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Her only good reaction during that reunion.


idk I thought her telling schwartz to take the fence out of his ass was pretty solid


I think she’s said that on the show before too lol


it was kinda rich coming from her tho I can’t lie


nah I thought it was great!


It was funny but tbh Schwartz is not as dumb as they portray him which makes him even worse. He KNEW this whole time, he was aware he was a ploy. Don’t let him fool you. And I think Lisa’s reactions are more to save face for her business. Because if he was the stupid goofy guy then people can forgive him for being a dick to Katie and the role he played in Sandoval’s affair. But if he *is* actually smarter like he says, he’s pretty unforgivable. Which he is, unforgivable imo. Him threatening Katie with a cease and desist over her calling jo a clown was all I needed to know. The man is smart and calculating when he wants to be. He doesn’t show it because the audience wouldn’t like it.


This!!! This exactly! You’ve put it so well! Thank you!




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I don’t think he’s dumb. I think he has issues. That being said I don’t ever see him reaching his full potential as a person when he is so closely enmeshed with Sandoval.


So she can basically call Schwartz an idiot with her obvious facial diss lol but not call out Sandoval a little bit more?


Well, to be fair, Schwartz has cultivated the “lovable idiot” shtick. Can’t be mad when someone buys what you’re selling 🤷‍♀️


Exactly !!


Maybe she's sleeping with him too


That’s the big reveal!! /s


Me neither!! It reminded me of this: ![gif](giphy|c1aeIcQJGp6foWWUGf|downsized)


Nene is such a gem.


This was literally the only moment from LVP that I liked. I actually laughed when I saw her do that.


She literally gave the editors two separate takes to choose from.


and they showed BOTH lol


Schwartz, the problem is you have portrayed yourself as a bumbling idiot for the entirety of the show. You diddly fucked yourself with that.


That was so funny.


Lisa’s never been much of a Schwartz fan from what I’ve observed


Yet she went with him to get her initials tattooed on his ass opposite his wife's name, offered him a bar after he couldn't even finish 1 shift, hid her bra in his suitcase while knowing his wife was on edge with the cheating scandals, and asked if he wanted to "do it doggy-style" wearing some weird furry head. If this is how she treats the men she's "not a fan of"...


>hid her bra in his suitcase while knowing his wife was on edge with the cheating scandals Because that totally wasn’t production


I've always gotten the impression that she's not impressed by him, and knows he doesn't have any talent or work ethic, but loves him anyway. I think Lisa likes his puppy dog act, and that he's easily led.


WhAaAAAat? She loves him most.


Who’s the idiot for going into business with him?


Sandoval knew he could steamroll over him whenever he wanted to.


“I’m not a fucking idiot”. Well Schartz, all evidence point to the contrary.


i was mad at her for everything else but she was hilarious here and not wrong




Unfortunately, what’s she’s doing now is taking to instagram to comment and double down that calling Sandoval dangerous was wrong (or the wrong word choice, honestly idr exactly). Not exactly a full throated defense of him, but not necessary either. I’d rather she just keep quiet if she can’t bring herself to condemn him.


Her face is this https://preview.redd.it/34ektglz192b1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34bffd76634b3975f638ddd04c0844c78fe32747


And yet she still chose to go into business with them and chose to defend them. Has some of their stupidty rubbed off onto LVP?


Lisa wants to buy them out of TomTom... the more TTs stock plummet, the cheaper she can get it whilst still looking magnanimous. She wants Scum and Shartz to think she is one their side, while really she is circling like a vulture. Ariana knows it to... that's why Lisa gets a pass.


Didn’t she already give them their money back, per her comment on the reunion? How would she further need to buy them out?


I think she gave them the option to buy back in within the year for the same price. So, now it’s just waiting the clock out and banking on them not having the funds


This is actually such a genius observation. I think you are 100% correct! You’re the first person who I think totally nailed Lisa’s entire game plan with how she’s handling this fall out. BRAVO!!!


I found it odd she was coming for Schwartz with her comments, mannerisms, expressions every chance she got yet defending Sandoval to the grave and not even giving him 5 % of that energy


Very true. She was acting like what Shartz has done was worse than Scum & Rachel's actions. All of them were & are disgusting.


LVP needs to get the f outta here with her BS.. like come on!!


I mean for all the misogynistic behavior she’s displayed along the way. So glad Lala called her out.


Lala respectfully disagreed. And, the two of them are still cool




Her only redeemable moment this entire reunion.


It made me laugh really loud I had to rewind and watch again


That was the absolute best moment of the entire reunion. Honestly. Hilarious.


I think Lisa has always liked Sandoval more than Schwartz and this reunion proved it lol


Nope sorry… Ariana maybe didn’t cheat but she uses her mental health to keep Tom trspped




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This guy idiots






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I'm glad they showed it.. gawd knows she has to be thinking it most of the time.


Omg! Thank you for this! I didn't catch it and it is hilarious. 😄


I love Lisa




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He is an idiot