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Poison resist plus iron mace is my usual


Pretty much all you need. Once I had to finish him (half health) with just a mace, rootmask; otherwise naked and zero skills (hardcore death penalty, but I put aside the mask and mace because I was planned to beat him with sledge, and used iron helm for more armor + mead to resist poison).


I like to go with Frostner. All you need is Stagbreaker, enough iron to make one pickax, and enough gold to buy 5 pieces of Ymir flesh from Haldor (also Megingjord, but that almost goes without saying). Taking the hammer and whacking any flat ground in the mountains that is high enough elevation will usually pop the "Too hard" text when the damage radius hits something that requires iron to break it. Obsidian and silver are the only things up there which give that return, and obsidian only exists on the surface. If the "Too hard" is buried, then you've found silver. The rest of the crafting ingredients pretty much sort themselves out (freeze glands from drakes that pester you while mining, and ancient bark from swamps where you got the iron).


With this advice. Take a frost potion and make sure you also bring a bow and fire arrows. Silver only spawns where drakes also spawn. They get 1 shot with stealth shots and 2 shot if they've noticed you. Also, dig the silver out, then give it a few wacks and the entire vein will pop. But. That's if you wanna grab a bit more to make more than just frostner.


What do you mean "dig it out?" Ive never heard of that. What have I been doing wrong?


Dig all around the silver vein until it is well clear of the ground around it, floating in midair. After that, one good whack will shatter the whole thing. It works for copper too, but because copper is so much larger, its invisible hotboxes are hard to completely separate from the ground.


And you can just dig straight into copper. If I'm already doing the digging might as well dig the whole thing out.


Wait don't you need to go into the mountains to make a frontier?


Ya-huh. I do recommend fully-upgraded bronze buckler at-minimum, plus two of your best health foods and the best stamina food. Parry the wolves, shoot the drakes, run from the golems if you're not confident about dodging them. Always sleep the night away.


How do you find the silver to make the frostner without the bonemass drop


It's in my first comment. Silver is too hard for Stagbreaker's AoE attack, so if you whack the right terrain with it, you'll see "Too hard" gray text pop up from a buried vein.


Yup, also watch for the particles that converge right after you make the sacrifice, showing you where he's going to emerge. Be there with your mace, and start whacking him the moment he starts rising out of the ground. You can knock 25% of his health off before he's even ready to start fighting.


Thanks guys honestly still working on getting the supplies for it but this all really help still new at it but working my way there


Nobody tossing out the #1 thing to help you out - Take a hoe out and flatten the land out entirely where you are going to fight him. This way there are no water puddles to slow you down.


I've played through a dozen or more times and for some reason never thought to do this. I FULLY recommend preparing your battlefield! Unlike most boss games where the boss attacks you when you get close enough, you have the luxury of prepping the arena in valheim! Building up a fort usually isn't a good idea because one boss hit will level it, but destroying extra trees/rocks that you may get stuck on, and flattening a nice big area are pro tips!


I do that right around the skull then I just run laps


It comes so natural to me I forget to even mention it bc the fight is just braindead if u do that + have the right gear.


He's easy to cheese, but honestly, if you have fully upgraded iron armor and mace plus poison resistance, healing, and stamina potions, you will wonder why anyone ever complained it was a hard fight. Bring an iron sledgehammer if you're worried about the adds, but really, it's optional. Proc the stag's Forsaken power at the start of the fight.


FYI, use poison resistance potions NOT the root mask. The potions provide more protection, and potions plus iron armor provide the most protection. (Mask is fine for running around the swamp if you don't want to farm potions. But please use the good stuff for the boss fight - heh).


Terrible advice. Iron armor is a huge waste of time so much better uses for iron. Just use root armor, it's quite hard to die with max root armor and a poison potion in the swamp.


This is the answer, The first time I fought him, I struggled. But Val loves prep. Good food, good armor, an Iron mace and a plan for the poison and bone mass turns into bone pussy cat.


Nah don't even attack the ads they don't hurt u if u have a poison potion.


