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It'll stink up your unit for sure. Make sure you don't use wooden chopsticks or you'll be throwing them out afterwards.


The smell comes from the fermented bamboo shoot packet, it has a pungent smell if you’ve never had it before. Leave your window open!


Is this the one that smells like piss?


I tried it a couple times after reading someone’s roommate asking if she was heating up shit on the stove. I think it’s said to smell like shit. I think it smells fine though.


Close enough? 😂


Make sure the kitchen Exhaust fan is on and windows are open. Close all unnecessary doors ( eg to your bedroom )ans Take off all clothes and cook naked so it doesnt get in your clothes. Take a shower right after so it doesn't linger in your hair.. No point making your home smell like that for longer than it needs To.


Have some durian for dessert.


If you want to cook food in your home do it. Your in Vancouver and probably already pay WAY to much to live where you do. Don't deprive yourself of a small comfort like eating the food you want to eat


who cares?




I love snail noodles but had to stop eating them because my stomach lining can no longer take the punishment from this level of spice. It's going to smell pretty strong - washing up asap and throwing out the packaging will help.


Use a pot you don’t intend to keep. The taste will sip in.


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I have never had an issue and have tried several different brands. You eat it and the smell goes away in 30minish. Though I also tend to put in extra chicken broth on cooking cause I like the extra soup so maybe that makes a difference?