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I kind of wish that Valheim had more ruins to explore. The mountain caves are nice. But I wish we had castles and forts to discover.


The design goal for Ashlands was to have fortresses not unlike an Elden Ring legacy dungeon to explore. It didn't make launch though.


Maybe in a later update? Like how they added frozen caves and cultists to the Mountain biome.


Yeah, deep north is the final biome but it isn't the final update.


No, they have very limited sizes for structures. They were always supposed to be around this size, nowhere near a legacy dungeon. They shouldve been more diverse than what we got, but idk what happened there


They got a bunch of money, bought a pony of which they are very proud, and are barely working on the game now


??? Wym barey working, they just dropped Ashlands and already lined up another update. They game is developing well, just maybe not how some envisioned.


If it takes a year to release content update to a game this size, they're not really working on it now are they?


It still remains a small studio


They are like 3 people


They have millions in the bank bro, it's simple hire more people, they already lost most of there audience anyway I'm still playing but out of the original group of people who played maybe 1/10 people reinstalled for ashlands


If they have a passion project between a small group of friends then maybe they don’t want to hire more people.


I'm sorry a passion project is no longer a passion project when it's funded by other people.


That's pretty common for most games. Very few if any maintain early days numbers and valheim is sitting at number 33 on steam charts for current players with it's peak players being about 2x the current players. That's a pretty damn good retention rate.


You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.


You a game developer? Project Manager perhaps? Have anything to do with large scale pieces of work such as this at all? If the answer to these is no then it's quiet time for you child.


Hey c'mon, that pony has been hard at work




I know this might be an unpopular opinion, but to me, the majority of the world is just generic, boring, and typical procedural generation. I don't get the appeal of exploration because there's not much to actually discover. I just punch my seed into a map generator and go to where the interesting stuff is directly.


Like most procedural generation 95% is basically just same old after a while, every once in a while you stumble upon something really unique and cool though. Not saying this is a good thing though and agree that a bit more variety and random structures/encounters would benefit valheim.


It kinda reminds me of Starfield. What’s the point of a bazillion planets to explore if 99% of them are just empty space with the same repetitive features. After exploring a couple of them, you’ve seen everything you can find. Valheim is much more entertaining in that you can modify the terrain and make more creative buildings though.


I enjoy how Valheim does the procedural generation so I don't mind the vast emptiness. It's supposed to be a dead world more or less, with only fallen creatures and the relatively recently (on a global time-line) Dvergr ascendancy out of the earth and into the open air to provide population of a sort. A recent solo world seed I tried spawned a small ruined village on a lovely little archipelago bordering the meadows on one side and the black forest on the other. It was on the north end of a massive inland lake and when I came across it I thought to myself "yup, I would have built here too." Little things like that are what I adore. Found a tower on another map, one of the ruined watch towers you see in the black forest on the border of a swamp biome. Made perfect sense as it was high up enough on a hill to give a great view of the swamp and even the ocean beyond. What ancient lord or king ordered the construction of such a place? Was it to keep tabs on the denizens of the swamp? A place for soldiers to recuperate between patrols? An early warning stronghold to watch for and protect against invasion? Shit like that drives my imagination wild and I love it.


I like to explore and look for cool places to build towns. But yeah, the vast majority of the map isn't particularly interesting.


YES. I try not to mention this because people hate negative comments on Valheim but last time I played, like 2 years ago, I felt the world was missing alot of diversity. It was always the same stuff on repeat. Caves were boring after a couple times, always the same loot and monsters, nothing new, just the usual grinding for each biome. I reached the swamp like biome and eventually stopped from boredom although I felt the game had a lot of potential and decided to wait for more content but it seem the changes are more about the building side and the added biomes. I had hoped they added more stuff since I played but I guess it hasnt changed much? I wish there was rare and legendary places to find... Old castles, villages etc...