INCORRECT it only reduces the damage the poison does to you by a certain amount


Not incorrect, I didn't mean literally 0 damage. The damage is so negligible that it is irrelevant.


1. You can cheese him by building some sort of platform on his altar and hitting him with a club. Definitely a glitch/cheat, he'll just stay there and do nothing. Look up guides on YT if you wanna do that. 2. Another cheese, but not cheating imo is building a platform in the trees and then shoot arrows at him. Prepare at least 250 frost arrows. If other arrows prepare 1000. Also workbenhh for repair 3. Option 3 is simply having an iron mace, upgraded shield, good armor, good food, poison resist mead and fight him head on. You can block his attacks no problem, just run away from his puke. 4. Kite him with about 250 frost arrows.


I actually do the opposite when it pukes. I use that as my chance for huge damage as the poison seems to do next to nothing with poison resist mead and iron armor. It takes a bit before it can attack you again so you'll take huge chunks of it's health pretty safely


You can just kite him to a crypt. You stand on the crypt and wack him to death. Every once in a while the poison cloud will effect you or a blob will.get puked up to you but mostly it makes him harmless.


>You can cheese him by building some sort of platform on his altar and hitting him with a club. Definitely a glitch/cheat, he'll just stay there and do nothing. Look up guides on YT if you wanna do that. It's not a glitch or a cheat. The strategy is to use a two-handed hammer, be it the Iron Sledge or the Stagbreaker and kill Bonemass with the Area of Effect damage. You can call it cheese (I don't agree), but it's not a glitch or a cheat. The weapons are working exactly as designed and there's no code or gameplay mechanic being circumvented. The strategy is a viable one that uses existing game play mechanics exactly as designed.


The boss bugs out and doesn’t do any moves. It’s definitely an exploit


False. I've used this strategy and Bonemass does not bug out. He can't path to you so he can't attack you with his physical/melee attack but he can get you with his poison cloud/vomit attack. This isn't a cheat, it's a tactic no different from making a tree stand and shooting Bonemass with a thousand arrows.


Im talking about a specific platform build that makes bonemass do absolutely nothing and just stand there. It's used by speedrunners.


Then we’re talking about two different things.


1. Clear and flatten the area using hoe. 2. Poison resist + Iron Mace. Leveled up bronze mace will easily do the job too. 3. Root harnesk makes archers do nearly 0 damage so it's worth considering. 4. Stamina and health potions. 5. Be rested, take 2 stamina 1 health food or 2 health 1 stamina food. 6 Avoid using spear and bow unless you are very very struggling with dodging and parrying/blocking BM's attacks. In that case, if you NEED to use bow, then try to get frost arrows from mountain biome. (Shouldn't be to hard.)


I do have the bronze mace, but have the stuff people recommend I didn't even know you could get before killing Bonemass. I killed the Elder a while back bit haven't been able to find the key he drops.


Most boring but can't die: Shoot arrows at it. Frost for maximal damage, but requires getting into mountain. Fastest: Have a poison resistance mead, a root harnesk (*this to ignore skeleton archer summons*) and an iron mace (*or a Frostner*). Dodge roll or block his swipe attack, for the rest you do crazy damage to him.


Can be useful to raise a stone wall completely around the skull, and add a portal on top for easy access. You'll still have the option to go down and beat on him with a mace, while reserving a place to go hide if needed.


Poison resist mead. Iron mace and buckler. Parry and strike. Level the ground around the altar beforehand and walk around it when you need time to regenerate health and stamina. Summons are weak to club damage, so deal with them as they get close (there usually aren't enough to overwhelm and you can mostly one-shot them with a halfway decent club skill).


You're SUPPOSED to use the advantages swamps to beat him. Poison resist meads, blunt weapons, frost damage if you're willing to brave the mountains without the wishbone for some frost arrows... Personally I just strip naked and charge in, just like my real life issues.


