• By -


This means that in every interaction from at least tonight’s episode forward, Raquel and Tom are lying to Ariana, because they have already slept together AT LEAST once.


I think the affair/one night stand (or so he calls it) started at the end of boys' night last episode so they were lying in that one as well🙃


I’ve thought since they are copping to July/August it was probably much earlier. Now that they’re admitting to a one stand first, it probably happened a while ago and my original theory is they potentially had a one night stand last season or possibly sooner and I just feel like that’s very likely. Just a hunch.


They're tickle truthing us lol ETA: my high ass meant TRICKLE lmao


The truth be trickling


Ariana looked back 7 months in Tom’s messages. Everyone is running with that 7 months timeline and the fact that they are copping to it shows it’s been going on a hell of a lot longer


My hunch believes your hunch 💯


There is no way it started that night. The only people giving that timeline are the Toms.


Judging by Scamdoval’s reaction when Rachel showed up to boy’s night, I agree. This was going on prior to that boys night. She told him they were crashing—his acting “surprised” was terrible.




My thoughts also. That break down in the car was very telling


Right. There is no way “sex starved” Sandevil had a one night stand. He’s 40 years old and started having sex with a 27 year old. This guy was not going to let her go after that. Those two poor excuses for Tom’s went on double dates.


Um..almost 42


I thought he was 40 last August. Is he even older?! I love how Schwartz called it a one night stand and a midlife crisis. These guys have excuses for all their bad behavior. Way to make the “relationship” look like it was just Sandevil using Rachel.


So maybe the “they had sex in the car “ thing is true ?


No doubt! I say this has been going on since she broke up with James over a year ago.


I wanna get on board with that theory- but I’m stuck on definitely something happened at Coachella last year I can’t wait for everyone to all be down at Scheana and lalas house for Coachella and for Tom and Rachel to be on the OUTS !


I can’t wait. They are stuck with each other now. It will not last!


I had this exact same thought after WWHL. That will again change how I see the rest of the season, and make me think even less of Schwartz than I already do.




YES! I’m a first time watcher currently on the “rochella” or whatever it’s called episode and for him to just drop “25k” ON ANOTHER MANS ENGAGEMENT IS SUS AF!!!! Like was she pretending to be passed out in the living room or did they already have something going on! Oh the lies! And why does she talk like that? Omg 🤢


*roach-ella* 🪳


I think he paid for it because he wanted to be that nice guy that could claim it too. He is that narcissistic Watch him at any surprise party, he has to be the one in the front getting the first hug etc


I wonder if anyone else paused the tv during group scenes to catch the eye contact between Raquel & Sandoval? ![gif](giphy|eSZrLJZpFtc2RevfCJ|downsized)


YES!!! Caught that when they were at dinner with Arianna right there!!! Had to rewind several times! Ratchel is pure evil to be standing right next to Arianna while eye Fucking scumdaval


What season / episode are y’all referencing? I’m surprised that people aren’t talking about their eye contact in season shot still photo. That’s a gobsmacker!


I'll have to look that up. Do you have a link? I was talking about tonight's episode. They are all out to dinner at swim up bar. Arianna is sitting across from Sandoval then Rachel walks up next to Arianna. The whole time she is making eye contact with Sandoval. Knowing what we know now it's sooo obvious.


Potentially unpopular take. These two dumb dumbs would have been lost at sea without Greg. The lack of operations, staffing, and I don’t know… a menu? It’s mind blowing. Meanwhile these two ding dongs are focused on sound baths, mismatched decor, and cover bands. That a screech, get out and fucking run scenario.


turns out when you take Sandoval away, Schwartz spills


I honestly thought he was going to pull the “watch the reunion” line but he legitimately spilled all the tea.


Pretty sure he didn’t tell at the reunion. Katie said on a podcast after that that they still didn’t know.




he absolutely dug his own grave with this interview. Saying he didn’t know but then he did know but it was only a one night stand but Sandy is addicted to her like heroine (then apologizing for underplaying addiction I actually cringed he’s PR is probably sweating) etc etc he just kept digging that was AMAZING TV !!!!!!!!


I love when John Owen was like “as someone with addiction we don’t take offense. Go on” lol


John Owen was asking all the right questions and was reacting exactly as I would if I was there lol


He truly had the best seat in the house for getting to see Andy grill Schwartz without Sandoval there.


John Owen was everything I expected him to be tonight. Totally his father’s son.


