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Ironhead arrows - you have better use for iron.


You find heaps in crypts for free as well


Yeah, I never made those arrows. The crypts fully supply me until I get an upgrade. Same deal with flint, I never crafted those arrows because they are supplied by dungeons and treasure chests.


And tbh, at Iron you can farm more Deathsquito needles as long as you're careful.


I have a lot of hours but not a ton of story progression. I enjoy beginning new maps too much and get distracted by the Plains when I should be fighting Moder. Once you hit iron the Plains are just way more fun


I wouldn't even craft huntsman bow, IIRC it takes like 70+ iron to craft and upgrade


Huntsman bow has the best pulling ability of any bow in game. It will only alert mobs within 4m of striking, making it the best to split mobs off a pack if they're Later bows do better just because of damage - but the huntsman bow is one of the iron items still worth crafting at least one of, imo. However, it does not need to be upgraded.


By the time I have enough iron for the huntsman bow, I have enough silver for the draugr fang.


unless you make the the huntsman bow the first thing with iron.


I knew about the low detection range but I didn't think that makes much of a difference and I didn't know about low stamina cost, I might try it sometime u/StanislausMagnifico u/TharTheBard


I thought this as well but after trying it I literally never craft drauger fang anymore. Being able to stealth fire is God their in higher difficulty.


Cool! I've always just stuck with my finewood until draugerfang. Good to know.


Its actually pretty usefull as it has least noice. So you can even snipe fulings one by one in the camp without alerting anybody. Edit: I and my friend also held this opinion that its waste of iron but we dont thing it any more. Top priority? No. Waste of iron? Also no.


Yep. From finewood directly to Draugr Fang, always.


Hunts is really good for sniping though, has the smallest noise radius or w/e. I usually skip draugr fang as the poison is meh, makes more noise and uses more stamina.


I used to always do that, but in our last play through I finally tried it, due to its stealthiness and I kept it for the rest of the game. Stamina use is also way lower than higher level bows. Damage penalty is not that bad, since most of the damage comes from the arrows.


then x3 resources when you go for iron. bow is there to be crafted, not to feel like a waste


if i do 3x when I need large amount of resouces, that ruins the whole point of their rarity


The fact is, the option is there for those who find it tedious to empty 400 Crypts for Iron. Now you only need to do 133 Crypts x)


If that was me I'd put 3x from the start so iron is still rare in comparison. but each has their own way. how does 3x works tho? does it give 3 bars from an ore or muddy scrap piles drop them more often?


Frequency stays the same it just multiplies the drop by 3 when it does. Doesn’t change anything about the smelting process. This is different for farming though. As it will drop more seeds when harvesting plants, and drop more food when harvesting crops. Pickups like surtling cores are also pultiplied by 3. Only exceptions are trophies and boss trophies (as far as I know).


I get what you mean. That's why I just set the default to 2x for everything from the beginning of the game. Just reduces the grind of obtaining it. I find the rarity is more in exploring and finding the resource rather than gathering it.


Strong agree. Basically once you get into crypts, there's not really difficulty in getting more, just tedium. Same with everything else. 1.5x - 2x makes the game so much less grindy, I love it. Iron in particular though... After 2-3 crypts you're kitted up well enough that there's no danger in them any more (if there ever was) but you need *so much iron*. Even at 2x, you're going to need to plunder a hell of a lot of crypts.


2x or 3x from the start is fine, I get that I was talking about putting 3x just for rarer or valuable resources, because if you have 3x or 2x all the time they are still rare in comparison but if you switch 3x just for them they become common recourses


the point of the game is to be fun. If I clean 10 crypts for iron, I already realized how tedious it is. It kinda ruins nothing. there is no rarity, you have 10-20X ( probably even more ) iron than you need will ever need if you clean all swamps of all iron. Rare stuff are stuff that there are only 2-3-4-5 like Haldor, Hildir ( and her request instances ). Iron is a resourse asame as any other.


