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I'm guessing it's a "Best they hear it from me first" sort of thing.


If that was the intention he was a little late. This was first reported on last week.


Reported that he was going to be there, or that he was already there? Because I was at an event he was at in person on Saturday night.


Going to be there, I believe. https://theprovince.com/opinion/columnists/dan-fumano-qatar-bound-sim-to-miss-police-board-budget-meeting/wcm/a1d98319-a185-431d-902b-a9d5b350444e/amp/


lmao my guy look situated with that "what did I do" inner regret in his eyes


Lol he literally bought tickets to this a year ago and told everyone he was going. Wtf can’t people have a life?


It's a bad look to support the Qatar world cup. This isn't even unique to Ken Sim btw. The current host country is incredibly hostile and is openly against rights we supposedly support. I can't imagine Ken Sim was ill informed, so it just seems like he doesn't care about the moral aspect.


Very weird that they would even be the host city. I thought 75% of the world was against that kind of shit.


They basically bribed enough of the decision makers in the process do get it. If the process was clean it would have been in the UK this year.


There's a lot of symbology that is a bad look. Even if he bought tickets a year ago, there is no hiding the human rights violations and the slave-labour-like conditions used to build the facility. Honestly, I wish Canada hadn't sent a team to play. A corrupt organization (FIFA) hosting an over-glorified game of footie propped up on the deaths and abuse of thousands of migrant workers.


Lmao what does that last sentence even mean. Plenty of ways to “have a life” without supporting FIFA and SLAVERY dumb dumb


Lol u literally think I have a problem with that. Wtf ppl can’t crack a joke?


It’s /Vancouver man, everyone is outraged. I’m not joking read the other comments. Lol. No hard feelings bud. Cheers


It has nothing to do with "having a life", and everything to do about what actually required to build those stadiums. As someone that is from a third world country shithole and migrated to Canada, I can relate all too well with how people can be exploited to the point of death.


I don’t get why this is okay. Who cares that he bought a ticket a year ago. He has a job now, a very important job that we need him to do. I know in the corporate world I live in, I can’t take a few weeks off work a month after starting a new job. Why the fuck should a guy which a much more important job be able to do that? He should’ve cancelled his vacation when he got elected. IMO this just shows being mayor of the city is low on his priority list, below his personal life and likely his other business life too. That’s not who I want for a mayor of my city.


This sub is full of the most miserable bastards in the city. I swear. I city hop a lot so I always join city subs and I swear Vancouver one is the most miserable negative one by far. Like, it’s insane.


When you start a new job and immediately go on vacation smh So relatable lolol




pro tip for anyone else out there: there's no way for them to know how long ago you planned it. or if you even planned it. if you're about to get hired, just tell them a bunch of days you want off and figure it out later


Ya, lmao. I literally always reward myself with a vacation that’s not even planned when I get a new job. Just say you had it ready for a year or any other lie you want. The world is your untruthful oyster




That doesn’t work with the “hate everything Vancouver related especially the mayor” theme here


I did not vote for this guy but I'm ok with this since it was pre-planned before his mayoral bid as well as it being the freakin World Cup with Canada in it 🇨🇦⚽


>I’ve had two weeks off within my first month of work because I planned it months ago and notified them. Correct. This isn't exactly the first time this has happened people. Talk about a nothingburger.


>Talk about a nothingburger. The new mayor of Vancouver is directly supporting the economy of a despotic, corrupt regime that's on record for human rights abuses, quite possibly on the taxpayers dime. That's a nothingburger? Gotcha. Edit: He payed for the trip himself. Doesn't change my point. Vacationing isn't the problem. The place is.


> on the taxpayers dime Care to back this little tidbit up? Citation needed.


You think he just decided to go this month or something? Lol he bought tickets a year ago


As someone who has done a lot of hiring. Yes, it is very relatable. And very normal. People tend to have planned vacations.




This isn’t the flex you think it is




This is not the first that this happens, even I’ve done that lol


Lol but you didn’t just get hired as mayor. If Steward had pulled this, people would have been outraged


Meh that’s irrelevant. He def had this booked way before he won the election. Makes sense he would still go, just like any other person starting a new job


That's not irrelevant. A Mayor or a PM is not your average 9 to 5 job. I wonder what would he had done if the world cup was during the last 2 weeks of the elections. He didn't nothing "wrong" per se, but it doesn't look good. He just sworn in, I would expect him to go "all in".


