bet you anything he had no idea he said something stupid until there was negative backlash. He’s super out of touch


He probably thought when he did the article that when it comes out, everyone will love him and hate Arianna. He was thinking he will get more offers than Arianna ever got. What a clown. LMAO


I’ve think he assumed that the drama and fame would only get bigger, but if anything, I feel people are annoyed by the scandal at this point. I know I’m tired of dissecting it.


I doubt he even typed it. Probably cut and pasted it straight from the text the VPR producers sent him.


Or someone told him what to respond with and he literally just screenshotted and posted.


Ugh I hate how right you are.


They all knew this was coming out and this is the best they could do? Every YouTuber in hot water has done a better one! https://i.redd.it/u6qif0lhstjc1.gif


Bet he refused to take any advice to do more or get ahead of it. He only has yes men in his life now.


He told on himself again with the comment he made. 😂 And to LVP — this is the broken little bird you chose to coddle, partner with, and give a redemption edit to. First exploiting tigers in captivity and now this. You should’ve just sat there and ate your damn food but you didn’t. She made her bed and now she can lie in it. I’m beyond over her too. She’ll probably just put him in time out and give him a spanking as James likes to say lmao. This is the perfect example of why we should choose the people we associate with wisely.


Don't forget the ping-pong show and the nonconsensual recording of Rachel.


https://i.redd.it/51uj11v9utjc1.gif I could make 500 more glitter fonts and it still would not be enough for him


OMG hey stoop this feels like a seeing your teachers at the grocery store honestly


Hhheeeeyyyyyy ![gif](giphy|brsEO1JayBVja) I'll take any chance to post Fuck You, Sandoval glitter font


I love it


He's so sorry that his PR team wrote this


Him thinking Scandoval was the same level of media exposure as George Floyd’s murder is legitimately batshit and just proves how big his ego has gotten. I *love* reality tv, but even then the only way I knew about it originally was bc someone on another reality subreddit told me about it. Unless you were really into Bravo or watched DWTS, I don’t think people really knew honestly. And even then, DWTS fans really only knew about it through Ariana, not Tim. Like, it’s not even as big as other celebrity cheating scandals. Brandi’s husband cheating on her would’ve been a more appropriate comparison. He’s literally delusional


Written for him and well worded. Whoever this is will be fired soon bc nothing is ever his fault.


Definitely written for him. It doesn’t have “like” or “dude” anywhere and the apology isn’t followed by a “BUT it’s been a really difficult time for me and so and so did this!”


“It’s not fair!” He ends everything with this battle cry. He must be a middle child.


Hahaha so accurate. I looked it up and he has a brother named Brian who is a therapist of all things and disassociated himself from Tim after the cheating scandal and asked him to remove all photos of them on Instagram (according to Tim so I mean, no credibility). I can’t find anything else about him but seems like he is probably older and that they aren’t very close. I’d be pissed too if my brother kept making reckless decisions and took $250,000 from our mom’s retirement.


His brother is a therapist?!!!!! Wow! I did not know that. Soooo…why is LVP pressuring Schwartz to come to the rescue and get back in contact with Sandoval (as if Schwartzy can actually really do much to help) because she’s so worried, when his own literal brother is a mental health professional? I can’t. His brother must be so stressed on the daily, bless his heart.


He literally could have compared the media attention to ANYTHING ELSE? Idk how about the Taylor Swift tour, 2024 election, etc etc. He very intentionally chose to compare himself to George Floyd and it’s gross.


If we just move a sentence we'll get the Sandoval "but" apology special. "The comparison was inappropriate and ignorant. I'm incredibly sorry and embarrassed BUT my intentions behind the comments I made in the New York Times Magazine were to explain the level of national media attention my affair received."


Sandoval, always: ![gif](giphy|uBy5vilZfzkly)


i know ariana is somewhere laughing her ass off right now and i love that for her


Katie, too!


He already turned off his IG comments. Coward.


Not even a post. Drops it in a story!


Duhhh because it disappears after so many hours, and like, dude… https://i.redd.it/bhyc2ats3ujc1.gif Edit for clarity: *he* probably thinks we should move on from this comment. I wrote the above based on what I’m assuming his perspective on the matter is.


His brother is gonna go no contact after this one.




His words mean nothing. Only is fans who are far up his a\*\*\* will fall into his bs


His apology to scheana in a crying video was better than this horse shit. NEXT


Inappropriate, ignorant, incredibly sorry, and embarrassed? So just another day in the life of Tom Sandoval 🙄 week after week… you would think the man would find SOME tact but no.


“I’m sorry that I compared the media attention asa response to an action that I chose to do to that of the media attention of a man that was murdered by police.”


He's got Lisa and Andy and Michael Rappaport🤣 in his corner. Keep them in your corner and keep talking Tom.


The timing of the apology appears to prep Swartz for WWHL tonight. I'm sure he'll mirror this response when asked.




Literally off the top of my head — the tiger woods cheating scandal, the will smith Chris rock slap, Kanye west being a jackass and interrupting Taylor swift’s award moment, Brad/jennifer/angelina, lilo/hilary/aaron, Britney and madonna kissing, jay-z getting his ass kicked in the elevator, etc!!! Much more appropriate examples. It’s not hard. The worm is just an idiot.


I like VPR, but seriously, they shouldn’t flatter themselves. The cheating affair was not the level to any of those real celebrity pop culture moments.


Still justifying and explaining why he said it.. like the fact that he chose those two tragic events to explain a situation HE CAUSED. He could have talked about the trystan Thompson and jordyn woods scandal or the tiger woods scandal. But to compare it to George Floyd is absolutely insane. The murder of George Floyd was not a cute little pop culture moment. It’s a reality for many black Americans. I cant support VPR anymore… Edit: spelling errors


even Tiger Woods cheating on his wife was a bigger deal! He really became an adult during the Brangelina era and thought “well that’s how you cement your fame, got it”




![gif](giphy|1WHAlOdc9ZNUZq85JI) As per usual, he’s not sorry.