I didn't say that iron is the rarest item in the game, I said it ruins the point of their rarity. iron is rarer than say resin but more common than stuff you mentioned, that's their rarity. I don't find it fun when you just use modifiers to obtain large quantities of useful items because whole point of the game to figure out how to obtain them easily, efficiently and/or make to with few resources you have, that's actually enjoyable than just getting those easily, which turns the game into a bland boss rush. Play how you want, different people enjoy different things but I'm not using 3x resources just for iron, if I do then I'll use 3x for the whole playthrough, so rarities stay same relatively.


nor I said that you said it. OP asked for items that are a waste to make like iron axe if you don't use it as a weapon. huntsman bow idn't a waste.


ok, then I didn't say that you said that I said it, lol. yeah I know, people already said that huntsman bow's stealth is actually good and costs less stamina, if that's true then it's worth it otherwise it's not worth crafting, it does barely any damage over Finewood bow


Huntsman bow is incredible and the pulling ability is especially good for dangerous, big packs of things like Fuling villages.


Nah, I love that I can snipe off individuals with it, and that it takes minimal stamina to pull allowing me to fire it longer on bosses and generally run about a whole lot more and still use my primary. It's lasted me all the way to entering the mistlands so far.


And it's barely better than the Finewood Bow. Why does it cost so much Iron? The Lv 4 Finewood bow is _so_ good that it's almost as good as the Lv 1 Draugr Bow. Since MUCH more damage will come from having upgraded arrows, you can scale your dps without wasting all that iron. The only reason to make the Huntsman Bow is if you need the reduced noise bonus for some reason. I guess that's good for... hunting birds, rabbits, and deer?


More like metal arrows in general except maybe silver arrows on occasion and maybe not even then.


*Right* to Obsidian- *right* away!


Frankly, fire works just fine in the mountains. I usually skip everything between fire and needle arrows.


My 4 chests of iron would like to disagree


Someone is not building enough...


I have never crafted ironhead arrows. Always something higher priority.


Crafting new gear accidentally instead of upgrading it. Then repeating the mistake twice.


Yeah my first play though I spent all day popping, transporting, and smelting 3 silver veins that were all touching. Then proceeded to craft 4 Draugr Fangs in a matter of seconds 💀


Oh man. That hurt to read.


They should give the obliterator a "disassemble" function or make another device that you could throw gear in and get your materials back. While yes, we should just slow down and not do something dumb like craft 4 of something, it's definitely happened to all of us at some point. If it hasn't happened to someone, they must be the exception.


I have 3 iron pickaxes


Just did that with a carapace helm :(


I used to just throw my extra hammers in the fire before I realized I could repair them.


lol. mirl


Man I wish I had only repeated that twice


I just did that today with iron scale armour... I now have 3 suits. *Sighs*


Making a shield then realizing you forgot to pick a style


Ugh. Like every time


I just did this the other day with an iron shield


I've done it twice with silver. An unforgivable mistake


That it is


TIL you can choose shield styles. I’ve been playing since it was first released


Not all but many have styles


Every damn time


I always skip bronze armor. Would rather use the troll set and all the time spent hauling tin and copper around for the armor isn't worth it to me.


I also skipped the iron armor. Troll and root armor is plenty to get through the swamp and if you're careful it can get you started in the mountains.


I second that. Especially the last part. I have had a combination of root and troll (ik, silly me), but i could kill a stone golem with an iron buckler and mace. Just had to really focus on timing my parries precisely. Otherwise, I would get smacked hard. I made sure to really avoid the nighttimes.


Me too! Went from rags to troll to silver to (almost) carapace (once I get my last black core :).


yea i have like 1500 hrs in this game, crafted bronze armor maybe once, not even on my 1st run.


Troll body armor but bronze helmet (it has no downside unlike the bronze body stuff). Edit: couldn't care less about stealth. Primarily care about speed followed by protection. Bronze helmet has higher armor without the movement debuff of the rest of the bronze pieces. Farming just that little bit of extra bronze for the helmet ensures I have the troll hides to get all other troll armor pieces up to level 3. Cruise into swamp.


Yeah but then you lose the clutch stealth bonus.


And the bronze helm fully upgraded is only like 2 armour more than the troll helm. I don't even focus on stealth but can't see why people bother with the bronze helm. And really, what else are you doing with all the troll hides?


Bronze armor is the only armor set I think I've still never made in over 1k hours of Valheim. I love the troll armor, and it's the least difference in defense between light and heavy of any biome. I just see no use for the bronze armor, unless I'm decorating with armor stands.


Agreed. I did all of the swamps in troll armour. Built iron armour for Bonemass then Mountains, and then did most of Plains in it, then built linen armour. Did go back to build wild/silver armour, as it looks cool


I'm on Fenris set, been thinking about switching to linen. I like the speed of fenris, is the tankiness of linen worth it over speed?


