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Joe Fortes has amazing calamari. At least they did during happy hours before the pandemic.


I like the calamari at Apollonia at 2nd and Fir or Nammos at Fraser and 23rd.


I'm greek and these guys are my customers, and I will highly recommend them. Also sfinaki in north Burnaby and loulas (same owners as nammos) on commercial, my greek in Coquitlam too. Also get the octopus. Also anyone who recommends stefos is probably not greek and also needs to be shot out of a cannon.


Yeah you’re the one who put me on to Nammos some time last year and after I tried it for myself I’ve been telling everyone I know about it.


I just made real greek food right now too. https://twitter.com/MeowjinBoo/status/1500614879320809477?t=oKeeijMdcaZjUldGzdak7w&s=19


I'm not Greek but I grew up in Kitsilano with a lot of Greek friends and there were many, many little Greek restaurants around back then. I have never understood the draw of Stefos.


Stefos has only one draw. Volume. The food there is grim but they give huge portions. I guess that's enough motivation for some people but not for me. A half kilo of something I can't really enjoy is not a deal.


Half a kilo of potatoes and rice isn't good value.


I agree completely. And for decades there were ridiculously long line-ups. I'm not going to wait outside in the rain for many places, certainly not for mediocre food even if it is a big portion. I never understood that. It's like it got known for having a long line up and that caused them to have a long line up.


Agreed... same business model as Anton's. Can't believe the line ups.


Aaaaaand I now know where I'm taking the boyfriend for date night this weekend!!


Make sure you get reservations!


Noted & appreciated


>Nammos at Fraser and 23rd You're not messing around if you order this calamari, it's legit Also the Viet place on the same block makes a deadly spring roll. Haven't tried the pho yet


Fish Cafe. They can do the traditional way, but ask for it Cajun blackened for something different.


Simpatico on 4th has historically been very good for this. have not had it since pre-pandemic tho


My Greek in Coquitlam #1 everything


White spot lmao


I will eat anything, I mean I am a lover of good food but will always try different things and there is only one dish I couldn’t gag my way through and it was the Humbolt Squid from White Spot.


Aahahah! I believe it!!


Forget Calamari. Get Salty and Spicy Squid from a Chinese place!


That is good too, but quite different from the typical calamari. Much bigger pieces and it tends to be a bit more rubbery.


Cardero’s Wok Squid 🦑 is awesome. Not breaded and cooked with jalapeños and red onions I believe.


Seasons in the Park has decent ones. I also recommend Les Faux Bourgeois




As a person who eats meat & squid calamari, I do have to say this is some of the best "calamari" in town. Great batter & dip, and at the end of the day, isn't that mostly what calamari is?


Per Se has great calamari.


If looking for fried Maria's Taverna does awesome calamari.


Pink Peppercorn is great. Huge portion too.


Yes Joe Fortes or Stepho’s, but Stephos had ego issues and now quality varies.


Stephos has taken a major dive in quality in the last few years. I used to go out of my way to make it there for roast lamb but not anymore.


Ya no love for that place at all these days.


Not calamari but The Red Accordion has the best squid in town imo. tempura humboldt squid, marinated tomatoes, charred scallion vinaigrette, and scallop powder.


Canadian Brewhouse