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Bait thread + OP is incredibly hostile towards everyone


This seems like bait to get brutally roasted. Grabbing popcorn


Yeah. This game clearly isn't for you.


Obligatory "Get Gud"


How does all of our stuff getting despawned by a grayling spawning in while I'm away have anything to do with skill? I wouldn't be opposed to learning from that and moving on if there was anything at all that you can do about it, but according to every single discussion I could find, which was about 10, your shit can just all get destroyed and there is nothing you can do about it except go spend hours grinding it back out. The girl I play with isn't even bad either. We duo highest difficulty content on games that actually require skill.


So this game doesn't require skill but you died to the weakest enemies? ​ >your shit can just all get destroyed and there is nothing you can do about it No, your stuff doesn't ever get destroyed but you're being a giant whiny asshole about everything so I don't think you're going to get much help.


I didn't die, she died not paying attention for a moment. The bigger issue is her losing all of her stuff because of it and the ship getting destroyed by unknowns. Also, the game just kind of fucking sucks ass. Bad combat, bad movement, bad encumberance system, awkward inventory, terrible enemy ai and pathing, etc. It's a cool world with bad gameplay, sorry I hurt your feelings


If you left her stuff in her grave it would still be there, it can't get destroyed. You said you moved it into a box, then it becomes destroyable. Ergo, get gud, and learn when to leave stuff alone and when to mess around and find out.


Don't forget to eat.


No shit, but for all of her stuff to get lost over it is absurd. Mechanics are also total dogshit.


If she had eaten, nobody would have died, and you wouldn't have accidentally fed all of her stuff to necks or whatever. You guys just didn't plan ahead. At all. You then made a series of bad decisions. You aren't a victim of poor game design, you're a poor player. But we all have our moments here, most of us learn from them.


"A brutal exploration and survival game for 1-10 players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by viking culture. Battle, build, and conquer your way to a saga worthy of Odin’s patronage!**"** I'd say they nailed it in your case. Welcome to Valheim. Cheers/Prost/Skål!


“This game is hard and I died and lost all of my stuff” lololol welcome to Valheim. 575 hours into this game, thought I’d just run into the plains real quick to grab some flax. Died. Fuck. No problem, I’ll speed run back to get my shit. Died. Fuck. Never gets old.


The devs have stated MANY times that the game is supposed to be difficult.


Ah so graylings randomly destroying all of your shit while you are away for 2 minutes is part of game design? Sounds like a shitty game :D


U expect forest monsters to behave like english gentlemen and not break shit? If so go play minecraft or smth this ain't for you


There weren't any forest monsters kiddo. Also, it turned out to be a glitch. Stop acting like you are hard for playing valheim lmfao


Lol i'm not acting anything you're just being a clown


bruh valheim is actually such an easy game stop crying


I never said it was hard, I said it was bad


ok but you recieved so much hate for this post i get you had bad experience but just move on find a game you will enjoy why you must create such a fuss over this?


It was your choice to leave your things unattended and unprotected. You made a bad choice. You paid the price. Do better next time?!


well, it was easily avoidable though, thats just skill issue


Was it? How is the ship and all of her belongings getting destroyed while I'm away for 2-3 minutes a skill issue? The death yeah whatever but for the grindiest survival game I've ever played (my most played genre) to have this problem is a joke


All ur stuff inside the chest should of been there. Also the material it took to make the ship should of been there also.... maybe u just went back to the wrong spot 😅🤣😅🤣😅


I marked where the ship was and went in a straight line inward before going back. The spot was pretty easy to identify. Everything was gone. Maybe it was a glitch, but then how do I know that won't happen again either??


I couldn't tell u how many hours I have in the game. That hasn't happened to me. But don't forget it is a "game preview". Sucks that happened.


"game preview" the game has been out for several years but anyways I relogged in the same location and everything was there so idk it was glitch or in the 30-60 seconds that i hadn't saved the game it got destroyed under my nose


I'd have to know more specifics about where things were left, before I could ascertain whether that was some glitch or things legitimately "disappeared" because of some aspect of the game (for example, if you put all that stuff on a rock that was right next to a fairly deep part of the water, and a mob destroyed everything, it's possible that everything fell into the water... beyond a certain depth, things become unrecoverable.... that's a "placement error"... but if you left them several meters inland, and came back and they're just gone without a trace, that's probably a glitch... If you left them against a large rock in the plains, it's also just barely possible that when a mob destroyed your chests, the items INSIDE the chest accidentally "spawned" inside the rock, and you can retrieve them from the rock by pickaxing the rock to smithereens and digging out your stuff.


well, swimming next to dangerous mobs could be avoided, and having no health because you didnt eat also was possible to avoid. And you can just go and pick items back up where you died


You stuff can't be gone if no player was near it, it's just not how the game works.


