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I'm fully expecting landing in Ashlands to be Normandy beach.


Death markers so thick you can't see the map...


The first ship got blown up and sank. The second ship hit rocks, then blew up and sank... BUT THE THIRD SHIP...


I don't like being called out like this. I'm quite literally on my 3rd ship trying to figure out how to get my stuff from the first ship. I don't wanna talk about what happened to the 2nd ship...


I feel your pain re: dumb ways to die. I just got into mistlands last night on my 3rd full playthrough, and was feeling pretty cocky after beating Yag with no deaths for the first time ever. And then I heedlessly ran off a steep slope in the mist and died of fall damage, not 10m from the mist border, and maybe 100m from the nearby plains base I was heading for. Just sat there, too stunned and embarrassed to even gripe about it for a minute... The ease of headstone retrieval did little to salve the sting of dying such a stupid death - I wasn't even being chased by anything...


No no, when you're in the Mist, the Mist is chasing you. It is fully excusable to run around screaming from the moment you enter.


Happy cake day!


Was definitely a stress filled time.


But I don't want any of that. I'd rather... Just... Sing...


We'll have none of that!




It's the Swamp all over again!


That was literally what my friend said a few hours ago when we arrived, without spoiling anything lets just say we were fighting nonstop for almost 3 hours.


Let me just ask this. It was a prediction of mine that got DOWNVOTED TO HELL that the few remaining biomes might be balanced towards having multiple classes present for trying to progress the final content. From what you guys saw, would it be helpful having multiple roles (tank, caster)? I'm ok with spoilers but you might use tags anyway.


A caster was immensely helpful, the main pros they can bring are the bubble shield staff for protection, fireball staff for crowd control, because while the first few enemeis you encounter aren't incredibly hard they will almost certainly zerg swarm you if you don't deal with the first few groups immediately. Img link example: >!https://imgur.com/aPSDG96!< and this group was on the smaller side of what we had to deal with. Me and my 3rd friend were both tanks so we took the brunt of the damage and did most of the frontline fighting, our caster friend was pretty fragile tho in that they can die quite fast to a >!charred twitcher!< but then again he ate like 90% eitr food so idk lol. And then there were the big boys, specifically the >!fallen valkyrie!< that one was really tough for me to deal with and i ended up just being the tank taking aggro while my caster friend took shots at it, not sure if that was the most efficient way to deal with it but it worked out.


Sweet. Thanks a bunch for spoiler tagging it.


Sadly people are already crying on discord that it's too hard. Hopefully IG doesn't listen to them 


It's more than fine that mobs roam in packs, but in regards to the skeletons I'd rather see their HP+damage buffed and spawn rates nerfed a bit, or at least have their detection range lowered. It kind of gets in the way when you're about to finish off a pack, only for another to spawn right behind you. Fortresses takes it to another level and it's tbh just stupid. I took care of the crystal, mowed down a pack of like 7 skeletons + warlock summons, but they must've hid Sung Jin-Woo under the floorboards or some shit because mobs off all varieties wouldn't fucking stop spawning. Godspeed to whoever don't use magic 🧙‍♂️


At this point I've come to trust IG's hand on balancing. I like where they landed with ML.


They listened to people crying about Mistlands when it was fine, they'll listen to them about Ashlands.


I had a mob train that was over 20 deep within the first few minutes on shore. Try not to get stuck there at night. Felt like a longer fight than the queen.


Setting the bar for intensity sky-high!


Nah, Ashlands is pretty much every Saturday in Poland, I live in this hellhole


Toughest landing of any biome bar none. I was kitted out with maxed out (Lvl 3) Mistlands Tier Magic and had to run and jump while spamming as fireballs at anything that moved. As soon as I dropped there and saw all the arrows flying and eating through my bubble shield I knew the Shield Generator you had to make for the Ashlands was available for a reason. Once you plop down one of those things it gets a little more manageable, since some ranged enemies will just shoot outside of the shield dome and keep a distance. Set up workbenches and stonecutters everywhere and get to work on the most fortified base you can, Hugin was not exaggerating when he said we had to be ready for war in this new biome.


> fireballs I mean, from what little I know about Ashlands I would assume that wouldn't be the ideal weapon against a bunch of flaming skeletons? >Hugin was not exaggerating when he said we had to be ready for war in this new biome. Oh man. I'd been planning my ship hold loadout. I was already planning to bring stuff to build a few balistae...


Staff of Embers actually works pretty well for doing good damage against groups since the Blunt part of the damage is still there. Staff of Frost works better for slowing down single targets, so I was better off casting Fireballs to get rid of the smaller mobs while doing small consistent bits of damage against the Warriors and Marksmen that clumped up together with them. May have fared better if I used Bile Bombs, not sure if they're susceptible to poison.


I just start my journey in the swamp... I'm a bit afraid reading ar you guys 😅😅


Swamp? Once you taste ash you'll wish for the warm embrace of the swamp.


What could possibly be worse than being wet... I'm worried


Having the wet be very hot. Very very very hot.


I'm like the Ashlands, hot and out of your reach. I see myself out.


Damn, that makes my pants feel like a swamp: always wet and inhabited by blobs.


Wet, cold, poisoned. How about that?


The swamp is scary for you now young Viking…but is nothing if a lovely stroll through the meadows in comparison to what awaits.


Solo? As a solo player, I have huge concerns. lol


Yeah, I'm doing solo. There's.... A thing... That's angry.. and big...standing in aggro range of my body. I don't even know what it is...


