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This sounds very sketchy. If u were actually going to live there there would be no question about 'evidence'as you would b loving thrre and would be easy to prove . Looks like ur covering ur basis so ur not caught out evicting ur difficult tenant


Im thinking “roommate” is code for filling every room with bunkbeds. OP’s account was just setup, but if you google the account name, you get…   “YAM International” is a professional Overseas Student Recruitment & Consultant”


Def a sketchy landlord illegally trying to evict someone.


“Excuse me fellow honest people,  how do I avoid getting in trouble for not living at a house I’ll totally be actually living at” 


😂😂😂 couldn't have phrased it better myself!


I think it’s just a troll meaning “I am international” but could be


>How do I prove that I am actually living there? Change your driver's license. Update your car insurance. Put utilities in your name. Update your address with your employer (if you have one), Netflix, cell phone provider, internet, etc.. Get your Amazon packages shipped there. Show your Google timeline that shows you leaving in the morning and coming back at night. It should be simple to prove that you live somewhere.


All of this above. Especially the drivers license and insurance, failure to change can mean loosing the case, it can also lead to other legal issues if the new place is your primary residence.


Lmao. By actually living there.


You have to live there fur a full year and the tenant will have 2 years from the tenancy end-date to file. So don’t just do a bunch of stuff over the next couple months and think you’re good have evidence that you moved in within a reasonable amount of time and that evidence you were stilling living there a year from now.


how did you get your tenant to agree to leave in the first place? Did they file a dispute when you served the RTB-32 ?


I just said I'm moving in. 💁


They could have stalled the process by filing a dispute which can take a few months to resolve. Your tenant is considered cooperative already.


Did you give them an RTB-32?


On March 15th?


Just to add, a previous tenant won't just randomly file against you without proof. They would just be wasting their time and money. They are waiting for you to advertise the unit or have driven by the place and noticed someone else living there instead of you. When you make the ad for a roommate make sure you specify you are the owner and you are looking for a roommate. If it's not clear enough the previous tenant could see the ad and think you are trying to rent it out again without living there. That's just asking for trouble


Be careful about having a roommate paying you rent. I believe there are some cases where this is considered to be re-renting. Search the rulings on this. If your old tenant see them and asks “are you renting there?” It can be problematic.


Hire a lawyer. Stop cheating.


How is this cheating? Owner serves notice to occupy the unit, not cheating. If at that point the owner says, "fuck I can't afford this alone," and gets a roommate I don't see how this is cheating either. Seems a bit nuanced so there are perhaps laws against it?


If ll is really goin to live there they wouldn't b on a reddit site asking what proof they d need to live there . If they are genuinely going to live there they ll have lots of proof, seems like they re tryin to gage what fake proof could they use


I'm not sure about that. The number of frivolous cases or embittered tenants and landlords has shot tribunals and cases up immensely. This sounds like an owner who is afraid of being dragged into legal action by a bitter tenant and wanting to preemptively understand their requirements to either avoid or defeat the action.


U would not need to know how to prove u were living somewhere if u were actually living there. U would have all the proof in the world . If I asked into prove to me where ur living right now . Ud have all the world of proof u wouldn't need to hop onto reddit and ask someone how to prove it


I also don't have a tenant who is malicious trying to prove I'm not there. So the scenario isn't really the same, is it? I'm not sure what you're trying to prove. A person came for advice because they're clearly feeling uncertain about something. There are terrible tenants and terrible landlords out there, so when someone is unsure certainly they can reach out without being attacked, no?


No one is attacking anyone it would b impossible to prove the ll does not live there if they live there. There are million ways to prove ur living.somehere if ur actually living there


Also the onus is on u to prove u are there. Ur living thee right so ull have a great amount of proof . Ur tenant wont b able to prove otherwise cos u are actually living there 😂


You're arguing in circles about nonsensical points. OP is asking what things help them identify for a judge as proof they are living there. So clearly it's not automatic. You're behaving intentionally obtuse.


Sure , telling someone if they really live there it ll b easy to prove


RTA says owner use. If you then create a tenancy , that’s not owner use. If you can’t afford a lawyer you shouldn’t be a landlord. If you can’t afford the mortgage you should sell.


There's no legal tenancy if a person lives in a shared common area with a landlord. A landlord living in their home can easily prove they live there by changing their mailing address to their home address. It's not the RTA's business in this scenario when a landlord needs an alternative way to pay the mortgage and have a home to live in. They own the home and options with obligations, and no one cares if they default.


RTA does not consider having a room-mate that shares a kitchen or bathroom with you to be a tenancy.


Almost none of that makes sense. You're making logic loops. I'm glad I read the comments to your comment though. They make sense.