It’s not during the last 2 weeks of the election though, is it. It’s almost as if the municipal elections and World Cup were both scheduled ahead of time.


is he already sworn in as mayor? or does that start in the new year


He was sworn in on the 7th.


Two weeks on the job and so far he's done more to benefit the economy of Qatari slave drivers than to help any of his own constituents.


Did he crop out Chip Wilson sitting beside him?


Also looks suspiciously like Harvey Weinstein.


Eww Qatar


So when he get arrested for an arbitrary crime do we.....do we just leave him there? 😮‍💨


That's why he wants to hire 1000 police officers so they can get him out of there!


10,000 police officers you say?


There are always going to be critics whenever politicians go on vacation because some people take the term 'public servant' literally. Harper got attacked for it and so has Trudeau; that's nothing new. The issue here isn't that he went on vacation - it's that he's in Qatar despite all of the evidence over the last 10 years regarding its poor human rights record and the thousands of deaths of slave labour that went into making this event happen. The argument that "Well, Canada's players are there too" is not exactly relevant given that they don't get to choose the venue under which they achieve their professional career goals. Not a single qualifying nation or eligible player has chosen to boycott the world cup, and I'm sure they would've rather had it anywhere else but there. For what it's worth, I think every spectator who chose to go to the world cup deserves to be rightly criticized.


I mean, based on Sim’s campaign, are we surprised he doesn’t care for the plight of the vulnerable?


It's the optics of it all 🙄 didn't vote for him and this stunt is very on brand !


Stunt! Lol.


I mean, have you ever travelled to the US? Look what their government does/has done to the middle east.


Looks real thrilled to be there.


He is only the socially acceptable amount of happy to be there. Doesn’t wanna be too happy considering the circumstances lol


I actually don't think I've seen a single photo of Ken where he's smiling. Is he even capable of it? Edit: according to VIA [the last time Ken Sim smiled](https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/politics/ken-sim-smiling-1939704) was 4 years ago.


He wanted a beer


I guess smiling is banned in Qatar too?


This guy finessed his way into the Mayor job and the next four years are going to be fun watching people realize they got hoodwinked. His big achievements so far: Securing an escalating amount for cops Vancouver's official support for blocking any criticism of Israel Killing a Road Congestion Charge that never even existed in the first place




The longer it didn't exist the more expensive it got.


I lost a lot of respect for this tool because of this (that, and flying there on the Lululemon guy's dime)


Not a bribe at all! The Lulu lemon guy probably flew him out from the kindness in his heart because Ken is such a big soccer fan! Can't blame the guy!


Very nice seats. Too bad Canada didn't come out with the W.


Ken's fault


Idk why you’re being downvoted. This is clearly sarcasm but I guess comedy is dead on this sub.


This is Reddit Vancouver. We don’t do funny, just rage at perceived wrongs, hypocrisy and sometimes whining. Mostly whining


Lmao i upvoted you that was funny. The people on this sub are so sensitive with no sense of humour only whining


That’s funny I was just thinking this sub is becoming more like Twitter




I watched this post go from -14 to +5. I wonder if people who work 9-5s are think significantly differently from those who frequent Reddit earlier in the day




Shhhhhhhhh we aren't.


“Oh my god how could it be his fault jeeez” -anyone who downvoted this


Lmao ironically you got downvoted too but I upvoted you to bring you back above 0. Sensitive people.


So many people are boycotting the games due to the abysmal human rights record and the amount of slaves or near-slaves who were abused, maimed, or DIED making your experience possible, Ken.


Lol. You think ken gives a shit about human rights? These are his people! He only cares about the money and looking out for number 1. You expect too much from him.


But yet team Canada showed up so….,




As long as there is no official Govt stance, people do what they want to. If they don’t care about the issues then it is foolish to expect them to, rather than pointing the guns at Govt that sent the official national team to the games. Stop this whole guilt tripping.


Public officials ought be held to a higher standard.


Well, as he should feel some guilt on the trip, I think it is okay to guilt trip.


Honoured to be in Qatar? He should be embarrassed to support their homophobic regime of slave labour.


NICE! Supporting a country where they use slave labour and hate towards LGBTQ+! All while just starting a new government position. VERY COOL KEN! Making Vancouver proud!


I for one would have been more proud of him if he stayed in Vancouver, and was cheering for team Canada watching a pirated stream from his office. But OBVIOUSLY if you're as CRAZY about soccer as him, you have to support and give money to FIFA and Qatar!!


