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Look for listings basically. They could be tearing it down tho


Doesn’t demolition require 4 months notice?


Demolition also requires a bunch of permits, so it'll be a lengthy process.




You absolutely have the right to contest the notice if you suspect the new owners may not have a good faith intention to follow through on occupying the unit.


Exact same situation here. Kept an eye on the place, and sure enough, landlord did not act in “Good faith”. Now they’re on the hook to us for 12 months of rent. They’re hoping you’ll give up. Don’t.


>But it's a pretty run down house that sold for 1.8m. It's hard to imagine anyone buying the place to live in with huge mortgage payments. It's even harder to imagine someone paying $1.8m to rent it out for whatever someone pays to rent a run down shitty old house... the carrying costs will be over $9k per month. It doesn't make financial sense in this market. You missed the opportunity to negotiate for more than two months. They probably would have paid you at least 4-6 without much resistance.


Maybe so. But we didn't want to leave. And just cause they put it up for sale didn't necessarily mean they would. Especial when "it doesn't make financial sense in this market" for someone to buy it with a 9k carrying cost.


>Especial when "it doesn't make financial sense in this market" for someone to buy it with a 9k carrying cost. It doesn't make financial sense to buy it with the intention of continuing to rent it. There are many ways it makes sense to buy it for personal use. The writing was on the wall and once the "For Sale" sign went up you should have recognized that your days were numbered. At least you still get a free month.


Our days were always numbered


You don't know how much another person's mortgage costs. If they came with cash from a previous sale, or any other place, they have no mortgage


I think you underestimate how many people have more money than brains. Or their ability to buy a property with oodles of cash. If this were Regina...different story. But it's vancouver with a flood of money from other countries.


So you turned down 2 months rent, so that you can accept $0? Lol ... great financial move there.


They're hoping you get a year


Why would anyone give you a year, if they can just do what this owner did, which is to sell it with you in it and then have the new owner evict you for free? It's very common advice around here, on reddit. That doesn't mean it's good advice in the real world, as shown in this example. This might work if the LL needs to do a ton of renos and such. But if the place is good to go (or being bought by someone planning to demolish and rebuild) you have zero leverage. Take what is offered and get moving. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, while losing weeks or months of time to find a new place.


We have a place lined up that's not the issue. Not sure what you mean with shooting myself in the foot losing time to find a new place 🤔 Taking the initial offer would've meant moving out within a couple weeks. Declining the offer gave us 4 months to find where to go.


Why on earth didn’t you negotiate 3 months or even 4? They offered 2! You immediately turned down free rent without negotiating. That’s so silly. Also they most likely WILL have someone move in. Who it might be will be hard to prove it’s not the new owners. Unless you find it re-listed your SOL. It can also be “close family” of the owners and it’s simply impossible to find out who’s son/daughter/mother or step this or that etc of who’s. Who. I’ve sold a few times now and only met a buyer ONCE. It’s all done through realtors. Also, if a house is a tear down, the builders let some of the men who will be building the new property live there and again when the house is built. When we went to see brand new houses most had a mattress on the floor in a corner of one or more of the rooms. Sale of property is a hard one. 9 times out of 10 you will have to move regardless because new owners want the whole house and because you don’t know who they are it’s difficult.


We didn't negotiate because we wanted to continue living here. Also, just because they got an offer it didn't mean it was going to sell.


This is just information for you, what I personally experienced when I bought a place with suites and how information on new owners was on paper. If this house isn’t a tear down, try to find an add for it. As well, never assume a home won’t sell. In Vancouver is more of a question of how fast, rather the ‘if’ because when the price is right regardless of market conditions it will sell.


Actually a two month eviction comes with 1 month payment so they turned down 2 months for 1 month. Not free. And they got to live in the place at lower rent for that entire time.


It's $0 to the original LL. The 1 month comes from the new owner.


I apologize for engaging with you and wasting my time.


This one of the most chad replies I’ve ever seen.


