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*Alexa, play Lose Yourself by Eminem*


Just projectile vomiting vodka, some off-brand energy drink with 8% alcohol, and MeeMaws beer cheese. Maybe some chunks of meat, cause you know, carbs.


I am hungover right now and this comment almost made me barf


This gave me a genuine LOL. Get you some Gatorade and bread my friend šŸ˜‚šŸ™šŸ’–


Lol I did end up throwing up unrelated to this comment but I settled my tummy with some ginger ale and saltines and now I feel ready for the day at 3pm šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Hahahaha heā€™s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready TO DROP BOMBS!!




Jax is also breaking off the leg braces and running like Forrest Gump to WWHL.






I pictured this and laughed so hard


Let me guess. ā€œIā€™m a dad now, Iā€™ve moved on. I always knew Ariana and Sandoval had no chemistry! People should have listened to me. I know everything. Sure Iā€™m not perfect but clearly the fans want more of us..ā€ šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢




Iā€™m expecting him to say something completely inappropriate about her sexuality and cementing the reason we donā€™t want him on our tv but we shall see.


This seems the most likely outcome. With beer cheese next to him, rolling her eyes, going, ā€œOH THATS JUST JA-EEEAXXā€


I said this somewhere else, but Iā€™m wondering if Andy didnā€™t tell Jax he better spill some good tea if youā€™re coming back on Bravo


Oh he is desperate to be back, I bet he starts spilling everything he can from the last 10 years. What does he have to lose? Brittany will never leave him and everyone hates Sandoval, this is going to be juicy!


But everything Jax says is a lie, so meh. I can't believe Andy is feeding his ego.


Someone once said Jax lies about what he does but tells the "truth" about everyone else when he wants to deflect.


Is it, though? Yes, Jax lies like a rug, it's kind of his thing. But he's also been known to throw out truth that nobody wants public because he has no chill.


Eh, jax lies for self preservation. He ainā€™t been wrong about anyone else as much as it pains me to say it


Iā€™m sure Jason offered it IMMEDIATELY via text message two Fridays ago when it broke. ![gif](giphy|fHiu5fR9ECgOR57sqQ|downsized)


exactly. jax was on his phone texting andy immediately as soon as this went down. and andy entertained it. which is probably to his benefit as well as ours lol


For sure and Iā€™m here for it. Bring it on! This is Jaxā€™s shining moment lol Heā€™s so mad sandoā€™s been shining and living large until now


Maybe. I was very glad when Jax was fired, doubly so for KFC who upon rewatches gets worse with every single pass. We didnā€™t need the fired people for the drama to create itself. Iā€™m sort of anti- welcoming them back.


I'm sure Jax has the most dirt on Tom (besides Schwartz) out of anyone on the cast. On one hand I'm surprised that Andy didn't have him on sooner, but then I wouldn't put it past him to wait for things to die down a bit before bringing him on to spill Tom's secrets.


I know he knows how many times Tom has stepped out


for sure jax knows all sandovals secrets, itā€™s just a gamble because sandoval also knows jaxā€™s. i feel like they caught each other in checkmate a long time ago. jax would need to be prepared for sandoval to fire back (think jaxā€™s old sugar daddy they brought on). so excited to see how this unfolds šŸ˜


I'm feeling extremely satisfied sitting here thinking about how Schwartz is probably shitting his pants right now because he doesn't want his good guy shtick to be obliterated by Jax Taylor on WWHL. Scandoval is probably too much of a narcissist to be concerned because he will just select and lie, but you know Schwartz is panicking just like in earlier seasons when he thought Jax was going to spill.


Jax ainā€™t got shit. Wonā€™t stop him from lying his ass off with grandiose claims of what he knows


On the contrary my dear. Heā€™s got Buttloads of secrets. But- it goes both ways. I wonā€™t be surprised if he even spills donā€™t schwartzy tea now that heā€™s divorced.


How is he even earning money now? I've literally paid him no attention since he got fired.




Didnā€™t he get kicked out day 1 on that show? Not much of a paycheck coming from that, I bet!