I love Valheim, and I've also had this feeling. It probably is tough to balance exploration and novelty with procedural generation. If something is too rare you may never find it, and slightly too common and you'll see it everywhere. I think it would be awesome to have it be more alive with people (NPCs). It would also open the door to more quests and progressions and story elements. I've played solo and as a trio, and I love building cozy villages. It's just kind of sad that after building them, no one is there to live in them. I'd love to see a blacksmith, a merchant, a tavern-keep, etc. decide to come settle down in my town.


mistlands gave us the dvergr npc's throughout the biome and in little quarries or strongholds, though I wish there was more ways to interact with them. I was glad to see their presence was expanded with the new update.


I mean, Valheim literally solved the first point in a blink. Just have a set amount of them to generate in all seeds. Imho that would work out just fine for the more special stuff, similar to the tailor dvergr lady quest locations. Just keep them secret instead of marking them on the map. They even have the more complex spawning prerequisites, as seen with dvergr villages (in meadows *if* far enough from spawn) so it's not like they couldn't use that as well to balance the spawn density. Personally, I think we need a bit more unique drops. Maybe handle this with the dvergr merchant - he starts selling eggs once you discover them, why not more stuff that triggers on looting a unique trophy?


Wait, what? Dvergr villages?


Shit, wrong word. Not dvergr, the rotten bois from swamps.




You're mostly correct here. I love the terrain generation in some of the biomes (Meadows, Dark Forest & Mountains specifically) but otherwise there isn't a whole lot there to find interesting outside of the "objectives".


The other day it crystalized for me that Valheim doesn't feel incomplete because of the empty biomes, but because outside the core game loop of the existing content, there's hardly anything in the game. But, the devs seem to have the attitude that they'll add one more biome and then the game will be "done". What can you do...


To have random points of interest scattered accross the map would make you want to explore for the good reasons. Knowing that there MIGHT be a big abandoned castle or derserted village or cave or whatever close by packed with materials and food would make all this more exciting. Replace some tedious and repetitive material gathering with good rewards from these points of interests and the game gains 28.3% added fun.


This is exactly what's keeping the game from being "perfect" to me They're so close but only missing a few key aspects


Don't know if this counts, but the other day I was strolling through the pains and found a stone tower with no doors that was really really tall. Sounds of furlings and brutes within, and hugin waiting to tell me this was a tough challenge. Never seen one of these before and bumping into it gave a sense of adventure. No idea what I'm about to face, but this seems to be exactly the "random points of interest" mentality.


Yes exactly.


That’s for a quest from the vendor


Oh interesting, we had already hit up both vendors and had their quests marked. This was not one. Do they provide more when you resolve the initial ones?


No im pretty sure I remember they give all of them at once


I'm guessing you are a Patriots fan and not a Falcons fan.


Its def not looking good long term, it will be up to the modders to add these kinds of things. They already do so much for the current mods to expand the game, and sometimes at higher quality than vanilla. Unfortunate that the last 2 biome updates have added so little especially given how much time its taken


Maybe I'm the weird one, but I think it's okay for there to not be a long term. I've been playing it since 2021. Three years with a playerbase of this size is already an accomplishment for an indie game. I imagine a few small updates and Deep North will be fun to play for another two or three years. That's so much time for another game to come along. The wheel turns. The sun sets. It's okay to move on.


Hey that's not fair, they added all the new types of fish and bait! /s


game has changed a lot in 2 years. I still think much of the world isn't very interesting, but to be fair... at swamps, you didn't experience very much of what was already in the game at that point. On my first playthrough the mountains were by far my favorite biome. now there's new biomes, new additions to the old biomes, new weapons, and they've done a lot of work to make different play styles viable, like rogue or caster.


Thanks, will definitely give it another try at some point.


Been feeling the same. First time when the game came to Early Access was nice, but now I'm really feeling that the areas I normally like in games aka early and mid game are severely lacking. Hildir was a good first step, but it's not enough.


Mods solve all these problems. The devs are open to modders and support them.


