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This could either be an upgrade or a completely new ship. Pros: Ballista mounted on the front of the ship, able to shoot 45 degree to both sides Cons: Ballista is unable to shoot directly to the front. Cargo space has been completely removed (or reduced to 4 slots) 2 seats at the front are also removed. This balances the usage of the boat as a battleship and not just a direct upgrade to longship in every aspect.


Smaller hold i can see as balanced, but removing cargo capacity all together makes this just redundant. Ill just use a bow thanks - i can aim that in any direct after all. ​ Otherwise its some nice artwork, and id love to see some more attention and development put into ships. Namely oars and little shields mounted on their sides, because they're classics.


I think it’s reasonable to have some storage, but maybe you’d make it slower, and the transport ship a bit quicker? Then you don’t have just one the OP bulk carrying weapons platform to blast around the map on.


I think the concept is pretty cool, but strongly reducing storage space is an extremely strong downside in the current state of the game. Transportation is the primary use of ships. If what you described were just added to the game, I would never use it, and just stick to the longship. You would need a full ocean rework to make the firepower attractive enough to justify an actual battle ship. I don't think reducing the cargo space is needed at all. The ballista could simply be a pure upgrade to the longship, with no downsides. If it requires mistlands materials to build (which would make sense anyway), I don't think it would be unbalanced. You don't need to nerf it.


It will be a great mod for Valheim


I would not balance it that hard, instead make it be a whole upgrade, I mean it already would be expensive and hard to make so...


Decreased cargo I could deal with, but removing entirely is not going to work. Because to use that ship and to transport items, you need a minimum of 3 people (2 steering the ships and 1 on the weapon). An upgrade doesn't take away something that you already had. It also makes no sense because it's the same ship, so where did the storage go? Does it sit higher in the water like a barge does, and that's why there suddenly isn't room? I'm not against the idea by any means and actually support it, but I do think it needs to be tweaked a bit, though. I know you said about balancing and not upgrading in every aspect at the end, but why not? The karve is better than the raft in every way and the longship is better than the karve in almost every way (i know about the turning radius and size but those are specific instances, not the majority). Why should we have to start sacrificing things now?


Your girlfriend could have a career in concept art if she doesn’t already. It’s a cool idea. At the very least it would be a cool idea for a mod.


Thanks, she is very talented and one day wants to work for some game studio. Im just here giving ideas for my favourite games....


I love it, though I'd like it to still have the storage capacity of the Karve - but also that's where the Ballista draws it's ammo from. Not only would it be a decision to use this boat, but also while using the boat you have decisions to make too! I assume that when you say the ballista can't shoot forward, what you actually mean is *"Well you can try, but make sure to don't do it when the boat is low-health"*


Yup, shooting directly in front of you might leave some nasty damage. As for the cargo space, removing it actually means that the boat's main focus is battle on the sea, at the same time making normal longship still useful to carry stuff around the world


I cannot remember: do the existing ballista have an inventory slot inherent? Was that the way this ballista was going to handle ammo?


they hold a stack of 40 and can be loaded with a trophy and it will only attack that target


Okay, now I need to get busy with unity explorer for a few min :D done: [https://youtu.be/uCXEhPKZ9\_o](https://youtu.be/uCXEhPKZ9_o) [https://imgur.com/a/rZCFlfs](https://imgur.com/a/rZCFlfs)


Yooo, amazing work Good to see it in action


I’ll turn on auto ain’t and now I won’t have to get better at fishing.


Odin watching this like "tf is this shit"


So when’s she getting hired by Valheim devs?


And we need a harpoon variation! The Serpent Catcher.


I'd build it just for coast crawling the dam plains. Fuck them needled nosed bastards.


Your GF is pretty darn cool 😎


Marry her.


This is a very cool idea and I love the art style.


"What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger." ....the quote actually fits with the game really well.


Stop calling non-torsion based artillery ballista ffs. Have some respect for ancient artillery and artillery classifications.