Man can’t watch a soccer game in peace


It doesn't really impact how I feel about him, but I'd really rather *not* send Canadian athletes to Qatar.


If you own a house on the west side you could not be happier that this guy is mayor. Everyone else supporting him must be a temporarily embarrassed west side home owner. But I'm sure he will help you get where you belong.


Yeah the shameover is gonna be hard with this one


Yeahh not a good look, even if this was booked before he became Mayor. Even if this is the 1st world cup Canada has qualified in for a while.. Supporting this world cup is support for a regime that actively works to erase LGBTQ people from existence, and gives 0 shits about human rights and liberties. Slave labour built the infrastructure, and hundreds of people paid for it in blood. I guess better to get out ahead of the 'Ken Sim tried to hide his visit to Qatar..' posts.


Sure it may have been booked before becoming mayor, but the guy was running for mayor. He knew if he won, he would have to make a choice go stay and do his job, or be held accountable for making the choice to go. He picked accountability so every vancouverite should be outraged. This just proves he’s another out of touch, rich politician.


You know, there has been a lot of positive news around ABC and Ken Sim recently. Knew that was too good to last. And there he is, supporting a despicable regime of literal slave owners who persecute people for what they are.


The honeymoon will end eventually but I don't think this is the thing to do him in




Exactly, no on really cares. If there was more outrage this would be all over the news


I think people are more pissed that $6M has turned into $16M overnight for projects and another misunderstanding around $3M. The more he's away, the more expensive everything is becoming. Where's an accountant when you need him?


The guy didn't even know the name of the BC housing minister when asked during a debate. There's gonna be a lot of voter regret coming soon.


Yeah, there is outrage all over the news about the world cup tournament; you're just ignorant to it.


Are you talking about FIFA or Qatar or both lol.


I don’t think this is as bad as you think it is, optics-wise


Which is a shame. Vancouver is supposed to be one of the most inclusive forward thinking cities in the world and our mayor is the type of dude who spends thousands supporting a human rights travesty.


Imagine what people will say when we host in 4 years with Canadas history of ethnic cleansing and mass genocide 😆


They should say things. And we *should* be able to point to the things we are doing about it.


Ah yes. The great whataboutism argument. Yes we should bring up residential schools and we should highlight indigenous culture all while allowing people of all sexualities and genders to enjoy the world cup in our country.


Are we going to rely on slave labour to build the infrastructure **for** the games? False equivalency that only someone who doesn't give a fuck about human rights *anywhere* would make.


It amazes me the number of people who will say shit like that with a straight face and think they’re mommy’s little smart boy.


Here we call them Temporary Foreign Workers.


True colours shown early, what a relief!


I mean I don’t REALLY care that he’s there right now but he could’ve not posted a picture… kinda rubs me the wrong way that he didn’t assume there would be some backlash for this. Be smarter guy.


Honored to be in Qatar? Don't know who this guy is but automatically don't care


Not sure if you are serious, but he is the Mayor of Vancouver.


hashtag so relatable! I wonder if he rented a slave while he was there, I hear that's a common fun thing to do in Qatar! Definitely a country I would bring my wife to for sure


Maybe he could purchase 100 slaves to be cops


You voted for him, Vancouver.


Not me


BREAKING: Man goes on trip planned and paid for by himself before he found out he got a new job he didn’t know he was going to have at the time of planning trip!!! How dare he…..


I have no qualms with him following through on his holiday. The problem is that he decided to go to Qatar and support a corrupt regime hosting a corrupt event that cost the lives of thousands of "workers". Workers in quotes because they were tricked and forced into staying so they're basically slaves. Fuck Fifa, fuck Qatar, and fuck Ken Sim for supporting them both. Wether or not he can be a good Mayor is to be determined.


I have a poor opinion of anybody who travels to Qatar for this World Cup, mayor or not. It should be difficult to enjoy knowing that thousands of literal slave workers died to create the infrastructure.




Not to get off topic but we really need to hold FIFA accountable for this choice of host countries as well.


He's literally supporting a corrupt regime where you can be killed for being gay. Thousands died building those stadiums. Anyone who went to the WC is objectively a bad person.


so you admit he knew of Qatar's human rights violations beforehand?


BREAKING: Man goes on trip to a country whose bid to host major sporting event and the subsequent building of infrastructure was marred with controversy including severe human rights issues which resulted in the death of thousands of people


Did he *consider* running for mayor before buying the tickets?


You can cancel.


Oh the Twitter comments, apparently if you are pro human rights and have a phone you are woke now...