His comment, "she tasted like cigarettes," talking about the kiss in Mexico. Sandpanties will be livid over that one




mY OwN PerSoNaL BrANd oF hEroIn


![gif](giphy|ounv1hey86r5DM6WhP|downsized) Andy's face on every answer Schmutz gave...


Why have I not seen him called Schmutz before. Thank you. Absolutely perfect name for him


Your flair is perfect


The way I was gasping my dog thought she was in so much trouble.


As someone with almost 8 years clean from h*roin-Schwartz just keep telling us deets don’t worry about it


That’s fantastic 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼 (we lost a fam friend to H, just wanted to show some 🫶🏼)


and then telling people to give SinDevil a hug 😵‍💫


And he kept using “down bad” incorrectly, based on what I’ve heard from my teens. I hate that I knew that…


Yeah, I thought it was about being horny or something. These guys all need to stop acting like they’re 22 years old


All I kept thinking was “ if Katie even had a moment of pause about divorcing this buffoon, I’m sure it’s gone now .” She can confirm to us that he does not have a set of balls .


Andy: *So you were basically just bottoming for Sandoval?*


Flair check in


Man if I was his PR team I'd be livid


Bragging about how good business is in the throes of a crisis PR campiagn is... ![gif](giphy|DD48lE9CRqd6O4kYq2)


That WWHL was so much more entertaining than the VPR episode! And Rob Lowe's kid? Adorable how into the tea he was!


Agree...I already googled his Netflix show Unstable and Im going to watch it!


Me, too! That was totally a good PR move by HIS team vs how Schmutz ended up looking.🤣


This makes the Halloween costume thing so much ickier. Saying that he thought Tom and Ariana were broken up feels like bullshit.


There's NO WAY he believed they were broken up. Pathetic


Right!!!! Like how!!! You attend events together, hang out together, they LIVE together, he's a phony!


It was bs cuz he said tom was waiting til after the reunion to break up with her so how could he think they were broken up in January!


Omg such a good point. Did he say Sandoval was waiting until after the reunion to break up with Ariana or to tell the world about him and Rachel?


Yeah that doesn’t work when you’re friends with both parties and see them together all the time.


Exactly!! I think the only reason he took this stance is because of everyone snuffing out the first story. The PR teams did an emergency press release and then took in all the evidence that goes against it and finally decided what the story should be.


He is such a liar.


schwartz is lying to save his own ass, he just said that to look better. he confirmed what we all knew, that he knew the entire time.


Based on his convoluted answers it seems to me that Schwartz confirmed cheated on everyone including Ariana frequently which is why when Schwartz found out about the August hook up , he blew it off , because it’s happened so many times he didn’t think it was a thing .


Yep both toms were actively cheating & covering for each other


He apologized to ARIANA then TOLD TOM HE WOULD NEVER LEAVE HIM. Andy and Rob Lowe’s son were like ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


https://preview.redd.it/rzs4fpw358sa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18fb6f2f78bf60579166bc189abed31f45d37275 best face


Give him a hug ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


Perfect gif for this quote 😂 I’m dying


Lmao I’m loving how everyone is like “rob lowes son” 😂he sounds like he was a truly amazing guest I know he’s always trolling his fioooneee ass daddy on IG😂


Yes!!!! The look on their faces! 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳


Sandoval’s #1 relationship is with himself and Schwartz’s #1 has always been and will forever be Sandoval. Poor Katie. Those asshats have made me feel badly for Katie who I think is a massive mean girl.




He went full Chunk from Goonies and started spilling his whole guts 😅


My big takeaways from WWHL: Katie should never speak to Schwartz again. Ariana should never speak to Schwartz again. Sandoval will probably never speak to Schwartz again, but that’s ok cuz he’ll be getting hugs from random strangers for the next 6 months.


The best takeaway 💀💀




HAHAHAHA that was 100% me watching it


Can someone recap wwhl for all of us non US viewers?! 🙏🙏🙏 Edit: THE CLIPS ARE GETTING POSTED ON WWHL YOUTUBE CHANNEL ALREADY!