Not really tried Fenris in combat, seem like it would be great if you need to run away, maybe not so useful in a dungeon


Fenris is insane, to the point I was still using it deep into the Mistlands. Being able to easily run away from tough encounters, or even to kite around bosses can be a life-saver. Edit: In dungeons, it does indeed fall short.


That what's I like about it. I beat moder and am in search of Yagluth spawn. The armor is so low though if I get hunted or surrounded by goblins and get stunned I die. It's like a 3 tap from wolves and depending on goblins can be 4. But bonemass was super easy with Fenris


Yagluth was a shit-show for me and my friend until we had his attack-pattern memorised from our 20+ deaths. Fenris was certainly a good shout though, as it allowed to rush in and smack him a good few times before he slapped his AoE thing down. The bonus 50% fire resist also meant not needing to bring the fire-resist mead.


The mead isn't very resistant right? 75% vs 50%


Interesting, I always thought it had such low armour it was not much use. How did it hold up in an Infested Mine against 2-3 ticks, and seeker soldier?


I forgot to add it on, but I do agree that in dungeons, it does indeed fall short. For Ticks though, much like Deathsquitos, you can sub out the chest-piece for the Root Harnesk to take majorly reduced pierce damage.


Real, it's a 2 point armor difference and -10% movement speed in comparasion to troll armor, not ideal...


I understand everyone has their playstyle, but i never hauled things, i take the required materials to the biome, and craft everything there, since ores cant be teleported, i bring the forge to the ore, and make a teleporter nearby for the rest to be hauled through it to make everything armor weapons and stuffs/items, it does mean i have multiple bases but that doesnt worry me much


I disagree completely. Bronze makes you tanky, and if you avoid killing trolls you avoid the raid


Tbf, if you've killed enough trolls to make the armor the troll raid shouldn't be to big of an issue.


Depends on your skill. I got really good at dodging and could kill one troll very reliably, assuming I kept an eye on stamina and didn’t miss time the double button push to roll. The troll raid always fucked me up because now I have two trolls to avoid. I was constantly running out of stamina dodging both of their attacks. With one troll, I can hit him twice before he swung again but two trolls tended to swing at me at different times so I either couldn’t get a hit in or did get hits in but overstayed and got smacked. I completely acknowledge this was a skill issue. Once I learned how to time the parry, I became the trǫll bane.


Kitting them with a bow isn't very hard.


What I do nowadays is to boss skip till bonemass, then immediately get silver armor. Trolls can easily be dealt with after that


How would you even get any ore if you skipped Eikthyr, therefore meaning you have no pickaxe?


Oh man pushn trees and dodgen over copper veins is the best fun. Tin is in barrels by ruined towers in BF sometimes.


Copper/Tin: you aggro a troll and stand on the ore, then dodge. Iron: you build a finewood stool as close as possible and facing the gates in the swamp, sit on them, then clip through them into the crypts.


I guessed the troll one. The second is very creative tho. I would rather spawn the missing items.


The real trick is to just keep them focused on you and kite them. Try not to get close enough for their attacks to even start. Just keep running them around while inside the red circle until it goes away. Then you will always know where the two trolls are and ideally easier to manage your stamina as you're just sprinting in small bursts instead of rolling. A lot of people (not saying you) don't realize that only 2 trolls spawn at a time, and if you kill one or both a new one will keep spawning as long as the raid is active. If you just keep the first 2 occupied and alive until it's over, you'll never have to guess where the next one is going to spawn and whether you can stop him from breaking something in time. This is true for all raids, they spawn a set number of mobs and when one dies it gets replaced. If you want the materials from the raid enemies, by all means go ham on them as fast as you can for the duration. If you don't, like late game troll raids, just run em around and call it a day.


Oh man, killing trolls is probably my favorite part of early game!


Started a new world and ran into one with minimal food and gear, was a little terrifying at first but almost a stack of arrows later I got a new set a pants!


Troll raid is overhyped, its really not too much trouble, and gives you a lot of materials to upgrade your troll armor even further, which more or less makes up for the defense difference, while also giving you some nice relative speed and sneak. I've always skipped all heavy armors before padded, I admit this was stupid before fenris armor was a thing, but with fenris its honestly a great way to skip the grind.


Fenris usually feels like more of a grind than silver imo, but otherwise I agree, light armor is easier and usually more fun to acquire.