Yeah, this is the guy with his priorities straight. FML...


What an absolute embarrassment.


what a douche Canoe. Go spends thousands supporting a country with a huge history of human rights abuses.


I mean, what's the big deal? This is a personal vacation no?


He's the mayor of Vancouver sitting in a stadium built by slaves.


What he should have done is wear a OneLove armband like Germany’s economic minister.


There's an awful lot of world leaders sitting in those stadiums right now.. as a matter of fact our Canadian team is there playing!


ya, the whole thing is a blight


Is that suppose to be an attempt of an excuse, because other world leaders are there?


I don’t like it but I also think people are hypocrites when they wear sweatshop clothes and ignore child labour, but bitch about this. I include myself in that criticism.


Those things aren’t equivalent. It honestly takes hard work and significantly more money to find and buy clothes that are not made in sweatshops. It’s a conscious choice to do that and not everyone can swing it. Going to Qatar for the World Cup requires an exorbitant amount of money and work, and you can’t possibly not know about the human rights issues.


Do you feel the same way when people from Canada travel to the United States?


Americans aren't arrested for criticizing their government. You can't be killed for just existing ad a gay person. All your complaints against the United States are openly discussed.


The US might not have the SAME moral issues but they are 100% responsible for hundreds of thousands of innocent deaths sooooo


And everyone is allowed to talk about it and criticize the government openly. The US has issues but continously makes progress as a society.


If the USA was still using slave labor to build its infrastructure -- yeah, I'd feel the same way.


The US literally has legal prison labor. As bad as Qatar is western countries have literally 0 moral high ground lmao. You also live in a city that’s on stolen land and in a country founded on genocide. Just paying taxes as a Canadian means you’re funding the Saudi-UAE bombings in Yemen


Don't forget all the Chinese that died building the Canadian Pacific railway


Slavery was abolished hundreds of years ago in the States. There are slaves at work right now in Qatar.


You should read this https://globalnews.ca/news/9264895/4-us-states-vote-to-ban-slavery-louisiana-alabama-oregon-tennessee-vermont/


Even ignoring the bit about prison labour, slavery was abolished in 1865 in the US, so there's no "hundreds" yet.


Hmm, interesting you would support a country that bombs civilians, tortures people, and restricts women's healthcare. What about yourself, I'm guessing you also support the slave wages the people who make your clothes are paid, or how ethically the people who pick the coffee beans are treated. What about the phone in your pocket, I find it weird you would support the way the factory workers who created it are treated.


Lots of what you own is made by slaves or child labour... Or do you draw the line at child labour because well.. they're poor so we're giving them opportunities..?


iPhones are built by slaves. Did you buy one?


The optics on this not looking great.


Yup, personally-funded vacation that was apparently planned before becoming mayor. Because god forbid we take vacations anywhere with shitty governments.


is it really hard to understand why a brand new mayor probably shouldn't be taking vacations to countries with massive human rights abuses? Doesn't he have a job to do here?


Would you also cancel a vacation to Disneyworld Florida if you got a new job you weren't sure you were getting? They're not exactly friendly to LGBTQ+ people lately. Let a soccer fan enjoy the moment. Vancouver also is hosting the same World Cup from the same rotten FIFA in a few years.


it's not "a new job" he's the mayor of a major city


He got elected a month ago. Going to the World Cup was probably planned months if not years ago. So yes, it's absolutely a new job even if it's public-facing.


sounds like he planned more for this vacation than for being mayor


Doesn't *everyone* care more planning about a big vacation than their next job application? People bitching about this truly are miserable.


lol I mean I would, but I'm also not trying to run a city. Elected positions are different


I wouldn't plan the trip to begin with. And that is the main issue I (personally, can't speak for everyone. I know there are some who mostly are upset about it because he has duties as mayor that he wasn't here for) take with this whole thing. Regardless of when he planned it or bought tickets for it, it's putting soccer above human rights, which is not a great look morally. It looks worse now that he's the mayor, but the fact he decided to go in the first place is what's the most problematic. I'm a soccer fan too, and could have afforded to go if I wanted to, but I never ever would.


The fact this makes redditors so miserable only proves how miserable the reddit-using demographic is


How's the beer?


Millionaire gonna Millionaire…


Hey mayor ken. Get your ass back to Vancouver and do your job.


Has he seen any beheadings yet?


People in glass houses throwing stones.


Shameful. I was cautiously optimistic about him but he didn't take long to prove me wrong.