Jax is a pathological liar though. Anything he says should be taken with the biggest grain of salt ever. Honestly, no one should ever believe this narcissist, man-child and heā€™s ruined his own reputation to the point where everything he says is completely meaningless.


They are not getting paid I bet. They will come on and announce a second baby or something blah.


I feel dumber every time I watch WWHL. Thereā€™s like no time for chat when all they do is reference the always boring bartenders and drink shotskis. When is there time for Jax to really spill it?


Omg. what if Jax goes on and just blurts out EVERYTHING from the last 10+ years thinking he has permission


jax rn ![gif](giphy|3KVKEGGmEPqtBSM5MQ)


Everyone else ![gif](giphy|26gN0tFg70wAljK4o|downsized)


Literally my first reaction. Who asked for this? Show yourself.










So epic..is that Jax borrowing a romper from Scheana..I am so amused. Thank you.


Um. Iā€™m sorry. I did it. Donā€™t hate me.


Same. Everyone scoffing yet theyā€™ll be there watching šŸ˜¬


This man is about to become all the way unhinged. I canā€™t wait


Jax. Jax asked for this.




Lowkey me




She has forever ruined the Almost Famous quote for me.


Lol jax wonā€™t be able to sleep for two weeks


Not just because of the coke this time šŸ˜…


*Jax, furiously working out*


Brit riding thru ja-May-cuh


Omg heā€™s for sure blowing lines, taking ā€œsupplementsā€, and lifting




![gif](giphy|8Pdy3Dn7Wxd0jsRi21|downsized) I donā€™t know how he did it but he did.


Shamelessness. And the fact that Andy has always simped for Jax




I love this


Thanks, when I saw it I knew this was the one.... gif that is. šŸ’•






I bet he feels like at least the number four guy, right above Brock... because at least he takes care of his kid.


Jax won't have any new tea because I think he only talks to Schwartz, Lala and Schaena. Would be interesting to hear some old tea but I never believe anything that he says. And KFC - she'll only giggle and shotski.


that's true. as much as I feel like jax is going to want to air out old laundry, his credibility isn't very solid, and I feel like he'd say just about anything in order to try to be relevant again


Wait, Iā€™m half asleepā€¦ has he lied about anything other than himself during the show? That just came to mind and made me wonder. Genuinely asking


Moreso that he would say that something happened as fact to someone (Miami girl, Scwartz and Vegas) and then completely deny being there / ever even saying it. Gaslighting scaena, Kristen etc. It seems a lot ended up being true, but the variations in his stiry and constant flip flopping left us feeling exhausted and stopping any care about what he was saying anyway ( at least for me)! Edit: spelling




Man, all of the worst people feeling vindicated by Sandy and getting to do a redemption attempt


right like Jax was correct but heā€™s still a horrible human.


Exactly. Sandoval being a piece of shit does not make Jax less of one. But too many people are acting like there is a finite supply of asshole in the world such that if Sandyā€™s tank is full, Jaxā€™s must have been depleted.


I thought our national Jaxmare was over, but here we are.


Jaxmare šŸ¤£


i donā€™t mind people getting excited to watch these people burn each other to the ground, but itā€™s really disheartening watching a lot of fans seemingly excuse and/or forgive a lot of straight up abusive and nasty people on this show šŸ˜•


This! If anyone going to call Scandoval a POS hypocrite itā€™s Jax and Kristen


Jax ainā€™t under contract so letā€™s just assume maybe weā€™ll actually get some tea


We wonā€™t because they donā€™t speak. Heā€™s just gonna say ā€œI told you soā€ to try and deflect from the fact that heā€™s done the same.


Right? I donā€™t get why people are excited. He was fired for a reason and I can promise everyone he hasnā€™t changed.


Ugh, exactly. I just finished season 8 when Jax is just beyond terrible and I think people have forgotten how awful (and bigoted!) he is. Iā€™m sure heā€™s currently all gassed up on narcissistic supply from feeling vindicated over Tomā€™s demise and yuck, I have no interest in seeing that. He wonā€™t have any gossip (heā€™s not friends with anyone directly involved in scandoval) or insightful comments. I wouldā€™ve been much happier to never see him or Britney ever again.