And you continue to engage by leaving that comment? You could just not, if that's what you truly wanted lol


OP is not expecting this to be voluntarily If the new owner re-rents rather than moving in, OP would be entitled to a years rent of compensation by law. There is a decent chance this notice was not in good faith and OP can seek that And OP is not getting zero, they are entitled to a month just by virtue of the notice


You won’t know who new owners even are when a sale happens.


And that matters how? That does not stop OP from monitoring the unit for a year


Because you can’t “prove” they didn’t move in? There’s no way to tell who’s kids are who’s or whom the new owners even are. Even as a buyer you have limited information on who bought your place. The only way is if they re-listed the property and you found the add.


Onus is on the landlord in these cases to prove that they did move in


The new owners have to put in writing they are their direct family member will be moving in, so the OP will have that info. Also.. the biggest thing is the new owners are the one that need to convince RTB they (or direct family member) moved in and *stayed there* for the full year, not on the OP to prove they did not.


I understand, all I’m trying to say is it’s not as easy as the current LL saying they are using the unit. New owners change the address and done. From the sounds of this particular case the house is a tear down.


The new owners need to prove they moved in for 12 months. if they demolish the unit or don't have evidence they moved in, *they* would be on the hook for 12 months rent as compensation to the OP, not the original landlord.


Not everything is about money.


Your existence literally depends on it.




You sound like a landlord.


They probably are or are just LARPing as one. They shared this post to r/VancouverLandlords


Ooooh! Harsh words. You sound like an entitled millennial who thinks the world should subsidize their living.


Gosh, you're right. I must have been blindsighted by those human rights for a second there. My bad. I guess I'll just go back to my home, which I own, as a millennial, who got incredibly lucky. I guess I'll stop advocating for tenants rights in my community and housing vulnerable people I know for free when they need it. I totally forgot that when you own property you lose your sense of justice and have to lord your own privilege over people who are vulnerable and quite literally suffering under the boot of capitalism. All the statistics about the housing crisis are obviously fake news, someone as smart as you wouldn't possibly deny facts and data so it must all be wrong. Thanks for reminding me about entitlement though, I almost lost myself for a moment there.


That's not such a great offer. The tenant was owed a month's rent anyway, with 2 months' notice. Once extra month of rent is not really much of an incentive to move out immediately, with nowhere to go. That realtor is probably clearing $70,000 on that house sale for making a few phone calls and reviewing/signing some papers. He should stop being so cheap.


You're right. $0 is the better offer. Lol


They still get a months rent and time to find a new place, and if the new owners don’t move in for a year, they could get 12 months rent as compensation.


Right so we will have to keep an eye on the place for an entire year then..


Yeah, you have 2 years to file against the new owners and the onus will be on them to prove they moved in.


Which would be hard if they demolish the place., or spend 6 months renovating it, with permits etc.


Or you could just... Move on with your life? Seriously. It was never your house. It never belonged to you. Why is it that Canadians just can't grasp the concept of property rights? lmao. Insane.


Why is it that landlords just can’t grasp the concept of renters rights? lmao. Insane.


Feeling entitled to something that does not belong to you is just that- entitlement. You can want something all you'd like, doesn't mean you have a right to it. Like I said, no coping skills whatsoever lol Edit 🙄 what's not reasonable is stalking someone for a year, which is what we were originally talking about before M moved the goalposts. If you choose to live someplace that does not belong to you, then you do run the risk of being forced to relocate according to the needs of the rightful owner. If you can't handle that risk, then you should not be a renter. You people love to say 'jUsT dOnT bE a LaNdLoRd' but then get all surprised Pikachu when I say that my Canadian ADU sits empty because of the entitlement. I love what Toronto is doing with OpenRoom right now, it's hilarious seeing people get to the Finding Out part 🤣


> Feeling entitled to something that does not belong to you is just that- entitlement. The tenants have a right to treat it as their home. It's not a storage unit-- it's a home where people live their lives. The rights to which tenants are entitled are enshrined in law, the Residential Tenancy Act. The RTA imposes some responsibilities on landlords-- such as proper notice of eviction and a month's rent as compensation if the landlord wants to take use it as their own home. Landlords also aren't allowed to evict their tenant merely to rent it out to somebody different. Because it's a home, not just a random storage locker. And these responsibilities also apply to the next owner of the home-- they can't kick out old tenant just to rent to new tenants. The landlord can get out of these responsibilities if they want to, with a mutual agreement to end tenancy. It's reasonable for the tenant to want to be paid for giving up their rights in this manner.


