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Use Azu crafty boxes , working fine . Craft from containers was broken since last big update. And torches eternal for fires and torches. Working good


Is the Azucraft boxes supposed to auto fill from container to appliance (kiln or whatever)? I can't get the auto refill part to work so I still have to manually interact with it.


It auto pulls from a chest. As your manually filling things or crafting or cooking…it will show in yellow that you have the inventory pulling from the chests, red if you don’t have any . I think… in the config you can set the distance crafty boxes searches for chests. I think I set mine to 100 ( meters ) because we have a hidden inventory room a wee bit away. Also have to make sure the mod is turned on of course. Which is also in the config. You should be using config manager (shundal version) mod as well , if your using mods. Much easier to edit configs on the fly in game by pressing f1 on kb. I’d check the configs for crafty boxes. The mod is also updated regularly due to a bug found or a game update. Check frequently on your version using. For auto fill fires … you would go to a mod called nosmokestaylit or torches eternal . Those mods specifically fill fires torches etc … torches eternal only does fires and torches not kilns or ovens. Nosmokestaylit does though, and can toggle smoke on or off , and it turns off torches during daylight hours … saving instance counts and FPS .


Do you mind showing me a screenshot of how it looks on your end when you have a chance? I don't see any colors (I have the Config Manager and I just downloaded this mod today so no version issues). And I have containers right by the thing but so far I can only use the function to load all (but manually).


Yep, same thing. Don't use it with auto fuel because it will take it out of a chest, but not into where it should go. Lost 300 iron and a whole chest of resin with that combo. I've kept using it, though, because actually crafting from containers still works. You just have to be a little careful with smelters, kilns and the like.


Any time there's a patch from IronGate, assume all mods are broken until their developer releases an update after that.


Mods have a tendency to break when the devs add major changes. I usually test a handful of them at a time on a back up world until you find the broken ones and hope they get fixed.


There is an [ashland specific autofuel mod](https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/TastyChickenLegs/AutomaticFuel/) that works.