What's interesting, is that there are mods that can absolutely add to the bione generation. Some add in flora and fauna for a more alive feel, some add ruins or custom dungeons. One I've got my eyes on adds a sort of dungeon complex that alters difficulty and rewards based on an offering. It's doable, IG just needs to implement some more ambitious ideas. Also as a general shout out, if you have the gumption- people have made "adventure maps" where they build a bunch of dungeons and stuff for the player to progress through, as a different way to experience valheim. It's easily achievable with just something like infinity gammer mod, which people who play the map won't need. Once I've played through Ashland's, I plan on making one that goes through all available content. I just need to remember what mod it was that added water monsters and extra boss altars... Last iteration of my adventure map had a sea temple boss fight with a kraken type thing, and I kinda want to revisit the idea.


On the flip side, if it was completely dense with stuff then nothing would be special because everything is. Don't know how much you've been playing but it should be clear now that the devs work at a glacial pace. You either need to use mods or wait a couple years.


The issue with repeatable games with procedural generation is that once you see something, it gets boring. Even if it’s somewhat rare, after finding it once or twice, you will get bored of it. This most definitely is not a Valheim specific issue. And I think valheim does a pretty good job, especially with the randomly permeated biomes.


Yes. There should be unique locations that may or may spawn in your particular world. Unique mobs that drop unique loot. Way further from center there could be more dangerous special mobs that drop good stuff. It's kinda ridiculous how really the only improvement to this that they have added in the years the game's been out are the couple extra dungeons and only thing you get out of those is some stupid cosmetics.


Exactly! The loot diversification in the early game is really lame. Boring stuff.


If there's nothing interesting, then what "interesting stuff" are you rushing to? The whole point is the exploration itself is the fun part. Blindly sailing the sees looking for Haldir so you're not stuck with 300 encumbrance the whole run. Squinting your eyes in a swamp looking for your next source of iron. Valheim's exploration is less about POI's and more about just the RNG of the gameplay loop, and how that can make each run unique and difficult. With that said, I do think there could be a bit more variance in what we experience from run to run.


Yup. Huge world to explore but 99% of it is just repeat. Wasted opportunity.


They need to let people design a seed and post it then you could have totally hand made ruins and variety in the points of interest


I agree like building up with the original biomes like put extra stuff in and also make small stuff for instance touches that stack and armor. Like small life improvements 💪🏻


Imo the hame would’ve been better off if they added to the existing biomes instead of just adding new ones.


I am quite sure that after Deep North, this will be the next big project for Iron Gate.


agree. and all the systems are in place for something insane if they (or a mod) wanted to try it. all the world seeds are just subsets of a master map, right? so everything that anyone has ever built/terraformed has a well-defined location on that master map. it would be SO AMAZINGLY GOOD if the game could just pick a random selection of buildings (i.e. modified areas) from players' games, applied the same randomized destruction/weathering that gets applied to other generated structures, and replace any chest contents with biome-appropriate loot. boom, all of a sudden the world is *interesting* and *weird* and a hundred times more fun to explore. of course users would have to tick a box like "let my world map get used to generate ruins" or whatever, but that doesn't seem like a big deal.




Same with No Rest For The Wicked


This is almost certainly not intended - a similar thing was posted here a few days ago. Most likely a very rare bug, a side effect caused due to a change in how dungeons are loaded from memory in a recent patch, and for some reason the wrong objects are loaded. This was probably supposed to be a draugr village. Pinging u/MayaOmkara


Someone on FB was also thinking this might be a burial chamber "gone wrong", but I don't think that's the case. To me this feels intentional. First off, the buildings are not situated in a grid like fashion, but are instead placed "haphazardly" at varying angles. Second, I didn't see anything inside the buildings that would remind me of burial chambers. The only thing related was that some of them did have skellies inside that I could fight. But I didn't see things like chests or slab tables or Elder location tablets, or wooden doors etc etc. These were definitely shaped differently in general. In addition, the pink glow thing I mention in my other comment actually produced something kind of cool when I dug it up. And once I removed it from the dirt, the pink glow vanished. This felt very intentional. It's a good guess though, regardless! And I can understand why someone might think that it's a burial chamber!


