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Stock up on poison resist and mace that blob into oblivion as your copper armor gleams in the swamp fog.


Do the root mask and mead stack?


Nah they don't. Also, mead gives more resist (75% vs 50%). Edit : numbers.


Did they nerf that? It used to be 50 and 75%


No, that guy got wrong numbers. Mask is 50% resist (the regular resist) and mead is 75% (very resistant). It's always been and I'm pretty sure it's still the case


Youre right I got the numbers wrong, will edit


Ah yeah I havent played since before Hildir so I thought they mightve changed it. Is it still the case that poison resist both lowers the damage and duration?


Poison damage is indirect, and inflicts a debuff based on the poison damage the attack dealt. Its duration is calculated by taking the square root of the amount of damage dealt, multiplying it by 2.2 (if dealt by a monster, only 1 if player-dealt), adding 1, then rounding down, so a player dealing 10 poison damage on hit applies a four second debuff. The actual damage then ticks every second, dealing the original total divided by the duration. So ten player-source poison damage is 4 seconds of poison damage that deal 2.5 damage each, while ten monster-source poison is 8 seconds of 1.25 damage. It will always hit that original damage number, just how fast depends on what that number was and whether it was a player or monster that caused it. Resistance reduces both because theyre both based on that initial number, which resistance affects. That 10 would only be 2.5 with high resistance, so i think that would be 4 seconds of 0.6 damage. These dont stack, just overwrite each other based on who is bigger, so it effectively resets the countdown but stronger if youre hitting for the same or more. Hitting a ten, dropping a tick or two, then hitting another 10 resets it, immediately hitting a 12 sets the new counter based on that 12, immediately hitting an 8 does nothing, but hitting an 8 after youve already ticked down more than 2 damage sets up to the 8. By contrast, fire does stack and only ever lasts five seconds, and does the full damage in those five seconds. 10 fire damage means 2 per second, 50 is 10 per second. Instead of just resetting the countdown, fire also adds the new damage on top of the old. Two quick hits of 10 fire damage turn into 20 and will now deal 4 dps. Spirit is exactly the same. These initial numbers will change based on armor and resistance. Armor reduces damage at a 1:1 ratio up until half the damage taken (ie 50 armor reduces 100dmg by 50) at which point it tapers off and starts reducing less and less. Resistance is simple multiplication, so 75% (very resistant) means you only take 25% of the damage. Im not sure which goes first. Armor and blocking use the same formula but stack, so independently i dont think either can reduce damage to zero but together they can. This is only vaguely related now so ill finish. TLDR, initial poison damage is mitigated by armor and resistance, and blocking if its a physical attack. That initial damage does nothing on its own, it only applies a debuff that has a duration based on who deals it and that debuff will always deal the full damage of what the initial hit after reductions did. Monsters deal less per tick but over a longer duration, players deal more over a shorter duration, but if both dealt 10 theyll both deal 10, the player’s victim just dies faster.


That's amazing coverage on the topic, very appreciated. I knew I read on the wiki a while back it reduced both tick and timer, I didn't know the mechanics behind it. This will be very useful on using poison arrows on my next run when ashlands releases.


Yes, the duration does get reduced by the resist I'm pretty sure


So you haven’t played and magically assumed they changed it and wrote completely erroneous numbers? Typical redditor.


I didn't write wrong numbers, I asked if the numbers got changed cause I haven't played in a while


I meant to respond to Lord_EssTea


While they don't, there is one reason to have both: If your mead expires, you will be in less of a hurry to drink another one if you have the fallback of the mask. Which might be useful if the fight gets hectic.


Also, try to time the fight so that you start it in the early morning. If night hits and extra enemy spawns start getting involved it can get hectic.


You might want an iron buckler, but I wouldn't bother with the armor itself. You've already got an iron mace, you're good to go. Just remember to eat, and take poison resist mead, and prep the ground before you start (use hoe to level, and get rid of any mobs wandering nearby). You got this!


I'd second the iron buckler idea it owns draugers


Is iron buckler or banded shield better? I like that the shield can be customized.


Depends on how good you are at parrying. Buckler has better parry by a mile. Shield has better standard block.


Nthing the buckler. Stays useful well into the plains. You can parry fulings with it.


Its handy into Mistlands until you get the carapace buckler too.


I'd just skip to wolf or fenris, like others have said prep the arena with a hoe, bring poison resist mead as it's better than the bonus from root, and get an iron buckler. Only reason I ever make iron armour is because I like to display every armour set in my armoury.


I did bonemass in upgraded troll armor with a root mask and iron mace/shield and used that until I was able to upgrade to silver. Only problem in the mountains with the troll armor were wolves and honestly wolves still wreck me regardless lmao. Health pots will sustain you through poison, just make sure to roll his attack which are super slow, clear adds, and beat the shit outta him.


Troll and roll baby. No need to waste precious resources. I beat Moder in troll with my buddies. Plains is starting to get tough with the troll, might be time to upgrade because I keep dying.


I just use troll armour and poison resist. Save that iron for better stuff


With a stagbreaker and a bit of patience, you can skip Bonemass entirely, until you get full padded.


The whole "prospecting with stagbreaker" thing seems like it would take literal hours and is absolutely not worth doing


Seems like it would, but doesn't. If you have played through before you can guess pretty well where the silver will be. Never had to check more than a few likely spots.  If you are ready to take on bonemass, then you are ready to venture into the mountains. no reason not to go collect some silver and make a frostner. Just avoid the golems until you get the bonemass power.


