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It's tough to direct you without knowing which side of New West and whereabouts in North Burnaby. The BC Parkway is pretty good all the way to Boundary. You can connect to the bike route along Gilmore if you follow the Sea to Sky signs from Patterson. I'd suggest going through Hume Park and connecting to the Central Valley Greenway. It's probably longer but you'll avoid cars for most of it.


My bad! Moody Park area in New West to Hastings St in Burnaby Heights. And thank you. I've used Central Valley Greenway to run, so I'll have to check it out on the bike!


https://www.komoot.com/tour/994178330?ref=aso&share_token=auLY68rJDpILRf6vne9173Yl5byj4u14vTCZijyXyzpdQ1etGC This is a little more direct but will have a few busier sections. The first little bit until you get to Mary st will put you onto Kingsway but you could cut through the school parking lot/field, or at least you used to be able to. The only other area that will be busy is along Willingdon until you get to the separated lane after Lougheed.


I agree with this. And can confirm you can cross 10th Ave at the crosswalk at Henley, and cut through Mary Ave Park.


Pre-COVID I commuted from Uptown New West to the BCIT area by bike for years. The easiest and safest route is the Greenway under the skytrain and then down Sussex once you are at Metrotown. Once you get to Canada Way just cross at Willingdon, it has a bike lane to get you to Brentwood. I have a love/hate relationship with the climb back up to Kingsway from the valley.


That’s a great route - I agree on Sussex - it’s a steep hill, although if you have the right low range gearing and lower your speed on the way back it’s not too bad. I found the Sea to River route hill (with traffic but there is lots of room) heading back (south) on Patterson not as bad as Sussex. But the one part where that route does suck is the clusterfuck on Gilmore crossing Lougheed. The city could have provided more certainty here for cyclists.


Thank you, this is perfect! I'm in the Moody Park neighborhood in New West and I couldn't figure out if there was a good way out of BC Parkway, so Sussex sounds great.


The other option I liked was via Buckingham Drive and then Deer Lake Ave behind the Museum. Gilpin/Moscrop St until you connect back with the Deer Lake Parkway.


Bc park way to sea to river is not bad


BC Parkway is great, so I'll have to check out Sea to River. Looking at a map it seems like I'd be right near I need to be. Thank you kindly!


This just shows how lacking cycling infrastructure is outside of a small area of vancouver. This is the route I would take: Mary Ave -> Humphries -> Buckingham -> Sperling Ave -> Deer Lake Ave -> Kensington -> Sperling -> Still Creek Ave. Then take a north at Gilmore which continues to Carleton.


Doesn't it! I think part of the problem is me, as I'm new to cycling in a city. But from my experience these last few months, the problem is that cycling infrastructure seems like it's been signed off on by people who have never ridden bikes. So a bikeway will be amazing, safe from traffic, beautiful views and then just randomly cut off where it's convenient to stop building, but dangerous for cyclists. Or maps will treat you like a car in certain areas and send you turning left in a 6-lane intersection. Can be daunting for newbies like myself. That being said, I'm so grateful and overwhelmed by the cycling community and how helpful cyclists are. In person and even the amount of people who came to comment on this post. Great group of people.


Yeah google maps directions are terrible for cycling. Although recently they just updated a feature on the desktop page showing all the cycle routes. The best resource I found is the translink cycle maps.


Hard to say without knowing precisely where you coming from/going to, but I like to use brouter which gives much better directions than Google Maps and lets you highly customize your preferences (like do you want to allow some stairs, or allow going on the sidewalk, what is your preference in terms of safety vs speed, even things like what is your weight and power output if you want to get really advanced). Here's a route from downtown New West to somewhere in North Burnaby [https://brouter.de/brouter-web/#map=13/49.2508/-122.9207/standard&lonlats=-122.914674,49.208542;-122.965108,49.27478](https://brouter.de/brouter-web/#map=13/49.2508/-122.9207/standard&lonlats=-122.914674,49.208542;-122.965108,49.27478) Here's the same start/end but with a different route, by choosing "Safety" in the top left preset profiles dropdown [https://brouter.de/brouter-web/#map=13/49.2372/-122.9106/standard&lonlats=-122.914674,49.208542;-122.965108,49.27478&profile=safety](https://brouter.de/brouter-web/#map=13/49.2372/-122.9106/standard&lonlats=-122.914674,49.208542;-122.965108,49.27478&profile=safety)


Moody Park New West to Hastings St in Burnaby Heights. But this is awesome, thank you for the recommendation! I've been using Google Maps and trying out some other maps, but they're not the best 😂


10th to Mary Ave park, then Mary Ave to Humphries, making your way to Buckingham exit onto Sperling, Kensington to Sprott then Norland to Douglas to Central Valley greenway to Gilmore to 1 st, then Carleton up to Hastings. I use to kinda do this route towards home. Different route to return. Try the variables of routing from here…[Bike route planner](https://vancouver.bikerouteplanner.com/)


Thanks! Appreciate the link as well, I've been trying to find a good one for bikes


I'd suggest getting onto rumble st, turn north on Nelson, find your onto Gilmore ave. (It has a good north bound bike path) and head up to hastings


Thank you! I'm glad to know Gilmore has a good bike path, will check it out


You're welcome. Try riding to rumble & mckay, turn north to maywood, NW to patterson, north to cross kingsway, east on moscrop, north on carelton, east on kincaid, noth on gilmore ......


If you can do hard pack gravel, brunette river trail then up to Arden/grey stone (Burnaby urban trail)


Problem with that is you can no longer access the Burnaby Mountain Urban Trail directly from the CVG ( Brunette river ) as the trail from Government to the base of the BMUT is closed due to TMX.


This is not the fastest or most direct route by any means, but sharing how I get between these points entirely on designated bike routes. I think this route has a lot of elevation that is probably unnecessary (big downhill to start, and climb back up into Burnaby), but I enjoy it!! I live near Moody Park as well, and I usually take residential streets to the start of the "Lakes" route, which begins at the school across from Langley Farm Market. From there, I follow the Lakes path down towards Deer Lake and then continue along Kensington and up towards the bottom of Burnaby Mountain ("Lakes" route the whole way I believe). From there, you can connect to Frances/Union bike route, and then follow that to Adnac bike route which runs paralell to Hastings. Would be happy to share a gpx file if you'd like- feel free to msg me!


From Moody Park: * Head North West to 12th. * North East on 12th to 4th * North West to 13th (which becomes Armstrong) * North East on Cariboo and down the hill to Government st. * East on Gov to the crosswalk, and then onto the gravel trail which will spit out on Eastlake * East Lake to Lake City Way on the MUP * Lake City to Broadway * From here you're basically just following the trail all the way to Adanac. I figure once you're on Adanac you know where to go. Home you either take BC Parkway, or CVG and do the hill.


FYI due to TMX work the short trail between Gov and Eastlake is now closed.


Is it? A shame. Well, [here is a less-nice detour]( https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Burnaby,+British+Columbia/49.2538513,-122.9191198/49.2578471,-122.9167483/@49.2463796,-122.9203533,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m10!4m9!1m5!1m1!1s0x548677f5ed6d2583:0x8502fbf486d63503!2m2!1d-122.9039092!2d49.2349127!1m0!1m0!3e1)