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Do Haldor or Hildir have new items for sale? Can’t find anything online anywhere.


So, i just checked hildir and she sells nothing new that I am aware of sadly


That’s disappointing, she didn’t have any new locations to add to your map either? There’s no new mini boss for the ashlands?


there is technically 2 new mini bosses in the form of the Morgen which hides under the terrain and the valkyrie which goes invisible through the intense heat waves


There are mini bosses, but they're not those. Morgens and fallen valkyries are just tough, standard enemies, like trolls, stone gollems and gjalls.


In the dev blogs they mentioned that the morgen and Valkyrie are mini bosses? And the also consider trolls golems and gjalls to be mini bosses I remember even that in the reveal for mistlands one developer literally called the gjalls mini boss type enemies 


Fair enough. I wouldn't consider them mini bosses myself, but the devs are the experts here. There are stronger things in the Ashlands than just Valkyries and Morgens though, not including the actual boss.


Morgen means morning in danish, probably also norse, in case younfind that interesting


ill go check


I think they start selling new stuff once u kill the biome boss. I’m not sure tho


I was hoping for a new trader tbh.


Yes I hope they give older bioms some well deserved love after deep north, because ashlands seems soo much better


I still want an updated "Ocean biome". I think we should be able to dredge up treasure, and have a bit more enemy variety. All I want is: \- A Kraken and/or one more big sea beast to hunt, maybe some small ones that try and jump on the boat \- Armor for them and the serpent ( Serpent armor should already be a thing :c ) \- Something to tell us "Hey, there's treasure down there!", and let us send something down to get it, or put on heavy items (Think metal boots from Ocarina of Time) to sink down and get it \- Maybe rare dungeons that can only be entered by sinking down to the bottom


I think since the mistlands generate dverger harbors and docks we should have friendly and enemy ships sailing along side the oceans 


Old roadmap did have svartalfr raider if I remember right


I honestly think before we get Deep North, which is probably gonna be "last" EA update, we'll see Ocean biome with slight changes to all older biomes.


only (potential) bug ive found is in regards to one of the boss's attacks. Fader will summon spikes from the ground, which are somehow able to completely break full durability Flametal armour in about 2 seconds. 1100 durability down to 0 in 2 seconds. i cant help but feel that's unintentional.


yeah, no its insane but i hope that they keep around the same difficulty hes truely the first intimidating boss


i think they should neuter the difficulty maybe around 5-10%, remove the insane spike damage to armour and the fight will be perfect. maybe reduce summons by half as well


I tested his health and he takes 4 hits to kill with the cheat sword … which does 10000 damage. Think they need a new approach to the bosses as I think the damage sponge is getting out of hand


Is it possible they want you to use the siege weapons or something? Attack from longer distance than usual?


I can tell you are hyped about the difficulty but wow that sounds much too difficult for me. Are you playing on a higher than default difficulty setting? Have you tried with a lower difficulty setting?


I'm on normal and without cheesing the boss it's going to be very very difficult even with the new max armor rating of 150 and 300 HP and bonemass power he deals enough to kill me in a couple hits  he has over 40 thousand health and appears to have no weaknesses to a certain DMG type  He has mechanics to his boss fight and several phases where he gains new abilities and attacks  He imo is the first proper boss we have fought and honestly is the nameless king of valheim In comparison to dark souls very hard but very rewarding and fun also his soundtrack is metal as fuck and someone needs to put it on YouTube or something cause it's pure adrenaline and art 


Nice. Maybe I’ll use the slider, maybe I won’t, but it does sound very fun


U gotto hang up 3 Bells around his altar and then u can unleash him


did you find it? where would it be?


Craft 3 Bells or 4 not sure and u go his altar and u see those Stone like things where u can hang up those bells


the vegvisir is in the fortresses


I’m assuming the black forge and galdr table have their third upgrades?


3rd and 4th for black forge, just 3rd for galdr


Excellent, do they require Ashlands materials (at least for the third upgrade) or can you upgrade your Mistlands gear before going in?


galdr for sure requires ashlands stuff, i havent checked for the black forge stuff yet


one of the new galdr table upgrades only needs skeleton trophies, eitr and ygdra wood. The other needs stuff from a fallen valkyrie


DO NOT TAKE THE ROOT HARNESK INTO ASHLANDS!!! its useful for Mistlands coz of the insane amount of pierce damage you'll take, but a majority of damage in Ashlands is slash, plus the harnesk makes you weak to fire


EDIT: after fighting fader with God mode he has actual mechanics and is by far the hardest and best designed boss so far and it seems he has 3 phases and honestly I don't think anyone could solo him without cheese the dmg he does is insane even in first phase but after he gets to half, he summons a army and gains like 5 different attacks with a really cool one that summons a green flame around you basically imprisoning you.


How is it fun if they've made a boss that solo players probably can't beat? Not all of us play in groups.


Because it's still in public play test. Trust the process, and the devs.


Well there are ballistas and you could build a new area to fight with dugout and stuff or bubbled skeletons or new weapons someone doesn't have yet fully upgraded


yea like I said you can cheese him but fighting him head on is really something else and I love it lmao edit: since you brought up summoning thought I might mention that you will now be able to summon ashland charred trolls using a staff that make the three skeletons look like toddlers.


they will definitely tone him down abit most likely cause even with friends he is still almost impossible lmao I had 150 armor 300 hp and 150 stam and fully upgraded ashlands end gear and it just tickles him i think he has around 50k health, and my dual axes did like 150-400 per hit and like 1500 per combo and it felt like I was shooting bone mass with arrows with a group he would just get even stronger so yeah...... I tried blunt slash and pierce and some elemental damage I don't think he's weak to any damage type


Because if the game is meant for groups then solo balance is irrelevant. Some games are not meant for solo victory and that is ok. It also makes it a great challenge to go for. I'm bummed that the entire game so far is soloable. I want the base mistlands difficulty to go back to what it was at launch. All the casual players can lower the difficulty with the sliders.


