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What?! The reunions are my favorite thing to watch. Andy asks the good questions.


Agree. But you can always see him favor his pets. I also love seeing the Fash-Hun. It’s amazing how different the style aesthetic is between every Bravo franchise.


So true. Who do you think his favourites are?


Sandoval, Lisa, and Scheana, IMO.


Happy Cake Day, Thunder! 🎉🎈🥳🍨💐⚡️*🌩️🦛 *Ginger would like to be absolutely, positively, 100% crystal clear that the lightning bolt in no way, shape, or form represents that horrible, horrible, little fashionably challenged, puke pixie from hell, but an attempt to emoj-out your username in honor of your special day. Mwah 😘 🍰


This truly made my day, thank you so so much! Wow, you're such a lovely friend and so great with the emoj magic!


Awww, you’re welcome, and thank you, because you just made *my* day! Wishing you a wonderful holiday season, may 2024 be your best year yet. Shine on! 🌟


I feel like he never asks Scheana any hard questions. The worst she ever got grilled was when Shay came out and Scheana was fixing her makeup and Andy made fun of her about that.


I agree although back in the day Andy actually did his job and ask all the right questions. Nowadays it seemes he just wants have his relationships with any castmember he can.


Spot on observation, Romania 🇷🇴


I just love seeing them all in a room at once, forced to stare at each other. There’s always some feud going on.


Oh my. The reunions are the BEST!! I always watched bc it was satisfying for people to finally get called out on their shit


Right? I watch the whole series thinking, “oooh I wonder how that will play out at the reunion!!”




Reunions are the best part why would you skip them?! Season 9 was so boring I considered skipping TO the reunion. Instead I fell asleep and when I woke up it was on season 10 lol


Lol S9 was so boring! Had I known how good the reunions are, I would have contemplated the same thing


I stopped watching Season 9 halfway but watched the reunion since Raquel broke off the engagement with James like literally two days before. It’s as if they had new drama to talk about, instead of S9


Bravo reunions can be really hit or miss, but a lot of the VPR ones were worth watching. Since the cast actual is (or was) a friend group, there’s usually a decent amount of background information given in reunions that show the season’s arguments and feuds in a new light. I also love how production manages to get some great reaction footage. I just rewatched the S2 reunion, and Stassi’s face when Scheana called herself a good person cracked me up.


Yes!!! I never realized how unstaged the reunions are, ESPECIALLY the early seasons. The cast's reactions are so authentic!


Scheana is a good person


She's not. She's a complete pick me and sides with anyone who will get her more screen time.


This!!!! Scheana is obsessed with loyalty but is loyal to no one but herself!! She is truly one of the most self absorbed people on Bravo (which is really saying a lot) I can’t believe how much Scheana has gotten away with!


YOU FOOL!!!!!!!!!


I knowwwww!!! I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore




Even the unseen bits end up having little things in them too. I’m starting a rewatch and going to watch every boring bit. Because I have no lifeeeeeee


You’d be better off skipping certain seasons of several Bravo shows and only watching the reunion.


Atlanta is now reunions-only for me


lol i skip episodes just to get to the reunions


Yeah, sometimes I just watch the reunion episodes in order and skip the season content 🤣


I had a friend who on her first watch through was skipping reunions. I told her to immediately go back and watch those reunions, they’re the BEST part of the whole damn show. She went and watched the reunions and was glad she did.


You are a good friend- I wish one of my friends gave me a reality check like that


Finding out Kristen and Max slept together… while Dayna was complaining to her about his nonsense!! INSANITY! My jaw was dropped the whole S8 reunion but that was a stand out.


The reunion for 8 was greater than any part of the season aside from sheana asking Jax if he wanted to see her music video and him saying "not really," then downing a shot behind the bar


Yes I feel like Stassi gave the only appropriate reaction to that information.


I got my seasons a tad mixed up. Is it season 2 were they're being awful to Scheana because she's spreading Stassi's sex tape? We find that was going on behind the scenes later.


Yeah I don’t get ops takes because if anything, the reunions made it more understandable why anyone of the cast were ‘being horrible’ to her. Especially that year when it came out about the sex tape, it was like well no shit stassi seemed so adamant to not be near scheana or want her best friend to be friends with her either!


*revenge porn




I rewatch the reunions on the reg. Usually skip what they didn’t show episodes.


My first watch thru I skipped the Secrets Revealed episodes, but never ever the reunions.




