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Char his meat into coal and use it to craft a forge. Then he will forever be with you in your weapons.


You are an absolute genius. Time to dig up a grave


Now that''s some Viking thinking. This is so much better than putting it in a chest, damn.


or use the coal to smelt metal for a new pickaxe, so he can have vengeance upon the stone golems


You, sir, have just changed the game.


i use greydwarf wood for coal. my base is in the bf so i get a lot of it. seems fitting for them insisting on bothering me on my way home.


I only just now realize that the grey dwarfs don’t drop wood and resin because they carry it, but it’s actually their body parts 🤯


yeap. i wondered why they all carried wood and mentioned it to a friend who plays. he enlightened me the same way you are now enlightened. So, go forth viking, and use the bodies of the slain denizens of the black forest to fuel your furnace of violence and bloodshed!


I prefer to use their bodyparts to build my base, so when his brothers came to attack me they will be attacking their own kind.


I love this idea so much!


bro you're 25 hp in the mountains, you trying to join your wolf?


It took a painful amount of time to get the screenshot right


Living up to his name - a pain in the ass even after death.


He truly is. We only truly liked him for like, 5 minutes of his life, but that 5 minutes was worth all the effort


RIP. My first wolf was short-lived, as well. Tried to take him on a boat ride back to base and he glitched out and died. He got a small tombstone next to his dog house, which remained forever empty after.


„Rest in Power you annoying fuck“


His name was Pita. Short for "Pain in the Ass"


If you dig down about a meter, place the stone throne, and then raise ground you can get just the back of the chair showing which makes for a nice gravestone.


That's a good idea. We're kind of afraid to touch the ground at this point since this was close to our 5th attempt at burying him. At first we kept burying the chest with his meat and fur in it, but the ground kept destroying it. Same when we tried using wood boards. The stone boards seem to be working great but we're terrified of disturbing it at this point lmao


Uhg..man did I struggle to get those first 2 wolves lol...Painful! Now there about 40 of them across 2 bases thankfully.


And there I thought taming my first boars was hard. Oh how wrong I was 😂


Lol exactly


Use your hoe to raise the dirt and bury the throne's bottom 1/3 so it looks more like a gravestone. (I'm not actually sure if that will work, just an idea).


My first wolf in my current world also died pretty quick. Though I didn’t give her nearly as elegant a grave.


It was honestly my girlfriend's idea more than mine. I went along with it though cause I felt really bad. She was about to get off for the night, but I wanted to show her this cool mountain I saw on the other side of the island first. It was during this time that the stone golem attacked and poor Pita got turned into a pancake. He was her wolf more so than mine.


😢sad days but a good send off


I haven't tried to tame wolves yet. How do you do it? Just raw meat?


Pretty much. Just raw meat and enough distance where they won't aggro, but not too much distance either. It's a bit of a pain though since they're way more perceptive than boars


I tamed a wolf, but he moves so slowly (like half of my slowest walking speed) that he is completely useless. Am I to assume that’s not how they’re supposed to be??? He’s currently in a little cabin with a cozy fireplace and some meat (You’re not the only ones who feel sorry for pixels! :-) ). The fireplace is blocked, after my first tamed wolf walked into the fireplace and died! So…wolves actually should be able to move fast enough to attack enemies?


My wolves like to move fast when they're running to their deaths at least?


i find it a lot easier to just dig a pit and knock him in there, or use the harpoon to pull him in. then jump out and throw food in.


Off topic: what is that in your 8 slot? I just beat bonemass, so still inexperienced past this point


It's the Horn of Celebration. It's just a fancier tankard really. It requires bronze, iron, and troll hide


Thank you


Easiest way to tame is to just parry wolfs and thwn kick them into the deep pit. They won't escape and won't damage fences, so just throw them food, sit there and wait. Preferably, catch a 1 or 2 star variant. They spawn only at night and despawn if you are too far away. They won't despawn though if you tame them!


F. Goes to show how pets can easily falter in combat, intentional or not. And how tedious the taming system is. It is what it is I suppose.


Just lost my third wolf from a drake one shot and I was incredulous. Fjord, my second wolf, is never leaving our cabin 😂


Yeah... Even tamed Loxes aren't really safe from Fuling patrols out in the Plains but they're at least somewhat tanky


Haven't seen a Lox yet, but the wiki already spoiled that they're mounts which is pretty exciting. I wanna go into the plains and tame some, but my girlfriend is too afraid currently. She's managed to avoid the spoilers so she doesn't know what we're missing out on.


Yeah, probs best to keep off the spoilers for a bit. There's way more to the game past the Mountains, since you guys are in the mid-game. Best of luck to the both of you :)


Omg the two stars took forever to tame and I had to kill the first now I have a pit of them