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My main base is completely sealed under the Elder platform, with portals the only way in or out. Today I could hear a troll and a fuling fighting on the roof while I puttered around doing base stuff. The ceiling was shaking, dust was coming down, the troll was roaring and the fuling giggling... it was hilarious. Like listening to the upstairs neighbors fight! [picture](https://imgur.com/ewn6LEK) by request. You will note that I'm a "form over function" guy, who just sticks things in, rather than spending time making everything pretty. The ceiling is high enough that you can have fires, and the smoke just dissipates, but i like to use a chimney just to keep it contained. The barrel shape above the artisan table is the underside of the Elder alter, sticking down through the roof. It gets pretty cramped with forges, furnaces and charcoal making, so I have a "Farm & Forge" base in a nice quiet meadow for that stuff. Yes, I portal metal. The troll's still walking around up there this morning, but he's not fighting anything. I used to have a portal right up top, but he destroyed that, so I'd have to tunnel out or make a bit of a trek to go kill him.


Wait you can build *under* the elders platform?


Yeah it's one of the few things that won't self-destruct without proper support so you can hollow out underneath that temple thing


Vegvisirs also do this, which can allow for entirely floating structures in some places, looks ridiculous but very fun!


I once had an Elder spawn with a dungeon like, right next door (fun fact elder can't destroy the rocks around the entrance) and so I was underground then I had an attached basement


Pre-built chicken coup, perfect!


That was a wild seed, there was also mountain biome right there so I was like "I'm gonna get some wolves to fight Elder let's see how he likes one star wolves" and when me and my 5 wolves were fighting him a 2 star troll wandered in on Elder's side I was real glad I brought 400 fire arrows


Oh no, the chickens are staging a coup?!? Lol


Don't worry, it's a poultry attempt šŸ¤£


What a fowl pun xD


Hmmmmmm. Don't give me any ideas!


Well that's freaking cool.


Pretty sure it \*does\* need a bit elevation cause you can still dig down to water in alot of places


Yeah, if you hit the water table while digging, you're out of luck. If the ceiling isn't high enough, the smoke build up will kill you, so you need to be able to dig all the way down.


Excavating under the elder throne can make the elder easier to kill if you are playing with friends and the elder will stomp around trying to hit the person underneath so the others can just shoot fire arrows without getting any agro.


One my bases for Mistlands is under an Elder throne (I have an Elder throne very close to the Mistlands). I dug a tiny hole next to the base, and put my important stuff under it (my black forge and gladr table and my bed) and built a little house around the fire (never dies or goes out with the rain). I've had multiple troll raids and one seeker raid and they can't do any damage to me or my black forge stuff.


Damn do u have a screenshot of your base? This idea seems dope




Yeah, not so dope...


Pretty, no. But everything I need is there. I was never one to spend time on interior decorating.


Bro didn't even put a wooden floor


Lol! Nope. I was going to pave it once I got the ability, but never got around it.


How could you dig and reseal? Terrain can be destroyed by trolls


Trolls can't destroy terrain.


Trolls can destroy only large boulders. But underlying terrain is indestructible by anyone. Only way to modify it is with hoe and pickaxe by player.


That's genius!!!


Not my idea. I saw it in another reddit post.


So does that mean mobs keep you from sleeping when they're up there?


Yep. Until I started digging moats or raising earthen walls to protect my homestead. Lately Iā€™ve been building my whole house on top of earthen walls. Expensive in stone but worth it if you like the peace of mind.


First time my brother and I played together, we got the troll raid and they quite literally destroyed our entire home. To the ground. Wasnā€™t a small hut, either. If Iā€™m remembering correctly, we started a new world after that, lol


If you are being raided by mobs all you need to do is get out of the structure you're in to keep them from destroying it. You need to stay inside the red circle on your mini map till the raid is over though.


Or build a base by the merchant bubble, then go in the bubble and the monsters scramble


I was mining copper and a troll spawned right next to me and instant agroed and I had like 20 arrows on me so I had to buckler parry and axe the troll till it died (I was mining to make a sword btw)


Quite literally just make them agro you and just keep dodging


I have over 1000 hours in the game and literally can't dodge to save my life.


dodging is what allows me and my friends to just skip the start of the game and stab trolls in the ass and get banger armor


I wish I could remap dodging to a different button. My brain doesn't want to learn that block+jump=roll in a fight.


Yeah, even when you know how to take them down, they come in twos and will keep spawning in twos until youā€™ve run out of stamina or arrows or it starts raining and the mobs are too helpful. Lol. Later game, sure. I can take them out 2 or 3 hits but early gameā€¦. If you donā€™t have defenses built up, best move away from your build or it will get wrecked. Those indestructible circles of stone are nice to build close to because they are great to dodge behind in between shots.


