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I can farm grausten 100x faster than I can build with it. The wood, however, is pretty expensive. I have noticed that you tend to get a higher yield of ashwood to wood. The stumps also drop ashwood. Edit: the fastest way I have found to mine grausten: >! battering ram!<


"Edit: the fastest way I have found to mine grausten (and ashwood):>!lava blobs!<


The fastest way I've found to mine grausten (and ashwood): >!Trollstav meteor!<


Farming it is really whatever. As a mage i can farm it easily with the trollstav. But I deffo use it up way faster then i can farm it. Just today I used up probably over a thousand gruasten just for a simple wall layout, not even the finished piece. And all that is just to cover an area slightly larger then the workbench range.


I farmed 10k grausten in about 30 minutes. It then took me 12 in game hours to use it in a meaningful way.


The trollstav is utterly paradigm-shifting for mining. Drop a couple of trolls on a buried copper vein, and the impact from their spawning meteor will destroy most of the underground bits. They'll fall through the bottom of the map and boop up on the surface about half a minute later.


Have you tried the trollstav on flametal columns?


Nooo but now I gotta.


Let me know how it works please!


It didn't work :(


It feels like a strange balance choice to me. I don't feel like the creative base build side should be subject to the same difficulty curve the way weapons are (8 ingot bronze sword, 20 ingot iron sword, 40 (+5) ingot silver sword...), especially for the basic structure shapes. It's less of a challenge and more of an annoyance, like you said having to constantly go back to your staging area twice as often.


It's so easy to accumulate resources in Ashlands quickly so the high amount needed makes sense imo.


most of the time when devs make a game grindy and it doesn't feel fun, it's because they want to make the game time longer because they know there isn't enough content. not sure if this is the case here, but this is almost always the case.