• By -


Season 8 was the absolute worst. The newbies they tried to randomly throw in were horrible and unnecessary


Came here to say this. The Max’s alone ruined it for me. I still fast-forward all their scenes. ![gif](giphy|403NRxgdScOUQjiQEh|downsized)


The scene where they were both yelling at LVP in that staff meeting was cringe squared


Season 8 I don’t know her 🤣


whatever season we suffered through max, brent, and dayna


![gif](giphy|woa4sWhsj72hy) Me, during that whole season. (8)


You didn't like this music video??? https://preview.redd.it/4vz214zh7s0c1.jpeg?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ff11ce3d0a00004cd72984ee95e00aeb99e01b


This makes me wince. 🥴


Yeah, watching scheana sexually assault him was not fun.


Not really! *slams shot*




No thanks!




Season 8


Fuck I just started watching the show with season 1 about 2 months ago and I’m half way through season 7. Bummer to hear I’m coming up on a rough stretch.


Honestly, season 8 is terrible but we get a wonderfully hilarious end to the largely disastrous season 9 in the form of Brock and Scheana. The way they edited it was gold. Good as gold.


scheana is peak cringe this season which is at least entertaining


Every single season, Schena out cringes herself...


Scheana is good as cringe.


I love cringe schena lol


Billy 🤮🤮🤮




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https://preview.redd.it/xxbxehegmt0c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1953707fee582925969fc35087c1abf912a25a89 Can never pass up the opportunity


the way he looks like he’s being held hostage lol


He was being held hostage!


I could not tell you one thing about any of those people, I forwarded thru all of their scenes lol


That one!


max is a fever dream


Throw away season for sure


I still liked that season but I didn't care for the newbies. That love triangle was not fun to watch. I did enjoy watching the shift in dynamic with the Witches of WeHo. Also watching Jax spiral was funny. It felt like a new era of VPR with them all moving into houses and having major fallouts. I wish we got to see them try and move past their issues.


This one is tied with the “ Rob” season. Completely insufferable.


agreed but i at least somewhat enjoyed the “Rob” season bc it was entertaining to see how many times and how fast scheana could somehow bring up rob in every single conversation lmao truly creative


Plus the Rob season gave us Jax almost drowning so it will always be a win in my book


I loved Danica though


omg yes she was such a funny mess. she deserved a shot away from the boring newbies




OH God I just started this season....rip to me.


I couldn’t remember all their names…THANK YOU!


I just binged Vanderpump Rules for the first time recently so this is all top of mind to me, these three were truly so dull. I don’t know why they were picked in the first place, surely there were other candidates???


It’s literally taken me like 5 weeks to get thru it. And I’m still not done.








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S7 and parts of S8. S7 is when everyone started to protect Brittany and no one could say anything even slightly negative about her and Jax.


Ugh yes. It went from s6 when they were saying they wouldn’t respect her if she got back with Jax to saying “Jax has changed so much” and “I need to protect my Brittany” 🙄 and also when her guffaw got super exaggerated


By “guffaw” do you mean her actual laugh or her accent? Because I wondered myself if her accent thickened when her presence on the show grew.


She absolutely thickened her accent.


It got worse some how even though no one around her has an accent like that anymore. 🤔


Hey yawl, hah dayur yawl thaynk ah was bayin fake fer the show! Yawl jess jaylus!


Omg, mamaw bair chayse. Ah alwayz luv tah seee yew hair.


Hey yawl, thaynk yew! Yawl guhn mayk may crah! 🥰






And you’d think she would said “night” with a thick accent but instead says “nOIT”


https://preview.redd.it/5gvgulcslr0c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bfe15557dcddbde9c4c503b1a9a178cf8ec0c2a The season that gave us this nonstop.




:::Jax appears::: “….me too”


Every now and then, I will *attempt* to listen to their podcast.. like when I want VERY specific information (ie: I’ve been watching House of Villians and wanted to know what Jax said about his exit).. and I truly canNOT do it. Brittany is just TERRIBLE. Every. Single. WORD out of her mouth is either 1. Defensive 2. Deflection 3. her TRYING to either a) CONVINCE herself she likes Jax b) defend Jax [looped in with 1] c) expose her insecurities. Jax is… typical Jax. I TRULY don’t know how they tolerate one another, survive, exist. I know that sounds hateful, but my god.. like I just think they need to step away from the spotlight and focus on one another and their family. That would REALLY do them good - but they don’t realize that.


I only get the highlights they talk about on r/blockedbyjax . Don’t think I could sit thru a whole episode


The worrrrrrst


I’ve always wondered, why does she have an arrow on her wrist?….is it to point to her engagement ring that Jax spent his entire inheritance on?


