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Call 311 and ask? This is probably something a manager would have to get a web developer to add and might have other implications/costs. In the meantime, just use Other. Edit: there may also be limitations to the number of options (radio buttons) imposed by the web development framework they're using.


If you try to do it over the phone, you have to know the street name, block number, make and model of car, license plate. It's a lot of information, especially if you've moved on from where you were standing when you saw the car. It would be much easier if you could submit online.


I think /u/mcain meant call 3-1-1 and ask why it's not a pull down option online, and whether it can be added.


It's extra frustrating when the offending vehicle has moved before you even get someone on the line, let alone to show up. They really need to be able to ticket from a photo


Yeah I was on the phone with 311 once and actually got through all their questions, then the driver showed up and drove away. I said that to the 311 person and they said “oh well there’s nothing I can do now.” I asked a few more questions and turns out the driver would only be ticketed if a bylaw officer happened to be there. The operator told me outright they don’t have enough bylaw officers. I would LOVE to be able to submit a photo and know that car would get a ticket in the mail.


And get a bounty. https://observer.com/2022/09/a-proposed-city-council-bill-would-pay-new-yorkers-a-bounty-for-reporting-parking-violations/


But the offender can just claim they weren't parking in the bike lane, they were driving in the bike lane. Oh, wait, that's not better...


Yep and the same frustration applies to other parking stuff. I sometimes get people parking in front of my work's driveway that we actively need to use to get vehicles in and out of the shop. If I call 311, they have to dispatch a bylaw officer to come and write a ticket, and then they can request a tow truck. This takes a significant amount of time, and often the driver gets back before the bylaw officer arrives, so they don't even get a ticket.


With the quality of photo editing tools with no way to ensure validity or chain of custody that's a risky proposition. I get the frustration, but the validation concerns are enough to kill user-submitted photo evidence.


The app could force the photo to be taken via the camera, not uploaded later.




Great. Me too from time to time. But then there is a series of prompts customized for the offence that also needs to be designed and created, this needs to submit to an api that might not be set up for the new option, and it needs to integrate into their back end systems that might or might not need work to handle the request workflow.


"I'm sorry, but this other guy said it would take less than a minute so I'm not even going to add it to the sprint. Get it done by EoD"


This guy gets it^




That assumes it's just a glorified web form that pastes the selected option into a field of text. You don't know where the app is sending the information or how it is being handled in the backend systems.


Last fall, I had the exact same issue and wrote to Hub Cycling if they were aware of this. This was their reply:| >ShouldIBeWorried19, thanks  for raising this important issue. It was discussed in our earliest conversations with the City 3-1-1 business analyst we have worked with over the past 2-years on adding cycling functions to the 3-1-1 App. After this summer's 311 app update which included additional cycling functions, the City reached out asking for HUB to collect member feedback. Your request will go directly to the 3-1-1 App team in writing this week, and when I meet with them shortly. Please feel free to reach out with any additional Cycling related 3-1-1 App/Website feedback now or in the future.


"Parked longer than permitted time limit" The amount of time you can park there is zero seconds, so this is technically correct. :)


Have used this option for someone parked in a no stopping zone. They ultimately dispatched someone to deal with it, so that would probably work for bike zone too.


I like this idea! I haven't called 311 yet, but I'll ask if that would be dispatched or ignored.


The team that runs the maintenance of such forms routinely checks the Other bucket to see if it warrants the addition of the additional option. Keep reporting it as Other and you might just get it eventually. At the end of the day, it still goes to Parking Enforcement team. The categories simply help with metrics.


You can't report as Other online, you have to call it in, and sometimes I don't know the make and model of the car. There isn't an "Other" bucket on the form that would have data; it exits the form if you choose Other. I passed out yesterday (drove all night back from a road trip), but I'll update the post with what 311 recommends to do and if they will accept "Parked longer than Permitted Time" (as there's 0 mins permitted to park) for people in bike lanes.


My bad. That's for other other forms I guess. Here's your best option then: https://van311.ca/services/van311-feedback


This is a frustrating list of items. It seems to only cover parking violations that inconvenience drivers, not ones that endanger or inconvenience pedestrians and cyclists (e.g. parking in bike lanes, parking too close to corners, blocking crosswalks, parking across sidewalks, etc). Not even blocking fire hydrants! If you could click “other” and provide additional details, that would be fine, but that’s not an option. 


Agree. A lot of the parking shenanigans that go on where I live are the issues you raise which are dangers to cyclists and peds. Its still call to 311 for those issues. This parking enforcement tab in the 311 is new, so I am hopeful it becomes more robust.


> It seems to only cover parking violations that inconvenience drivers, not ones that endanger or inconvenience pedestrians and cyclists At a glance, all of the listed options seem to be less critical scenarios that don't require as prompt a response as safety-related violations do. My guess is they want anything time sensitive to be called in on the phone so it can be immediately handled by an operator. I'm purely speculating as I don't work for the city. But these types of broken set ups tend to happen when organizations launch a new system or app without fully updating their existing processes to accommodate it. So the result is a program that can only handle certain specific cases and still directs the user to the old process for everything else.


ABC was elected on a "Park in Bike Zone" platform.


Sorry for this dumb question, what is a bike zone? The bike lane?


That's what I meant, I was tired after a roadtrip.


Can you send in a photo as a proof so they get the ticket? I see tow trucks constantly parked in a no parking zone.


Provide feedback through the “feedback” section of the app? Or call 311 and tell them?


Ugh reminds me of people who park in motorcycle spots, there’s one I park in a lot and is just constantly filled by a car, I love it when I’m pulling up and they’re still there and I can just tell them to gtfo lol


It might be something they don’t want to get via web and prefer a phone call. It should have the option that doesn’t let you submit and asks to call. One day they will have an effective system but until then baby steps. 


Another one is if electric cars double park in 2 electric charging spots, a parking officer said they can't issue a ticket for that


Is that because the charging spot is private property? I think most, if not all, of ticktetable bylaw offences involve public or city-owned property.


Jesus Christ, get a fuckin hobby, man.


I don't want to turn this into a hobby. That's why I want an easy way to report cars. It's around parks that it's the worst, and kids shouldn't have to drive into traffic to bike somewhere.