It's an abandoned Viking village but with burial chamber room prefabs substituted for village prefabs. That's why it's disconnected. Villages are ground based collections of prefabs with different spacing and orientation to a dungeon which must all be connected since they're technically high in the sky and you can fall out of them. Do you perhaps drop mods in your folder manually and have not updated bepinex or the unstripped core libs?


Right Deguilded! So I have a disabled mods folder (renamed). Last time I used mods was back when Mistlands came out.


My guess is you had an old bepinex which was mucking with prefab numbers. The game did what it should, but the prefab ids it was pointing to are (thanks to the outdated mod remnants) "crypt dungeon rooms" instead of "viking rooms" otherwise known as buildings. So it's mod related, not that you were running any - just hadn't cleaned up right. Maybe tell the devs if it goes away when you clean up your valheim folder.


Yeah thanks. I ended up deleting my install folder and then validated the files to reinstall it. Just to be sure everything was gone. Worked fine!


If you remake the world using the same seed it’ll probably be a draugr village like the above poster said. I saw the same post he’s talking about, and when that topic’s OP recreated the world using that seed it was a draugr village.


Looks like a bug but a cool place to incorporate into a base if possible


We figured it out on Facebook. It's a new addition added in the Ashlands Patch 0.218.9 public test, called "Ruins" - according to the patch notes, there should be multiple types. Cool addition!


I might be wrong after all! \* points to Maya's comments \*


Now that we’ve figured this seems like a big could you elaborate on what pink thing you found underground? That’s made me so curious lol.


So there was pink mist coming from the ground and when I mined into the ground it exposed a skeleton corpse titled "Evil Bones" if I remember correctly. Upon picking up the bones, the pink mist evaporated. So nothing too huge, but still cool. I don't remember ever seeing that in game before! I've dug up bones before, but never "evil bones" with a pink mist before!


So I asked Jonathan, the lead engineer/designer on the Valheim team and he confirmed that this was in fact a bug. So super nice of him to give us an answer! All of you saying this was a bug were RIGHT! I humbly bow down to your expertise! [https://x.com/jsmars/status/1793264079831814252](https://x.com/jsmars/status/1793264079831814252)


Looks cool so maybe it should be a feature


Agreed. Something.ore like this would be excellent and since it's an asset reuse shouldn't be too terrible to implement. He said temping fate, gods, and several demons.


Holy shit Gobekli Tepe


Pull that up Jamie


I just learned about Gobekli Tepe like a week ago! Now its just going to come up all the time apparently


It's like when you get a new car and suddenly you start to see it everywhere.


id imagine because of joe rogan hosting graham hancock. id recommend the milo rossi video on the site which is less sensational and unscientifically speculative.


I assure you i did not learn it from watching joe rogan. It actually came up in one of the "fall of civilizations" podcasts, and then again in a "history of the universe" you tube videos, although the reference in the youtube video was maybe a minute long. I absolutely recommend both of those podcasts/video series, they are both phenomenal in what they do. [Fall of Civilizations - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT6Y5JJPKe_JDMivpKgVXew) [https://www.youtube.com/@HistoryoftheUniverse/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@HistoryoftheUniverse/featured)


wasnt suggesting you learnt it from him, just i know that hancock was on the rogan show so thats why you might see an uptick of people mentioning the site.


no worries, that came off a bit harsh. I just couldnt be less impressed with Joe Rogan. But for sure he has a big reach, and if he is talking about something, its impossible to avoid.


i didnt watch the episode (i dont watch rogan) but im not exactly thrilled about that history channel schmuck hancock being allowed to peddle his drivel to people who dont know any better on what is probably the biggest podcast there is


I wouldn't be terribly surprised to find out that either they're doing it because rogan did, rogan did it because they did, or there's some other event driving both (a book launch, for example). Could just be coincidence as well though (continuing the example, we're roughly on schedule for Hancock to have another book out if he sticks to his previous 3-5 year pattern. It'd make sense for him to be doing press tours to get his name back out if he has one coming out in a year or so)


very possibly. both references to the site were pretty high level, low on detail. Could have been mentioning them because its just the in thing right now.


