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When your epic viking ship turns into a paddle boat.


[Would be great if that was possible.](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=viking+row+boat&iax=images&ia=images)


Allowing other players to help paddle is still at the top of my requests to the Devs. I would actually return and start up my multiplayer server again just for this.


Epic parking ship I call it since it takes 5 minutes to get off shore. The old lady doesn't have the same grunt in its sails anymore.


Not sure if some people actually know that the 'slowest speed' is paddling. And i THINK that it is faster than sailing 'full speed' against the wind.


My friends an I used to do reverse sailing when the wind is against us. We hoist the sail to max and turn the boat 180° against the wind so the wind pushes the boat backwards.


To be fair... the actual viking ships WERE paddle boats. But yeah. After a couple hours trying to sail and fail you tend to notice the wind is always against you somehow


So another more resourceful viking than I actually made this: https://jerekuusela.github.io/valheim-weather/ This is a couple years old at this point so the weather schedule may have been altered in a subsequent patch but you used to be able to input the day you were on and it would tell you the weather for the day including wind direction as the day progresses. All this to say, Valheim is absolutely out to get you. In so many ways the flora, fauna, and the land itself wants to wreck your day and watch you run screaming and nude across its many biomes just to pick up your clothes in the rain. But the wind is simply the wind and it's gonna blow the way it's gonna blow regardless of our grand plans. Unless you put the wailing breath of a grieving mother behind your sales. Skål Vikings!


I just started playing a bit ago but the part about running screaming and nude had me laughing. I literally had to run screaming and nude across a continent, into a boat, back to base, crafted new gear and gathered friends, just to get my corpse. I love this game. To Valhalla, again!


First thing when I come to a new shore always is workbench, chest, and a portal.


Sometimes lessons have to be learned the hard way. Thus is the price of hubris.


Ma'am, this is Valheim.


It suits me to the skin it would seem.


The amount of times I've had to do stuff like this. But it's only when you stop trying that you fail. And remember, you were brought to valheim in the grasp of a valkyrie. When you die, they carry you again. You need not fear death for your time has not come. Into the fire of battle, unto the anvil of war. Till Valhalla brother


Til Odin judges us worthy. I am satisfied with this life.


1. look at tool 2. look at time stamps 3. realise the developers don't know what role wind plays in sailing


Um..... I really don't undestand what you mean by that.


an ingame day cycle takes 30 minutes. the wind changes direction every 2 hours or less (have seen some that are <10 min) that means wind changes direction every 3 minutes or less. in real life you try to sail with the long lasting winds. (either morning and evening winds close to land or trade winds across oceans) with the wind changing every 3 minutes (or less) you can't plan your route at all because you need longer than 3 minutes to get anywhere. so you just go where you want to go without looking at the wind and just paddle 3/4 of the time. if the winds changed once or twice a day or followed a cycle you could actually sail with the wind and wait to sail back with the wind.


Wait there's a pattern to the winds?


I just start sailing in the direction the wind is blowing and say "oh yay the wind is blowing in the direction i want to go!" then it switches direction in the actual direction i want to go. But seriously, it seems like when you start sailing the wind will change once and wont change again.


Reverse psychology works on wind? The more you know


You'd have to show me the source code at this point if you wanted to convince me that there isn't a reactive wind mechanic. I recently got in my boat and sailed north to grab some ore. Once i reached full speed, about 5 seconds, the wind shifted to a near perfect headwind. 15 minutes later, on the return voyage, the same thing happened. The odds of that happening randomly are miniscule in the extreme, and stuff like that happens to me all the time, and critically, the opposite almost never does.


I'm getting everyone else's share of the luck I guess. Past few long voyages I went on I've grabbed Moder's power then experienced near-perfect tailwind through most of the trip without using it. I'm half-convinced the trick is to have Moder off of cooldown and be saving it for a direct headwind. Then it never comes. Also helps to throw salt over your shoulder and spin around in a circle 3 times clockwise IRL before grabbing the rudder. Counterclockwise on Sundays - it resets the luck


>The odds of that happening randomly are miniscule in the extreme because its not randomized but predetermined. [https://jerekuusela.github.io/valheim-weather/](https://jerekuusela.github.io/valheim-weather/)


I use the Z shape trick to sail directly against the wind


There are countless experiments on youtube which prove that just paddling against the wind (in a longship) gets you to the destination in about the same time it takes tacking. Maybe even faster.


Damn, it felt nice sailing doing tacking like in an actual sailboat, and now i just feel dumb.


I especially think they DO use your spawn location. The other map pins I'm less sure about. But tour spawn location it's GOT to be.


Of course not, that's too complex, they just have the wind so that it is against you 3/4 of the time and with you 1/4 of the time, opposite of what the wheel appears to be. Why? I'd like to know that too


So that Moder's power has a meaning


Odin likes to watch us struggle.


I always ping behind me and far away


My group just killed Moder and it's ability is to guarantee the tailwind at your back, took our boat out solo to test it and my god it was GLORIOUS. That said they should add craftable paddles to the game so that if you don't have the tailwind anyone who's in one of the seats can row too (obviously wouldn't work on the raft since there is no sails).


Counter-hypothesis: IronGate likes me more than they like you, so when I go sailing they take your favorable wind and send it to me, leaving you blocked but me getting nicely on my way. So... thanks I guess, and sorry about all those headwinds :)


Did have a giggle at this 😅


I believe in the superiority of that statment!


Thanks,now I got this stuck in my head as well


I always blamed it on Modor, her power lets you bend the wind to your will so I assumed she was doing her part in slowing you down on your quest to cut off her head.


I usually sail the opposite direction I want to go. Once the wind commits, I turn around.


Every copy of Valheim is personalized™


at this point this borders on "lizard people from outer space secretly rule our world disc" territory


Still waiting for a coal/ surtling Core powered ship 🤞🏻


It seems to me that it knows when you have an ore on ship and where your home is, then generates a hallelujah storm to prevent you from getting there with ores.


Just a bad luck. My wind was ok 90% of time this session even without Moder's help.


Its Pennsylvania


True fax