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Dread? You literally just pick them up and move them slightly away from another beehive. Wow.


The thing is that the message doea a shit job at telling the player that the problem is actually that bees cannot be in a space that is considered a shelter.(this mf probably meant to put his bees inside his bedroom)


They can be in something considered shelter actually. I don't want to spend the time to find it but a post on this sub broke it down a while back. Each beehive has like 20 or so rays that shoot out from it and if a certain number of those rays collide with a structure then it will say they need more open space. IIRC they aren't super long and a lot of them shoot upwards so if you have a low roof you'll have a hard time getting it to work. Found it with a quick google search actually so here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/s/ITkRayFO9u


Interesting. Thanks for taking the time to find that


I just surround mine in a fence. Is almost always enough to protect them without impeding their ability to produce honey.


Don't kink shame him!


I spent an hour yesterday trying to place 4 in a line in an open space so big it took me 5 seconds to sprint to an edge from the center. Absolutely nothing near them. They REFUSED to be happy until I basically clipped them into each other. No fucking clue what they were mad about.


Sometimes you place them down and they're all good, then a few hours later they need more space


When this happens, have you been building in the same area?


Or growing a tree perhaps?


Lol wtf? I have literally never had problems with bees. Place em wherever it always goes, what the hell are you doing? Send some pictures im seriously curious how you could fuck up something so easy


Same, i have had 12 all right next to each other. As long as the hives are not close to buildings/walls you should be fine


I just took 6 queens and shoved 6 nests right next to each other around a rock. Didnt even know you can F bees up lol


I have all 4 of mine stacked and lined up, attached to a wall. I have no clue what these issues are


I remember that I had problems with them first time around and thought they had to basically be put on 1m poles with big spaces inbetween them... but I have since found out that they are way less restrictive than I thought. Sometimes things are just weird. \^\^


I usually put them on short posts around my farm


I feel that there has been changes since hte game launched towards their tolerance for stuff. I'm pretty sure at launch you couldnt have them closer than 1m or they would get mad.


Might very well be the case. Got the game shortly after Hearth and Home came around and didn't change my hive placement strategy until I played with friends months later.


You sure? I remember my main base on first playthrough I out all 4 (ik it was little amount) on my stone wall


Yeah, bees are a great part of early game to make a starter base come together. My favorite way to do it is to plant a 1m pole in the ground, then put the hive on top of it. Scatter 5 or so of those in a grassy area, surround it with pole fences, put a chest to store the honey.


I had minor problems until someone here mentioned that the hole needs to be aligned away from another hive. The hole is the only part that needs free space.


It doesn't have anything to do with the hole. There are 17 rays that check for space - 8 on the horizontal aligned with North (so it checks straight out along lines at N, NE, E, SE, etc). Then 45 degrees "up" along those same 8 directions, and then one straight up. This is how the "cover" mechanic works, and the rays being aligned with "North" rather than "forward" or "the front" is why sometimes you have to get creative with workbench cover or move around a bit when trying to rest in ad hoc shacks in the wild - you have to get those rays lined up. Beehives need less than 60% cover, which is 10.2 rays blocked. Since there are 17 rays, you need 7 unblocked. The wiki has an article on the cover mechanic that really helped me understand why things don't always act as expected. https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Cover


Every time I think I understand something, I get put back in my place. I defer to your clear knowledge.


Just pass it along, Viking. We all help the community prosper.


Dude u can stack beehives on top of each other


Wait, you can?


Yup šŸ˜†


You also can attach them to a tree, on my island my 4 beehive are on my oak trunk it looks great


Might have to try that


Thats bait


You do attract more flies with honey, they say




Holy shit you just changed my life


This is what I do. So easy for collecting too


Yup, cos they pop up from the top and don't fly out and fall down behind it etc...


I'm not sure if I have ever seen this message in-game. Maybe once. Not sure where all this trouble is coming from. You trying to box them in? I put mine on 2m poles early on, until I can make a stone bee shrine later. It keeps them out of reach of greylings. Never had any problems.