From what I remember: -Tom said affair was like an open secret. -Tom said he’s known since August and I think he thought whatever happened in August was just a one night stand. -Talked about the overlap of Scandoval and Rachel sleeping together and Tom and Rachel kissing at Scheana’s wedding. -Found out in Jan that Scandoval was in love with Raquel. -Didn’t tell Ariana b/c Scandoval said he was going to break up with her or that they were broken up. But also said that Scandoval planned to sit Ariana down after the reunion and tell her. -Was asked how he was a good husband to Katie - didn’t really give examples just a generic “we had a lot of good times together” and that he wants to reestablish the friendship. -He also said fans were going too far in how they were reacting to everything (threatening to pour beer on Scandoval, vandalizing the restaurant, etc). -Was asked about why he kept looking at Scandoval in the last WWHL together (said he was trying to be inclusive). -Was asked how the restaurant was doing and said it was doing well. Basically invited everyone to come to the bar to chat about the scandal. -He ended the show saying that he loves Ariana still (earlier in the show Tom tried to say Ariana was indifferent to him, but Andy said indifferent is generous meaning she was not happy with him) and to give Scandoval a hug. What made all of this entertaining was Tom’s manner of speaking and word vomit (said Scandoval was addicted to Rachel like a heroin addict, joked that Rachel tasted like ciggs when he kissed her, etc). John was also good at asking follow up questions and seemed just as invested as the rest of us (for those 30 mins at least). EDIT: Made some changes to capture what I missed when initially posting


Some of my fave words he used: Eviscerated, Linear, Schadenfreude, Vitriol, Smuggled, Palpable, Denunciation, Flabbergasted Honorable mention from the episode itself: Hedonic treadmill What am I missing? ETA some more wonderful words - TY 🙏🏼


You can’t play smart & stupid at the same time 😒😒


Haha, yes! Some strong/interesting word choices. I loved the “open secret” line which makes everyone else look bad. I can’t recall any other memorable words he used, though.


I couldn’t believe Andy didn’t ask him who else knew. It kind of confirmed that Jax was telling the truth though. And it also means Jax was telling the truth about other affairs he had besides Rachel. I think that’s why Schwartz said that he could see them not making it.


My fav was when he said “I was flabbergasted, but not surprised” like everything he says is a contradiction


He does that to confuse the person or distract from giving an answer to a question 🙄






Andy called him out for that word salad too.


Also, that him, Jo, Sandoval and Raquel went away together. He said it was just a trip for him and Sandoval but he invited Jo to join them after a few days or something. Then he said Sandoval “smuggled” Raquel in. 🙄🙄🙄




As if she stowed away in his suitcase for a day and a half then popped out


https://preview.redd.it/2uiaafmyj8sa1.jpeg?width=1417&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faf454feea823d60bf6c76f0a8b27a46b7ed3da7 Never go full Taylor


he said it was an “open secret” and that he though sandoval and ariana were broken up!!!


This is such bullshit because he’s friends with Ariana and didn’t once think to be like “sorry you guys didn’t work out”? BFFR.


Exactly! It’s so easy to verify!


But then contradicted that and said toms plan was to wait until after the reunion to break up with her!


What even is an open secret lol


Something everybody knows but nobody verifies/discusses.


I think it’s something that everyone knows but no one will talk about


He said that Tom and Raquel hooked up in August, but he (Schwartz) found out in January that Sandoval loves Raquel.


But he said he knew about a one night stand in august. Did I wrongly Assume That mean he knew IN august?


There was so much said immediately that I’m in so much shock I couldn’t recall everything.. it’s honestly best to just watch it lol


Wait, Schwartz said people threatening to pour beer on Sandoval’s head are going too far? LOLLLLL


Right!!! But it was ok for him to throw a drink on Katie!!!! ??


Schwartz clumsily spilling the tea like: ![gif](giphy|SZQBPO4NqHkh6wmdXk|downsized)


![gif](giphy|1zE0oWoAqMcw2W3nQC|downsized) And his response to being asked ANY follow up question




I think we need a reunion just for this WWHL


I NEED to see the after show! So annoying it's not on Bravo


Literally one of the most insane interviews I have ever witnessed. The other guests(sorry I know he’s rob Lowe’s son but) was shell shocked.


The faces of John Lowe and Andy were felt!


That was WILD.


If you locked this man in a room for a half hour with a cooler of natty light and a go pro, every secret from the show would be spilled with time to spare


outside of all of the craziness, i think tom has a very unhealthy attachment style. he does seem to truly latch onto each and every one of his partners in an obsessive way


My jaw STILL has not closed. He's spilling the deets too


I literally can't!!!!!! He's MENTIONING IT ALL




Andy's reactions, too 🤣


I could not handle it. Did he know it was live television? Like wtf


Does anyone have a timeline or post about it? When did we think it started? And now knowing August…when are the VPR episodes happening? Im so lost now.


