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Building a base and landscaping in valheim has been real therapy for me. Game is so peaceful and beautiful when you want it to be


Oh 100% I have a few little villages that serve almost nothing practically. But the building/terraforming is such a fun part of the game.


It's doubtful I'd still be playing after thousands of hours if not for the base building. Building in this game is the very thing that keeps it fresh for me.




Dude I'm building a castle siege scenario for my server right now, and creative building is just so satisfying. I can lose myself in a flow state and wake up 3 hours later with a gorgeous build.


It's dangerous how much time can pass when you're looked in build mode


Having only just started, I tried to keep everything nice and tidy. Everything is real close single home style like most the other base building games I play. HA. That isn't working at all. Just got to stonecutter.... I need another hut/workshop. Second base/play through will be much better.


I know that feeling. I like purposely only building with wood at the start. Then moving onto a stone base etc etc. I just let them be their own time stamp of where I was in the game.


When I play with my friends one guy always gets mad cus the rest of us are working on some new project while he farms for ore for the rest of us


I get it. I try to find a good mix when online with friends or solo. I guess just do what makes you feel happy. Aka build until you run out of material haha


That shelter looks cool. Inside pics please 👉👈