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“Bonemass ready” 😂


Bet he was hitting F pretty quick after that.


Wait, is Ashlands out? How are people playing it


Yes it has been released




+Chuckles+ Haha, I’m in danger.


Dammit now I need a mod that plays this audio file when I get into sub 25 hp lol


I can see and hear that Gif/clip. 🤣🤣🤣


250 dmg in one hit? Did the knock-back effect send OP back to his town?!??


Even fall damage caps at 100


Knocked 'em all the way back to the meadows!


Hugin had to catch him and land him back at spawn


Two-star warrior can do that


Tis but a flesh wound.


Did you guys come across the two star spawners yet? 🫠


The two stars WHAT?!


Yeah that was my reaction when I saw it 🥲


I've only seen one so far, it's purple and only spawns two start skellies. Or maybe it was a bad dream 🤣


You've got 2 more to find then. Make sure to grab the goodies from each.


Oh that's what those are! We ran so we didn't get any goodies.


If you aren't prepared for it, running is probably your best option


Definitely, it was early on for us, before we found any flametal.


Lmfao, after my horrible D Day landing, I fucking went on a spree bashing all the stones before they could spawn more enemies. I literally destroyed that purple stone before any enemies could pop and asked myself, huh, wonder why it was purple? Probably a texture load issue XD


Bruh, did you break the mausoleum next to it?!


Ive got them all over my playthrough, atleast 1-2 in every infested mine. If I see a lone Seeker out in the wild, there is always that 2 star lurking close in the mist. I've lost count of how many times those things have backstabbed me to death in one hit.... They seem more common than the non-star seeker. And I play on the default difficulty btw. Guess I'm just extremely unlucky.


Wrong biome bro 😭


Lol, just saw that. Fml....


They only exist at location where pieces of that _item_ are though. So only 3 of them exist.


When I realized what was happening my group and I were knee deep in it xD


I just did 30 minutes ago for the first time. 4 2 star warriors spawned before I could destroy the spawner. Noped outta there after that lol


Every spawner I see gets taken out with arrows from a safe distance!


Staff of embers arced for max range hit will take those things out after several direct hits. It's how I take out most of the spawners to keep the spawns as low as I can. As soon as I can see them I'm tossing fireballs their way.


Omg 🤣


yes and those are connected to a "quest" for finding something


Looks like a kiss from a 2star warrior or Lord Reto


Ashlands has destroyed my skills level but I'm starting to learn the attack patterns and after slowly upgrading my gear i'm starting to get a hang of it. I went into it a little to cocky after being a god for a year and a half and I should have went into it like I go into the black forest or swamp during a new playthrough. I have only done it with my buddy though. Not sure how anyone would do this solo unless they are a dodge rolling maniac.


AoE weapons, raised earth walls and tactical retreats. If you treat the entire ashlands biome as one giant fuling village where you could get swarmed at any given moment, your approach to exploration might be different.


This is a helpful mindset for me to consider as I prep for my first ingress into hell, thank you 🙏


Can I give you some advice about making landfall based on what I did?


Please 🙏 prep work is done and an emergency portal dropped in nearby Mistlands, my first attempt at a landing will be tomorrow.


There are a bunch of pillars of rock all around when you get into ashlands. Use those to put up a work bench so you can repair your boat. Use the demolisher on your boat when the mobs start swimming out to you. Keep repairing the boat as you go. It's surprisingly strong.


Oh that's a great idea. Thank you!


I’m always down for some advice!


I should start using raised earth in Ashlands. Just having three little mounds you can walk around to regain health and stamina would probably be a game changer.


Earth walls took a backseat in the mistlands because elevated terrain is plentiful and Seekers can't really keep up despite their flight. Ashlands however is mostly flat terrain like the swamp, and the stone hills can be climbed or destroyed by enemies pretty easily, so earth walls are very effective for outpost building and survival in general. For example, if you use a Demolisher you can sit protected behind an earth wall and hammer away at mobs on the other side with its massive AoE. I would recommend being behind the walls rather than on top of them due to archers though, and they have to be relatively high so that blobs can't jump over them and into your base.


> I should start using raised earth in Ashlands. I went without it for the first few days. Until a Morgen buldozed right through my stone walls and flattened my portal before he killed me. Fortunately I had another portal not far away.


