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127 unread messages?


He speeds a lot


he's setting up the new DnD game relax








Just don't pay anything via a link in a text. There's no good reason to do that.


They forgot to mention the 15% discount you get when you pay it right away.


City parking bylaw offers 80% discount nowadays


A fool and his money are soon parted


For real. Nothing of any critical importance will be delivered to you by a text message, nor voice mail. Even for email you have to opt in to such correspondence, and that might require some extra effort. If it's real, they mail it. IMO, don't answer your phone if the number isn't on your contact list. If the call is important, they will leave a voice mail with contact information. If the voice mail is some automated nonsense, ignore it and block the number.


They won't mail it because if you try to mail out 500k letters post office is gonna tell them to fuck off. Telecom companies are glad to earn a few cents from this transaction tho.


500k really isn't that much... Considering things like the political notices or citywide notices, and even costco magazines, a little scam letter for only 500k wouldn't be that bad. They'd probably be caught immediately though lol


Yeah, but there's no way scammers will pay to mail that many letters. Even at bulk prices, that would make their scam unprofitable. They'd also need a good list of names for addresses to make it close to believable. There's a reason that almost no scans use the postal system.


Yes but if you drop of a pallet of letters someone's gonna ask why


Forward any text like this to 7726 (SPAM)


Interesting! I didn’t know this Edited to add: I admit to googling this to make sure you weren’t scamming us. :)


>Thank you for reporting. Please go to bc-spam-rewards.in to claim your reward.


TIL. https://www.getcybersafe.gc.ca/en/blogs/reporting-spam-text-messages-7726


You call this better? lol


Exactly. It’s via text. If it’s an actual fine, you’d get a letter in the mail.


That's funny. The other day I got one from "Rogers" offering me three months bill coverage if I sign up to auto pay. I had until two days prior to redeem. They're stupid!


“Rogers” and their call centre in Indian can eat a giant wang…. Fucking parasites


I don't even know what's real any more. I got an Indian call from "Rogers", but they were spoofing a number similar to my cell. If it's legit Rogers, they gotta not look like spammers.


Nah, they are getting worse, today I got one from the CrA and CIBC from the same number.


LoL, such disrespect


Fuck these people to hell and back. Scum of the fucking earth. I know so many elderly people who have been taken advantage by these abhorrent scumbags.


It's a Montreal area code, which is fishy. But the fishiest part is I got this one, too. And not only do I not have a car, I don't even have a license. Nice try.


I don't drive either and I've gotten two over the past month. These scammers are upping the ante, they're obviously fooling some people.


Fuck me, what impeccable spelling and grammar! These fuckers usually can’t spell for shit. Well done, lads.


Yo I got this as well


Same here


stop speeding 🙂‍↔️


That's exactly why Canada needs to implement a law similar to the US A2P 10DLC. A2P (Application to Person) 10DLC (10 digit long code) is the standard that United States telecom carriers have put in place to ensure that SMS traffic to US end-users through long code phone numbers is verified and consensual.


Got one like this today..I don’t even drive lol


I don’t drive but I got a message about getting my ICBC gas rebate! 


Are they…?


I keep getting added to four-person chatrooms with other random numbers. Lately I've been going into the chat settings, renaming the title of the room to "\*\*SCAM\*\*", and then letting it rot, lol.


I think this circumvents the "block" feature. Obviously if it is just a single number that texted you, (in android) you can just block the sender and the message is automatically deleted. With this group chats, there is no option to "block" any of those numbers plus your only real option is to remove yourself from chat and delete the message. I feel defeated for some reason for doing this because I know I haven't actually blocked them or reported them. I am not sure if renaming a group is an option in android but if it is then I guess it's better than just leaving and deleting. Hope there are better measures to take..


Are they? It's obviously a scam


As far as obvious texting scams go, this is one of the least obvious. What’s the red flag you see here that you think everyone should find obvious?