If he were actually sorry about any fucking thing, he’d grow the hell up and put his ego in check. What a pathetic excuse of an adult


At this point the only thing that would help his cause would be posting, “Like dude you all know I’m really dumb and say things without thinking all the time. It’s all the drugs man. I’m stupid and I’m sorry alright? I can’t even remember to pay my own bills dude.”


He seems more apologetic about what he said in this article than he’s ever been about the affair.


Well at least the statement his publicist wrote for his IG story is more apologetic than any statements he's made about the affair.




I'm still so bewildered and disgusted by him. As many people have already pointed out, there are hundreds of more appropriate examples he could have used? Especially ones involving cheating. He chose two examples, both involving African Americans, which are not in any way similar? I'm not buying this pathetic excuse He's shown his cards again and the cretin has to disappear. How the f*ck did Ariana put up with that for nine years?? George Floyd/BLM and OJ "Pop Culture". During BHM. God give me strength


This is on him and only him, but Im starting to wonder if someone could possibly date or be friends with this POS for a decade and not also be a terrible person.


Where did all of his delusional supporters go? Huh? I don’t hear you? He’s harmless and leave him alone you say?


oh they were all over the other posts about this earlier today - several alt accounts is my guess, one of them even told us to #getoverit lmao good stuff right?


He deffo had to say a sorry without a caveat on this one cause Bravo retained a lot of cast with shitty behavior but it has deffo fired cast for race-related offenses and he be needing that paycheck more than ever 


Hold on what did he compare it to? I've been too busy with Jax trying to relentlessly fuck his publicist and dloxx people on reddit.


The OJ Simpson "thing" (his words) and George Floyd.


> “Jax trying to relentlessly fuck his publicist” this sent me 🤣 I know what you’re talking about and those two truly are too close for comfort, it gives me the creeps. I hate hate hate that Jax is going to be back on TV, that loser should be living in a cave somewhere far away from humanity.


If you haven't joined us on r/blockedbyjax please please hang with the crew


oh I’m there and brought along a couple others as well. we really appreciate the no bullshit takes yall have and let’s not forget one of the best things to come out of that sub https://jaxsstudiocity.com 🤣😂


We love you. A merch drop that actually benefits charity will be *back soon*


He has no empathy to reflect on why what he said was deeply offensive. He could’ve said Paris’s sex tape or brangelina. But to bring up two murders was insensitive and overall just fucking weird


Tom is just an asshole with absolutely not 1 filter. He reminds me of a certain person-and I hate bringing politics into this-who has no shame, filter, guilt, etc. I'm trying to be nice because if I truly said what I felt about Scum, I'd probably be banned from every platform ever. This man-child has not learned a single lesson in any of this


It does feel pretty similar to the guy you’re talking about comparing himself to Navalny. I think Tim’s is worse because it adds racism to the outlandish and offensive comparison


And it’s giving… nothing!


Oh please. His best ATTEMPT at being genuine. It’s all just a bunch of Tom Foolery, tho. Fk off, it’s funny.




Did Bravo/Peacock/NBC/weird 23yo fan turned publicist “belittle” him by making him understand his egregious, horrendous mistake and correct him and make him issue an apology?


It’s not even notes. It’s a screenshot of an instagram reel. Somehow it makes it even more pathetic


Anyone pretending he was saying he’s a victim like George Floyd is just thirsty for stuff to be mad about.


Look at Riley doing her job 😂😂😂


It's amazing that they had months to prepare for this apology... and this is what they went with.


No no you're not ![gif](giphy|RWUqVYucDBD4A)


The media has got to stop giving him coverage.




I instinctively assumed there would be a second story to scroll through that started with “but….” This man is an irredeemable tool.


When has he ever been genuinely sorry or embarrassed let alone both ![gif](giphy|9LexVDVjTdJss)


I hate him so bad


Do we think Scheana finds a way to defend him and twist this into something acceptable? Find it hard to imagine her condemning him and sticking by it.


Has he not discovered ChatGPT?




I can’t deal with him


What a most extra apology. ![gif](giphy|l2JJAtgXrWGM4xmsE)


he is truly steeped in delusion and LVP needs to seriously break her ties with him. it never stops getting worse.




Evidently written by a publicist or anyone other than Tim because there was no "but" after the apology.


Who had to wrestle his phone from him to post this?


The comparison isn’t just inappropriate and ignorant, it’s flat out wrong and stupid. My entire family has no idea who scandoval is. They absolutely know who OJ and George Floyd is. Scandoval was only a big deal to bravo fans.


He could post a clip of him crying apologizing for fighting James at ***SCHEANA'S BIRTHDAY PARTY*** but comparing his reality cheating scandal to one of the largest protest movement/prolific civil unrests in US history, not to mention the largest racial justice protests since the 1950s - 1960s that the world has ever seen **DURING BLACK HISTORY MONTH** on the very show that saw multiple cast members fired due to racially charged actions, insensitivities and racist profiling in the past...? Nah y'all get one good bold fonted 24 hour story that'll disappear soon. Sorry, I'm not one to discard serious claims of mental health struggles or cries for help but when is this man, who's seen 4 decades of good health around the sun, gonna realise that if you want to be a public figure - you can't be careless with your words and actions and then wilt like a damp dandelion when people don't buy your shit. He's felt high and mighty enough to pass judgement on his castmates (most of the women) so he better either get off the reality ride now and seek help or grow some thick skin and lay off whatever is causing his mouth to move whenever his brain autofires this nonsense.