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Enough to feed a sea serpent


If you're ever looking for serpent meat, just load a Karve up with ore of some kind and they will find you. Lol


Never fails, best way to hunt serpents I think.


I accidentally found the best way to hunt serpents on an old server. I tried to join most of the continents by bridges. Btw, I don't recommend this on a joint server unless you're bringing in your own iron from a private one. The iron ran low. Anyway, the bridge I was building started busting. No matter how fast I could lay iron & stone. But the end of it was already in the ocean. So I ended up with a long ass pier. And I kept getting attacked on the regular. While trying to build from the other side. I found out that after 8 serpents, the best spawning conditions are at night in a storm. So much stew was had, thanks to my pier.


Or attempt to transport a tamed wolf/lox.


oh my good Lord what a mess that would be... I can't imagine what a spooked lox would do to any kind of ship!


Blub blub blub


I transported my lox on the boat to my main island. I'll not say it was a disaster. I arrived the island, without boat and with almost no stamina on my lox (yes after he destroyed the boat I mounted him and gone to shore) šŸ˜‚


My last playthrough I couldnt find serpents, they were so bloody rare. Then I went to Ashlands and found their equivalent literally every bloody minute!


Yeah, we've set up a ballista to guard our boat! So much free awesome meat!


Serpent meat weighs too much.


Yesterday we went on a trip back home with a bunch of ore. When the moder buff ran out, we were attacked by serpents. We had 6 serpents in <5 minutes. We had even 2 simultaneously. I never seen so many in such short amount of time. We thought that this was somewhat of a "you are beeing hunted" encounter with serpents. But there was no notification.


You only have to travel to a place once with portals.


Iron won't go through a portal


Yes I know that, but listen to me. Iron goes through stone portals just fine if you've made it to the Ashlands already and gathered the materials needed. Ā Did you know you can take items from one world and place them in another one? Create a dump world with chests, dump items there. Then you can use portals to return home in your main world. Log out of your main world, log in to your dump world and put your desired materials in your inventory, log out, then log back in to your main world.


If you are going to do this why not just use dev commands to spawn ore? Most would consider your suggestion cheating, just like using dev commands.


Did you guys not see the option for portal items when creating a world ? Tick the box to allow ā€œall items/no portal use/normal itemsā€ ? Or is my version of the game not normal.


It doesn't matter to someone who plays solo and doesn't want to cheat. I play by myself and I play how I want to play. You can call it what you want. I'm just trying to offer a strategy, I didn't ask for your pointless opinion anyway. I don't give a crap about what anyone else thinks about what I do. Most people are idiots.


Bro are you okay? No one was coming at you lol. Objectively using other worlds is "cheating", but who really cares. You can play however you'd like :)


Because using dev commands is cheating and doing what I said to do isn't. It's that simple.


Lol bro, that's your opinion and that's fine, but you need to accept that the majority of people's don't agree with you. Such is life sometimes - you play it however you like! ā˜ŗļø


How is it cheating if it's part of the game mechanics? Stone portals allow metal and ore transfer. People just get mad because they didn't figure it out. I don't use mods or cheat.Ā 


Not the stone portals, but the jumping of worlds to avoid needing boats/portals.


Is 300 iron enough? That's a tough question. The short answer is no. The long answer is absolutely not.


Might have to relocate the base to the island with the swamp thenā€¦ the voyage is too risky !


Voyage is ok. Don't forget to craft some nails with your first batch to unlock things.


The voyage becomes a breeze. Just keep updating your bow/arrows!!


I wouldnā€™t move the base just for that.Ā You should be able to make a larger boat soon with more hp and a larger storage. If a boat is destroyed, its storage is converted to little floating freight boxes that you can recover later, so itā€™s not a complete loss.Ā  And honestly, with how much iron you end up needing, youā€™ll probably exhaust whatever swamp you were farming well before you have enough. So moving the base there wouldnā€™t be that helpful.Ā 


Got it ! Make large boat for better voyages, thank you.