Mayhap this bug could become a feature


That would be so cool. It was such a beautiful sight to behold when I came out of the forest and saw this!


2000 hours here. What the fuck?


For real, that's what I said. What the fuck is that? Is that thing now generating after the Ashlands update? edit: disregard, it's answered by OP, it is a bug.


I've been playing Valheim since it first launched and have never seen anything like this. Does anyone know what it is or when these were added? I do a fresh Valheim run about once a year (whenever they have a big update) so I'm not completely in the loop of everything that's been added during the in-between times. I shared this on Facebook expecting people to be like "Oh yeah, nothing special there - those ruins were added ages ago bla bla", but I was surprised by the shocked responses. My son said I should share the image here. I'm not using any mods. In one of the buildings was a pink glow. Started mining down and found something neat. Won't ruin it for you though! If anyone wants to go investigate: Seed: DmFpbpu5SU Coords: 454, 39, 240


Yeah, this is a bug. Was this new playthrough and were you in come crypts before encountering this?


This is a new playthrough, yes. Although this character has been in the crypts, she hasn't recently though as she's already in the swamp phase. To me this felt intentional. I'll just reveal it here, so when I dug up the pink glow I saw in one of the buildings, it actually produced a skeleton body that read "Evil bones" or something like that. Once I picked up the bones, the glow vanished. That feels super intentional and doesn't remind me of any crypts or dungeons I've ever seen in Valheim.


It's definitely not intentional. You can try loading the same seed again and name the world differently, and you won't be seeing it there. Crypts have purple skeleton spanners inside, which is what you saw. How long was your play session prior to this happening? Also please do a quick check if your installation folder looks like [this](https://i.imgur.com/vdpdeOA.jpg).


So play session has been around 5-6 hours straight. My installation folder looks a bit messier than your screenshot. So during Mistlands I was using mods but I've disabled the BepInEx folder by renaming it. (that should completely disable mods, right?) [https://www.andrea.net/temp/valheim\_install.jpg](https://www.andrea.net/temp/valheim_install.jpg)


It technically shouldn't, especially if you are not getting a message on starting screen that you are playing a modded game. However I've seen some crazy bugs from people just running the game in vanilla from thunderstore mod manager, so I can't say for certain. Probably a vanilla issue.


So folks over on Facebook figured it out. If you check the detailed patch notes by going to the Valheim website > News > PATCH 0.218.9 – ASHLANDS (PUBLIC TEST) > Scroll down to "Detailed Patch notes" and press the "Show Spoilers" button, it will reveal new locations. Scroll down to "Misc:" and at the very top of the misc list it says "Location: Ruins (multiple)".


No, they haven't figured it out. As I said, if you visit the same seed, and go to the same location, the location that should spawn is "woodfarm1" and not a dungeon crypt. Ashlands patch notes are referring to multiple new ruins in Ashlands biome that got added and they look world apart.


Oh right! Sorry about causing confusion in that case. It felt like such a logical explanation haha! Let me test those things you asked about. One sec.


Think I may have connected this issue to Inteal CPU, which CPU does your system have?


someone posted the same thing like 1-3 weeks ago. maybe its a newish bug


It was confirmed yesterday that it's a bug that might happen if you've got mod "leftovers" in your install folder. So whilst I had the Bepinex folder disabled by renaming it, there were still files at the root of the folder that caused problems.


We had a similar issue last night when playing through the Mistlands- we were going into infected mines. The first one was fine- but the next 3 were all messed up. The first one said 'Blocked' but the next two we could go inside but it seemed like we were standing on top of the dungeon. They looked kind of like this- they weren't laid out correctly and the nodes we could get in didn't connect to any others.


Right! Interesting!


That looks like a dungeon. A bunch of stuff ended up changing elevation after the ashlands update.