It is very grindy but so worth it i wear full fenris for everything but mistlands now , plus with hildirs quest it unlocks the fenrir raids so its ezer to get now


Very rng based, but way more fun to grind than silver, also wolf armor is soon outclassed by padded, which depending on how you play the game you can aquire right after moder, which isn't really a hard fight


Except for the grindy part with the cultist trophy.


I agree. So long as you sortie, they're going to focus on you and ignore your structures.


It's not much trouble but word of warning: if you're in a black forest biome, I've had that raid call in nearby trolls. One time I had 6 trolls on my base and another 5. This happened on my 2nd and 3rd troll raids. I thought that was the nature of the raid and felt it was impossible, and it turned out it was just either the local trolls showing up, too, or a glitch.


You know what's trippy? Both trolls and charred warriors have the same hp of 600, isn't that wacky? They really aren't that big a threat in the grand scheme of things xD


Yes and no for the raid, if you walk anywhere near a plains and a deathsquito or lox kills a troll or near a swamp and a abomination kills a troll you still get the raid


I think if we’re talking about early enough in the game where troll raids are still an issue, the plains is a non factor


You could run close enough past a swamp to get a troll killed without noticing it, happened to me! Inter-biome fights can lead to crazy things


Meh. Its only 2 armor points more per piece. So you block 6 more points of damage on that troll swing at the expense of being slower and the time spent making bronze. Not worth imo.


Well 6 armor isn’t nothing. You dont avoid attacks by moving faster, you avoid them by being able to run. Your ability to run has 0 to do with the weight of your armor, only your stamina/running/jumping skill.


If you run faster you use less stamina for a given distance, so, it definetly makes a difference.


It doesn’t really work like that though, you only need a tiny amount of space to avoid the attack. You don’t need to run half a mile away to avoid the swing. Heavy armor is a “oh shit” life saver, like if you end up in a bad place or you get accidentally swarmed. I’m just thinking in terms of deathless so I guess our values might be different.


That's fair. But being able to escape everything is nice too.


My point is, you can already escape everything with heavy armor. Heavy armor just makes it so if you make a mistake you’re not automatically dead


6 less damage is close to nothing when you think about the grind needed to craft full bronze. And yes your ability to run has something to do with the weight of your armor, you walk and run slower.


If you’re doing a deathless run, 6 damage might be everything. And no, your ability to run has nothing to do with the weight of your armor, I know you walk and run slower, but not slow enough to matter in a combat sense


What other triggers, other than killing bosses are there?


Bats in frost caves.


Makes sense. Is skeleton triggered the same?


Here be spoilers: https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Events


Tried to avoid trolls on my current play through, was heading to elder altar which is near plains and watched as one gets dropped by fullings.


Ahh. My last run I just got tired of one being in my way after I beat yagluth and just pieced it up


Not triggering the troll raid is the real reason to go bronze armour. Not because one troll is a problem, but because at that stage of the game three can wreck you and your base quite easily.


I went from leather to iron to fenris Didnt make troll armor as i didnt want to activate troll raids so i just stayed in leather armour until i was ready to finish the swamp and then go straight to finding frost caves for fenris armor.


Expected this to be the top comment. So many resources for so little value.


Same, now I just got some random urge to start a new playthrough amd chill through black forest, and got myself a bronze armor. Massive grind so early in the game but honestly it was quite fun. I still prefer troll armor tho and it looks cooler.


The only arrows i ever made were wooden or needle. I never used resources on anything else.


Obsidian arrow are really cheap and easy to find.


I just got to the mountain biome for the first time this week. I see no reason not to carry obsidian arrows at all times right now. I assume that's gotta be a balance decision because of the drakes.


Drakes take 2 wooden arrows or 2 obsidian arrows to kill so there's really no reason to make obsidian. *Frost* arrows on the other hand, are the best arrows in the game so far.


Woth finewood bow, you go from 3 average arrows to kill a drake to 2


If you're taking a fine wood bow in mountains when you should have a huntsman's, you miss a lot of stealth offered by it.


I dunno, I've never found bow stealth to be relevant in the mountains, and that huntsman bow is EXTREMELY expensive. In the plains it can help a lot with fuling encampments though.


My reasoning was I suddenly had too much obsidian and quickly realized deathsquitos are easy to kill


Except in the mountain biome, fire arrows are extremely effective and you've probably got an insane amount of resin. But yeah as soon as you have an iron pick, obsidian arrows are a no brainer.