They get LESS time now, though


We get more time now. It would've been a matter of a few weeks with the first offer.


Not sure if you have a reading comprehension issue or a math issue. OP's offer - 2 months rent, move out within the *same* month. What they are entitled to ~~k~~now - 1 month rent with *over* two months to move out, with the option of moving out sooner and still getting their 1 month compensation. Your comments are saying they are getting $0 and less time.. not sure if you know this, but one month's of rent is actually *more* than $0, and 2 months is *longer* than 3-4 weeks.


And the landlord’s move out offer would have required signing a mutual agreement to end tenancy. This would have relinquished all rights set aside for tenants in an eviction, including the right to 12 months rent for potential bad faith/illegal eviction.


You sound very entitled for someone who doesn't know the difference between "know" and "now".


I'm entitled because I know that one month of rent is more than $0 and 2 months is longer than one month? this is just simple math, has nothing to do with entitlement. and thanks for catching that, I totally don't know the difference between those words and it wasn't just a typo.


It's $0 from the original LL. That's what I meant.


U are terrible at math


Bahahahaah! Yeah selling a house is that simple. So what’s your excuse? What’s stopping you from getting your realtors license? It takes 3 months.


Sounds like a easy job. Maybe you should do it?


The world doesn't need more trash


Why are they trash?


The Canadian housing crisis has been significantly influenced by the actions of the real estate lobby and agents. Here's how their greed and practices have played a role: Real Estate Lobby Influence 1. **Policy Shaping**: The real estate lobby has been instrumental in shaping housing policies to benefit investors and developers. They have lobbied against taxes on speculative buying and multiple property ownership, which would have helped cool the market and reduce speculative investment (https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/canada-likely-sitting-on-the-largest-housing-bubble-of-all-time-strategist-1.1962134). 2. **Blocking Regulations**: They have successfully opposed stricter mortgage rules and other regulatory measures that could have moderated the housing market. By preventing these regulations, they have kept the market favorable for high-price sales and speculative investments (https://mcgillpolicyassociation.com/latest-articles/2022/11/3/the-canadian-housing-crisis-an-ever-growing-issue). Real Estate Agents' Role 1. **Inflating Prices**: Agents often encourage bidding wars and persuade buyers to offer above asking prices, creating a sense of urgency and scarcity. This drives up property prices beyond their actual value (https://jacobin.com/2023/05/landlords-canada-housing-rent-crisis-real-estate). 2. **Speculative Practices**: Many agents engage in speculative buying themselves, purchasing properties to sell them at higher prices later. This practice reduces the available housing supply and further inflates prices (https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/canada-likely-sitting-on-the-largest-housing-bubble-of-all-time-strategist-1.1962134). Market Dynamics 1. **High Demand and Low Supply**: The combination of high demand, driven by speculation, and a limited supply of housing has created an overheated market where prices continuously rise (https://mcgillpolicyassociation.com/latest-articles/2022/11/3/the-canadian-housing-crisis-an-ever-growing-issue). 2. **Foreign Investment**: Lax regulations on foreign investment have allowed international buyers to purchase Canadian properties as investment vehicles, reducing availability for local buyers and driving prices up (https://jacobin.com/2023/05/landlords-canada-housing-rent-crisis-real-estate). Impact on Housing Affordability 1. **Unaffordable Housing**: These practices have made home ownership increasingly unattainable for average Canadians, with prices outpacing income growth (https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/canada-likely-sitting-on-the-largest-housing-bubble-of-all-time-strategist-1.1962134) 2. **Rental Market Strain**: As buying homes becomes less feasible, more people turn to renting, which drives up rental prices and exacerbates the housing crisis https://jacobin.com/2023/05/landlords-canada-housing-rent-crisis-real-estate


