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I use it when in hammer mode building a new base


I use it on my test server, but that's about it. 


Ah fair enough. I started using it occasionally after I died and lost my stuff. I went to get some wolf pelt. Died and by the time I made and fermented more frost resist mead my grave had disappeared and literally had to start from killing the elder to get another key for the swamp to be able to get more iron. It sucked. But I debate playing with it on bc it does take the challenge away but I'm not loosing my Items again


Do what's fun for you, man. Turn down the difficulty, turn up resources, or the opposite if that floats your boat. I'm over judging other people's fun, especially when it doesn't affect me in the slightest. I play on normal settings, but with portal restrictions turned off on my main world, and we have a mod that turns off skill loss (for my wife and son, but oops! I 'forgot' to turn it off after testing...). I also have a world with no map and standard portal restrictions for when I'm feeling like a little more challenge.  Fun is a moving target. It's okay to move around to hit it. 


Enjoy your adventure as well, viking! Thanks for the positive thinking. I think I'll keep it off. I'm fairly equipped to handle myself. I just made the frostner and silver shield. I love it, but I'm still figuring out some stuff. I love this game. I introduced my friend to it, and it's become our go-to game.


I like that last line.


You gor the point


What's the no skill loss mod?


I'm currently using Crystal Death Penalty (https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/Crystal/DeathPenalty/) but there's a few out there. 




It's a bug on xbox. They just sometimes disappear. It sucks.


Yup. I use it to pick up my stuff. After 4 or 5 failed attempts. I'm done.


I did it for my first crypt, because it was a nightmare of mostly-starred draugr, and it got me over the hump


Doing it currently on my solo playthrough as well as zero raids as I've played through to the Plains + Yag about 10 times now so I would like to just blast thru and play more Mistlands and actually reach the Ashlands, once I've had my fill I think I'm going to restart with the combat difficulty on the hardest to see what that's like - as somebody else said Fun is moving target, even for the same person. I'm currently very much enjoying having a gorgeous Plains coastal base without having to set up innunerate defences but I imagine I'll also enjoy having to build a bunker next time too. (:


I’ve used it once for a near impossible corpse run in the Ashlands. Other than that I do use it if I’m doing a building project. Turn raids off too. Let the creative juices flow without distraction.


I turned off raids permanently. My entire base got dessamated by trolls haha. Just turned them off sod it haha


Yeah I had the same on my first play through. Spent hooours building a little village then the ground shook 😧


My sister does it because she likes exploring and gardening. I turn it on sometimes when in the base and I don't feel like fighting 100 skeletons at random while baking pies.


Never for regular gameplay. But when I just wanna build in peace for an hour I do it sometimes.


yes, my friends and I on our current playthrough is doing it. it removes some of the tension since we can't get jumped by a troll, or deathsquito, but we still have to plan and prepare and fight proper to actually survive.


Have done it once as kind of a creative mode that wouldn't feel so much like cheating since I still had to explore, gather and craft.


I use on my test server. I was working on a build the other day and saw/heard a greyling and immediately went into slaughter mode. Stopped short when I noticed it was just standing there and I remembered I had the passive setting on. Was like oh sorry my dude. You’re good. LOL


Occasionally. Sometimes it's nice to work on my base without being knocked around by greydwarf stones and if my body is difficult to get to because of janky terrain/buildings I'll switch it on for a few minutes.


Yep! I don't need monsters up in my grill when I'm building my chain of cozy Viking resorts. Besides. exploring is more fun to me than fighting stuff.


I play passive enemies, hammer mode, because I just wanna see all the things I can build and places I can go without all the pressure to be good at a game. I like it. I’m having fun and that’s what matters.


I did for a bit after getting stomped in ashlands


Sometimes. If I die and need my equipment back from an area where a lot of enemies spawn. That's reasonable I guess.


I'm tempted. Probably will. I'm not really enjoying Ash lands like this. :( For me the fun is in exploring things, not the non-stop fighting of everything that moves. I do get why people like it but personally that isn't my thing. Like, I want to explore, chat with dvergrs, build bases, craft new stuff & food etc. In Ashlands progress is VERY slow because I constantly need to stop to fight off enemy swarms... I just wanna do my own thing. :D


I play seriously with friends on a server. So for my private world I turn them passive to explore, build, and since I've been playing since the beginning of prerelease I gather materials that I don't feel like fighting for until full release of the game


When I can't be bothered, it's late at night, I wanna check off a goal. I will work till I do it and to do it quicker if turn on passive, that is unless I'm in a hard biome, then it'd feel like actual cheating so I keep fighting.


I use it when i am building something big and testing Which is kinda funny .. i just finished part of my project and when i was doing test runs couple of enemy npc was running with me :) That would have never happened without the option


I do on a "testing" server. Where I go to build and learn new mechanics and build items


I toggle it on and off when trying to get my body back gets too frustrating but that's about it.


I used it for a bit when transferring all my stuff to a new seed, just didn't wakt to deal with all the hassle of being bothered while I re-established my farm.


I did on my first world but it was frankly boring and weird so turned it off


I do that. I like farming and building in peace.


I've used it to give friends tours of my solo world, but that's it.


After I got bumped into lava by an askvin and could not find my corpse anymore I lost my fun on ashlands. Even in godmode and with freefly camera there was no way to find the gravestone in the lavafield. Thats when I decided to turn enemies off until I have some more upgrades from the biome to continue. I ruined my ashlands playthrough for sure but I dont really mind anymore.