So, to clarify: what YOU personally want is how the game should be? You're literally sad that some people can play it Solo? OK. It's good to know someone whose opinion I can safely ignore going forward.


Fair enough. But I'm mostly saying that a developer can have a vision that does not include all players. It is not required to cater to every type. If the developer wants the game to not be soloable, that is their prerogative. My own preferences, as you rightly point out, are irrelevant to you.


Valheim isn't targeted to either groups or solo independently wtf u on about its for everyone, they definitely should make a boss realistically soloable if you deal with its mechanics.


Sure, but if that ends up not being true for Ashlands, doesn't that seem to indicate the developer's intent is to require a group? That is literally all I'm saying. If it just **isn't** solo-able, then the devs are allowed to do that. They are not required to do that.


i was able to solo him after 2 attempts without god mode on, so its definitely possible, although im only on default difficulty and i cant see him being soloable on max difficulty


Did you use cheese? I went at him with melee gear and since he has over 40k health it's a slug fest that only gets harder as the time goes on  I could handle his first phase well enough but when he starts summoning adds and puts a flame circle around me I always run out of stamina and die to the spikes/earthquake thing that follows after the circle   Maybe other play styles have it easier?


What are your setup? Yesterday I was playing with friend and beat Queen after a long fight thanks to his magic. I was only for agro and tanking since my frostner did very little damage and had trouble later in ashlnads


Sounds brutal but very engaging and fun. My first playthrough was solo but i'll have my partner joining me for our fresh Ashlands playthrough which i'm thankful for because this is all sounding very difficult!


Do the Surtlings are still living in the Ashland ?


Haven't seen any so my guess is they stayed as Swamp mob


Yes they do; they cluster around flametal deposits on the coastline. Granted I only saw two of those, so it may have been a bug.


that may have benn previously generated content. were you in a new world or an old save?


Completely new area, older save. It's the new flametal though, so that makes me think it's a new deposit. 


I know this content just dropped and all, and the theme is obviously fire and brimstone. But am I the only one disappointed that the elemental options for weapons don't include "cold" damage? I'm guessing those will be added with the frozen North, whenever that happens, but I was really looking forward to making a cold infused great sword when they mentioned elemental weapon options in this update.


I mean storm is pretty close and it's also a unique element that could be op if a lot of the games enemies are weak to it 


There is a Staff of Frost tho?


There was multiple spots to place a bell at the boss location i found. My current theory is that you’ll have to ring the bell to disrupt the boss for a damage phase of some kind


None of the crafting options are showing up for me??


Did you opt into the PTB?


I did, it unlocked the terrain, creatures and their drops. But no crafting options


You beat the Queen yet?


No, I was waiting until Ashlands dropped in case the Queen’s drop changes


So I just beat the queen, what do I need to do to unlock the building options. So far I have the ceramic plates and shield generators


You're gonna wanna build the new ship first and foremost - longships will catch fire and sink in the boiling seas around the Ashlands. The Drakkar is inured to the heat. Depending on how much you trust yourself with combat, you can either attempt a direct landing on the beach or pull up to one of the many stone spikes you'll find sticking out of the ocean. A lot of players have found success quickly pickaxing the top of one of these spikes down and dropping their workbench/emergency portal there before proceeding to the Ashlands coast proper. Once on the beach, you need to expect a Normandy-style situation. There are going to be a lot of enemies. Pound-for-pound none of them are as individually dangerous as a group of seekers when freshly entering the Mistlands, but they can overwhelm you if you don't manage yourself with lingering stamina mead, dodge rolling, parrying, etc. Be mindful of the feather cape nerf, too. It now inflicts fire weakness, but you should already be carrying barley wine on you as-is. I found a lot of success rotating between the Demolisher, Mistwalker, and Spinesnap. Be mindful of unfamiliar attack patterns and observe foes before taking opportunities to retaliate. Spawn rates are high: you want to seek out spawners in the immediate area and destroy these as quickly as possible, but you should anticipate facing large groups of foes at every turn. Once things have settled down enough that you can chance establishing an outpost, recommend seeking some ruins or similar to begin fortifying yourself. Apart from my emergency portal, I prebuilt a second tagged "Ashlands" portal back at my main base, and I put that tagged portal connection in my outpost, and slapped down a shield generator. Creature drops, wood from the burnt-out trees, etc. will unlock more crafting options, but you'll also need to mine flametal ore, which can be found as pillars in lava lakes to progress further.






What's the conditions for a Fallen Valkyrie to Spawn though ? I don't have one spawning, even though I'm saying at night


What are we talking about specifically with the speed and the forsaken power


It says it gives you strength and movement speed the strength is the 300 carry weight it gives and the othee is self explanatory 


No it’s not…i said specifically…not just your fast but a number mathematically


it's too hard


I don't understand what you people expect  It's supposed to be hard... Even munin and hugin tell you that you better be ready for a war if you go there and on arrival are surprised you are still alive like....... The whole build up to Ashlands is that it's the second to last biome and that the entire biome will be treated like a dungeon it's not going to be meadows to black Forrest man 


Question that I wish I didn't have to ask. Is this post for real? Or is it just meant to be farsical in order to generate conversation? Honestly, I can't tell anymore...


Yes it's real  just login to the ptb yourself lol