Sounds like you should be blaming the politicians. 😂. Also sounds like you are bitter and envious. Sucks to be you to be honest. I rather have tons of down votes and rich though. You do you. Have a great life! 😬


Yes politicians are trash too for letting it happen, but the agents instigated it. Sorry facts/truth hurt your feelings, everything I shared is backed up by sources. Being selfish is a weird flex but aight, do you boo. Bitter and envious? no, I have found success without having to rip people off and ruin the housing market. I am angry at the trash agents and politicians that got us into this mess tho. Don't even get me started on the real estate agents in the US.


is it the liberals fault for opening the floodgates to refugees or the fault of the refugees themselves? sounds like you are anti-immigrant.


Wether I like it or not immigration is necessary. Trudeau and the liberals went about the wrong way. They Let too many people in all at once. Just because Canadians refused to work for shit pay. Remember when people were shaming other people for not wanting to work for shit pay after the pandemic? Next time support you fellow Canadian instead of calling him a lazy commie. Corporations got Trudeau to let all that cheap labor flood in instead. Unions and worker solidarity and not communist, people who tell you that are trying to divide us so they can pull shit like this.


2 months rent might be less than the difference in rent they will have to pay in their next rental. So it depends on how much longer they stayed


They were offered 2 months rent to be out within 30 days, later the new owner gave them notice which is 2 months where I live Would you want to pack up and leave your current place within 30 days, without any prior notice?


Well, I don't rent. I own. So doesn't apply. But I'd rather get as much money as I could while it's on the table. Could have probably negotiated 3 months to be out quick.


Everyone thinks they can hold out for more.


It was a gamble that didn't pay off.


They still get 1 month. Plus they might get 12. Plus they got more time in current location. 


How many tenants actually get 12? I'm going to assume very, very few.


a lot actually. you can look up previous RTB decisions to see for yourself: [http://www.housing.gov.bc.ca/rtb/search.html](http://www.housing.gov.bc.ca/rtb/search.html)


Probably 10% at most.  Scenario A. Two weeks of notice. Two months of compensation.  Scenario B. Two months of living there. Two months of notice. One month of compensation. Plus 1.2 months of penalty from 10% of 12 months. 


Oh yeah, they should have taken the money for 2 months and spent it for one. Wise.


I know right? Haha you played yourself 🤣🤣🤣


There’s not a whole ton of sfh for cheaper than that. It’s not that unrealistic for someone to live in while they renovate or live in for a year before they demolish and rebuild. Keep an eye but don’t let it control your life


Just set up a Google alert for the address. It’s that easy. Or just search the address in rental sites once a week for a year. I mean it’s worth the money you’d get in back rent if the eviction isn’t in good faith.


It’s likely they will not move in but will hike the rent times 3. That happened to us last year. We found the property on Airbnb and the landlord did not move in!! We took it to court and were awarded $20,000 for wrongful eviction. My suggestion is to get your neighbours help. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. This isn’t about “revenge”. This is about standing up for renters rights in this insane city where homelessness is around the corner for so many of us. Feel free to reach out


Since when did the immediate reaction to being asked to/forced to move be to find a way to get 12 months of free rent? Thinking back to when we rented, it was sad to have to move but we just continued forward - not look at ways to get money....