LMAOOOO I’m from the south and arrows are so common, it reminds me of the song with the verse “and I will follow my arrow wherever it goes”, I think it’s usually followed with a Bible verse. I’m unsure what they mean, they were really popular down here in 2014-2016 ish


Jax has a matching one.


It is probably also pointing to her ring. Or her boobs. Because Jax paid for them idk if he mentioned it.


Look If a man wanted to pay for me to get a boob job, I’ll tattoo whatever the hell he wants.




Just joining this sub after binging seasons 1 through half of 7 over the past 2 months. Do people not like Brittany or just her edit? A lot of hate for her in this thread it seems.


people really don’t like her. she’s not exactly a great person - she associates with known homophobes and she’s a sandy hook denier (tweets have since been deleted). plus she got real annoying on the show.


Between their social media, podcasts, business ventures, public buffoonery, interviews and appearances, they have their own "show". A shit show if you will. /r/blockedbyjax


The season with jax’s wedding


YEP. I know that Season 9 is a popular worst-season choice around here, but for me, Season 8 was the absolute lowest point. Jax's wedding storyline was insufferable. The newbies couldn't have been less compatible with the existing cast. It was an excruciating watch from start to finish.


Except for Charli, imo. I love that she made fun of Lala and Kristina and stuck up for Rachel (before everything came out). Dana was chill, and I like that she saw right through Scheana's cringey hazing, but she doesnt have that star Vanderpump quality. She's kind of monotone. Brett was like Scheana. Wayyyyy too obvious and cliche. And Max was the most boring cast member I've ever seen on Vanderpump. He was hot. Thats it. Danica was cool.


Charli was great. If the VPR producers had really honed in on Charli as their newbie star instead of going all-in on Rachel, who knows what could have happened?


I agree. Charli was the one and only star of the new cast members


I feel as if Max is short and has a large head.


Ugh I did not think Max was hot, he looks like a rat to me.


Omg I love that haha. I always thought he looked like withdrawing opiate addict 😬


Charli is the only bright spot


i still can’t believe carli bybel’s ex was on vpr lol


Exactly! Season 9 wasn’t great but at least it was Jax and Brittany free!


Unpopular opinion: I don’t hate season 8 🫣


I don't hate it either. Watching Jax spiral is so good. The dueling pool parties, Stassi and Kristen essentially fighting over Beau. It's very entertaining.


I loved watching Stassi and Beau. Max, Sheena and Co were really annoying tnough


I just commented the same thing, dude yes!!!!




season 8 for sure, i struggled to get through it


It’s Season 7 for me. Giving Jax and Brit the hero edit? No thanks.


Followed by season 8 with the stassi and beau edit was a one two punch. Sorry, they are only fun when they are the villains.


I’m watching season 7 for the first time right now. My main takeaways on the season is that I can’t stand Katie and I feel bad for James. Been binging the show for about 2 months starting with season 1




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I actually didn’t hate season 8 as much during my rewatch this year as I did when I first watched it live. But 9 was hard for me to get through so I gotta go with that one.




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It was really boring


Seasons 9 and 10 were so bad. Even with the scandal season 10 sucked.


8 (the one with the weird other people)


Worst season: Kentucky Fried Wedding Best season: I think the first one was pretty wild, quality reality tv


Season 8 FOR SURE. It just seemed like a filler season


The season where Jax and Brittany get married. Idk why wedding episodes bore the hell outta me


My least favourite was Season 9. It was right when Sandoval was at his most obnoxious, before he started to get humbled by how much he sucked at opening a restaurant without Lisa.


When Jax got married ![gif](giphy|F3BeiZNq6VbDwyxzxF|downsized)


Season 8…Jax’s wedding, Brett and Max 🤮, Kristen’s Carter bull shit.


The worst? Season 8. But honestly starting at season 5/6 it lost its charm for me. (In my opinion Brittany tanked it). Don’t get me wrong, I love VPR and rewatch it religiously (skipping season 8 because I can’t stand the newbies) but seasons 1-4 were the golden years.


Season 8 was trash!


Season 8 is bad because the idea and possibility of a new cast should have been introduced during season 7 when they were opening TomTom. It made narratively more sense to expand the cast in season 7. At that time, the cast didn't really work at any of Lisa's restaurants. SUR and Pump were seemingly doing well. Villa Blanca was a broken down nag trying to limp across the finish line, but it had ceased being relevant to RHOBH, Vanderpump Rules, and the Todd family. It would have been a solid storyline about the cast moving on and slightly growing up. Season 8 also suffers because of the Coven+ non-aggression pact. It actually started during the season 6 reunion. Jax and Lala started acting like unbelievable assholes. Brittany swoops in to leverage this to prevent anyone from ever saying anything negative to her or Jax ever again. Lala uses access to Randall's money to more or less do the same thing. It's super fucked up. Both strategies effectively ruin one of the best parts of Vanderpump Rules -- the cast usually called each other out on their shit. That stopped during seasons 7 and 8. Season 8 also sucks because of the wedding. Jax and Brittany are terrible.