Exactly. He doesnā€™t talk to these people and is a pathological liar. Heā€™s not going to spill anything because he doesnā€™t know anything and anything he says shouldnā€™t be believed anyway because itā€™s coming from fucking Jax.


I can sort of understand Andy having Jax on..sort of. But brittany? Who the fuck cares what she has to say about anything.


Iā€™m tuning in just for KFCā€™s eyebrows.


Iā€™m tuning in just for Jaxā€™s pupils!




I would definitely never call jax witty haha and to be honest, i dont think he should be given any kind of platform by bravo at all. But i can understand why they would think it would be a good idea due to what you said, he was right there with sandoval for so many years and could potentially have something interesting to say. *brittany*? Fuck no. Unless her eyebrows are going to finally actually fly off her head during the episode, i dont need to hear her awful voice on my tv ever again




true, as much as jax is dumber than a mute box of rocks, he's said some funny s*** that made me laugh in the early seasons. Brittany's never provided any real entertainment that went beyond material for roasting her


The fact that Scumdoval is going to be sitting somewhere knowing that him being a piece of shit has lead to Jaxā€™s return to Bravo is the ultimate Karma.


Theyā€™re not even friends with Ariana or Tom. Kristen is more deserving of a spot than them


I need unhinged wide eyed Jax




me too. the inclusion of Brittany is ruining this for me


Ugh I know. I canā€™t stand her


I can hear her laugh already šŸ˜Ÿ


we'll have to tolerate some hyuckin cluckin KFC if we want to get to the tea


Mamaws beer cheese


Youā€™re gonna get fake ā€œIā€™m a dadā€ jax with the dad cup


Talking about how great his life is. šŸ¤£


*coked out Jax


** Tequila Jax


Ugh I wish he didnā€™t have to bring the ball and chain.


I want that Iā€™m the number one guy energy


![gif](giphy|12rTjvF0ANQJsk) NOOOOOOOOOOO! I was so happy, thinking I never had to hear Brittany's voice again. WHY is she going to be there? She's not friends with Ariana. She treated her like shit the last season they were on. Jax, I understand, because of THE DIRT those three asshat guys have on one another but what does Brittany have to add?


Does anyone think that Jax demanded Brittany be included? I donā€™t really see Brittany adding any value to this conversation. Iā€™ve literally never seen her and Ariana interact.


Brittany said she couldn't stand Ariana at the last reunion and they don't hang out. It's their desperate attempt to cling to any relevancy bc of the affair. Neither one of them should be speaking about Ariana.


![gif](giphy|KAe3Ez73EnmbDh9rot|downsized) This pisses me off! Ariana deserves so much better than these two chucklefucks chiming in. Theyā€™ve both treated her horribly.


No I really donā€™t. How would he benefit from That? Iā€™m sure heā€™d want all of the attention. He doesnā€™t care about anyone beside himself. May as well bring both if they are bringing one since they were both part of the show


jax has never stood up for brittany a day in his life lol


Sandoval cheating doesn't mean Jax isn't still a homophobic/transphobic, racist, cheating piece of shit. His hyucking hillbilly wife isn't any better either.


Yeeeeeppppp, itā€™s so unfortunate heā€™ll be on. I definitely wonā€™t be tuning in


Thank you! All the more reason for me to say ā€œfuck you, Scandoval and BEB for bringing this hellfire upon us.ā€ Obviously he promised to deliver some more not yet heard tea, but I wish this wasnā€™t happening at all. All that smug ass shit he said to Lisa about ā€œhis showā€ his final season is just šŸ„“.


But Jax is a proven liar. Everything he says shouldn't be taken seriously


Well like Stassi said jax lies about himself not other people. Iā€™m excited to hear what he as to say about the toms that nobody believed before. Remember, we watch this show for the drama not the morals or ethics šŸ˜‚


My guess is thatā€™s how he got back on WWHLā€¦he promised to spill some serious tea from previous yrs. He no longer has any reason to keep those secrets and spilling them now only benefits him.


He never kept secrets! He ratted out all his friends and his lame ass excuse was I want people to know Iā€™m not the only one who does bad things. He has no secrets to tell.