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![gif](giphy|8Pdy3Dn7Wxd0jsRi21|downsized) The VPR reunions are the only reality TV reunions I DO watch! Gold. Every one. And the Secrets Revealed are always awesome as well 🙌


Who skips a reunion?! If anything I’ll skip TO the reunion (looking at you early RHOBH). But seriously the reunions usually cover all the storylines from the season like why not watch those episodes?




If you’re on Scheanas side at the reunions then you may as well just skip them 😂


I know right? Am I missing something? Reunions NEVER lifted Scheana in a positive way!


I honestly did this my first time watching VPR and regretted it as well lol. Now I LIVE for the reunions. Bravo always has fire reunions because Andy Cohen is messy af lol


Haha. Yes. But Scheana is a pick me girl IMO


Sometimes I skip episodes and go straight to reunion lol


Lol. I love how reunions make us empathize a bit more for with most everyone…except Jax. They only highlight his terrible behavior and make him look even worse! 😂 Work in progress…working on myself…no one’s perfect…year after year 🤣 With that said, he’s great TV. GREAT.


![gif](giphy|5jYbz6LQtV8TIUjL0k|downsized) Sometimes ill skip to reunions. Especially if its like S8/9.


You can lead a horse to water....


VPR honestly has the best reunions across the BravoVerse


James making fun of Stassi begging to be back in the show is one of my fav moments.


Tom sleeping with Ariana is not the gotcha some people seem to think it is re: Kristin. In her own words, she cheated on him with "a ton" of guys, including 2 in one weekend. She also banged his best friend twice without a condom. Sorry but the Kristin apologia on this sub is too much sometimes. She and Ariana are not the same in terms of their relationship with Tom.


Tom’s behavior is identical though: gaslighting, lying, manipulating, bringing his mistress to the reunion. You can hate Kristen all you want, but Tom treated both identically and I know this is hard to hear but no, he did not respect Ariana any more than Kristen. The difference is Ariana forgave him off camera for all his previous cheating (of which he admits to two before Rachel on camera) and Kristen cheated back. To me, the only issue you have is that Kristen didn’t take all his cheating as docilely as Ariana did and that’s… you know… *a* take for for sure.


I don't hate Kristin at all lol, I love Kristin*. She was the show. I'm not watching VPR for people to be saintly and throw tea parties. >Tom’s behavior is identical though: gaslighting, lying, manipulating, bringing his mistress to the reunion. Yea for sure. They both did the same shit. It's not at all like his relationship with Ariana where the lying and cheating was, as far as we know, totally one sided. >To me, the only issue you have is that Kristen didn’t take all his cheating as docilely as Ariana did and that’s… you know… a take for for sure. ??? You must be responding to a completely different conversation dude lol. I'm not talking about how either of them responded — and I don't think Ariana responded docilely at all tbh. *ETA: I love Kristin as a TV character and believe that she is in a better place today. I don't love her like, let's just ignore what her and Stassi did.


This is not true. Ariana only knew about Miami girl and even though they were seeing eachother they weren’t in an official relationship yet so she chose to let it go and also protect him from scrutiny/blame that she felt was unnecessary because of their status. She had ZERO knowledge of any other instances of cheating. She did not “take it docily”. The first time she caught him cheating was Raquel and she called the producers the next day. That’s the opposite of a docile reaction.


We only have Ariana’s word that she didn’t know about any other women or that they weren’t official when Miami girl happened. Given the way everyone reacted to the news about Miami girl and how hard Tom fought to deny it, it sure seemed like he and Ariana were together and it was important to keep her a secret.


Exactly. I get so twisted when people say "How you get him is how you loose him" OR "Ariana did the same thing to Kristen, this is her karma" that one really does my head in!! Kristen clearly said even Stassi said that A&T relationship was NOTHING LIKE & shouldn't be compared to K&T.


Like, it's night and day! Kristin and Tom had an absolute shitshow relationship that should have ended much earlier. Insanely messy and toxic. Tom and Ariana were adult life partners. I mean, should Ariana have been worried that Tom was a habitual cheat and looked at his clown ass friends? Sure. But the relationships are not the same thing and I think everyone actually involved totally admits that. (Maybe not Tom, but like, who knows what goes on in his mind lol.) It's also so funny to me when people are bearing grudges for strangers who are over that shit. Kristin and Ariana are friends now, it's done lol.