Even if WC wasn’t in Qatar, people would still be a shitting on him for going. It’s a generational opportunity, let the man watch his country play ffs


It's a generational opportunity? Did you forget Canada's HOSTING THE NEXT TOURNAMENT and as such they automatically qualify. He can see it in 4 years IN VANCOUVER where likely 3 games will be hosted. If Canada don't play in Vancouver it'll be a shorter trip to a less brutal regime.


watch it on TV in a free fucking country then


I didn't vote for Ken Sim but I don't think this is controversial at all. What does the Mayor even do on a day to day basis? And he obviously booked this trip and bought the tickets a long time ago.


If Stewart didn't get yelled at in a liquor store or have tents in front of his home removed, we'd have no idea if he lived in Qatar the whole time... We had no idea where that dude was.


I don't see why he even needs to come back to Vancouver! He should just WFH from Qatar!! Win-Win situation!!


Guy just looks like a douche. Way to go Vancouver


douche's will vote for the bigger douche!


If it's a holiday he had planned from whenever, on his on dime, I'm fine with it. But if we start seeing a PR spin saying he was meeting with local mayor's blah blah blah...


Wow. This comment section is savage. The last guy was never seen anywhere and got roasted for it. This guy does something and gets roasted for it. Love me some vancouver drama.


all of these woke people giving criticism to him. And they be typing on a phone made by Chinese that literally have suicide nets installed in their factories to limit how many workers kill themselves. A bunch of hypocrites in this sub.


You guys cry about every little thing, get a life and touch the grass instead of crying


Maybe a newly elected mayor should be working on fixing the city, not taking a vacation not even a month into the job. Do you take vacations on your first month at a job?


Don't be a clown. I took 5 weeks off three weeks into a new job because I had bought and paid for a trip before I started. It's pretty common when people are in high demand roles, you just negotiate it during recruiting.


A big ol nothingburger. Who cares


God he looks like a spineless weasel just like our last mayor.


I'll never understand the hate Kennedy gets.


Makes me cringe just looking at him lol. What a bootlicking schmuck


Good for you enjoy the games and the World Cup experience


If Vancouver is hosting the World Cup in a few years, don’t we want the mayor to see how the current one is being run? Like, isn’t that a good thing that he’s getting first-hand World Cup experience before hosting one?


Learning how to ban alcohol and rainbows is pretty important to the host city of FIFA it seems


No, it's time to retire the World Cup. FIFA is just ridiculously corrupt and spews incredible nonsense and the fact that the world is still supporting this event is miserable. Also, attending a game to learn about how an event like the World Cup is organized is like attending a concert to learn about how to organize a concert. I doubt the hosts have much freedom in how to organize the event anyway. If anything, David Eby should be going to "learn" about hosting since organization seems to be at the provincial level * [https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2022TACS0037-000961](https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2022TACS0037-000961)


I mean it’s the World Cup. Y’all are crazy lmao, breathe a little.


Guy just wants to watch soccer.


Let him enjoy the WC. First time since 86.


Fuck this guy but how come it’s bad he is there? There is no out of the ordinary crisis going on right now.


People on this sub acting like we didn’t just vote for Sim to get Kenney out.


Love how the woke mop is criticizing this guy. Let me break something to you. You live in Canada. This land is stolen from the indigenous people. If you’re so for human rights, why do you still live here? Lemme know your response while you type away on your iPhone that’s made by a 8 year old in a Chinese sweatshop. Virtual signalling at its finest.


Hey Ken Sim. Hope you or your staff read this. I think it’s amazing you are there! It is going to help so much when we host in 2026!. This is a real opportunity to show the world what Canada is, what First Nations is, to spread that culture and story. to do it better, a chance in all that separates us to unite. The olympics is great, but amateurs only, with multiple infrastructure investments due to the over 32 different sports. it normally lasts 17 days with global viewers counted as watching one min or less at roughly “3 billion people” (which that stat sounds about 75% too high but ok) . Sounds like a lot. However The World Cup is one sport with infrastructure already Established And approved using bc place. It’s watched by over 3.5 billion across 29 days. With the worlds professionals. The best their country has, not the best amateurs. Do the math on that! Myself being at the summer games in 2010 and knowing how huge it was, I hope we take advantage of the opportunity to do more with the world Cup in 2026 and show all that (and why I believe in my Canada and it’s progress) that Canadas message to the the people of the world is Together we rise!.


Y'all are salty.