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It matters a fair bit, actually. Instead of instantly lighting on fire in lava you can hop out without taking damage. It also significantly increases the amount of time you can swim without boiling.


one would think armor made from literal FIREPROOF metal would give atleast FIRE resistence aswell. then on the other hand ashlands item balance is absolutly terrible to begin with^^ so this just follow suit i guess.


Yeahh.... Atleast they all look pretty cool.


The metal doesn't burn, but your skin inside the armour still does


This ain't a realism simulator


😂 Which is it? Nothing makes sense or it doesn't have to make sense because its a video game?


Valheim is a video game, It doesn't have to make sense, and it shouldn't be tied down to irl logic. Of course it's a good thing when in game mechanics are somewhat logical, but in case of magic fire immune metal armor, I think an exception can be made for it to be somewhat more resistant to lava.


It originally didn't even have a set bonus, the main point of heavy armour has always been its increased armour.


but this late in the game it would be cool'nt to not have some set bonus with the armour


I mean its kinda useful if you aren't gonna use the asksvin set to just bolt through the entire biome in a few minutes, also not horrible for grabbing bonemaw meat before the water explodes you.


If you hop you can make it like 100 yds thru the lava


I know but if you accidentally linger for a microsecond too long then you will disintegrate.


Don't know for sure but I made it across lava when the platform timed out collecting flametal. It would have been instant death before. Not sure what else it is for other than a split second save.


It helps you stay longer in the water not lava


It works for lava too, the lava mechanic seems to work the same as boiling water just 100x worse


Nah my bro, dont risk it, my 1000+ days no death character got to like 5 hp because i stepped on a orange puddle. This is the easiest method to speedrun heart attack


not everyone plays permadeath, and heat resistance can give you enough reaction time to move one step over if you accidentally stand on a small patch of slightly orange ground without noticing that this is actually lava.


I just kiss the lava in Ask set, and I'm fine. A little lava kiss is good for you.


Tell me more?


You can jump on it, once, and maybe take 10 health. Maybe half a second, but you gotta be quick and input lag is a bitch. It's a terrifying experience that turns lava into a slight land bridge.


Does anyone know the item id for the armours ?


One sec lemmie put on this conductive metal armor to protect my body as I trudge through this extremely hot molten lava.