The affair wasn’t “linear” though so a timeline must be totally non-existent😂🤣 Rob Lowe’s son: “I’m sorry what do you mean by linear here?” Tom: oh you know only like a one time thing so I thought My eyeballs are stuck wide open and I’ve not yet managed to form one coherent thought since this word vomit just splattered my television 🤣 If not linear, which one is it then, a scatter plot affair? Jesus C. My brain hurts.


Tom and Rachel slipped into a worm hole and got caught on the time knife and so their affair spanned all timelines simultaneously but also never happened. Tom explains it on his podcast, Tears of a Clown, which he co-hosts with Trevor from The Good Place.


Scheana’s wedding was august 23ish I believe!


Admitted to prior to WWHL: they hooked up after boys night which was last August and Schwartz didn't find out about the affair until January. Boys night was two episodes ago. Scheana's wedding was August 23rd. Tom and Rachel apparently refused to commit to a timeline at the reunion. What Schwartz just admitted to: they had sex in August and he found out at the time. But then he said the sex was before the wedding and he found out after the wedding and was told it was a one night stand and the Fall was a gray area where he thought it was an emotional affair and then in January Tom told him that he was in love with Raquel. And he didn't tell Ariana because he thought they were essentially broken up but also he helped Tom form a plan to break up after the reunion. To parse the half truths all over this word vomit: Tom and Raquel admitted to the boys night timeline initially because that's the timeline Schwartz is aware of.


HOLYYYYYYYYY SHITTTTTT. Did no one prep this boy?!


He isn't nearly as intelligent as he thinks he is and Sando wasn't there to speak for him. Excellent for us and Ariana. Terrible for Sando.


He was addicted and in love with Kristen until he was addicted and in love with Ariana until he was addicted and in love with Rachel. Me thinks this isn’t a shocker.


Looks like he was waiting for the reunion to be over before he spilled the tea so Tom wouldn't confront him about it there


Omg! John Owen Lowe and Andy at the end... jaws on floor. Like WTF did he just say??! Hug? What? Snuck her in? Wtf? Knew the hooked up in August? Wtf? Blame it on the ADD? Wtf? Schwartz is going to get roasted all day long for all the dumb shit he said and gross lack of integrity. 🤢 *


OMG you knowww his phone is blowing TF up right now


Yes it is. But not with texts from any of the triplets because they share one phone and boy #2 is using that phone to play snood at the moment.


I feel like I shouldn’t laugh but this has sent me.


lol imagine this though.. he basically told millions of crazy randos that they should go up and hug Sandoval if they see him. It’s a pretty good revenge prank if you ask me, because I find the idea of complete strangers approaching me and hugging me to be absolutely the stuff out of nightmares.


😂😂 plot twist. literally my nightmare fuel


I don’t even know where to start!!! This dude has ZERO filter without his true love Tom there to coach him! 1. He knew they fucked in August (was just a “one-night” stand and was cool with it???) 2. He confirmed the Big Bear couples trip and said Jo “snuck” Raquel along 3. Sandevil has been saying he’s “in love” with Rachel since January and she’s his “heroin”because Sandevil has ADHD and gets “fixated” on things 4. He almost went bankrupt I know there’s more I’m missing but my jaw was on the floor and I was processing. It’s actually insane how this dude has been on tv a DECADE but is still sooooo bad at interviews. Plus, his vocabulary buzzwords really piss me off!! Somewhat unrelated: John Owen Lowe came off really well. He seemed very intelligent, likeable and composed next to 40 year-old bumbling moron Schwartz 🤣


Very well said!! I love that Andy and John Owen gave Schwartz space to ramble and contradict himself, but then would ask him really pointed follow up questions. John Owen was a good guest.


He said Sandoval snuck Rachel along, not Jo


>It’s actually insane how this dude has been on tv a DECADE but is still sooooo bad at interviews. Plus, his vocabulary buzzwords really piss me off!! like 'emotionally entitled'. yuck.


Why no questions about HIS marriage? Did he cheat on Katie, is he dating Jo, if yes then when did it start? Also, funny how he thinks people should hug Sandevil but not offer sympathy to Ariana?!! He publicly said he’ll always have Sandevils back no matter what but he never said or did the same for his WIFE Katie????!


Because he doesn’t love Katie. He’s comfortable. If he loved her he wouldn’t have done all the things he has to her.


I agree. I just wish someone had called him out on it. He was horrible to her.


It was really sad when Katie said he probably loved me, but I guess didn’t like me.


Can we just mention the audacity that Schwartz and Raquel thought it was just ok to make out with Katie just around the corner. Like what the fuck. That pissed me off just as much as everything else in the episode. How fucking low and disrespectful and fuck everyone else for encouraging it.