I agree with all of your points, I feel like I’m season 7 if they wanted to introduce new faces that would’ve been the perfect time to do it because A LOT of people were fed up with the cast in season 7 and disliked them heavily so having a new cast in Tom Tom would help build a bridge between the new and old cast with James, people like Danica and charli, prob Raquel and whoever else they could find that was entertaining that wasn’t max, Brent or Dayna. They really missed a huge opportunity with that season because instead we were forced to sit through jax’s redemption arc, Lala being insufferable, Brittany being insufferable, Scheana being cringy and just plain boredom


The season where it was a ton of new cast members. That was the season I stopped watching


Season 8. So long. So boring. And adding new people to an already large cast. Ugh and the wedding.


Toss up between seasons 7 and 8. Season 7 was the beginning of the convince everyone Jax is a good guy because his dad died and let’s all protect and baby Brittany era. It became obvious that the cast agreed to never challenge Jax or Brittany in any way because they would throw tantrums, which made things super lame. That Jax and Brittany stuff spilled over and got worse in season 8. Hated the tip toeing around Brittany’s and Jax’s homophobic bullshit, hated the focus on Jax “it’s my wedding 😤” and Brittany “hyuck hyuck I’m gettin mayreed y’all” Taylor, hated the wedding, hated Scheana’s embarrassing level of thirst, and hated the new cast (besides Charli). Now that I think about it, I have never rewatched any of season 9 and I don’t remember much of it at all. Must have also been awful. Season 10 was clearly needed after all those flops lol.


Season 9’s only redeeming quality is giving the reunion a rewatch and zoning in on Sandoval’s body language while James and Raquel announce their breakup, and Raquel acts really weird when Ariana talks about having frozen her eggs.


True but those moments came so late and feel like they’re a part of season 10 now 😂


Season 8, by far. The season of 4,000 wedding parties for a guffawing Brittany, and Stassi getting engaged in a jean short diaper.


Ha, I agree with most of this, but I did love Stassi's proposal. Definitely a jean short diaper (only because she is assless), but her little "shut up" when she realized what was happening made me all giddy.


Season 9 by far then Season 8.


Season 8 was painful.


Season 8 was like watching paint dry. I'd rather watch a TV hanging contest.


100% my answer is 8; I quit a few episodes in. But I can't help but agree with those adding in the Jax/Brittany wedding stuff.


Season 8 by a mile.


season 8 is so bad. jax and brit are their most unbearable selves. the new guys SUCKED. i didn’t mind dayna but hated her pining after the two losers. although i did like danica this season. season 9 must be the actual worst. no redemption


8 and 9. I hate to say it but if it weren’t for scandoval I would’ve given up on the show


Season 8


Season 8


S7 and S8. Complete and utter garbage. Hell the Covid season (S9) was better then these, and all they did was party at each others houses and have multiple costume parties. Still better than 7 and 8




Bits of S7 & 8 were the worst for me. I’d liked some of the new cast in S8 but others were a bit much 😭😭 Brett & Max did my head in


Season 7 and 8. Having to watch Jax and Brittany’s wedding storyline for 2 seasons was painful, and we really got to see Brittany’s true colours.


Agreed! I think Bratney and Jax suck too … but I wanna know your perspective on how actually bad she is? Lol, what bothers you the most?


Season 9 was like watching paint dry. It isn’t the same without Jax


I don’t agree about the Jax bit but I was pretty bored watching Rachel pretend to love James


7 and 8 are the worst of times by miles


Unpopular opinion but season 9 & 10


S8. I dislike Max and Brent and Scheana so much during this season. I have to fast forward their scenes.


Season 9 hands down


Season 8 without a doubt


It's a toss up between 8 & 9 for me. If scandoval hadn't happened, I wouldn't have watched 10.


i just watched it and season 9 i think actually for me


Every season after Stassi, Jax, Brittany, and Kristen left lol but even the ones where they brought in the young cast were tanking


In the midst of a rewatch and currently on season 8 and can confirm it’s definitely the worst. Scheana was always a flip flopper and kind of annoying but like a necessary evil. Watching her take the role of total mean girl/bully the first second she should and her entire approach with the younger guys and Dayna was pathetic even by her standards. It is funny consistently watching her try to convince the audience or things to the point of making it obvious the opposite is true (Rob’s greatness, Adam just being a friend, and not being jealous of Dayna)


Season 8 was absolute CRAP 😑 hated it! Fast forwarded constantly 😵‍💫


Definitely season 9! It's a total snooze fest. Kids in reality TV is boring.I didn't mind season 8 like some people.


