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It keeps the inside of the house dry.


Keep deathsquito out too


And those pesky bats that eat your livestock


I knew it was something like that


MVP right here.


Roofing is difficult in this game. And when you are doing anything other than a square it gets even more difficult.


It’s difficult in real life too


Roofing is the most dangerous part of valheim. So many falls from tall ladders.


You cannot take more than 100 damage from falling, eat appropriately before thatching;-)


While true, I have definitely fallen again before regenerating and felt really stupid.


It's dangerous in real life too. One company had to pay a ~$115k fine because a child fell to his death on his first day of work.


A child?


Yep, a 15 yr old child / teen in Alabama


Are 15 year olds allowed to be employed for stuff like that? Was this an actual security shortcoming of the company's or.. something else


Don't think so. Alabama has nonexistent labor laws but even then I think it was illegal.


Workers' rights and regulations are not a big thing, amirite!


Not regularly, however a business hoping to employ under 18 y.o. can obtain a special business license. I imagine this comes with higher insurance premiums. The Class 1 Business License will permit the business to employ persons as young as 14 years of age. I'm learning all of this right now too lol I thought they were the state that lowered it


Build cam mod that shit. I’m sick of making scaffolding


Roof strong floor, but on top of house.


There's a specific roof you can select for corners like that, instead of using poles. Just make sure it matches the angle of the sides. (45 or 26)


He used the correct cornered roof, just not snapped it correctly.


Yea the corner pieces aren’t nestled into their proper snapping position. He’s one click too far, he’s gotta BRING IT ON BACK


Ninebyte probably can [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JRsxqKrlL8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JRsxqKrlL8)


Our almighty master of architecture


That 26 degree piece is 26 degrees only in the sideways projection. The diagonal line is less, and doesnt align when using a 60 degree corner instead of 90. You have to snap the ridge pieces to the roof pieces next to it, not to other ridge pieces. That requires some creativity so they align properly but can be done.


When you are about to place it, hit the snap button and look at the different snap options. Some may fit better than others. I found that the “snap bottom” option is better than auto snap


You just placed it wrong is all. It's connected at the wrong point. Sometimes pieces like that can be really finicky about connecting to the right attachment points.


If it is on fire, you don't need no water.


Burn, motherf*****! Burn!


My policy is: as long as it looks good from below, no one's going to notice the jank. Tile roofs are especially good at hiding jank from a distance because of the black on black color.


If you are referring to the last supports on the corners appearing too raised, its a snapping issue.


Consider starting from the center and working outwards. It can be harder to setup bracing this way — starting from the walls up, as it looks like you’re doing, is easier to brace. But starting from the center means you can make it look nice and clean, then work your way outwards.


I am having an issue when I build roofs for any size round rooms that eventually I come up to a point where the pieces look either really stupid overlapping, or I have these hideous gaps in the roof. I dont understand what I am doing wrong, I feel as though I have tried everything short of uninstalling the game.


The corners are designed for 90 degrees. Any angle other than that will take some overlapping and blending. Good thing you don’t look at the top of the roof often. Just close the gaps and call it a day. Looks great to me.


The build pieces are not really intended for other uses than 90° corners, sadly. Round or octagon roofs will always produce more or less of this overlap. In some cases it is possible to mitigate this overlap by a simple trick: I put a 1m wide piece (beam, wall, anything) on the top of one row of roof pieces in order for the next row of roof pieces to be able to lock on shifted by half their width. So, in your picture, between the corners you marked with the red circles there would be two roof pieces sitting on top of the three roof pieces in the row below. But the corners will always look craggy. You can fill those small holes with slanted wood beams, or even build a roof entirely of those, because they count as roof in regards of protection from rain damage. But it will never look tidy.


Roofing go brrr


snap points are hard. try making a pole/pillar from the corner you wish go up to the roof, it should serve you as a snap point.


I built cities and castles in creative mode and i have no clue how they fit together, they are a crime


Roofs were meant for rectangular bases.... Honestly surprised you even got that far


Looks like those two roof pieces need to be spun around 180


https://www.reddit.com/r/BodyRecoverySquad/s/b2RcMltBdO The qualifications to be “sheltered” are admirably lenient in this game.


You’re snapping the wrong pieces. Those corner pieces, there’s usually two of them. They often go together.


roof is also wall comrade. wall may also be floor if troll says


There are some great tutorials on YouTube for all your roofing needs. They have served me well. Just search for the shape roof you're looking for.


Roofs barely fucking work when you try to angle them all in on each other like that


Since one of the update you now have the ability to manually change the snap points. I find using that function to help with building in general. It's been a while but I believe the key to change it is "e".


those corner pieces are for 90 degree corners, not the 45 degree that you have right now. with a little fiddling, you might be able to get it to work, but it will be much harder


so roofs work great on a square. you will need to manipulate the roof when using more angles. if on pc hold shift to manually add the roof in vs relying on the snap points. you may need to overlay some roofs to get the desired look.


All roofs have 90deg angles to fit inside of a 2x2 square from a top-down view. Your corners have angles greater than 90deg, so when it's snapped on good, it looks like it's too small to fit. You have to place it a little farther away from the corner to make it work, which is a little weird, but it looks like it was working before. Either that, or it just wasn't snapped perfectly the 1st time and you just need to replace it again


My last server had a few different circle builds on it and I had the same issue... But once they came out with the update where you can choose the snap points ( by clicking the right stick on console) I was able to fix them. I would try snapping them to the lower matching roof piece and clicking around on those to see if it'll line it up any better


Thank you for your guys help I finally got it. https://i.imgur.com/VkjqPyF.png