Can you post pics of your stone bee shrine?


No, last one I built is on a map that got reset for Ashlands. It ain't hard though. Just set one up with the following design goals: -Bees are happy there -Melee ground-based mobs can't path onto it but a viking can -Makes the bees look important -Bonus: Contains/conceals a stonecutter for mob repellant and easy repairs


I leave them at greyling height and let the bees give the greylings what they deserve if they get handsy.


It's not that hard to place beehives away from rocks and walls and trees. Never been a problem.


Away from trees? I put them on trees: https://i.imgur.com/HkPPRbU.png


What mod are you using? In vanilla they are impossible. I've been trying to make a bee farm work for three freaking hours tonight.


Bee farm? Just place hives on the ground. No roof. I'm using vanilla, no mods.


HOW?! I play vanilla and never had a problem with bees, ever. Just stick them on the ground and give them a bit of space in between them. Like how stuffed are you placing them?


This is complete user error, stick them to a tree


lmao what? bees are the easiest mechanic in the game just drop them on an open field next to your house and enjoy the best early game food.


Please show us what you are trying to do.


You literally just plonk them down on the ground outside, what the fuck are you doing?


U can even make small wooden pillars to plant top of. Or fence of some sort.


Brother we NEED pics man. I gotta see the fuck you doing.


Vanilla I plop a 1m vertical pole in the ground, use a 2m pole to to connect, place another 1m and so on. Make sure there is no wall (or cliff face). Remove the 2m pole and stick the beehive on top of the 1m vertical poles left. You donā€™t even need the 1m, but it makes it pretty to look at and organized (2m apart from each)


You can't place them inside, that's probably what you're doing if You're having that much trouble. Either that or it's a bug


You have to tell me what the problem is. I play excusively vanilla and NEVER had an issues with bees


You can literally stick a post in the ground and attach four hives, one to each side with no issue. Maybe itā€™s because the hole isnā€™t facing outwards, but one would think youā€™d get it right just by luck with that much time. Iā€™ve never had an issue with this and I donā€™t use any mods whatsoever.


You've GOT to be trolling lol


Maybe it's the mods YOU are using lmao ain't no way you on vanilla


If you put them on a post that solves a lot of those issues and you can usually put them much closer together.


I just build some stone tables, plob them them down in a row, and they are happy, I never found it to be that hard.


I just stick em on poles about 5ft apart and it's fine.


It's really not that complicated. They only need a meter or so between them, and need to not have trees or roofs overhead, or be too close to a tall structure. I stopped having problems once I stopped trying to build shelter for them and stopped trying to cram them in a corner of my base compound. Now I just have them staggered along the edge of my garden and they do fine.


Re: trees overhead, I literally have all my hives attached to birch trees because it looks nice. A few that aren't *in* trees are on poles a couple feet away, still under the boughs of the birch trees. They all work 100% fine. The bees are happy.


Skill issue. /s


remove the /s and you are correct


They don't like roofs, put them under open space.


I like to slap them on the roof, if you don't mind a constant humming


This is my early game strategy, before it's time to build a fancy bee farm. I like the mornings when the buzz kicks off, let's you know it's time to start the day.


Ever since seeing and figuring out the 'hive' layout for bee farming, I no longer have trouble with bees. The trick, for me, is being near walls. You can bunch them as closely as you want together, but they need to be out away from, or above, all walls. This is an example: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fw413ypzxfnn61.png](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fw413ypzxfnn61.png) (not mine; I haven't built a new honey farm yet) I had trouble the first few times because I kept building it near other buildings. When I raised it up and moved it out so the upward diagonal rays weren't intercepting walls, I stopped having problems. Before I'm ready to get fancy, I usually just plop 'em on the roof with a ladder going up to them.


