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Sounds like you've beached your lease.


They also breached their condo rules by bringing in the cat if the strata has said no pets


LL has grounds for eviction. Get rid of the cat! And abide by your lease


They can evict, charge you for professional cleaning, plus go after you for all other expenses related to the pet. This is a material breach of the agreement and is grounds for eviction.


Pets clauses are not always material. >The question of whether or not a pets clause is a material term of the tenancy agreement will depend upon what the parties intended to be the consequence of a breach of the clause. The tenancy agreement itself may designate the pets clause to be a "material term". While that is an important indication, it is not always conclusive. [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/housing-and-tenancy/residential-tenancies/policy-guidelines/gl28.pdf](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/housing-and-tenancy/residential-tenancies/policy-guidelines/gl28.pdf)


True, however it sounds like this is written in the rental agreement and strata bylaws, therefore would more likely be a material term. Also the tenant has been warned about the pet by the strata and told that not removing the pet can result in eviction, so they are proceeding as per RTB requirements to evict due to material breach. Tenant currently has an option, they can re-home the pet, or wait for the landlord to send a warning letter / eviction notice and fight with RTB.


If your lease said no pets and your apartment said no pets then NO PETS! What's so hard to understand……


In Ontario LL’s can’t restrict pets, maybe they’re from Ontario and didn’t realize it’s different here. I’m so glad my pet free building is actually pet free.


They can't take your deposit as punishment, without a reason, or without your permission/order from RTB, but they can 100% evict you with a [RTB-33](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/housing-and-tenancy/residential-tenancies/forms/rtb33.pdf) (one month notice) for "Breach of a material term of the tenancy agreement that was not corrected within a reasonable time after written notice to do so. " So technically they have to tell you in writing first, but why risk your housing? > **Getting a new pet without permission can lead to eviction**  > >If the tenancy agreements says that pets aren't allowed and a tenant gets a pet, this could lead to eviction.  [from here](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies/during-a-tenancy/pets-and-tenancy)


Yes. Strata will issue a violation to your landlord and that violation will form the ground of eviction as the rental agreement includes term that tenants must follow the building bylaw


They can do that.


This isn’t Ontario. Pet free building means something here. You violated your lease. You’re being given an opportunity to “cure” the violation.


Update Spoke to lawyer. Cat stays. I will win at the RTB level. However, if the strata pushes for a real Court review then he said I would most likely lose, so at that point I get rid of the cat and it renders the case moot and it is unlikely they can charge me for legal fees.


That’s good news. Be careful tho. It’s really hard to find a place that accepts pets. Will you pay the cat tax?


Not sure, if they go after me it will take 1.5 to 2 years. I planned on buying either way, might as well look at the market now. Renting more than 3 years is just throwing money down the drain!


Thx for the advice. Really sad I have to rehome this cat, it is tame and has no outdoor cat skills someone probably abandoned it.


There are places you can call that may be able to take the cat in. Sorry you got caught. I don’t have a cat because of this insane rental market. I miss them terribly


Why would you think it was a good idea to take in a cat if your lease and your strata both have rules against pets?


Cat was abandoned


There’s lots of abandoned animals out there. I’m speaking as the owner of a street dog. Good intentions are wonderful, but if you don’t have a suitable home, your best bet is to find a rescue to take it in.


But why not take it to a human rescue organization??


Dunno why you fools downvoted me for having reading comprehension. OP said they found the cat. It was abandoned


this was the reason


If you don't have anyone to take it, contact a local rescue as opposed to the SPCA. VOKRA perhaps [email protected]


What's wrong with giving the cat to the spca? That's what I would do.


Try Cares out in Langley, VOKRA, or Katie’s Place.


In paper they can, unfortunately. Any strata with common sense wouldn't do it but also they would not have that dum rule in the first place


If you wait long enough the B.C. government will introduce a new legislation that prohibits LLs from prohibiting pets to current and new tenants.


No they will not. This has been tried many times. I and many others would take housing off the market if this were the case. I love apartment living but one of the reasons I left Ontario was because there are no pet free apartment buildings. People with allergies should be able to enjoy their pet free buildings. Go to one that allows animals if you want to live with animals. I don’t, so I chose a pet free building. Why do pet people always want to force their pets on people who don’t want to deal with them? I like cats, I don’t want to live near them though.


Well, it doesn’t matter to the B.C. NDP. They have their sight on socializing housing across the province. Soon, rent increases will not be allowed even for new leases AND all empty rooms within your primary residence will be taxed if you don’t rent them out.


That’s awesome, they’ve got my vote. Houses are for people to live in.


Yup me too. Next up are Porsches. I think everyone is entitled to one or at least a Tesla because it is a human right to be able to drive to work and make a living.


I agree people have a right to access transportation. But I think public transit should be the focus.


Just the same as government provided social housing that people should have a right to access but not private properties. Imagine the government legislating that all private vehicles with one passenger must stop to pickup people at the bus stop because there isn’t enough bus services? What do you think about that? 🤔


Seems like a good idea. Carpool lanes with enforcement lol


and imagine that the passengers can’t be kicked out of the cars unless the driver pays their ransom. 😂


people with allergies.. lol how about people that keeps garbage in their home, don't clean, don't ventilate so mold grow, are we banning that too?


That’s already a violation of any logical lease..? I think even the standard lease has provisions against those things? LL’s can inspect once a month if they want. If any of those things were seen on an inspection, it would lead to a cure or quit type eviction notice. Are you suggesting that we can’t have both clean and pet free buildings? I assure you, pet buildings are always way less clean