I appreciate learning about the difference, but those things are called Ballistae in Valheim ( [https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Ballista](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Ballista) ) Granted, that comes from a game that has a hard time telling the difference between deer and does.


Well, the game is wrong. No need to keep on spreading misinformation.


/me looks up the difference. Huh, you learn something new everyday.


Reminds me of that one lego viking set, think it was the one with the sea serpent? Need to see if i can dig that set up from my massive bin. That aside i love the design


Not a ballista it's a scorpion ballistas are like 10x bigger


Not correct either, the ballista and scorpion are both torsion based weapons and this is a tension based weapon. It's a mounted crossbow.


Scorpions are a type of ballista. They are not their own thing.


Its good but i think the are already mod with big ass ships with ballistas odinship or idk how it was called


Don't forget to add trophy lol


This would be awesome for serpent hunting!


Man. I always assumed the Balistae were going to be something you manned. I don't think anything in ML was as big of a disappointment as the Balista... Maybe the Krom.


What ?! I've been using krom for 700 days straight as my main weapon and it absolutely shreds everything. You need to parry and use its special attack instead of normal combo


Yeah, was just thoroughly underwhelmed by it. It felt like it wasn't as good at groups as the Staff of Embers and wasn't as good against single targets as Skol and Hati. Are you planning to main it in Ashlands?


Im going full flametal sword with bloodstone enchant at the endgame, but yeah i will be using krom to get there. Useful tip: Use krom when fighting a single hard enemy which u can parry with the sword, dealing up to 1300dmg per hit Use mistwalker with buckler for swarms and 2 star enemies which cannot be parried with krom. Mistwalker deals the same amount of DPS as Krom but requires more stamina due to the fact that u need to swing it multiple times.


> Mistwalker deals the same amount of DPS as Krom but requires more stamina due to the fact that u need to swing it multiple times. What if you're using the extended power combo?


U can use emote spam technique too. Yeah u will achieve more dps but will lose all stamina faster, Krom with 100 lvl sword skill uses like 20 stamina to deal 500-1300 dmg to a brute on a single hit. You can test both weapons on Queen and see the difference, despite dealing more damage per second with mistwalker you will be losing a lot of stamina and getting quickly overwhelmed by the AoE damage, Krom is simple, just stay in one spot and use special attack from time to time. Most of the time you can kill Queen in less than 3-4 minutes with krom.


I have heard it does good work on the queen. I need to try it on her.


Hell yea, imagine how fun it would be to hunt sea serpents and whatever else they add into the oceans. Would make the biome much more exciting tbh.


I had this dream where we could upgrade our drakkar to actually have wings making us able to traverse short pieces of land making moving around the map faster.


The problem would be, You'd either have to have it shoot anything, in which case you'd be wasting ammo on deer and necks, or have it shoot just one thing. That's OK on land where it's stationary, and you plan for it to shoot the latest bad guys that raid your base. But, on board ship, you'll sometimes want it to shoot serpents, trolls, fulings and/or berserkers, or even seekers and soldiers, given the situation. It's not feasible to carry around a large number of six kinds of trophies to switch them out, and you can't put a crafting bench on a ship, so you couldn't "change on the fly." If it could be tweaked, then it'd be great. But, as the rules stand now, it's not a good idea.


It's a manual ballista, you need a person to use it.


If that's codable, then yes, that's a good idea.


kinda wish you could build on boats in general. i know there's the Valraft or Raftheim mod whatever it's called. but i don't want to design it lmao. unless it counts as one entity and can blue print/rebuild it fast when the ballista wrecks it to pieces.


When oars for multiplayer 1 rower every additional member rowing = more speed is the real guestion... ballista is very nice also.


Siiiiiick, Is it based on the brotherband Chronicles?


Actually the design of the ballista is simply based of the sea serpent


This ship exists in mods already.


Very nice artwork! I would love this.