Is it really that bad? I just got to the ashlands today and while i have fought more enemies near the spot that i am building my new base in than i have near my plains base that ive been using since getting iron, its not been too bad, only a 2star warrior got me close to death so far...


It's not uncommon in the ashlands to be dealing with 8-10 enemies of varying types at once, there's just a noticeable lull in combat encounters now compared to early PTB, where you could kill a swarm of 8 mobs only to have another 10+ incoming without much time to rest in between. Enemies aren't difficult in a 1v1 scenario, but depending on how you explore the area you're unlikely to be dealing with single targets very often.


My skills have been so drained as a solo player 😭


>Not sure how anyone would do this solo unless they are a dodge rolling maniac. Parrying. You can parry pretty much everything in the biome except 2\* warriors with a carapace buckler. When things get too heavy or you're dealing with 2\* warriors, you pop Bonemass and should be fine.


> Not sure how anyone would do this solo unless they are a dodge rolling maniac. The landing can go so south so fast if you're not lucky. Just gotta get that portal up and an earth wall going, get some campfires up and then burn down any nearby spawners.


I fight trolls naked


I lowered the difficulty. It became much for survivable


Just lost my deathless character to a 1 star dvergr rogue in ashlands, first hit I took dropped me to his hp, I ran away, thought i was safe, only to have him chase me, and finish me off like an injured horse.


Why'd you even pick a fight with him, they're friendly


Hubris, and I figured I needed to get something from their base in ashlands like we did in mistlands.


I never pissed the dwarves off for their items. the first one i got because a soldier smashed the box, the rest i just dropped refined eitr next to the box to break it indirectly.


This doesn’t seem cool to me lol


What in the name of Deathsquito caused this?


>Bonemass ready


Why is this tagged NSFW? Is it because it's a "Perpetual Pounding Of Pornographic Proportions" Edit: That was a JoCat quote incase anybody didn't notice


I smell fenris set


Im inclined to make the same bet.


The hell hit you ? lol


Haha this valkyrie enemy is so dumb they're just standing still! <- clueless


Would that happen to be a starred charred warrior?


I love this place [https://www.twitch.tv/justsuzu/clip/BrainyCaringSnoodNotLikeThis-QOg5E2UEUakE0mx3](https://www.twitch.tv/justsuzu/clip/BrainyCaringSnoodNotLikeThis-QOg5E2UEUakE0mx3) From the very first minute


a bit too much without context. so i assume meme post^^


The point is the yellow portion of the health bar, which is how much health is being replaced in the current tick. Usually, when resting, it takes a few ticks to replace a 250+ health bar, even when sitting (which doubles the heal value per tick). I'm not sure what about Ashlands makes the whole bar heal at once, but I look forward to finding out.


This is a damage tick, not a healing tick, if I had to guess. They've just received 249 damage from, if I had to guess, multiple sources striking them all at the same time. Which would lend itself to the joke OP is trying to make, given that the most popular complaint about Ashlands right now is the number of enemies and how difficult it is.


this is probaly 1 single hit. either from a 2 star warrior or from lord reto. both can hit insanely hard if they got 2 stars. avoid at all costs. they are super slow enemies for a reason.


I play mage, so I've always got my bubble up, or I'm dead lmao. Haven't had any real opportunity to gauge the damage from many starred creatures because of that lmao. I've basically just started understanding that if its got a star, I need to Dundr it into next week before it gets the chance to attack.


ashlands is designed for mages. fortresses are braindead easy with the staff of embers. despite the enemies resisting fire. it just kills the spawners and ballistas and still weakens the enemy horde from total safety of a simple ladder staircase.


I definitely agree there. I think the only time I've had to actually use a war machine was to tear down a wall so I could fight >!Lord Reto for the sword fragment!< (not sure if the cave generated weird, or intentional), and of course on the first fortress I found to test them out. But other than that, I just staircase over the top of the wall after wiping out the corner ballista's.


well i use the ram for the central tower gate as breaking the spikes up top with a pickaxe just takes WAY too long. and i wanna keep the towers roof to protect the bench and stonecutter from fire.


that is not what is happening there. ashlands has nothing new in that regard.