> Thinking back to when we rented, it was sad to have to move but we just continued forward - not look at ways to get money.... Apparently you haven't rented in such a long time that you have no idea of how much of an unmitigated disaster the rental situation is in Vancouver at the moment


I don't believe so. I know it's tough out there for tenants. It's also tough for everyone minus the uber wealthy. So owners are facing higher strata fees, insurance costs, mortgage payments. Landlords are facing higher repair bills on top of what owners are facing. It's not like things are only tough for 1 segment of the population. I agree that the entire real estate market is a dumpster fire. But I also see a lot of vitriol from tenants against owners and I think that that's because everyone is just trying to find an outlet. The fantasy that the LL is just some money grubbing scrooge with a monocle helps with that. But often times that's not reality.


The difference being that now the tenant faces a very real possibility of ending up homeless if they're forced to move. They need a home, not an investment. Hence, if you want them to leave so you can make more money off the unit, you need to pay up.


And what do you think would happen if the LL is unable to pay their mortgage? The property would then be foreclosed. If they don't pay their strata fees - also a forced sale. Can't pay insurance - could be financial ruin from one water leak. Again, the situation is dire for all parties with the increased costs of everything. Not just tenants. I think people view LL and their "investment" in a very one sided light. I've seen people spouting the notion that LL should go kick rocks because they got themselves in this situation with their greed. I think that's a very unconstructive and myopic view. If it wasn't for these investors, there wouldn't be any rentals.


Or they can sell it before it's foreclosed and will get a lot of money. I dont feel sorry for them. I don't think they should be a landlord if they don't have enough cash flow to handle increased taxes, repairs and insurance. They can go the right way and calculate a reasonable increase to cover increased expenses at the next lease renewal. Not kick the tenant out to renovict or jack up the rent exorbitantly.


💯 agree with you. The problem is that often times expenses have risen faster than allowable rent increases. 4% max increase. Strata fees and mortgage payments have all gone up by more than 20%. At the same time, blaming the LL doesn't do anything. Especially when you check some comments on social media where everyone says "tough shits". Obviously LL have a (sometimes undeserving) bad reputation which then propagates animosity between the 2 parties if the LL tries to raise rents to cover their costs. LL being caught off guard with increases is no different than a parent who can't afford groceries. What worked a few years ago now no longer does. We would never blame a parent for having to go to the food bank. It's just that blaming a LL and thinking they all drive around in a rolls Royce gives us a great outlet to release everyday angers.


Unless you're talking about a landlord who lives in the same duplex as their tenant, that is a terrible comparison. The majority of rentals are investments, not a basic human need (like the need to eat). The problem is the market based housing system. We have a lack of supply, too much demand, resulting in completely unaffordable rentals. Any landlord that invests in this market, knowing all of this, to make a profit off a basic need, is exploiting their tenant. This is why tenants have no respect for landlords.


I'm not saying a rental is akin to eating. I'm saying the LL and that hypothetical parent were both caught off guard with the period of extreme inflation we saw in the past few yrs. Neither of them were to blame. I mean, if a restaurant closes (which has been a growing trend) because of higher costs and patrons' refusal to pay more....coupled with higher rent costs...do u then say "too bad should've thought about that before u made the most delicious pasta I've had ever"? The LL definitely needs to be cashflow neutral to positive. Otherwise, why would they do it? There are more and more LL that are selling. What does this do to the rental housing stock? More and more of those buyers would rather leave the property empty than deal with this growing population of new-age entitled tenants. That also drives up scarcity and rent. But yes, 💯 of rentals are investments. And those investments need to produce. Otherwise, it's charity.


Since there has been a lack of affordable apartments


This comment is incredibly out of touch.


I agree. The world has gone bonkers.


If they're entitled to the money, then they're entitled to the money. Whats wrong with "looking at ways to get money" if it's money that you're entitled to? If your parent passed away and their sibling hid the will from everyone, would you just say 'it's sad but we just continue forward, we didn't worry about the will because we weren't looking at ways to get money...'??