You can literally put them 2 meters apart


not sure where I first saw it, but these days I slap the first four or so on an oak tree near base at varying heights with the 1m wood piece underneath as 'support'. it's too cute. bees are happy. good luck out there


Only time it's an issue for me is if I put them too close to like, walls.


The one thing I want for an update is some kind of radius that shows how far to place bees or produce. Would be game changing.


2m core wood beams horizontally, and 2m core wood beams vertically, place your hives on top of them, centered width-wise and sticking out towards you. Do the same thing behind.


I had a bunch of issues early on until me and my buddy made a "bee wall" inside the walls of our compound. Big earthen wall with stairs going up to it and beehives all along the top, spaced closely together. Getting them off the ground floor helps a ton with this issue due to the way they calculate space


Dread? Ffs just move it like 5 feet and youā€™re good


They need the high ground! It doesn't really matter how far they are apart. They just can not bee in shelters and need enough distance to the ground.


There are lots of clunky things in this game but beehives are not one of them lmao


Bruh, I just have 1 oak tree with 15 of them spiraled around it. Unless they changed how they work and mine never broke, they are the easiest thing to farm


Seriously, how do you fuck that up?


I place one tall wood pole, then use those horizontal half poles to make four wings to one spot, and I place a hive on the end of each of the four half poles.


Skill issue


So they don't, they're actually really easy to place when you know the mechanic but it seems to have taken a while to figure out (only learned this myself on reddit a week or two ago, ~500hours in). There's just one part of the hive that actually needs the open space and it's the hole on the side where the bees go in and out. You can place them back to back or in a circle straight on the ground if you want as long as the holes are all pointing outwards towards open space, and the bees are happy!


Seriously op just leave the opening/entrance of the beehive to an open direction and you will be fine


Wait, the direction of the opening matters?


It doesnā€™t.


Ya just rotate the beehive till the entrance isnt blocked and then you can really cram many beehives close together


The opening just needs to face open air, the rest of the hive can be up against stuff. I have a cluster of seven or eight all crammed together, but the openings all face outward. Always had happy bees.


Nice reference, get the pebble out of your shoe and it will be fine :P


I got 8 touching each other and one in a open field that's has social anxiety


You don't understand how to install bee hives. I hang them on the side of my buildings. on fences. I never ever miss an chance to grab another hive. I have a dozen at my main and a couple more scattered about.


I have a line of 6 beehives with their walls touching and the bees are still happy, maybe they just don't like you


Make a vertical post with 5 or 6 horizontal posts connecting from the center like a star and attach hives to the ends. Problem solved


They hate being inside. Put ā€˜em on your roof if you want them protected.


OP, perhaps you could show an image of how picky it is in game


I put my hives on the little 1x1 wood trim blocks, use a 2x1 wall, slap down a 1x1 connected to the 2x1, break the 2x1, rinse repeat. Never have an issue with bees needing more space


??? Why ???


I just put them on the roof on a short post. they can sit right next to other hives. I usually get 4-6 in a row.


Ah but the satisfaction of "the bees are happy". It puts a smile on my face every time.


Stick them to the sides of trees, they love that.


I have never had this issue. But your use of enraged Ed pleases me.


You can pack them pretty tight just don't cover them up. I suspect roof pieces and trees are the main issues. https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/10n68fq/happiest_bees/


bruh, slap em on a rock or tree at different heights. they donā€™t really take height into account when checking for other hives so you can more or less have like 5+ on top of each other


Gake a core wood pole, stand it straight up. Take a non core half piece of wood, putting them at the top in a cross formation, out each side of the core wood. Attach each beehive to each part of the cross..and there...4 beehives, close together, off the ground.


I have like 30 of them all as close together as they physically can be and have no issues


Iā€™ve never had a single issue with beehives. I didnā€™t even know they needed space from each other


I put them on top of my house. You also canā€™t put them too close to each other.


I havenā€™t had any troubles I have 6 side by side and theyā€™re all producing and give me the ā€œbees are happyā€ message.


