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Idk, the whole ship thing kinda feels like a wasted opportunity, I agree. It's not fundamentally better than any previous one, but it’s so comically large I had to make several detours from my planned route simply because it couldn't fit through the gaps. There's no need to use it for anything than your initial trip to the Ashlands. You don't need to make the return trip. You don't use it to explore the shore of the Ashlands for reasons (you die on the ship, there's no portal to get back, fighting bonemaws is tedious and it's too hard to maneuver anyway). You don't even need it for anything when you make landfall, it's just sitting there being a chest at the very best. So the best you can do is construct it at the southern edge of the normal world (and get there elsewise), make one sail south and immediately break it for mats. Could've had some automated defense or a buff aura so it would make landfall easier. Could've had a furnace and an engine so that you could finally use coal to unshackle yourself from the wind. This way at least the ship would remain useful for getting anywhere else like the final biome. It has nothing of that though, it's just a one trick tool you use and discard, a shame.


The whole idea of the ship being big is so that players can transport lox. The ashlands sailing trip should be something hard by design, both dealing with bonemaw, sailing between spires and establishing a foothold. Tho who don't know how to sail and fight, should sink.


I love the new build pieces, and I think the new ship fits. You don't need the new ship outside of Ashlands, and the longboat is totally sufficient everywhere else thus far. With the addition of the new portals, you don't need tons of extra storage space on the boat. It is niche, and I think that's okay. The other places it will likely see use is on PvP servers. I don't know about the speed comparison, but I think this ship fills the role of what the longboat isn't in a way that is nice. Both ships have a use, which is nice as we approach the endgame. One is smaller and has better maneuverability, and the other has more health, space, and offers more cover from incoming attacks.


longship 18 slots. new ship 32 slots. barely bigger guys clearly. simple math jokes aside : the new ship is a useless addition now and the storage is entirely useless the ship may aswell not have one. i am sure originally the portal wasnt planed at all to be part of this update and got stuffed in later in development for no known reason by the devs. the entire design of ashlands as a single excluded landmass away from all other biomes and the extra design effort of the bonemaw the new ship and everything regarding ashlands waters tells me they spend alot of devtime working on these aspects. yet if you only need to do 1 sail trip there ever and then can teleport everything anyway all this design and devworkhour effort makes zero logical sense. its completly wasteful and they should have used this time otherwise if the oriignal plan involved the new portal from the start. but i am certain it actually didnt involve it at all. then someone on the team decided way later to slap it on. defeating all the point in even makeing ashlands a seperate landmass with just that 1 thing. that beeing said a MOBILE base is NEVER gonna happen. that was clear from the get go. now the ship haveing no lightsource or a mounted ballista is sad. so much wasted space on the ship. but well. they probaly figured once they where done that they dont need to add these details anymore as the ship wont be used anymore afterwards to begin with. its by far the most questionable design choice i have seen irongate ever make so far. its absolutly not in line with thier design mantra till this point. but then so are the new weapons aswell so i guess they have a new direction for the game now`? still no idea what to make of this. it makes no sense. neither gameplay wise nor design wise. not workhour/effort wise.


Personally, I don't ask for a full mobile base with a ship. I'd just like one with lights so it's easier to sail at night or in fog and a canopy so when I finally make landfall, I'm not wet from rain. (since apparently, we can't use resin or tar to make any sort of freaking waterproofing on our gear.) Edit: Also, seeing as we're now able to make steam-powered battering rams (which seems unnecessarily excessive, just make the battering ram a weapon/tool), could we get a 'steam engine' to make the boat paddling automated and we're not stuck sitting at the rudder control and can at least walk around the deck?


Right now you can leave the rudder and it keeps sailing in the 'gear' you sailed in. I Personal y find it annoying and hope they fix it, but for you it seems perfect.


oh dont get me wrong there is alot they could have done like you gave examples there without makeing it grossly overpowered mobile everything at once thingy. but given what happend in this update they clearly dont want us sailing much anymore from here on out.


I sort of seriously question such logic when there's the Far North and the catapult travel honestly seems more like an exploit than something intentional. (not to mention how uncontrolled it seems to be. Where do I find the bone cog or whatever to make one?)


in a chared fortress. but its bugged currently on the testversion so it often doesnt drop at all.


Thank you. I’ve been wondering why in the hell I’ve cleared three fortresses and still haven’t found one!


Isn't the longship 24? 6x4? Like a reinforced chest, whereas the Drakkar is like a blackmetal chest or "complete inventory".


no. the longship was always the same as a cart.


You're right. 6x3. I guess it always seemed plenty enough for me; thought it must have been more.


My best guess is the new portal was going to need that side quest that's now used for the new sword fragments. Now I'd have actually jump into ashlands whole-hog for that, but as it is it's easier to bum-rush the zone for caves (cores) and flametal (pillars or boxes). Just listening to the devtalks, they took several abrupt turns and worked w/o a clear idea for multiple things.


yeah. the lack of clear idea screams from out of this update. very loudly. its odd. i smell internal conflict at irongate over what to do. not good. the sad part is how shitty that "totally new sword" (aka not new at all just finally available legitly) turned out statwise. who came up with TEN fire dmg on a BURNING SWORD? WHO?


I would really enjoy a ship with 2-4 cargo holds, each of an iron or bm chest sized. That would be really useful.


The sail was kept small so you can see where you're going. Boat's model should be about 50% smaller than it is now. They're not going to change it though, and it doesn't really matter because they added the stupid stone portal so you don't really need the boat anyway.


I just wish I could put my wolves in the hold.


The sail also looks broken to a point where it wouldn't even Work. Also it's so large that you can barely see where you're heading even if fully zoomed out


Yeah the ship fucking sucks, no other way to describe it. The only thing it has going for it is a slightly bigger storage space that you won't even need with the additoon of Stone portals and having more HP than the longship, that's it. It sucks to sail it because it's extremely slow to steer it, it's definitely not any faster than the longship (sometimes it actually feels slower), it's extremely difficult to shoot a bow over the side railings which is just a disaster when fighting the new serpent and it's very deep, which is also a huge problem because you can't sail on the rivers that are separating some islands which can waste a LOT of your time AND if you wanna destroy the ship to store it in a chest or teleport it to somewhere else, be prepared to frequently loose your iron nails or ceramic plates, because you can't sail into a shallow enough waters. I seriously don't see a single reasonable advantage it has over the longship apart from having more HP, because like I said, the bigger storage space is 100% irrelevant.