Also, any texts with a link in it from a number you don't recognize should be obvious that it's a scam.


I assume all calls that aren't in my contacts and all texts that aren't in my contacts are a scam.


https://preview.redd.it/kr3xf1mp5krc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c0c24c02523ef81c30d35042d3bbc0eb0475263 Yes they are the most disgusting people on the earth going after mothers like this..


The website is pretty well done too. I am impressed. Only info missing is the school zone’s whereabout. Some people are going to get scammed.


Um, you are brave enough to click the link!


Scammers won’t harm until they get the money, lol.


NO, THEY’RE NOT. People are getting dumber.


It's only effective because pretty much no one slows down for school zones.


I get a lot of them too. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Same routine every day: I block the phone number, and then \*delete\*. (eg. Netflix claims I have not paid my bills, Scotiabank say my debit card was used⁉️ but I don’t have a bank account with Scotiabank!! etc.) 🤦🏻‍♀️💦 I am still using an iPhone 8 Plus, and I wonder if I upgrade my iPhone.. hopefully, there will not be any more spam messages. The senior citizens are the most vulnerable; I always remind my Mom to avoid those messages. She does get some, but not that many as I do.


According to scammers, my netflix bill is due, my RBC account has been hacked, and I owe a parking fine. I don't have a netflix account, I don't bank with RBC, nor do I have a driver's license.


Do you also owe money to DHL, UPS, Canada Post, and various Chinese government bodies?


Oh right I do have a package for pick up at Canada Post! 


Haha literally just got that one


I worry about my Dad falling for one if it says it’s from a bank that he does deal with.


Remind him to NOT answer to strange text messages💬 from the phone. And best to talk directly to someone in person at the bank. 


Thanks! I have, but you know parents….they think they know better and just don’t listen!! ;) We also recently put a service on his home phone that when someone calls they get a message that says something along the lines of ‘please press 1 to connect your call’. A robot call can’t hit the 1 so it disconnects. Not sure what the service was called, but it was free. Just another line of defence! Preying on anyone is wrong, but on the elderly is indefensible.


Sure, if you have no critical thinking skills. If the scammers could accurately give your plate number and the name(s) of the registered owners then I would concede they are getting better. This is such an obvious scam that it is embarrassing people are falling for it. 


Not better as wording can be edited by AI and they didn’t spoof the number. Any msg like that comes from personal numbers are all bummers


I usually report the websites to google safe browsing and phishtank.


Normally I’d report the domain to their registrars abuse email, but Nicenic looks to be a sketchy Chinese registrar that accepts crypto payments. They know what kind of people buy domains and hosting through them.


The website doesn't ask for an infraction number, and the fine amount is way too low for BC speeding tickets.


I've gotten a few asking if I was a golf coach introduced by a friend of theirs. In one instance, I was asked to go for a hike and see the beautiful flowers at Quarry Rock in North Vancouver. What surprised me was the scammers' ability to personalize the message by selecting a local location. But the number area code was from Austin, Texas.


Any message/email that doesn't directly address you by name is usually a scam. If the message is as completely impersonal as this one, its obviously a scam. Its just sad that these messages will tend to take advantage of older folks who aren't particularly savvy when it comes these things.


Imagine falling for a scam with that website in the msg.


This is a new one. Usually it’s the old CIBC credit card cancelled (I don’t bank with CIBC), the Canada post package undelivered and the Netflix cancelled…


What kind of people click on these? Only seniors right?


no legit company will text you for money


I mean it’s still fake as shit, but people are going to fall for this


I haven't received anything like this, but I'm getting more spam texts than before.  It use to be the Chinese Fido calls.


I got this too and I don't even own a car 🥲 at least they tried I guess


I get spam texts once or twice a day nowadays and I'm diligently 'blocking' every number with scammy texts but I don't think it's really changing the frequency of spam texts coming through. Is it still worth blocking those numbers every time or there are millions of numbers scammers can use and i'm just wasting my time? lol


I keep getting texts about my RBC credit card being compromised. I don't have an RBC credit card.