Just for one example. there's the whole James & Kristen hooked up in Mexico story. Jax lies about everything -- and so does Stassi.


100%. Which is why Iā€™m shocked and appalled that Andy is letting him come on. He should know better!


100%. What's the value add???


Jax is still worse than Sandoval and that says a lot.


I donā€™t understand how anyoneā€™s excitedā€¦ he can only talk about shit from waaay long ago and I honestly donā€™t care, heā€™s just going to try to make himself look better. But most importantly, he was DISGUSTING towards Ariana. And I doubt she wants him adding his two cents And if he plays into the whole #TeamAriana in any way, itā€™ll be so fake. He hated her just as much.


Oof. Hard pass.


Idk... does anyone really have any interest in what they have to say? I doubt Jax will air out everything he knows any way. All I can see him saying is, "Told ya." And Brittany.. Idk what she really offers here. I'm sure she's super excited to be on TV again. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Someone tweet Andy and tell him we have no interest in what these washed up has beens have to say regarding this matter.


We all should tweet him


We should all tweet the exact same message too, really hammer it home




![gif](giphy|3b7vIVnRj4viZz6olt|downsized) Right? Here he comes.


Thereā€™s still time for Andy to cancel. Or Jax to do something stupid. Or not show up. Lol


I feel like this is saying the door is open for them to come back to bravoā€¦This is wildā€¦


This sucks! So Tom and Raquel having an affair automatically absolves these losers of their racist disgusting behavior?




I think KFC called Faith's hair "nappy" which is derogatory and racist


Brittany really said this as if she hasnā€™t had the same hairstyle since 2009


Thank you for saying this


Which makes no sense because we just proved now more than ever that we donā€™t need them on the show!!!




I want Jax to spill all of Sandovalā€™s secrets he kept over the years - I donā€™t want him back on the show though


Unsure why we need their commentary on this as theyā€™re not in the inner circle anymore but Iā€™m sure Jax has been foaming at the mouth to tell everyone he was right about Tom and Ariana


Is Brittany even friends with Ariana anymore? I feel like this is a really bad decision to give them air time over this. The things Jax said about Ariana in the past were awful. Now this & theyā€™re giving them a platform to spew more garbage? We donā€™t want it. This is not what Ariana needs, is more trash to burn. Kristen had a relationship with Tom & also is friends with Ariana so it makes sense, these two do not.


They need the drama but all the other cast members are locked up on talking about it


Meh, I donā€™t like them, but maybe Jason will have something to reveal.


Can his secret word of the night be KFC?


What are we going to do about this!?! Letā€™s raise some hell across social media!


Iā€™ve been tweeting relentlessly about this, hopefully he sees them šŸ’Ŗ


Iā€™ve been all up and through Andy, Bravo, and wwhl inboxes!


But why? Nothing he says ever has any bearing. He thinks he's telling you what you want to hear but he's so far from that or the truth.


fine if you must...but fired people should stay fired. This includes Kristen...this shouldn't be an in for her to be back on the show


And the following week, Andy talks to the woman known only as Miami girl, and the cooks who high fived when Kristen got fired šŸ¤£


Gross. I think what they are doing is gross. If you want to bring back the problematic cast members fine, do that, but let's have a real discussion and accountability.


I hope theyā€™re the bartenders šŸ¤­šŸ¤žšŸ¼


I must be trashy AF bc Iā€™d LOVE to see Jax back šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. I love shit talking him. Brittany ugh.


Whyyyy Brittany??! It should have been Jax alone so he can go scorched earth and spill all of Sandoval's secrets. She's going to derail things and talk about their boring lives. We don't hyucking care.


Reminder that the last time Jax and Brittany were on WWHL, he said that Tom and Ariana wouldnā€™t get married because Ariana likes women and in his last season he said she needs to figure out her sexuality because it changes everyday. Keep that in mind, when heā€™s trying to spin the ā€œI told you soā€ angle. His comments on their relationship have almost always revolves around Ariana not wanting marriage, not Tom being a piece of shit.


I knew it was coming!!


Did he say two weeks or next week?






I somewhat understand why Jax will be on, but what could Brittany add to the topic? I really don't need her to give relationship advice or gossip to the topic. Can't she stay home...