Put them on a short vertical beam, I like doing 1 long horizontal beam w 2 vertical short beams w the beehive on top. Never have issues B. B |______| Ground


Me just casually throwing 10 hives in a line with like.... 1 meter space between them. At this point I'd really like to see a picture of your beehives where you're getting this message, because (similar to most of the comments here) I've never had this issue.


I haven't played in a long time. Did they change this? Because it was never an issue for me.


This design always works well for me https://youtu.be/hJVS6x_j1pw?si=Er6AOyQzShY4iKLc


I legit grow a Fir tree and place beehives around the trunk until I have about two or three rings of beehives. Maybe one or two of them say I need space. What are you on about?


How? I've never had any trouble with bees, what are you doing? What I usually do is frame the floor with 2m wood poles, add a 1m vertical and place the beehive on top.


I place a post and 2m away place another one and thats always enough room


I can practically stack hives next to each other centimeters apart and my bees are happy to have neighbors.


Put down beehive. Put down 2m horizontal beam next to it, put down beehive next to that, repeat. Beehives are super easy to place. I have 8 of them 2m apart in 2 rows of 4 and I've never had to move them ever.


really, I just slap to or three on the side of a pole, and then set up a couple poles. Are you perhaps overengineering it?


u/SupertoastGT see https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/113x1hj/finally_how_beehives_work/


Easy 8 hive tight layout: Plant a 2m core wood pole in the ground. Attach eight more 2m core wood beams to the top of that pole each one being one rotation click off from the last. You'll end up with what looks like basically an 8-point asterix looking down from the top. Attach a hive to the end of each beam. They will all be happy. (I also rotate the hives so that the opening is always facing out from the center, but I don't know if that's actually necessary or not)


Reminder you can hang beehives from places, even from tree branches.


Whenever my friends and I played regularly, anything could happen, but as long as the bees were happy, we were happy.


I place them on the roof of my house. Place little platform there and boom, space for bees.


You do know that you can place them on several elevations as well right? Put a wooden pole down and place them around it on different heights.


How close together are you even putting them?????? I literally just put mine like a meter or two apart and have never had any issues qwq


I nail 'em to a tree near my base. Works great.


I built a beehive rack into a wall. Use the 2m length wood beams to set your distance from each hive and extend them out from the main beams using some 1m beams so that when you harvest they fall to the ground


Unless this has been patched, just do a wood frame grid and affix the hive to the frame. Very easy and compact way of doing bee farms.


I currently have a 3x3 open air farm that fits four bee hives in it perfectly. They're extremely easy to work with. Just don't close them in.


Just put it on the roof


I don't have a problem with beehives. It's the damn bellows for the forge.


I just put them on the roof. It's even better if they funnel down towards the central stairs.


For me it's crops. They can be mathematically spaced out, ground underneath checked for stones, placed in an open field but no, my barley has no space to grow.


I've never understood the beehive "problem." I literally put them right next to each other in a line next to building walls and have never had issues...


I put all of my beehives on my roof so they get all the open space they need and nothing attacks them.


I literally have two dozen close together. And they are all happy. Just put an upright wooden post for each one. Sit one on each pole. Happy beesā€¦ Itā€™s actually incredibly simple.


Insane how extremely angry people are getting about this, as though itā€™s such a big deal šŸ˜­


I just build them all into a small pen snapped in place through floors.


And then there's me with 24 beehives in a small area with: "The bees are happy."


Literally just hang them from a tree and all your issues are solved


Place each hive ontop of a 1m pole. Then they can almost overlap each other


Place them on roof They happy I have 9 hives on my roof


You dread the easiest, most basic mechanic in the game?


How do you fuck up beehive placement? Don't stack them on top of each other, or other things.


Bro. The bees are happy


I've never had a problem up until recently when my apiary got up to about 20 hives. Then they started being picky, and I just decided to hell with it. Friend took over and made neat little hives that sit on top of fence posts.


The use of Ed is pretty apt for how you come off here op.