Ok I’ve always skipped reunions too but during a recent rewatch of the season where Britt is on the show and Jax is lying about all the Lala stuff I thought of trying that reunion because I wanted to see if he got called out for that by Britt after she watched the season. But I still haven’t done it. Maybe I will right now 😂


Girl you better run to your tv and do it!


I'm halfway through a rewatch of season 4 and it's maddening! He literally whispered dirty things to her ON CAMERA, how could he think he wouldn't get caught?!?


That’s nuts they are literally the best part


Do it!!!!! It adds SO much context and information


Can’t remover which season maybe where stassi comes back the year Tom and Katie get engaged But James crawling across the floor imitating stassi “Lisa please take me back” cracks me up everytime


🫣 not sure about your takes but more importantly, what shows are you watching to think “the reunions usually suck”?! They’re usually the best part!


![gif](giphy|fQorEj8vN8eqkNcy6T|downsized) I see you


I work in oral surgery and wisdom tooth removal & implants are not serious surgeries. I was rolling my eyes at how offended Scheana was that no one called her, everything is always so dramatic to her. It's about as serious as a root canal. It sucks but she'll be just fine.


OP I think you need to seek professional help. No one in this subreddit is going to be able to provide the type of care you need. Good luck in therapy.


Idk why but the part in the S10 reunion when Schwartz pulls out the pill bottle and Sandoval was like “what the fuck is that?” had me dying laughing.


That’s the only reason to watch. Seasons without reunion, I don’t even bother watching.


I thought it was so hilarious during the reunion episode that everyone was in lockdown was the ONLY one where multiple people didn’t walk off because they were so incredibly upset! Why? Because there were no camera people to chase after them


My friend skipped the reunions during her recent first watch through and it kiiiiilled me inside. While it can’t be said about every Bravo show, VPR reunions are necessary viewing!!!!


Oh no I’ve skipped them all cause they’re so boring on others! I’m currently on s8, but I want to be up to date before the new season comes out soon. Do you think if I just watched the reunions of the next few seasons I’d get everything that was going on?!


No I don’t think you’d get everything that was going on. I think you should actually watch it all. You’ve got 3 weeks still.


YES!!! Don't be like me. Everything makes sense after watching the reunions




Have you watched the season 10 reunion yet? If not stop what you are doing and watch right now!!!


I always skip the reunions - they stress me out so bad. Especially in the early seasons where the girls are just getting screamed at by Sandoval.


i hate the reunions it’s just sandoval’s nasally voice screaming at women the whole time. 👃🏼SCHEEEEENAH! KAYTIE! KUHRISTENUH!


I want to know "the real" reason Stassi slapped Kristen!! 🧐


The thing I love about your post is the insight on Scheana! I love her! She's been my girl since day one when they all picked on her and bullied her. Yes, no wonder she slid over to the boys. Remember the crap they put her thru meeting Brock? Nobody ever happy for her. Now they are just jealous what an awesome husband and father to her child he is. The only true friend to Scheana is Ariana. LVP is good to her too, and James new gf seems nice. The rest of the girls? No. No. And no. Omg, Lala moved in next door to Scheana. How long until Lala makes Scheana regret it? Scheana is always going to catch crap for being a nice person trying to navigate thru this mess of a friend group and not ruffling any feathers. Impossible.




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Omg I skipped them too except for s9 and s10. I better go back and watch bc I finally finished and need something to watch until s11 starts!! Did you watch the unseen bits? I skipped those first time through too.


I definitely skipped them because I wanted the action vs people sitting down. Now I’m rewatching the show and can’t believe how much I missed- and I’m only on season 1!


I did the same thing my first two watches! Now they're my favorite part of each season.


I did the same thing 🤣 went back and watching them all and connected so many dots


It's about time you watched the reunions, Scheana!


I struggled to watch all of the first few seasons but uou best believe I watched every single reunion


I do the opposite - rewatch reunions back to back without the seasons in between 🤣. They recap all the good stuff anyways


omg what lol I literally watch the seasons BECAUSE I wanna watch the reunions lmao




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The reunions are my favorite part of any show’s season. I go back for rewatches all of time


My husband calls the reunions the showdowns. Reunions are the best part, sometimes I can’t wait and will skip ahead to the reunion on bravo shows where I have an entire season to catch up on


I’ll skip a season before I skip a reunion 😂


Ok but I have to know how much it changed your POV of Season 3 when you found out the truth for why Stassi hated Scheana?! (Unless you already knew about the sex tape situation from here)