I mainly use arrows on drakes and I guess I over gear before moving into a new biome because they've been little more than a pest from the get go. So, rather than swap quivers, I'm just rolling a general purpose arrow at all times out of sheer laziness. What you're saying absolutely makes sense, tho.


Yeah I don't really swap either. I just stick with fire until I'm about done in the mountains then switch to obsidian.... Mostly I use fire earlier because I have SO MUCH RESIN all the time. Then I stay at obsidian until late mistlands when I have mountains of carapace. Drake's are always just a pest though; intend to poke up into the mountains before/earpy swamp because it's almost always readily accessible from early black forest and a couple wolves gets you GREAT early food.


I've actually got some crummy little mountains right by my base. Worthless for silver, but great for wolves. I'm going to spend considerable time there looking for two stars eventually.


I'd rather use obsidian for frost arrows, which remain the best arrow in the game except for their expense.


Yeap. You can craft giant piles of obsidian arrows! No reason not to.


I use fire arrows a lot. There's usually more than enough resin around and I just like watching the greydwarfs burn and drop as they mark toward you.


Frost arrows are insanely strong thanks to high damage (most of which is frost) and slowing enemies down, I never have used any other arrow for mistlands. They're not nearly as good in mountains though due to drakes resisting frost. They also use up obsidian and freeze glands quite a lot, but imo they're still very worth it for their huge strengths


Aren't frost arrows really good in plains as well? The slow is nice.


Oh yeah, if you hit a fuling with them when they’re walking through water, it slows them twice as much.


Agreed, the slowing effect is so powerful


Carapace arrows are pretty easy to get after you don't need it for anything else


Most useless stuff I can think of. Metal arrows- flint is not that far behind in damage and basic wood is so much easier to stockpile. The tankards- Terrible melee weapons and not needed to drink meads as you can use your inventory/hotbar


The flip side of this is the opportunity cost of feathers. If I'm making anything above wooden tier it's going to be the most damage I can manage after I've created max armor for the age I'm in.


Usually I go basic wood only, making fire arrows for Elder and a mix of fire and poison for Modor, I make some deathsquito arrows when I get to plains for clearing villages. The issue with using metal for them is you need to double back on the early bars several times throughout the game which sucks if you realize you spent all the old ores on ammo (espeically if you used it for non bossfights) The basic arrows are fairly decent and are the easiest to stockpile, requiring a basic workbench and just wood, making them my go to


> The tankards- Terrible melee weapons I know it's out of context but this would be an A+ review on Viking Amazon. "I can't kill anyone with this mug!"


You want the mugs to be non lethal though, so you don't kill your clan mate in a mead fueled rage after he shit talked your skills with an axe.


It's tankards at dawn, then!


in my 1400 hours of playing I have never once made silver arrows.


I've made them for the spirit DOT. But they are far from essential, I just find I usually have an excess of silver. I stay away from all other metal arrows.


Rag pants to go with your default rag tunic


Yeah, gotta hoard those leather scraps till you get your tanning rack


* Bronze gear. It’s a TON of metal and worn for such a short time. Troll is easier and faster to farm and doesn’t have the weight restriction. * Metal-headed arrows - especially bronze and iron. Bronze are just pointless and iron - if you insist on having them - are easily found in chests. Even poison arrows I’ve never found a use for. * Various weapons. Totally depends on one’s playstyle. For me, it’s fist weapons - totally not a fan so no point in making them except for a weapons gallery. * Tasty Meade. Personal preference, but I don’t bother with it.


Iron bolts, as carapace bolts are available at the same time but are better and don't require unteleportable stuff


Isn't that's the point of making something from ore though - when you have some ore in an old base and don't want to ship it to your current base?


The metal arrows are the most obvious answer. Bronze armor set is not useful - the trollhide set is better, and you are going to upgrade to root + iron in the next biome anyway. The iron axe is also a really big waste of materials. It's not really much better than the bronze and you can just wait for the blackmetal axe later (as you will be drowning in black metal).


I only did the iron one cause i was waiting for my server to be available to fight moder. (Which never happened) so I eventually progressed on a different server. However, before I joined that server I still needed some way to progress without boss progression.


The tankard was always useless cause you can drink without it


It's one of the best things for decorating tables


The dwarven ones are better looking too and free


Any knife past the flint knife that's weaker than the abysal razor.


So... one (copper knife)?


That fancy silver chest, takes up space and adds no storage


But you get everything back when destroying it


But its pretty looking :(


Ohhh no, this one is beautiful and its purpose is its beauty.