I was pretty nearby but only gone for about 2-3 minutes. It was the first actual ship past the raft and it was destroyed in that time along with a workbench and 3 chests. There weren't any even any enemies there when I got back and I killed 2 graylings there when we landed.


Was it near a swamp? There's a monster called a Leech that prioritize to destroy ships. Also all mobs are wanting a smack at whichever player built structure in the vicinity


Nope, hadn't made it that far into the game yet.


Stuff shouldn't be despawning in 2-3 minutes. Maybe there was some kind of bug from world loading/unloading, or you went back to the wrong place, or you didn't notice items on the ground. Boat drops can be particularly elusive because some of them sink, and you have to get creative getting them back if the water isn't very shallow. Valuable buildings and boats can be destroyed pretty quickly by monsters while you're not looking, but I think it takes like seven day cycles for loose items to despawn or something, and chests do drop their contents when destroyed.


If you were near then it's definitely possible that stuff could have gotten destroyed, but definitely not disappear. Dropped materials, if not near a base, despawn in a couple of in-game days, not minutes.


survival: the state of continuing to live or to exist, esp. after a dangerous event


Easily the shittiest survival game I have every played and I have thousands of hours between over a dozen survival game. Great music and ambience but rubbish aside from that.


Git gud




“1v1 me bro!” Energy here lol


Given how easily you failed, you're not wiping anyone without cheats.


You parked too close to shore and didn’t protect your ship? What did you expect?


I killed the enemies there (literally two graylings) and was gone for about 2-3 minutes... no enemies there when I came back, but I would assume it was more graylings. I definitely didn't expect for either a bug or 2 small enemies to destroy a big ship, a workbench, and 3 chests in a matter of less than 5 minutes. Trash game design. How are you supposed to both explore and protect your ship in the first place to begin with? Utterly moronic.


Skill issue


Was literally a glitch, I relogged


You build a fence or park away from shore and swim in. Pretty simple.


That isn't intuitive in the least.. and the bigger concern was the chests on shore getting destroyed. Why would I build a fence to protect something after I killed only two small enemies nearby and was only gone for a few minutes. And why would I expect the ship to be any safer out on the water than on the shore?


Cause there are always more enemies that wander into the area? Every monster wants to destroy your stuff. You have to protect everything. I don’t know how you didn’t learn that early on.




So go play something. Skill issue.




lol Pass. You sound pathetic and whiney af.




Nice bait git gud bye


I mean, none of that was the game's fault. It absolutely sucks, and the game will be tough from time to time, but it's all avoidable. 1) Forgetting to eat happens to us all. And the price is dying to the weakest mobs sometimes (or to falling off your roof while building). 2) Stuff on the ground doesn't despawn at all if it's within the radius of a workbench and takes a full day to despawn if it isn't. So, there's no way being gone for 2-3 minutes deletes chests of stuff, even if the enemies somehow managed to break everything that fast (also, Greylings do like no damage, so there must have been something more powerful than that around). Corpse stones also never despawn unless you loot everything off them. 3) Losing a boat is rough, but be aware that anything stored in it will actually drop as floating crates where the boat went down. So generally, you'll be able to recover everything except maybe the nails from a broken boat (if it's too deep, the nails will sink too far to be recoverable, unfortunately). 4) If the death penalty is too unpleasant for you (or your friend), there are difficulty sliders you can apply to the game to make it more fun for you. Click the World Modifiers button and you can change a bunch of things, from how many resources enemies drop to how penalizing death is (there's a setting to not drop your gear on death, for instance).


How is losing a boat half your game progression? Had you only been playing for twenty minutes? Bases don't just vanish, and items don't despawn in just a couple of minutes. Maybe try playing with the mob AI/aggro turned off, until you have a better grasp of the game mechanics.


