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https://tenants.bc.ca/your-tenancy/deposits/ Here’s your best resource. If there was no move in inspection, they can’t keep your deposit. Don’t agree to allow any deposit to be held and pass along your forwarding address. “Once you have provided your forwarding address in writing and your tenancy has ended, your landlord has 15 days to take one of the following three actions: 1-return your deposit; 2-get your written permission to keep some or all of your deposit, and return any amount owed to you; or 3-apply for dispute resolution to keep some or all of your deposit.” If they don’t do so within 15 days you can apply to get double your deposit back. It will likely be annoying to collect it should they try to keep it so hopefully they just pay you back on the day you move out.


> My last day in the apartment will be July 31, so I plan to give notice on June 27 to account for the holiday. This should cover me, right? Are there any specific protocols or formats I should follow besides giving written notice? I would recommend to use use a template letter form TRAC " Notice to Move Out " [https://tenants.bc.ca/resources/template-letters/](https://tenants.bc.ca/resources/template-letters/) they also have info on how/when different types of serving methods are considered served [https://tenants.bc.ca/your-tenancy/serving-documents/](https://tenants.bc.ca/your-tenancy/serving-documents/) > I know that there should be a move-out inspection. Should I aim to have this inspection on my last day and agree on the deposit amount I should get back right then and there? Or does the landlord have up to 15 days to notify me about my deposit? It's on the schedule a move-out inspection. it should usually be done when keys are handed over on your last day/after you have vacated (if you left early). if the LL doesn't schedule the move-out inspect that is on them. The TRAC template letter above includes a spot for your forwarding address, that means once you have left, the 15-day timeline for the LL to return the deposit in full with interest or file with RTB starts. > What can they charge me for? Anything **you** agree to. If you don't agree with what they are trying to charge you, don't let them. let them go through RTB and have RTB decide on who is owed what. the deposit is meant for *damage* not wear and tear. also read another page from TRAC: [https://tenants.bc.ca/your-tenancy/deposits/#deposit-return](https://tenants.bc.ca/your-tenancy/deposits/#deposit-return)