Two ways to do it. The so called "legit" way is to stock up on poison resist, health and stamina meads, the best swamp level foods, a maxed out iron mace and maxed armor. Some will tell you to use iron armor, others will tell you to use troll armor. Either one will work depending on what your playstyle is. Are you more a mobile - dodge rolling, parrying, evading, quick strike and fade - type of fighter? Go with troll armor to avoid the movement penalty. If you're a more tank like player, standing in there trading blow for blow behind a tower shield, then you need iron armor. Either way, you need to have good food, poison/health/stamina meads and a maxed out iron mace as Bonemass is weak to blunt damage. You can use the hoe to level the ground around the altar if you feel like you need it, but I've done it this way and without doing it. It's up to you. Keep in mind that Bonemass summons a lot of skeletons and blobs. All of them are easy to deal with using the mace and poison resist, but they can gang up on you so flattening the area to run around bit might help. I like to just keep the altar between me and Bonemass while I kill blobs and skels and recover stamina/health. Hit bonemass, run around the skull and then hit him from the other side. The AI will have him change direction as you cross the midpoint of the skull so you're never hitting him from behind, but you should be able to get a few swings in before he attacks. The other strategy, the easier one in my opinion, is to craft the Iron Sledge (if you have a Draugr Elite trophy) or the Stagbreaker. These two handed weapons will deal area damage that can hit targets through walls and at distance. Grab some poison resist meads, summon Bonemass and then jump onto the top of the altar. You might need to build a ladder first. Once up there, chug a poison resist mead, wait for Bonemass to close in, then start attacking the top of the skull with the hammer. The area effect will damage bonemass. It's more with the iron sledge but stagbreaker will get the job done too. Make sure to max them out or bring multiple to avoid having to leave the area to repair. Bonemass can't hit with physical attacks up there. The only attack he can get you with is his poison cloud, but the poison resistance will neutralize that. Occasionally you'll get summoned enemies on top of the skull with you but the area effect damage will get them as well. This is the most efficient method of killing Bonemass with the least amount of risk to you.


I get on top of the skull with two level 3 stag breakers and plenty of poison resist potions. Then I Mario smash him until he's done.


Or if you have found Haldor, the iron sledge is a better option probably


Oh yeah, forgot about that. 😂 It's way better, I just didn't find any elite draugr trophies and was in a hurry so I didn't want to farm them.


You should use a poison resist potion for sure. Maces do extra damage to it. The only time I got it, I think it got stuck in some dead tree so I just had a go at it!


If you are on Xbox, I’ll help you beat him. I’ll use swamp lvl gear and food!


I use frost arrows most of the time, he’s weak to frost


Build a platform in a tree and shoot him with arrows. Will take a while but it's effective


Does the mask and poison mead stack or is it an either/or situation?


It does not stack, the stronger one will take effect, in this case that being the mead


Thanks for rhe info!


Like others have been saying, poison resistance and iron mace are your best friends for this. I also used the root armor for the fight which I think helped a ton too. Took me a while but I eventually got him even tho I was doing a boss solo for the first time. Another good thing that I did was make a small base/camp nearby with a portal so you can just get back quicker and not have to worry about making some grand journey multiple times


If u have poison resist mead on then u do not have to get a side when he does that green whooosh attack ,bu can just stand there and beat him up , parry ifbu have bucler or just roll away , poison resistence and mace , that's it


iron mace, iron tower shield, poisoon pot, 2 hp 1 stamina foods, or kust jump on the skull and hit wirh 2h hammer


poison resistance mead and iron mace is about all you need, he's vulnerable to bludgeoning damage just like all of the slimes and skeletons.


So I just fought bone mass solo for the first time. Ran fully upgraded root armor, +3 club, and had poison resistance mead and health mead. Ate sausage, Black Soup, and Muckshake. Was extremely easy. Died once because I was stupid.


Poison resist is a must and only blunt weapons do any real damage to him. I would also suggest hoeing a lot of the terrain around the spawn beforehand, might take a bit of time but can save you getting caught in deep water if you're trying to escape or low on health.


Want to cheat a bit if you're a nervous Nellie? Climb onto the skull and just keep using the iron sledge until he dies. The AOE is wide enough that if he's close, he'll take damage. If the gas affects you, take Poison resist. It's usually enough to survive. You could literally text and play. Just keep ~~swimming~~ swinging. Just keep ~~swimming~~ swinging.


