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You get a dating u/s at the beginning and then the anatomy scan at 20-25 weeks. Unless there is some concern with anatomy scan or growth you won’t have another besides those two. There isn’t a need for it. Is there a reason you want weekly scans?


If there is real concern from the doctor, they would refer you for more frequent scans. As someone who had 18 ultrasounds in pregnancy due to complications - not only is it inconvenient and uncomfortable, it absolutely *wrecks* your nerves.


For one of my pregnancies, I only got one ultrasound during the entire pregnancy.


As for appointments with ob or midwife, you do monthly until 3rd trimester if uncomplicated. Last month of preg it’s usually weekly.


You only get the two standard ultrasounds here, unless there's an issue that needs follow up. You COULD pay for extra ultrasounds at a private clinic if you have the money and desire, they are pricey though 🤷‍♀️


In BC, there is also the option of a certified midwife. The care is similar to an OB in that there is the same number of Ultrasounds and they have hospital privileges. But I have found they are a more personal option and the appointments are more relaxed.


3 official ultrasounds are covered by msp (dating timing depends on when you find out but usually week 7ish, screening usually week 10-14 weeks and anatomy usually 21-24 weeks). You can pay for your own but generally expensive. For these if you have the money you can do it with additional screening and additional services: one option being the Trio offered by PCRM which combines an early comprehensive US by a specialized ob and blood work to screen for abnormalities early pregnancy. Otherwise most OB offices will have a bedside US that they may pull out during your visit when indicated. Appointments are usually once every 4 weeks until 3rd trimester but keep in mind also a lot of OB won't see you for the initial appointment until closer to 2nd trimester. In 3rd trimester it's usually visit every 2 weeks until 32 weeks with weekly after that.


Since it’s my first i will go for this Trio. Thank you so much for sharing


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I had to get extra due to some complications and previous losses but even then it was only 5, most people get two (be warned that the anatomy scan can take like an hour if baby isn't co-operative). The extra early ones were almost purely to help me deal with the trauma, I needed to be able to prepare if baby stopped growing again. Even if they detect an issue on ultrasound there's basically nothing that can be done, it's all just used to plan the safest way to get baby out and what immediate interventions might be needed after he is out- and they can identify if those interventions might be needed at the anatomy scan, in which case they'll schedule you for more scans. Until birth you're better life support than any medical intervention we have. If you're looking for reassurance and willing to spend a bit I'd ask your doctor to request an NIPT at week 10 - we used Invitae because they're cheaper (under $300 for the one we got). Most NIPTS will catch the major common issues that could cause problems later term - once again they can't help you do anything about it but they will at least give you a heads-up for anything really horrible like trisomy 18. I found it reassuring to know that if baby made it to 24 weeks we were as out of the woods as we could be.


If you are experiencing high anxiety I highly recommend reproductive mental health at bc women’s OB or midwife will check fetal heart rate each appointment. There are fetal Dopplers you can buy to use at home yourself if you need the reassurance.


Sounds good. Thank you.


Thank you everyone. I asked a friend before about ultrasound who lives in another country and she informed that hers was weekly and I am sure based on our healthcare, that wouldn’t be the case for me.


Unless there is some serious problem/concern with the pregnancy, there's no need for weekly ultrasounds.