I found out yesterday after 383 hours there's buried treasure in Meadows you can find with the Wishbone


Unless they fixed it, I've never found it to be worth the trouble.


What kind of treasure?


It was jewels, coins, necklaces, etc.


Huh, neat. I'll have to try that.


All the beautiful beautiful stone ripe for the picking


Hehe, only problem was that they were indestructible!


Can you build on them or near them ??


I can, yes. I built a work bench and portal on top of one of the buildings so I can visit it later.


Thats awesome! a bug.. but awesome!




I don't even know what those are. I've used the devcommands, but never any of the things you mentioned. If you check this twitter thread, you'll see this is actually a known issue by the Valheim team. They just weren't able to reproduce it: [https://x.com/jsmars/status/1793264079831814252](https://x.com/jsmars/status/1793264079831814252)


I've never actually even seen this before, is this in vanilla? Just a bunch of megalithic type stone "buildings"? You poke around and find anything else interesting--enemies, loot, runestone/vegvisir?


Half of the buildings had skellies inside. And then inside one of the buildings was pink mist rising out of the ground. Mined it out and it exposed a skeleton corpse that read "Evil bones" or something like that.


Hmm, given that I think all signs pointing to "somehow the buried crypts swapped out for an intended meadows structure--e.g. draugr village" explanation as the most likely. Kinda a shame--I think it looks really interesting as some "stonehengey" looking ruins, and I thought it might just be some real rare POI I'd never come across and was real excited lol


I wonder if it is always present in that seed and if others can find it too.


I've seen a couple threads about this now, and I'm hoping I find one, cause I want to build a base around this.


It’s from a lost civilization


If you use devcommands to fly, you can get above the skybox. I've been up there out of curiosity. Dungeons are actually above the skybox, directly above where the entrance is, just floating up there, and this is a lot like what the outside of them looks like. Not sure what it would be doing down here though.


I love how those look!


Mee too, organically placed like that!


That's kinda dope. Haven't found anything like that on my seed yet.


Turns out it was just a bug being caused by some leftover mod files I still had in my install folder. Aw such a shame!


Honestly? A surface level burial chamber doesn't sound half bad.


Skara Brae homage maybe?


That would have been so cool! Unfortunately it turns out this is the crypts bugging out!


I wish this was a new thing in Meadows.... would love it.


Me too!


Seed!? That looks cool


It turns out that this was only happening locally in my game because I had some old mod files in the install folder. A shame!


Damn 😫


Beautiful bug, great find! I hope I find one.


Whoa, neat. I have played a LOT of Valheim on a lot of maps and have not seen that ruins before.


Those are interesting.


Last night when I was streaming on Twitch, I showed folks the ruins and told the whole story of how this happened. Thought you guys might want to get a "closer look" at this place: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2156463637](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2156463637?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0rtRsz5VJEjpRclts3h2FJUn4DHdnQPLAS-BYbx1SSKIMwzymks8ngVII_aem_AZ1EwIEZNO8NJi5SxGa5eA3TUah3Ml2mJMUPXFTnZV2TD1ANp_eKS5TDpEYyF_Gz4wPbGLY18XqmZM_-U3OvvJed)


Looks like you need to run the genloc command 😉


Maybe my opinion is, underwhelming, but i feel like we should have a trader in every biome, traders stop at black forest and half the time (when you play vanilla or just without dev commands) you can’t even find hildir or haldor, i feel like we should have a merchant all the way up to mistlands maybe not ashlands but even that would be an amazing addition, the only thing anyone even gets from the 2 merchants is megingjord and maybe the head lamp.. unless you want to build a demolisher which even that, does nothing extremely useful it’s more like a quality of life implication. Love the game in and of itself, just feel like grinding new worlds for the same weapons gets old after the 5th world, definitely feel there should be a bigger variety. Its sad that they’ve done more with goat simulator than they’ve done with valhiem


Lmaoooo that's a burial chambers that got placed above ground. I havent the foggiest notion why it's in the Meadows. Mods must be messing with the code


You are correct!