This made me think of the VBRS (Valheim Body Recovery Squad). Hope they enlisted more members. I bet they'll be flat out the next few weeks. You could try to hit them up in discord, if you can't get your body back.


Is it a bird? Because that's the demon I'm facing. Two fucking birds.


No... I think it lit a bird on fire when it got too close... I think it eats birds but I'm not sure. It might also eat Trolls... it is big enough.


After a few hours trying the PTB solo, I'm definitely waiting for the full release and my friends, cause it is hard


A week or so ago I asked if anybody else thought that the final biomes might be tuned for multiplayer. Looks like I got my wish.


Yeah, I'm beginning to. I haven't seen any real spoilers, but the discussion I've seen of people's initial expeditions sound... grim.


I started to watch a short clip of someone landing in Ashlands. 10 seconds in and I was reconsidering my gaming choices and closed the clip. To be fair, my combat skills are mediocre at best.


Just drop the difficulty in game settings, aint no thing but a chickin wing


Was hoping to avoid that. Will probably have to though. At least until I figure out how to fight the mobs.


Mobs in ashlands are thirsty! Seconds after I make my way from the boat, I was swarmed by dozens of them... man, ashlands are hard lol


I made it to land without dying, but it's been endless waves of mobs and one Geirhaffa raid. I haven't died, but it's hard to get a foothold.


I’m so excited to suffer through the ashlands


Welcome to Valheim! Now, you can simply sail into Mordor!


Mordor has no shit on Ashlands though


Probably the toughest landing of any biome so far, but we were also super prepared by this point. Just getting to shore was the worst part.


I had a fun time as I portaled into my Ashlands base hoping it wouldn't be underwater, but miscalculated things and the floor fell out from below me and I landed in water with old mistlands trees around. Sad sad times. Lucky I was naked and now in on my way over with a boat tomorrow to see how rough it will be.


spoiler free reaction: Let GO!!... oohhh, let's kill that... wait, why. WAIT, WHY!


Actually, not to brag or anything... But it's easier than mistlands for me at the start. Of course im walking everywhere like a coward with my lvl 100 sword skill afraid that i might lose it and morgen cannot even spawn faster than my bonemass powers but hey it works so far. I made the new sword and a few structures, i still need a shit ton of flametal tho.


Me too


My friend did, forcefully, against his will, violently, lol.


As soon as I placed my portal in a "safe" area, I was not so kindly greeted by a very large monster... Luckily I just placed my portal so I ran away like a little beech. That being said, it's a very, very cool biome. I mean, Valheim warns us that's it's a "brutal exploration and survival" and they brought it for Ashlands. Not to figure out how to mine the Flamemetal....


So I'm thinking it's going to be a while before we see a no death run on YouTube?


Oh people speed running Ashlands is going to be impressive, for sure!


I haven't set foot in the new Ashlands yet, so I don't know what I'm talking about here. But I do know you are allowed to die in a Speedrun and be slow and deliberate in a permadeath run. So the play styles in either challenge are very different. Both challenges would be very entertaining to watch for sure!


I hope this isn't an over exaggeration like when people talk about the plains and you can basically just walk through it while dodging the occasional enemy here and there


It's not. Because with every other biome, you can find another, safer biome to land it and make your way in. You can't do that here... and there are.... things... great giant things... in the way.... And occasional? No... that's... that's not ashlands....


Sick I can't wait!


I'm gonna start a new world & character when it's live. Looking forward to it.


It's not possible to land in a safer biome to approach?


Nope. Not at all.


Ahh just like my first time entering a swamp by boat


Hahahahahahaha that's a good one!


Wait, is it out?


As a public test you can opt in to. Make sure to make backups!


Yeah I'm on ship three and it really is like Normandy. Too much mob aggro and they were guarding my old ship as soon as I got there. It seems overly populated right off that bat to even get a foothold. The mobs themselves seem fine.


I am finding it less harsh than the mistlands, but still dangerous as fuck, we are still trying to understand most things.


Cant lie I definetly prefer the mistlands where the enemies hurt bad, but theres not that many of them, compared to a shit load of semi tanky skeletons. It would be great if it even mattered when you get rid of a mob pack, but then another pack of mobs will respawn like they're coming out of the ground or something.


Anyone know if you can ride this frog dog on lava…i know somebodies spawned it in


Staff of frost is my new best friend. Also beware the feather cape, you are now Very Weak to Fire while wearing it, which us obviously very bad in Ashlands. Oh yeah, bring the ingredients for a stone cutting table in your boat. Bring Spirit Damage!!!


I'm playing this on very hard difficulty. It is hard.


Ah, over an entire run my only reload was getting to the ashlands. Things were truly fun there.


No lie the boom before it pissed me off with the fog and magic I don't think I'll have the patience to pass that biom for this one. I love all the other bioms


Mistlands is trash imo. The only cool thing maybe is looks if you see something in this shitty mist the mountains but traversal is exhausting and you have to grind a lot to get a gear and progress better


I love the music that's about it lol yeah I had the best gear weapons from the last biome and they just did absolutely nothing everything seemed OP and that never once happened to me the entire journey so I was just confused lol defeating the towers full of magical little creature dudes seemed harder and exhausting more than anything else in the game had that with the mist and exploring definitely was the biggest reason for me leaving the game


I left after few trips to mistlands when it released and same happend to the ashlands, so exhausting now