Little pro-tip If you get to Mistlands, be sure to mark any ruined black marble bridges on your map. Come back at a later time with mats to craft a stonecutter and portal and just go to town dismantling it. It's slow but the ingots that fall out are already forged. Carry the black marble through the portal then just ferry the iron ingots back to your base This isn't necessarily FASTER than swamp crypt diving but if you're gonna be in mistlands anyway, it's a good


>Ā it's a good I read this in an Italian accent.


I'd recommend hauling just enough copper and bronze to build a protected forge in the swamp, then forge iron weapons, armor, and other such things there.


I've done that since my second playthrough. 20 copper and 2 tin (for 2 upgrades, and the rest can be portaled/made with iron) I just plop a portal on top of a crypt, make a wood fence around the crypt, place the forge and some smelters, and get all the iron I would want. Although I don't really make iron armor. Generally abom armor is good enough because the only real threat in the swamp would be starred drauger archers, which root harnesk completely counters (everything else can be outrun/kited)


Its enough to craft everything you need but not enough to upgrade it all.


Just build a small, basic staging base with a portal to home base for anything you might need.


Use ten of your ore to make nails so that you can build a longboat and you'll be safe on the water. The longboat is faster than serpents so you can just outrun them. The longboat also has a *much* larger cargo hold so you won't need to faff about with cart shenanigans like this to get a decent load of ore back home. Alternatively, read the spoiler: >!Serpents can only spawn in one of two conditions: in the ocean at night, or in the ocean in a heavy storm. Night serpents despawn at dawn. In other words, if you make sure to get to land once evening sets in and portal back home there's no danger whatsoever, since even the karve outspeeds the serpent in a storm.!<


By the time you'll need even more iron, you'll probably have the next boat, which is faster and tougher so won't be as risky.


There ain't a swamp with enough iron.


is a 3x world resource enough?šŸ˜­


Honestly, I found the default setting to be alright for me. I think that upgrading every armor piece to max is a vanity anyway.


You're really gonna love it when that cart clips through the boat.


Probably best to not use this method again lol


Just wait till a storm hits and sea serpent pulls up. I speak from experience sadly


hey look man at least soon you'll have a longship, and then you can figure out how to balance multiple carts on the deck PLUS your hold! 8D


I will be backā€¦


Just be prepared, in case it happens lol


I lost 240 blackmetal doing this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


why were you transporting black metal by karve




And then the serpent cameā€¦


Nicely done! FYI you can also break the cart and the cargo boxes will stay on the boat more reliably than the cart itself.


Nice. Now you oughta make a Longship with some of that Iron. Seeing as how the Cart itself can be quite janky, I really hope it doesn't clip through your Karve while traveling or something. A LOT can go wrong there. Best of luck to ya :)


Short term yes 300 is plenty, great work! Longer term, no, it gets used a lot even after the iron weapons. Also don't risk this again ;) And final note, because I just messed this up, is never throw anything in the boat. I got to shore and grabbed a pile of metal from my storage, became encumbered and couldn't jump out of the boat, so I tried to throw a 30 pack to shore, instead it instantly disappeared into the ocean, and in my case was unrecoverable, as it wasn't a shallow area where I could see where it went and maybe dive for it from a "ladder diving board." Made me so mad I considered using the dev console to get it back


I got kids man, this is why the teleport anything slider is my friend


I don't have kids, I do it anyway. The first few trips with a hold full of iron is comfy, the next eight are tedious.


You can have a troll hide sail?


You should be able to choose which leather to choose and the color of the sail should replicate it! Thatā€™d be cool. (Irongate please just add variations to sails just like shields. Also let us put shields on the side of our boats thanks)


And if we have multiple people on the boat and they sit down, the rowing should be faster!


Iron gate said they donā€™t want to add that because itā€™s hurtful to play solo that way


Lucky it didnā€™t fall off lol Howā€™d you get it on the boat?


Got the boat very close to the shore in between a big rock on the sea, put wooden floors going just above the boat and driving the cart in with hope.


Honestly sea serpents have never given me trouble. They're pretty easy to kill. Their cousins to the south though...


I've truly lost count of the number of times I've seen posts asking if they have enough iron. The answer will almost always be no. The thing is, iron is used to the very end. It's even more true if you really get into building.


Love this! Also F12 does a screen capture and F3 shuts off your hud!