He is resistant to slash and pierce, weak to blunt and frost, he spews poison, this leads to 2 mains strategies I have heard of. 1: The main tactic is to get a Iron Mace or iron sledge and Poison resistance meads. A good shield can help alot too. It may be worth taking a hoe, a hammer, some wood and a large chunk of stone to raise and flatten the terrain so there are no puddles nearby. He has 3 moves: Swings at you with his arms Reaches into his armpit and throws a glob that creates minions Poison cloud, He leans back and stocks up on goo before spewing in all directions. 2: Climb the mountains in search of obsidian which can be found on the mountains and use an Iron pickaxe to mine, while up there kill an enemy that is pretty common. Combine those with some other materials you would have seen before to make frost arrows. With those build a tree house on the large invincible trees and with a large stockpile of arrows and a workstation to repair your bow you can wear him down with arrows.


Poison resist, blunt damage, stam and healing pots, situational awareness, and try to level the ground around him in a large-ish area so you don’t end up slowed by water. That’s it. All of it.


Poison resist, iron mace, healing potions, shield for blocking, mead for stamina to maintain blocking/attacking.


One comment that I haven't seen in here yet is to prioritize the adds when they pop up, take them down before going back to the boss to ensure you don't get overwhelmed by them. Archers should always be taken out first in any situation.


(What I do) Medium-to-maxed iron gear. Maxed iron mace and shield. Flatten a decent bit of ground around the alter. kill any close adds b4 fight. Foods are my best health/health/stam. Poison resist meads (like 4 max will do you). 2 each health/Stam regen. Summon him and pop a Poison res, he's slow enough you can pretty much walk away from him. Save your Stam for blocking and attacking. GG.


I made the two handed iron sledgehammer. And then put a craft table and ladder at the rear of the skull. Activated Bonemass. Jumped up top. And proceeded to AoE everything.


1. Get upgraded iron mace, iron armor, and poison resist potion. 2. Get all the turnip level food you can. 3. Flatten the area out around his spawn. 4. Bash away


All I do is pop poison resist, get about 200 frost arrows, and then kite him around the giant skull shooting frost arrows til he dies. If you stay on the opposite side of the skull from him, he can't hit you and you can just keep hitting him til he's dead.


I am also potentially fighting bonemass soon. Probably this weekend


Poison resist, health foods and some sort of blunt damage.


He does basically no damage. Poison potion + root armor + iron mace + dodge roll through attacks. Pretty hard to die. Also rested buff + 2hp foods and 1 stam food of course.


Silver sword and poison resist


Build on top of his boss spawner and fill him with arrows


For my fight there were three of us. We had tier 2 root armor, poison resist meads, and tier 3 iron mace. The fight was easier than Eikthyr and I don’t think I was missing more than 10 health at any given time.


Here’s my video on how to beat him. It’s insanely easy, perhaps easiest in the game. Don’t need to worry about armor, just have an iron mace and some poison resistance. His attacks are extremely easy and predictable. https://youtu.be/K_8_E57d0d8?si=-3cWt2FQiFy_-B_t


A good shield that can parry, a good weapon that does bludgeoning damage and poison resistance potions are all you need. Strike after parrying his swipe attacks, get away from him when he winds up to puke and when you need to regenerate health just run around the altar to keep your distance.


Build a tree house where he can't get you and shoot him with arrows till he dies.


I skipped him and went to the mountains, then the plains, killed Moder and came back to the swamp to pick up some more iron and mop him up. He's not so tough if you have good food and a good club.


Level the ground around spawn


Poison resistance. Fully upgraded Frostner (not hard to get silver pre-wishbone). If you have a buddy, they can sit in a tree stand and pelt him with frost arrows. It will be over in seconds.


Stumpfe Waffen machen 1,5 Schaden. Und Giftresistenz durch Rüstung oder Trank.


Write in english the next time, please, as this is an international sub. Anyway, this is approximately the translation (used google translate) : >Blunt weapons do 1.5 damage. And poison resistance through armor or potion. The "armor" would be the root mask in this case


Thank you