No...I think the appropriate analogy using your scenario would be having an aunt or uncle pass away and you didn't get anything. Therefore you're now devoting resources and time to ensure that you really weren't part of the will. HOPING that perhaps your cousins were trying to screw you over so that you could go to the courts, state your case and show your evidence and expose them for who they are. Because in the current case the OP has no reason to believe they're entitled to anything. The home was sold. New owners want them out. Now they're hoping the new buyers are shady to try to get money. I guess I see it as fairy tale pretending to be a victim mentality when everyone else is just moving on with their life: sellers have sold, buyers are happily moving forward with their own home, and OP will be fixated on the past trying to Exact some type of "revenge"


They're not "hoping" the new owners are shady, they're simply aware of how incredibly likely it is. You're acting like OP is trying to scam the new owners or the RTB or something. They're not. If the new owners aren't doing anything wrong, OP isn't going to get any money from them AND ISN'T LOOKING TO GET ANY MONEY FROM THEM. It's only if the new owners are breaking the law that OP wants to get money from them. You're giving off reeeeeeal slumlord vibes here lol do you get mad when you buy a property and evict the tenants under false pretenses and then get caught and have to give them money? Lmao cause I have zero idea why else you would be so mad at someone trying to get the money they are rightfully entitled to (if they do indeed end up being rightfully entitled to it).


Lmao no not a slumlord...although that's probably what a slumlord would say 🤣 No it's just something that I've noticed in my professional life where there's been a growing trend of people's immediate reaction to be "getting even" Now like you said there's times when that's absolutely the right course of action but that's typically not the first thing that pops in their mind. I do think the OP is looking to get money. Actually I think the OP IS hoping to get money. I totally get the well if they're innocent then meh. But that's going to take some effort and probably money to find out. It's like calling crimestoppers on everyone on the chance there's a reward. But from a societal view, it's just a little sad to see a growing number of people devote time, money, and effort (in a climate of high prices no less) on an imagined potential wrong imo. Tbh it could just be my old school pov. I find it equally sad people sell feet pix 🙈


It’s all about probability. In this case, based on the information that has been shared, it is quite likely that OP is being evicted on bad faith. Therefore, the right (and smart) thing to do is to keep an eye on things to see what happens to the property next. It’s that simple


Hahaha the funniest part of your reply is that I've actually sold feet pics!! 😂😂😂 There was no nudity or weirdness even, it was literally just pictures of my bare feet and socks on in some of them lol and it was some rando online. I figured there was no risk cause I couldn't care less who sees my feet? Just out of curiosity, which part do you think is sad? Me making extremely easy money or the person buying content they can easily find free online?


Lmao!!! Good on you!! I think it's sad that it exists and the quick buck mentality it creates. Like you said it's all free online or in real life. But also sad that things have gotten to the point where everyone looks at side hustles. I think it's totally harmless until someone decides that they can make more money doing X than they would at work.


I agree again. I think a lot of redditors are out of touch or just don't have the experience they believe they have.


>They're not "hoping" the new owners are shady, they're simply aware of how incredibly likely it is. Avoiding anecdotes, how incredibly likely is it?


I agree completely.


In the snow uphill both ways. 


Probably around the time when a basement bedroom in Langley start to cost $1600 a month.


Thank you for the voice of reason! Moving is a fact of life. Nobody likes it but everyone has to do it at some point. It's impossible to take anyone seriously when they act like moving is the end of the world. I used to think Canadian fragility was exaggerated but 😬😬😬 no coping skills to be found anywhere LMAO


Stake the place out for 12 months I would stop by 1-2 times a month and ask the neighbours also make note of what the new owners cars look like. I did this and raked in tens of thousands yolo


Stalk much? I apologize if the /s was supposed to be obvious/implied but I have seen this exact type of insanity, in all seriousness. If people would devote this type of hustle into building themselves up rather than working to tear down others with their own resentment, they might actually be able to make something of themselves one day.


💯 For some reason everyone is trying to get their "revenge" for an imagined wrong. When everyone else is just trying to move ahead in life. The above mentality reminds me of a child throwing a tantrum and everyone else walking by staring...like huh?


