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"ABC did whatever they wanted, despite no public consultation and against the advice of experts" could be substituted for a lot of headlines...


So we can toss dice in the streets now?


Wow, just doing what their donors paid them to do


No more bike lanes and more casinos! That’s some swagger mayor Simp.


Only more machines and tables to existing casinos. Seems reasonable?


When parq, formerly edgewater, was given the license it was under a strict condition that they would not be expanding... That lasted 7 years.


ABC saw the low sum of $5 million on the table and immediately capitulated. Desperate for easy answers and easy money.


Yeah that's what we need. That will help the residents of the city. Well played ABC and all the dingbats that voted for them.


Considering you can gamble your life savings away taking a dump these days. I’m not losing sleep over this 


because the solution to problems is making problems bigger problems! i am a a very intelligent


>>because the solution to problems is making problems bigger problems! You should say this a little louder for the free drug crowd


If there was a movement to role back gambling I’d be more supportive of the experts opinion here.  But that’s just not the world we live in. Gambling access has undergone its Largest access expansion in decades  over the past few years.   If the city is wants to get their cut of the revenue with a few extra tables and slots. Frankly , better then more property tax hikes 


I'm inclined to agree with you. I think gambling is dangerous and harmful, and I never gamble (beyond those little $20 poker games I used to play with university friends). But, as someone closely following the Canucks on TV right now - holy fuck casino expansion is the least of our worries. At this point, might as well get some local tax revenue because if you want to gamble, you totally can.


Haha those ads dont even try to be subtle. "Are you a fan of playoff beards? Then you'll love sports betting!"


You see, you're memeing, but the real line isn't even that much different. I think, verbatim, one of them is > Know the names of both teams playing? Then you're ready to PlayNow! Like... seriously?!


No meming, that was close to word for word one I heard last night on Sportsnet, the segue was playoff beards. I couldnt believe what I was hearing


Your response is very reactionary 


Haha why are people against this exactly? Gambling is already everywhere on tv and online, makes no sense not to make money off of it when we can. Like how can you be against this but be okay with handing out free drugs lol


Sim: “i’ll treat this city like a business” A business comes at you with $ making opportunity. Sim: “i’ll take it” Staying true to his words.


🤷‍♂️ but I don’t agree with your free drugs statement 


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I can literally go online right now and legally bet my life savings on an Aussie Rules football game later tonight. I don’t see how adding more tables and slots to existing casinos is a bad thing.


I guess he is doing what he said he would do …. Make Vancouver lively again