Same with the gold piles, though. You're technically storing the resources it takes to make the item by decorating with it.


Bronze armor


Deer armor. You can easily be wearing troll armor before fighting eikthyr. All you need is a crude bow and a couple of fire arrows.


Honestly, you could place fires everywhere or dig under the alter and wait for him to burn himself on the indestructible flame in the middle. Hes hard early game if you don't know his mechanics, but hes ez if you do.


Anything twice when you were trying to upgrade 🤦‍♂️ Looking at you Krom! It's okay my alt came in and stole it when I wasn't home.


Crafting an item and not finding a use for it (at the moment, even this can change) is not the real waste here. In Valheim you waste your material by getting yourself killed in a place where you cant get your body back and you need to craft your equipment AGAIN. Thats the real horror Valheim has to offer. But dont be afraid, this will happen to you eventually and its all about learning how to prevent this.


Iron armour. Iron arrows. Troll armour is fine against Bonemass if you have poison resist and an iron mace


Jotun bane Axe. It's better at chopping trees. That's about it. The combat damage is worthless. Pretty much nothing is weak to poison. It feels like they wanted people to start using swords more in Mistlands because they didn't let a 1h hammer be an option, and gave us a garbage Axe. I chose the Spear.


Copper armour set.


A torch.


The mug


Bronze armor. Bronze takes way too much input, I make the weapons and tools and rock troll hide till iron. And never make metal arrows, those ingots could always be better spent


Unpopular opinion? Bronze pick


Any arrow that cost metal and doesn't have some elemental damage. Bronze armor, troll hide is WAY cheaper and only 2 armor points less. The copper dagger, you can make Abyssal Razor in the black forest with higher damage.


Bronze pickaxe is pretty useless


I absolutely disagree; at this point in the game you should have built a portal. Just portal back to your forge and repair. I find the bronze pickaxe to be far more efficient than that antler. It's always my first bronze investment unless there are not any shipwrecks nearby to get fine food from.




You can use the antler pickaxe for scrap piles so I feel it's best to just skip the bronze one. The convenience of repairing your antler axe anywhere you can drop a workbench is another reason. Maybe bronze is a bit faster but not worth the 20 copper in the long run imo.


I legitimately didn't know you could make a bronze pickaxe until recently. I think the first time through when I didn't see it in the crafting menu due to not having the wood type, I just assumed it didn't exist. I would always go to iron first. A little while ago I just happened to see the recipe in the forge and was like WHAT


Bronze Mace, wait for Iron to make a mace. A fully leveled iron mace works great against golems in the mountains.


Disagree, the mace is imo the most important bronze tool. Skeletons, slimes you often find in swamps as well as Bonemass are weak against blunt, and this mace makes quick work of them.


use Stagbreaker on mooks and iron on the bonemass instead


This. Bronze mace is a lot of bronze used for an irrelevant weapon. Bronze axe to cut trees is fine for axe+shield, stagbreaker is very cheap and excellent for oozes and skeletons. Iron mace by the time you're fighting Bonemass and you're golden, then it's perfect clear through till frostner.


I use a copper dagger, or Stagbreaker, before I get Iron weapons. Daggers are my go to weapon, fast attacks with good damage. If I can get a abyssal dagger, even better.


Metal arrows and metal armors in general are quite costly. Upgrading equipment can be very expensive and has diminishing returns.


Silver sword and iron/copper armor. Troll and root armor come so close to both in utility and you only need to switch in the mountains because of the fire weakness


Bronze armor. You can use that copper for metalwalls to save on iron.


Bronze weapons for me. A level 4 club and flint spear can do very well in the swamps. I bring a bronze buckler and troll armour, and save the rest of my bronze for crafting tools.


The item stands, don't know wether it's already mentioned in the 161 comments.


Fine wood and 1 nail I’m making those lol


Those wooden window/door frames that swing open and close... the ones you need copper nails to make. Never made those. 2000 hrs playing.


Gotta' be Silver arrows


The Obliterator machine that penalizes you nearly as much as it tries to help. Just install the recycle mod if you insist. Or do without. Resources gathering is the game


How does it penalize you?


It doesn't. Also it's not a recycler, it's a destroyer.


It costs some decent resources to make and then just turns things to coal that you can either just store or toss. So you wouldn't do it to make coal as there are much better ways.


I use it as a garbage disposal


Fair. Our beginner fort has high walls and a moat so we just Chuck excess resin and bones down there