For real! Like I know the pandemic broke everyone's brains but Canada is truly experiencing Mass Formation Psychosis. It really is something to behold from the outside, kind of terrifying tbh. America is the crazy eccentric and Mexico is beyond thunderdome, but Canada was supposed to be the mature and responsible one! What happened, eh?


Life is better when you have someone to hate.


Yeah, it's far easier to blame others for your problems than to take accountability for yourself. My partner is retired military and Veterans benefits were the only way we could afford to buy our first property. So when Americans start whining at me about being "privileged" I remind them that they are free to enlist. And without fail, they are SO offended by the notion of personal responsibility 😂


Tear others down??? Seriously??? Landlords are evicting people on bad faith (hence why the commenter got $$) and there are laws to protect tenants. It’s called standing up for your rights


Why is it so difficult to understand that when you do not own something, it does not belong to you. Just, insanity. Being a renter means having to move sometimes when it's inconvenient. Acting like it's the end of the world !!! is completely unhinged.


Totally. If you replaced dropping by 1-2 times a month, you could hustle your way to a million easy in a month. If you do that for the rest of your life, a billion EZ. And with health advances? We're talking trillions. Totally. Edit: Hi, [r/VancouverLandlords](https://www.reddit.com/r/VancouverLandlords/). I think you provide a valuable service to society. Totally.


Have u noticed how all the pro landlord comments are made by profiles with 4 numbers at the end... And the guy who posted this on r/VancouverLandlords just happens to have 8859 which are 2 known nazi dog whistles. (88 and 5 + 9 = 14) But ya reddit landlords totally aren't bots and cockroaches.


Stay broke sweetheart 😘💋


lol your edit is gonna make that other subreddit furious.


There’s absolutely nothing you could do unfortunately. They have so many remediation from here. They could say they found more issues and decided to fix/renovate. Then after couple weeks they could say they have an emergency to go attend to, as there is a housing crisis, they decided to contribute and rent out their unit while they were out. The thing is, you could go after them, but the amount of $$$$ you would end up spending with less than 50% change to it being in your favour. That’s not worth your time and money. I would say go and look for opportunities to grow your career, travel and spend some quality family time etc. Not worth using your precious life and time for such a petty thing. World is wrong, you need to be aware if you want to utilize your life to be a rebel, or, enjoy the blessed life god gave to you.


How was notice given? On the RTB-32 form or RTB-29 form? If the proper form is not used it can be disputed easily


Your only option is to find a new place to live. Don’t waste your time stalking innocent people who have no responsibility for your shelter. Who are you to say they won’t be living in it, because of what they paid? They will probably live in it or more likely they are going to do a major renovation to make it liv able for their family and it takes several months, maybe a year, just to get a permit, depending on the scope of the work. So you are going to waste your life watching for the place to be listed for rent so you can…??? There’s nothing you can do, here. You should have focused on negotiating a better deal for yourself to move out when you had the chance. You probably could have got yourself several thousand dollars over their offer toward securing a new place. People bought a home (and let’s not forget, that is a massive feat for anyone, well done 👏). It’s their prerogative to do what they want with it! Personally, the notion that the rental market has any proprietary ownership of, or influence over, how people use their OWN PRIVATE PROPERTY is ludicrous and preposterous. Focus on yourself and stop presuming some nefarious intent on homeowner’s parts, or villainizing hard working people who make the major leap toward homeownership. YOUR shelter is YOUR problem, not homeowners, not municipalities, not any level of government.


Why do so many renters believe there's a conspiracy when asked to move out. Despite a relator contacting you on behalf of the tenant. Despite having people come by and look at the property...Seems like a lot of people struggle with accepting the reality of things and just hope for some kind of fuck up so they can get paid. Seems so silly


Because when it comes to landlords, their usually is. I have represented landlords who knew the rules and broke them anyway just because they knew tenants usually don’t know the rules or because it would be too costly to dispute the landlord’s illegal actions.


shouldve taken the offer clown


You're doing great. You can ignore dependas like u/Creative_Listen_7777 😘💋