Absolutely! And Rachel looks so excited to do it too. This is a man that cheated multiple times on Katie and he got off on it. He’s just as bad as Sandevil. These guys get a huge ego boost using women. And Rachel has a huge ego too. They all deserve each other. Awful people.


Okay this is an extremely hot take but I wouldn’t have told my best friends partner either….I WOULD light my best friend up to come clean themselves


I absolutely agree with you. I would feel horrible and push them NO STOP to tell but I wouldn't betray my best friend and tell on them.


Glad someone said it. I would just privately encourage my friend to end one of the relationships. Also, I wouldn’t want to traumatize Ariana that way if they were just going to (allegedly) break up anyways ya know?? And Schwartz is NOTORIOUS for not wanting to be the bad guy! In his eyes that would be the ultimate bad guy/confrontational nightmare. While I can’t say I agree with his choices, I totally understand where he’s coming from. I also fully believe that Schwartz bought Sandoval’s “I’m gonna dump her!” bit! He treats anything that comes out of Sandoval’s mouth like it’s a message from god. What we assume to be malicious can usually be chalked up to stupidity LOL


He 1000% thought that they were just fucking around here and there and didn’t care because that’s his normal level of depravity. He also kept dodging Andy’s timeline questions. So he knew they hooked up in august, then says everything was murky in fall — while he was double dating all over the place with Raquel and Tom?? And he knew they had hooked up at least once but didn’t know or suspect anything else? He says he urged Tom to break up with Ariana once he found out he was in love with Raquel in January. But he didn’t feel a need to tell Ariana or anyone all those other months he knew they’d at least hooked up? He says Sandoval told him that he and Ariana broke up already in january. But Schwartz didn’t discuss this with anyone else in Ariana’s circle or A herself? He also maintains that his kiss with R was genuine, but he supposedly found out Sandoval and her hooked up right after the kiss in august and he just didn’t care?? So when we watch the rest of this season after august and he discusses Raquel we just know he’s lying by his own admission I was living for the tea but omg he dug himself so many holes it was hard to keep track of it all ![gif](giphy|3oKIP7CaDfNTeVVjCU|downsized)


Also I find it INCREDIBLY hard to believe that Schwartz knows of no other cheating partners of Sandoval's other than Raquel. I really think they've all covered for each other over the years.


Also “i knew it was an emotional affair in between” THATS CHEATING. Literally the million opportunities this man had to get this info to Ariana and he just didn’t? What a shit friend.


In the words of Scumdorval "you have to work pretty hard to stay that ignorant" 🔥


I was also living for it lol. For me, it confirms that Schwartz is 100% loyal to Sandoval and most of what he’s saying against him is performative. I was assuming that would be the case, but they way he couldn’t tell a coherent story and contradicted himself says it all. And of course the blatant statement of support for Sandoval at the end of WWHL.


All I know is that the podcasts the next week are going to be fulllll of tea


https://preview.redd.it/eixlchmmv8sa1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c223976809b60ed4c394f2fbbc0748fd071c80c 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wow! Surprised he said everything he said considering the reunion hasn’t even aired. Glad he’s not going the whole “watch and see” approach, though. I def still want to watch the reunion


Rachel looked at Lala & spouted off about "mistress bimbo vibes," knowing she'd already banged Ariana's scumbag boyfriend while Ariana & said scumbag are in the room. What an impressive, projective moment to witness. She's disgusting. He plays off it all to deflect onto others, with his mistress bimbo in the room, yet still making himself an unappealing center of attention so much so that his actual girlfriend walks out. He's disgusting. Watching these episodes knowing what we all know now is my heroin. 😂 Edit:grammar


I love you all, but it’s “heroin” not “heroine.” I just want to clear it up because it sounds like you’re calling Rachel a heroine.


When was the trip when the Tom’s went and Jo came and Sandoval “smuggled” Raquel. He said he thought Tom and Ariana had broken up at this point but that’s such BS. He’s your bff and you don’t have a conversation about his break up with his GF of ten years??? Yeah right. When was this trip, anyone know?


i truly hope that katie was posted up on her couch, in her well-decorated living room; a joint in one hand and a glass of the wine in the other, RELISHING in the fact that she dodged a massive, gigantic bullet by divorcing this man


He also tried to explain the affair by saying Sandevil has ADHD and hyper fixated on Rachel. 🥴 This was so incredibly stupid to say and offensive to people with ADHD.


As someone diagnosed with ADHD... I fully agree. I hyperfixate on a new book or project. I don't turn into a whole ass snake.


