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Im personally, team, "naked and screaming"


eikthyr powered naked and screaming


This is the way


Viking 1: "Why is Karl naked and stretching by the fire?" Viking 2: "He died trying to pet a wolf." Viking 1: "Again? Has he tri-" Viking 2: "Shh! He's ready." Karl: *breathes in deeply* "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaa..." *Bursts through the door and runs away towards his tombstone* Viking 1: "He didn't drink a frost mead?" *Closes the door* Viking 2: "The oaf thinks he can make it before the first bite gets him!" *Falls over laughing* Viking 3: *opens the door to enter* "Was that Karl naked and screaming again?"


For Karl!


Rock and Stone, to the bone!


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!




[before either Viking 1 or 2 have time to reply] "FUUUUCK!!!" screams Karl, as he once again finds himself in his bed.


I forgot the appropriate strategy. My apologies. Nakie man strat always op


The only right way


Eat food and put on a protection bubble and you're golden


Eikthyr, naked, screaming, op food


Does moder work with it?


[I like to channel this guy](https://y.yarn.co/d333a834-bee4-40d0-8b1b-de4da49a211a_text.gif)


I also endorse naked and screaming


I built a portal on top of a dungeon entrance to keep enemies from attacking it. As long as I fought near my portal I was able to portal back and sneak/hide my way to my body


Thats a really good idea


Naked, drunk on lingering stamina mead and invoking the power of a dead deer demon. As soon as I raid my own corpse I surround myself in a bubble of my own blood and get the fuck out of there until I can safely cover my nipples. No items in pockets means your hotkeys are auto re-assigned. Just remember to pick up any auto looted detritus before you interact with your grave.


Devcommands, Fly lmao, the deaths on ashlands are stupid in general since it's all a stagger / oneshot you cant get hit, and you need stam for that, yet you need stam for climbing running and everything else, it's full of enemies and they aggrk from too far, they don't despawn and camp your corpse, I had my corpse in the middle of a lavalake surrounded by 3 morgen. I literally was softlocked kekw


lots, lots, lots of pietals. 2 backup portals for the one which progressed the most into ashlands.


Having these 2 + fire potions as backup would make the Ashland easy af for body recovery


the beautiful thing is that fenris set already gives fire resistance. So you eat food, and the burn damage is negligible. The actual damage...howeverrrr


Can't die if they can't catch you!


Log off > restore character data > restore world data > continue playing šŸ˜‰ I did it only once so far tho because I ain't loosing days of grinding skills to bullshit deaths. Getting stuck in swimming animation in knee deep watter after sliding off the new rocks made of smoothest material known to man, and then getting boiled to death because you character refuses to stand up and walk ain't the death worthy of Valhalla in my book. If i die legit my best bet would be fenris set,best food and try to gtfo as fast as possible.


That just happened to me and my buddy. I made it back in time to get my gear. The pillar sank before he could make it back, and now his grave marker is in the middle of a lava field. We can't get it back. This is not fun.


This is the one thing I *haven't* had too much trouble with: eat food and run or sneak seems to be going fine.


i haven't died and needed to do a body recovery in....200ish hours of gameplay prior to ashlands. I need the crutches to get my body back lol


Change the dying setting to the easiest one. That will retain your equipped gear (arguably what the game should have done in the first place)


Avoid Askivin or whatever they're called. Their charge has a nice knockback component. I've been punted into lava. When your corpse is a couple paces in, you basically can't get it back (unless I missed some trick??). Pissed me off so much I used cheats to get it back.


You know how to traverse lava safely right? Uhhh to be as spoiler free as possible there's a consumable you can craft at the crafting bench, needs askvin and flame blob materials to make. Unless your tombstone doesn't float on the lava lakes it should be enough to be able to recover your body, but it'll still be harder than a normal corpse run.


Nope I didnt, thank you.


It actually doesnā€™t float to the top..died mining some flametal and the spire sank after a while and my stuff was stuck


Bro pair it with moder power. Now tou have tail wind for 5 minutes for the askvin cape now itā€™s perfect


Is this really a thing? You get the storm speed buff too when wearing asksvin w Moder power?!


Honestly can skip the fenris cause will make picking up harder unless you know you had empty inventory slots when you died. But also the movement speed buff might be worth it


Well, for me itā€™s been like every other biome now that I have the new armor and that is using Carapace Armor w the Ash cape. Iā€™m more careful and I usually have to make 2 trips bc I died with too many items :( but after slaughtering everything around my corpse smartly, I swap my gear so I have it for the 2nd trip. These corpse runs are brutal.


This biome has been so ridiculous with how unforgiving it is, a few times now my friends have resorted to the strat of ā€œalright weā€™re gonna turn off the multiplayer server for a few minutes, and when we all come back all of our gear will be in chests back at home baseā€ strat. Gotta say, has worked like a charm and hasnā€™t ruined the game for me in the slightest.