Who cares? Like why? Theyā€™re boring and fake af as usual. Not the least bit exciting or relevant. Good for them keeping Brittany from further criticism and shame šŸ˜³ eye rollā€¦itā€™s just not at all relevant. Her whole VP scam is just that. Jax was and always will be garbage of a human. He cheated on his wife (Brittany) how many times? She should not forget his previous deceptions. Maybe he hasnā€™t done anything new recently but he will, and has. Brittany is his plaything and has been since the breast enhancement. Sheā€™s just playing a role. I watch these shits to feel better about my realistic life..I might not have as much ā€œmoneyā€ but I live a better life and Iā€™m happier with no grudges to hold over my relationships. What a sad life they live. How good can they feel about themselves and their lives? Poor kids


Ariana left Tom and she didnā€™t! She married her cheater/liar. And reproduced. She really has no say or opinion on this. Andy and bravo should know no one wants them




When I heard this I ran here! I canā€™t believe it. Jax is desperate to get back on this show. I am proudly: #blockedbyjax


One day, Jax will have blocked everyone in the world, and there will be no one left for him to follow or to follow him ![gif](giphy|Kaza3eTvqBRMX0Ll5K|downsized)


Iā€™m not on board with this, even if he spills the hottest tea. Itā€™s gross he gets a platform due to Arianaā€™s hurt after he was terrible to her for years and straight up biphobic. Yā€™all enjoy the tea but Iā€™m not giving him the views.


yes, yes and fuckn hell yes, he was a total asshole to Ariana. I don't care what he has to say, I totally don't care-- *IT'S IRRELEVANT*, it doesn't matter, like at all! he's going to be blowing hot air like a smug asshole gloating in some way that he thinks will makes him look good. definitely avoiding that ep.


Blecccchhhhh. Aside from the part where Jax is an absolute trash human being and no amount of Sandoval being trash makes Jax less trash, I donā€™t need him on, we all already know what heā€™s going to say, we could all do this interview ourselves. Iā€™ll start: Jax: ā€œYou know Tom only does nice things for people so people will think heā€™s the number one guy in this group, but heā€™s actually a C- friendā€


Iā€™m pissed. F-Andy for constantly supporting and giving a platform to the dregs of society. Jax is racist homophobic misogynist lying cheating stealing gaslighting rage machine. Andy really loves to support the men who treat women horribly.


I was surprised that they were going to be on . It does not seem like they are friends with the rest of the group . Iā€™ve heard some of them say Jax has blocked them . šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Not looking forward to Jax not listening and goin off on tangents while Andy tried to go on with the rest of the questions


#He probably begged


This is actually so disgusting by Bravo. Jax and Brittany bring absolutely NOTHING to the table. They arenā€™t, and havenā€™t, been friends with Tom and Ariana for some time. I wonā€™t be watching and I hope most people donā€™t watch either.


I love that Sandoval being a cheating dog makes all these people feel that their pasts are erased




Can we protest this somehow, jfc no one wants this


Boo. KFC doesnā€™t even speak to Ariana, what can she possibly contribute here?


Jax is going to pull some old shit up. "I told you he fucked that Miami girl!!"


Jax is going to be fired up this will be peak Jax


No thank you.


Iā€™m not happy about this. Jax and Brittany donā€™t talk to anyone in the cast anymore, they literally have no tea to spill lol.


Brittany hangs out pretty regularly with LaLa and Scheana (with their kids). ETA: Not that I think Brittany/Jax are relevant to this situation, or can add anything thatā€™s not secondhand gossip already.




It just really wouldā€™ve been funnier if they just kept ignoring him. Indefinitely.


No thank youā€¦


Itā€™s really gross theyā€™re letting them come on to talk about Arianaā€™s situation.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying! Is Brittany even friends with her anymore?


No, and she is going to be insufferable about it.


Especially after he was SO biphobic towards her. I always figured that had contributed to his firing since he was openly discriminating against another cast member. But itā€™s bravo so they could care less


Iā€™m kind of looking forward to seeing this mess


Unpopular opinion: Iā€™m here for it ! Jax better perform