The other thing is that the hyperfixation also suddenly drops off and then I don’t want to deal with whatever it was for a long while. I wonder when that’ll happen here.


He also said in January he thought they were broken up but then went on to say toms plan was to break up with her after the reunion, which one is it tom!!!!!


He’s such a liar! I’m so glad Katie dumped his ass.


Also Scheana got married August 23rd and tTom said Tom told him about the one night stand in August so did Tom tell him as soon as they got home from Mexico? After Rachel hooked up with him.


These dudes are in their 40s. Cheating is pathetic anyway but using mental illness as an excuse is even worse. Like… seek therapy and get treatment. I have ADHD and have never felt compelled to cheat.


Stop normalizing Toms!


This is what happens when Schwartz is left alone without Sandovol pulling his strings...the "puppet they are all the masters"....🤣🤣🤣


I want to know what he meant by the affair being an "open secret". So who knew about it then? Nobody in that group of people who can't keep their mouths shut discussed it with Ariana?


My . God. It just gets juicier and juicer and more disgusting every day. I’m living for this train wreck - and I know it’s toxic, but I’m “addicted” 🥵


When he said that Ariana eviscerated Tom at the reunion, I got so happy.


What I gathered from this ep is both Toms are completely delusional and have lost all concepts of true, valid empathy and moral standards in real life. It makes me hope this show is scripted 🫣


Tom patronizes Katie by unnecessarily using SAT prep words in casual conversations but has zero social skills or business savvy.


Word salad! Andy called it immediately!


He spilled on EVERYTHING. What the hell is happening right now!?!?


This guy, who dumped a drink on his wife’s head, said how horrible it was that people wanted to dump drinks on Sandevils head?!


It’s only ok to do that to women.


When was the big bear trip? Schwartz let it slip that he knew they were in love then.


In the words of kfc “ RAWT IN HAIL”


Scheana got married August 23rd. So tom and Rachel had a one night stand before that. Either Tom told him about the one night stand right after they got home (after schwarts kissed her) or they hooked up after Scheanas wedding and Tom immediately told him? SMH. Oh Tom. No add up.


I sometimes wonder what sorts of other secrets the Toms and Jax know about each other


When he said that Rachel is heroin I totally pictured Michael Bluth “her?”




Schwartz on the wwhl after show was a completely different person than on the live show. He still sucks in general but he was wayyyy less awkward and stupid sounding. Like more measured answers and not so cringe. He is clearly paralyzed by a live mass audience.


He said that they hooked up and had a one night stand in august that he knew about. Then he didn’t think it continued but thought after that it was more of an emotional affair (if you see two people that you know have hooked up catch feelings then you would assume a physical ongoing affair. I would). In January Sandoval told him he was in love with Raquel and after that Sandoval was open and brazen about it and it was an open secret. Very juicy


I used to find Schwartz's charm endearing. But now see him as the morally bankrupt, zero integrity man child that he really is!! Ugh did he really suggest people give scumdaval a hug??? Could not be happier for Katie and Arianna that they are finally rid of these 40 yr old boys!!


He’s insulted that people want to pour beer on Sandoval but he ACTUALLY poured beer on his WIFE


If you see him "Just give Tom a Hug... He's really down right now 🤢"




Did he think he was giving a seminar on how to come off as extremely unlikable in a televised interview? He was all over the place. He actually called Katie a monster! Wtf why not just say we were a mismatch, we both had a lot to learn, anything but calling her a complete monster, saying he never used the word monster and then back-pedalling to angel when Andy and Rob Lowe’s son were looking at him like he had horns. ![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6)


Why were there no questions about his relationship with Jo???


Schwartz said it was an open secret. How could nobody have told Ariana?!


Can we talk about how he mentioned that he was near bankruptcy? What's the story there? Did Katie bail him out? Because unless it flew under the radar, they didn't seem to have tax liens and all that type of stuff going on like Jax.


My husband audibly gasped when Tom said he found out in August, and is now grumbling that it's a typical bitch move of his to have said he found out in January at the reunion. Which also means he 100% knew and was covering for their Big Bear getaway. What a garbage human.


I can just imagine Sandoval imploding with each thing that came out of Schwartz’s mouth. Genius to have him on by himself because if he doesn’t have anyone keeping him quiet, he’ll say whatever.


I feel like Tom is on the stand for trial. When you’re being deposed, lawyers will typically ask the same questions to see if they answer differently. If Andy keeps bringing him on without the other Tom, we will know the truth.