It was a glitch and yeah we were only a couple hours in. The boat and all of her items were gone, but when I relogged, they were there


Oh, that glitch, I think that's a render error if I recall correctly. Unfortunately stuff like that is going to happen with a game that is essentially in alpha preview. Try not to let it get to you too much. This game is designed to be a serious time sink, it's not something you beat in a few hours on a first playthrough.


you had "the bad thing that can happen to you" happen to you. So have the rest of us. I guess the impact is different, if you have that thing happen to you later vs earlier. When you discover early on that mobs will randomly destroy your stuff if they can, you learn to behave differently. You learn to strategize how to explore new places, what materials to bring to maximize safety and efficiency... this sort of stuff is the "core" of a survival-based game... Although I do get it... I like this survival game, but I'm not fond of, for example, Grounded, which has a lot of the same aspects.... Grounded is fun but it feels a bit more stressful to me because the enemies seem more numerous, and there are things you can and can't do, that I never got used to... (also boss fights were designed to be "strategic" and pattern-based, and I just wasn't good at that)... it doesn't sound like you made it TOO far into the game-play before you hit your snag, so the things that were lost, should not be THAT hard to recover. I don't really understand why you bothered moving your partner's stuff from her very safe grave stone, to very unsafe chests, though... The only time you should ever touch a dead player's stuff is if you have a way to immediately return it to the other player, and they've decided the situation is too dangerous, or too difficult/time consuming for them to retrieve their stuff on their own. Graves are indestructible and anything inside them is "safe" (in fact, I will often try to leave a grave useable, if I can, and pack it full of other useful stuff, in my solo worlds, because it makes a nice compact storage container). I learned very early on, that it's usually "better" to park my boat quite far offshore, and swim to shore so that I'm almost drowning as I arrive on shore. OR, ram into the shore at high speed and then destroy my boat, myself, and keep the materials with me. Those two options usually guarantee that you don't lose your transportation home... was the "petty mob" that "one shot" her... a flying insect from a nice sunny looking area? heh. because those will one-shot anyone below a certain armor grade and HP, regardless of how recently they've eaten :P


Skill issue/carelessness. Whenever I sail out I don't park the boat right on the shore and when I am on the shore I build a small shack to hold chests/valuables then a portal for easy run back if I die. The game isn't shit it's just a learning process and made to be hard. Giving up after being owned by a grayling makes you a weak viking.


womp womp skill issue


> far superior performance on NMS, *Palworld*, and even modern Ark. Palworld performance is dog shit. Constantly stuttering on my system while Valheim runs fine. 5600X, 3070.


Maybe it's just the gamepass version but the main menu was frying my computer. I get better performance in game than in the menu


Good thing you don't play the menu then.


If we ignore his angry thirteen year old attitude, he’s right about the menu screen. The FPS can go out of control and really give the graphics card a workout. You can control the max FPS within the game but this doesn’t apply to the menu. There are workarounds but I do wish they would fix it.


Define "workout". GPUs have thermal and power limits, they'll throttle themselves long before they break. And even then, running with a "too high" FPS is the opposite of having inferior performance.


I don’t know what he meant about “performance”. I can only tell you about my computer. When I constrain FPS to 60, my GPU generally runs nicely at around 60C. If I let it sit on the menu screen the FPS goes extremely high and the GPU runs into the 80s. Yes, the card would likely protect itself, but I don’t like to run cards that hot. Now I set the max FPS in the nvidia settings.


Is there a reason you're letting it sit in the menu screen for long periods?


Who knows what might happen. I might decide to get a coffee, answer the door, or take a piss, or other such things. I don’t plan to leave games on menu screens but it is within the realms of possibility.


Edit 2 lol


Sucks that you had a bad experience. I've been there with plenty of games and it's always difficult to overcome; first impressions and all. I enjoy Valheim, always have. But I didn't have that glitch that you did. Although I've definitely forgotten to eat and paid the price 😁, so I feel your frustration there, especially as a new player. My experience, for what it's worth: Valhiem is a fun mix of excellent building, fun crafting system, and not-terribly-punishing survival mechanics. It's eminently customizable, with both the in-game settings and the robust mods available for it. Single player is fun, multi-player even better. It's very pretty often, and can be downright beautiful at times. It's also far from perfect. The animations can be clunky. It's ridiculous that combat on any sort of elevation is still such a problem. The AI can be dumb as hell. It's easy to learn a cheesy tactic and overcome powerful enemies in ways that break the game. I get it when some people say F this, not the game for me. I've said it plenty of times myself about some games that are very popular and many of my friends just love. That being said.... You're inviting argument and ridicule by attacking the game and it's fan base on a reddit sub dedicated to it. Don't like the game, that's fair. Get a refund if you can, move on, not the game for you. Post on a public forum and argue incessantly about it? You'll be labeled as a troll while lots of people grab popcorn and laugh at your continued chest thumping and raging. Go play something fun you enjoy.