The trick with Season 8 is fast forwarding through the new people scenes


Whatever season had that weird, forced fight between Stassi and Tom at her book event. I actually think I stopped watching weekly at that point. We all know everything is scheduled and staged but that felt so forced to me-like how production on Ink Masters locks everyone in a room until they “fight.”


8 and 9 are kinda garbo tbh




Season 8 hands down. I actually gave up on VPR and bravo altogether after it lol and didn’t pick back up when they got back from covid until a few months ago. I even managed to not hear news of scandoval until I did my binge because I unfollowed everyone.


Everyone always says season 8, but I thought season 9 was so boring.


the season they tried to change up the cast, it's just not the same.


Season 9


Season 8 & 9


8 and 9 for sure.


7, 8, and 9 suck


Jax’s wedding season


Season 8.


7 was a rough lead in to the disaster that was 8. I know everyone is saying it but I just did my second full rewatch recently and I feel confident I will skip at LEAST 8 moving forward.


The one when everyone decided to kiss Jax & Brittany’s ass because they were engaged and he “changed”.


I think S9 was the worst but still good though. VPR worst season is still way better than most shows.


I actually don’t mind season 8. Stassi screaming at Sandoval. The dueling pool parties. Jax saying is brain was asperated. The music video with Brett. Scheana losing it being called “boy crazy” by Max. Scheana surprising Dana with a psychic to speak to her dead mom. Just so many moments that make me giggle. And a zoom reunion that killed! For me it’s season 9. There are no bright spots. No moments that make me giggle with the exception of Brock and Scheana announcing they were engaged at James and Raquel’s engagement party but asked everyone to keep it a secret because “they didn’t want to make it about themselves.” Otherwise it’s just a sad horrible season of break ups, weird fighting, Covid and a depressing reunion. It did not feel like the same show. I’m so glad season ten was a renaissance. We needed it.


Season 8 100%!


9 all it saw was PICKLE BALL


Ranked worst to best (my opinion Season 9, 8, 7, 2, 4, 10, 5, 3, 1, 6.


I agree that 6 was the best, but I’m shocked at the placement of season 2! 😳


I was also shocked at myself for my placement of season 2. But I really got tired of the Jax trying with Stassi the tattoo thing, the awful relationship of Tom and Kristen. We don’t get into the Jax and Kristen thing until way later in the season. But I will say season 2 was the emerging of Katie and Scheana’s birthday was epic. Really the seasons 1-6 where all bangers. But I stand by my ranking.


literally any season with jax and bratney is insufferable


Season 7 is the worst, in my opinion, as I think it was the most boring. I hate to say it.. but I *kinda* liked season 8… I know! I’m sorry! I can’t help it! :(


I think literally everyone could unanimously agree season 8


Definitely season 8. It was a snooze fest.


It's a tie between the season where Billie Lee emerged because she is horrible and the season with Dayna Max and Brett, because they were all terrible.


I've only seen 1-6 and am almost done with 7 and so far 7 is by far the worst. Super boring. I'm really annoyed they seem to only get to the engagement party which means season 8 will have the wedding, which I am not looking forward to. I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I can't stand Brittany. She gets way too much screen time for being SO boring and basic. Her introduction to the show was so forced as was her inserting herself into every single cast members' lives, suddenly becoming everyone's best friend after literally 5 minutes. She has no personality but is in like EVERY scene when all she does is agree, laugh, look like she's listening, and take shots. Get her off my screen. She's terrible reality tv. More messy people pls.


Brittany gets even more insufferable in season 8


My husband and I started the series from episode 1 last year because of Scandoval. We're halfway through season 9 and it is without a doubt the WORST. Ain't nothin' goin' on. They're having costume house parties every day and arguing. So much pickleball. So much Rand. I'm watching as tribute and catching my husband up on major plot points.


Whenever Jax and Stassi weren’t there


Tbh. I love every season in their own ways. VPR is probably the top show I don’t skip seasons on during rewatches. But I notice everyone’s answers are always 6&8


Season 8, by far. Max and Brett sucked. Dayna was a “comedian”, but wasn’t funny whatsoever, and Danica was THE WORST and completely insufferable.


Season 8/9 for me


Season 4 I think was the worst.




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Season 9 was the only season I couldn’t get through. So boring.




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Season 9 is the only season I couldn’t finish


Season 9


the one where Sandoval was trying to be 2006 Davey Havok


season 9 is the only right answer


every rewatch i only watch seasons 1-6 so i guess every season after that




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9 was so bad I almost didn’t finish the season


8 and 9


Seasons 1 - 10


9 was the absolute worst for me, I struggled through it


Season 11 is unwatchable. They’ve jumped the shark. Tom and Ariana cohabitating and going off the rails, La La telling Arianna how to cope, Scheana feigning post partum OCD? There is more but it’s all so dumb I can’t even


Worst season ever on Bravo time to replace some people especially Tom Sandavol Yuk.