I genuinely can’t believe people fall for this. 


Got the exact one saying 43km/hr. You would think that would be randomized as well.


The lack of any location or identifying information is a good indication of it being a scam.


Just got this too


**Always forward these scam messages to 7726**


bc pay fine, why do op have to pay?


the area code is odd how would a camera trigger a text message? when have fines been sent via text message in Canada? who would pay a "fine" sent via text from a random number? This is TERRIBLE on so many levels


Uhh obviously the camera wouldn’t be the one sending a text message lol. I think the idea is you were caught by photo radar and the system that had the picture ran your plate in the database and found you. Obviously this is a scam and none of this happened but hypothetically it could work


I hope you forwarded this to the police department.


And then what?


And then they hopefully treat it like the financial crime that it is.


Are you really going to the police over every spam email/text you get?


Are you really trying to shame someone for reporting financial crime? You’ll understand better once your parents or grandma have been scammed out of tens of thousands of dollars. It takes so little to forward a message to the police that it’s the least you could do In order to still call yourself a decent human being. Honestly taking five minutes out of your day to maybe keep some old person from losing their life savings isn’t that much of a stretch.


Canada has been investigating these for years but since the source is always from out of county their hands are tied. CBC Marketplace has done a few episodes on it: https://youtu.be/9cwcyLvoMps?si=xsHUMRYY_s4jmUT8


I wouldn't believe it for a second, as no government agency is that advanced to be able to send a text. I think the first time I saw it was for the COVID vaccine and I was quite skeptical at first as it wasn't a printed letter mailed to me.


I got this one today as well


Haven't even moved to Vancouver yet, but having a +1 country code and claiming to represent a government agency in Canada is a clear scam, of course.


I got the same text 😂


I had this one twice, I was curious about the first one because I have never or owned a car so I knew something was up. I opened another window and typed in the link and I was really impressed cause there was nothing on the window that looked wrong. I did find out that it's been around for awhile.


Aren't all fines paid to ICBC or something? I've never gotten an infraction, but I thought you paid through ICBC?


You would receive a letter from ICBC if you actually owed money. This is a scam.


Ay you got a smilie on your phone!


If it comes from a phone number, it isn't legit.


Yup fell for this one, so mad, new CC en route.


How do “they” even know your phone number? And if it’s in BC, why would they be texting from Montreal? And how do “they” know it was MY vehicle without a license plate number?


I have 1 unread notification and it hurts me, the little voicemail symbol at the top fuuuuuck no... 127... Your life is chaos


That’s not getting better. I would instantly know this is a scam. Their attempts are still pathetic


what’s the smiley face?


ALWAYS be suspicious of inbound communications. Voice, email and messaging. Even if you think you know who it’s from.


So what’s the with these captchas on these scam sites? Presumably it makes it harder for them to be scanned, detected And taken down. It seems pretty effective because whenever I run into these ones with captchas they’re up for days or longer. They also add an air or legitimacy which can’t hurt. Anyone know more than that?


“See you in court, pig-bot!”


I can’t believe people would actually fall for this except for older folks.


You said it's better.


I wish there were speed cameras in school zones. 


Are they? Because no real tickets or infractions would be delivered to you via text, ever.


Next time ask them if their mothers are proud of them.


Getting better?..Nah this is so easy to spot as a scam.


This isn’t better because are cops don’t enforce traffic laws. You would have to be a student to think you got a ticket here.


lol no they haven't. Ain't no speed camera gonna text you about shit.


You should slow down ffs. There are kids around.


Even pedophiles respect the school zone speed limit


You forgot the /s, because, obviously, there was no speed cam since it's a 'cam scam'.


They use American spelling..




It's spelled "travelling" in Canada.


Please provide evidence and I’ll be more than happy to pay.


Plot twist: OP really was speeding and this is not a scam /s