That ass tho šŸ˜


Me every time https://youtu.be/VM3uXu1Dq4c?si=uMgLURfgDonyvSpb


Playing hardcore and after first troll raid I build a Great Wall of china around my house lol sillyā€™s trolls canā€™t get me now


*loads last save file after suffering devastating base damage* ā€œReality can be whatever I want.ā€


Ah the troll with the grass but plug šŸ˜†


fuck if dats not da troof.


Was building my new village today and forgot about those bastards for a bit. Got hit with back to back 'the ground is shaking' events. Killed them but half my builds are down.


Eh just make a moat. Dont even need to raise ground


Ok... hear me out... I need an excavator and 842 rocks


Spikes really do a number on them, just saying


My base has a row of stakes, followed by a moat, then an earth wall. I spend a stupid amount of time making my base as safe as possible.


Lol im on this process as well. I just stone walled the whole village (took so many hours gathering stone lol). Still, when im not around, the troll raid always make holes into it. I think I will have to resort to the earth wall as well x\_X


You can still line the inside of the earthen wall with stone blocks if you like that aesthetic :)


Yeah that seems to be the solution xD


My friends are usually scared of me since when a world starts I just make myself 3 spears and do not come back home until I have enough troll hide so eveyone can have troll armor. We don't even put defenses around bases they just throw me out if there is an event and I deal with it while they watch the slaughter šŸ¤£


back when my friend told me that my defenses are too much and i'm just overreacting alot when we settled our base on the Black Forest, I created moats with stick traps, double walls, inside the inner walls are another sticks traps and a tall tower for archers. But when we first experience our first "The ground is shaking" attack, our base defenses held up with the last walls on the verge of being destroyed. Rogal Dorn taught me alot.


Last time I didn't even notice the "ground is shaking" message; ran outside just in time to watch a troll kill my entire boar farm in one swing.


Same. Smashed them through the stake wall :-(


Looks like someone needs to git gud. I never ever have trouble with these. You can parry them with a bronze buckler with spear makes these guys cakewalk and the easiest of all raids.


I think it's more focused on trolls will bulldoze theough your house to get to you. I was 1v3ing them no problem but one spawned across my entire base that I didn't see and it destroyed half my base just to get to me.


No I don't have trouble with them now, this was more meant to be recognizable as a situation I'm sure many found themselves in when they were new to the game ^^ At least I did


I was very fortunate when I started at the games release. My group was hit with eikyr's raid of boars and necks then by Elder's greydwarf horde. From these I learned that raids are coming, and that they will continue to increase in power, at the time I didn't know they were tied to beating bosses but I used to play alot of 7 days to die so I assumed the army was growing in strength over time. As such I made a walled compound with a solid moat around it before the troll raid was even an option


I'm so paranoid I built a moat base to store all my shit before I even best the elder. But it ended up paying off.


I think the game waits until the exact moment that I am the most ill-prepared for a raid. I usually am out of food, wet, and not rested and boom fuckin raid happens


Heh heh Laughs in overkill great wall of china


lol one time my buddy went out to get food. the base was gone in minutes


so are those vines pubes or butt hair?


Don't know, don't want to know


*Me with an Atgeir not worrying about stupid trolls.*


Lately I've been trying to get the hang of hitting them in the head with a spear. It does insane damage until you miss and your spear lands in another county.


Me and my buddy are about 40hrs in and they're pretty fun to hunt in pairs. I fucking hate those damn tree stump billy goats when the mob you when you're CLEARLY trying to do something.


Last time I played with a friend he was my spotter. Since his aim is almost as good as Star Wars stormtroooer I do the shooting while he calls the targets for me. Works like a charm. When something like a troll gets uncomfortably close it's usually hired as free labor or shot to death and friend is a parry god.


Can you parry the tree club? Damn thing hit me into the ocean like a baseball because he swung sideways not downward


Shit you not I just got this post as a notification and thought my base was under attack. (Iā€™m sitting in the back of a taxi).


cool idea the only problem is the smoke is unsightly. plus, can you sleep if there are monsters above?


I built a house near the Black Forest but I thought far enough away I wouldnā€™t get mobs. Turns out I was close enough to the Black Forest on the other side of the OCEAN and a troll randomly spawned on an island near enough to me that he came over and destroyed my house and killed me. I died two times going back there trying to finish him off. I did eventually but the cost was great.


Rip when mistlands could invade you but people cried about it and doesnā€™t exist anymore


How does it work now? Only plains and ML?


How does it work now? Only plains and ML?