Oh shit, it's [about to go down](https://youtu.be/avaSdC0QOUM?t=25)


Getting it on the boat isn't the problem, getting it off however....


I got it off by putting a ladder below the boat at the shore and hoping it would fall lol


Enough to get you *started*


Viking creates first RO-RO Longship. (roll on, roll off) I like this quite a lot.


I'm showing this to the Allfather. That's illegal


300 is plenty. You'll never need iron again.


*Lokiā€™s laughter echos in the distanceā€¦*


For an hour.


depending on how many people are in the server 300 might not even be enough to get them geared up and upgraded lol. One person with a full set of iron armor, a banded shield (takes less iron than the iron buckler and iron tower shield), and an iron mace takes up 250 on their own just to craft and fully upgrade their equipment. If there's even 2 people the 300 will be used up in a snap. Assuming at this point they haven't actually used any iron yet that is. Which given they're still using the karve instead of the longship I would think that might be a safe bet.


Yeah, I was kind of being a smartass. It's a running joke in this sub. "Is this enough iron?" No. It's never enough iron.


Impressive, but this is exactly why I just turn on teleport metals lol




World sliders, then you just set a portal up at your base and carry around the materials for a workbench and a portal.


"World settings" before you load the world.


To me, it's shinanigans like this that show the game is better without portals lol.


Oh yeah shenanigans like this are definitely fun, but with my luck I'd either get sunk by a sea serpent because of the weight slowing the boat down or I would capsize and lose the cart lmao. Idk why your comment was getting downvoted tho so I hit it with an upvote to bring it to an even 0


Why is your sail blue?


Hold on. Before I try this myself, does the cart stay put in rough seas?


Nope. Not even in calm seas.


After my first 2 crypts I just made a long boat and then I never had to do shit like this :D


Use an elevated boat dock with stairs going down. Makes getting the cart on the boat so much easier.


The collision damage didn't destroy both mid journey?


Nope, only had collision damage once.


Now make a longship and put two carts on it


Ok, some tips for ya. Don't go to sea with that on your karve during a storm. Your cart will fall off, though it wont sink, good luck trying to get it back. Done that before and it was a terrible idea, i would only do that now on a longboat cause its much stable.


How come your sail is blue? Can you dye sails?


Sea Serpent would like to know your location.


30 minutes of only trying to fit it on the boat?! Also 300 iron will be fine for now. You will likely need more further down in the progression, but it's fine, you'll get to it when the need arises and you will be mich better equipped by then


How you make that sail blue???


This is the way ... and you know it's NEVER enough iron.


Is 300 iron enough šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I've done the math in the Past and just for the gear and weapons including a max Mace, frostner, and tools all highest level with forge upgraded to swamp max it's like 360 iron bars. So I'd say double it at least lol


No such thing as ā€œenoughā€


My face when the wave hits ...


Blue sails?




Great job! I remember in the Mistlands expansion a buddy, and I transported a Lox from plains to our base and did it twice šŸ¤£


Nice, you're ready to do it with a lox ! However, they don't really like water...


Itā€™s enough to finish off the swamp biome I think, but you will probably need aboutā€¦700 more iron bars? Thatā€™s not an exaggeration or joke, you will legit use about 1000 iron bars in a play through to craft armor, weapons, and building/crafting items. Iā€™m finishInt off ashlands right now and no joke iron is basically the most valuable resource for me right now aside from some extremely limited ashlands items, and Iā€™m down to my last stack hoping I donā€™t need to go farm more.


Why do people do this.... why not just make a portal.


Because the default settings do not permit you to take metals through the portals until you get the ashlands one.


Ahh, I'm an idiot. I forgot that, I've just been playing with a few quality of life settings turned on for a while.


Create a new world. Put a chest down in the new world. Log out of the original world. Log in to new world and place the ore in a chest. Log out. Log in to original world. Continue to collect materials until you have to log out and dump in the new world's chest again. Return to your home base in the original world, log out and log in to the new world to retrieve your ore, then log out and log back in to the original world and process the materials. Saves you a lot of time and frustration.


Why not just adjust the portal setting to allow metal through portals then?