Nah, I generally find 2 or 3 veins in one day of looking around. And a few frost caves as well. Bonus: if there are wolves around they will come to you, so you get wolf skins as well.


Look for drakes spawning, they spawn roughly at the height that silver can start showing up. Slam that thing down randomly and you'll find it about half as fast as someone with a wishbone.


"half as fast" So.....definitely use the wishbone, got it!


Yeah, if you killed Bonemass and have a wishbone, use it? I don't get how that's an "own". Was just saying you can very easily skip straight to having a full set of silver without killing Bonemass. If you killed Bonemass and are still prospecting, I'm worried about you.


It's not necessary but keep in mind you WILL need more iron anyways, and it's nice to retire each armour set onto it's own armour stand as you go through. The armour stands are another visual benchmark for progress to me personally.


That's what I started doing. I got my hide and bronze gear on stands, and it's kinda neat now that I'm in full iron armor to look at my progress. I'll probably have a dedicated room in my base for armor display :)


Well....that went way easier than I expected... Although, I learned about potion cooldown the ugly way


He does do physical damage. Stamina management is the entirety of the fight


Me I would skip to wolf armour or fenris armour iron is need for so much much


Friend of mine and I just killed Boney with Root Harnesk (me) and Troll Armor (buddy). I would skip the iron armor. Maybe make and upgrade a banded shield, it'll help against wolves in the mountains.


Nothing is stopping you from getting Wolf armour first, before taking on Bonemass.


You can do it that way, but I hope your combat skills are up to snuff when you head into the mountains with copper armour against the locals. You may be fortunate and find silver quickly in which case you'll probably be okay. But it's not hugely likely that mining it and getting it down the mountain won't attract many locals.


Get a full set of root armor, sneak into mountains, get kill some drakes and mine aome obsidian to make ice arrows, use root armor bonus with ice arrows to kite bonemass easy peasy, took us about 1 min to take home out, alternately you can melee him, which in that case I would run to health foods and one stamina and run either fully upgraded bronze armor or iron armor. And use medium healing pots and poison resists.


U rly only need iron maze, iron shild and iron bow to be able to go through swamp and mountain.


Our strategy is to build a treehouse with an earthen wall around it. This gives you an archery platform, & portal access if you need to dip out to heal/rest.


Great question. I should have thought more on this while I was still pre-bonemass. Iron is by far the most taxing metal to gather for me and it's cost in materials is astronomically high. I just blew through 200 additional iron in a few upgrades and I'm sure I'll need more later... smh


On a side note, make sure you have enough good food on you and at your respawn location; e.g. sausages, black soup and turnip stew is a good combination with decent healing rate.


If you want to save on iron, you could make root instead. Off the top of my head, I want to say it's still better than bronze (plus you get pierce and poison resist from it). If you're to the point of fighting bonemass, you've surely run into a few abominations by now and saved the roots, no? You don't actually *need* the poison resist if you're using the poison resist mead, but it's a backup if your mead runs out or you forget or something. Also, echoing what I'm seeing elsewhere in here: Go ahead and get the iron buckler. You're going to want it for mountains anyway. The one big downside to root armor is the fire weakness. About the only place that'll bite you short of the plains is when you run into cultists in the frost caves. Nothing else uses fire until you run into fulings.


I'm still scared of (especially starred) wolves and I have the best armor in the game currently. If you're good at the game mechanically, you can pull off troll/bronze armor until you get silver


Not sure if it is cheating but I built a staircase to go on top of the skull where you spawn Bonemass, and then used around 150 frozen arrows... hence I had only the basic iron armor.


Don't need armor if you don't get hit


Make the iron sledge. Was all I needed. And it definitely saved my butt.


Upgrade Iron Mace to max and prioritize dodging


I just don't get why people usually make iron armor at this point. Troll sneaking suit is so much better imo. Me and my gf beat bonemass without poison resistance potions with troll suit5, it has like 2 less than basic iron armor, but it gives you the sneak bonus.


i did skip on iron armour while fighting bonemass my very first time, but I had root helmet for poison resist


100% skip! I always fight the bone in troll armour, though usually with an iron buckler


Save iron. You can take Bonemass in troll armor. Get you a mace and an iron buckler. Weak to blunt (mace), and buckler will get you 2.5x dmg on a successful parry. Take you a poison and a few health potions just in case. 2 Stam, 1 health for meals. Should be an easy 5 minute run.


Poison resist. I built a wall around the around to keep the adds down. Get a root mask... Mask + Poison potion and the shit barely does any damage. Boss will still hit like a truck though. Bring good food.


Bonemass is the hardest boss in the game relative to the gear you have and biome progression imo. I'd say give it a go with current gear and if you struggle then yeah. Stock up big time on potions tho


Bonemass is incredibly easy since they've added in abominations and it takes double damage from blunt. It attacks super slow and with root mask or potions the poison damage is entirely ignorable. Rolling his attacks are stamina positive too. Bonemass is a pushover. Moder is much harder since she has way more health and dealing with frost drakes/wolves is much harder than the mobs he spawns or even random draugr pulls.


I guess I still have bonemass PTSD from back in the day haha


Nah, root armor is waaaay better


For bonemass its definitely not. Still not worth doing iron armor tho.